T I E IC: IGAN DAILX" fblicaton in the Julletin is constructive notice to all members ofI e Uilversity. Copy received until -1 . iM. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday.) lume 3 3TU-SDAY, -RAY, 19-23 Number 155 "be President and Mrs. Burton will bec at horne Wednesday, May 16, 4 to.G6 o'clock. Mlr. and M rs. Gustav F-ioi.;t will assist them In re- mien and Sophonrores, Spring Games: a accordance with custom and with the consent of their respective s, Freshmen and Sophomores in the Colleges of Literature, Science, he Arts, Engineering and Architeture, and Pharmacy are excued from es fron: three p.m. Friday, May,11, until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, May allow them to participate in the spring games. M. L. BURTON ie Deans: 'here «ill be no conference' of the dleans Wednesday, May 9. Al. L. BURTON. ,trlents- of Electrical Engineering Cours-e 1,-: Please note that on account of Sw ing-out excr cise- 1e-1 :ono t cla~ss will hor held W ednesday. May 9. at 5 1) . int lof i hiavo~.t .the usna3lime OldstMormon Of Them Alf Is 1( 9r Enginers: As,-embly today at 9 o'clck in Room 348'. P. V IELD. Iielmaties-College of Literature, Sclenve, and the Arts: There will be a meeting of th teaching staff on Tuesday, May 8, 1923, oom 110, Tap'pan Hall at 4 P. M. JOSEPH L. MARKLEY. ors in Journallsm: All seniors who are candidates for the Certificate in Journalism 4re aired to register between 2 and 4, Wednesday, Room 305, University H-all. candidates for the certificate must have completed .one of the curricula ournalism and maintained a scholarship average in the department of a grade, or better. J. L. BRUMMI. 1 ieinatleal Club:j Regular meeting will1 be held in Room 401 Mason Hall, this evening, o'clock. Mr. 1Z. W. Barnard will present two papers entitled. "Solutions ,inear Vfectoir Equations" and "Evaluation of' a Certain Definite Integ-} All persons' interested are cordially invited. W,. W. DENTON, Seey. y Ther'e -will be a Businessi Meeting of Deltai Sign:,a Rho in lloo1u 205, ;on Hall, on Wednesday, May 9, at 7 P. MI. At this time officers will be ;ted for th~e coring year. All miembers are urged to be present. GEO. E. BIGGE. 'sal1 Colloqim; "The Curreut-Voltage Relation in the Corona," by Mr. S. R. Parsons, 1" 'y, May 8th, at 4:15 P. MI. in Room 202 of the Physical Laboratory. 101u those interested are cordially invited to attend. 11. M. RANVDALL. lytes: A. regular mneeting of Acolytes will be held Tuesday evening, May 8ti, 3o'clock in Roiom 105 Mason Hall.. Mr. W. 1:1. Trap will read a paper itled "Time and Eternity." HOWARD D, ROELOFS. Arch-Acolyte j "_ " ig ha room :.. I3 of1 lhic :;i ~e1ing W11AT'S GOING ON :h0-l1 :. ice in ! ,' Nwberryhail.I 1(GrtlCE-Copy for this column shld t:4iU-a-Mtig o;, tar 1 nal ihi'ei' s he submtitted by i-.30 o'elock (A tors'asoitn nherdngrm the lay113 before toilbiictiioii of the IUnxin. 4 :(10-6 :00)-Opce a housein arsm I 4:0 )---AII4a, Kappa PA Ittueeing .11 wes't gallery of A.lumzni' Memo)r,,ial room 302 of the Union. hall. 4 :00-Alphs. Delta Sigmam mectin, 1 :14-{)rgan recifal-in 11111 :auitotr. room 304 of the Union. ixum. ! I6~~:00-Cnlver club dtinner lit pr'vate 4:15r-Lecture by Gutstav' hoist in thxe i*n .i !west gallery of Alumni Memnorial I dinning room of theUin 6r:3(!--Ful ler al Il):xcircrs' a l ' i-:1liEe al. I dinner in room 216 of the ui. 4:00-Y. W. C. A. Installattion of offic- 7:1 5-Fr(9iiinh1)1d p aractice i%11 room ers at Newberry~ hall. 210 of University hxail. 5:004:34--ntrcks leave :engineeri ig 71-hnbro Vn ee a~ in arch for engineers' picnic. j m36 tte n. 6:1*5--Alphan Kappa Psi dinner ill 7 r:.30--Aih'letc seca o ii it) room 319 ob the Uinioni. JT(cl'sif 304 of the Iunion. 6:30-All-medic smoker in assembly 7 :30)-FiutwralI 1)roctors ' abii hall o,. the Union. Show at Mimes meets in the readi~ng rooms of the . theater after the smoker for medics! Union,.la only. i7:30-Dr. Si'ziler e4 t°alis a;afth, mid..j 6:3-A. S. G. E. dinner in room 323I week service at the First Mihodist ofteUin !cuc.' 7i:00- Wayfairers'clbiethtooni80-ur oellcis.° ;iLaea 304 of the Union. I hlail en "Acres of Daod. 7 :0-GIeo club meets in reading boom o1~ the Union. IN~C' '7:00.-41as in the G~ospel ofSt hn eiiriilmaVC 10 PYtb t i meets in the Upper room, Lane hall .eio ion fctraur'ofc.t 7:00--Sollhoniore band tmeets in#h , trayurr'softce reading room of t ho Union. !odyIs tda' 7: :04-Mta Ia aclub nmects in rootil' i toi 5 n"ao'clocyk.ofie re 316 of the Union. pa3ie tl ov5 clocs. 210ofUniversity inarl. 7 :30-A del phli niete son Iflip fo1rw1, 1 iisia~Idb Iitains t ' it ic fornextyear. sBr'ortol floor of University hall.. !lntranuxl ~Uoilic'. ! 7.*:% --Saginaw club meets ini room_______- 302 of the Union.- 7:34)--Lei. Voyagur, Meets in Irforn "ACRE~S OF DIAMONDS", lecture by 306 of the Union. Aubrey Ploberts, '2330., W~fednesday 7 :340-Fresh air camp mneeill'inI'( j c roo s P,. in., Lane hall, 35c.-'-Adlv. 344 of the Union. 9:00---unior engin~eers bivlness meet. Daily Classifieds for, real resunlts.-- GORDIGTDA i Only four short weckas remain in wihch to enjoy tlhe deli lhts of t;amm- . mer riding at Ann Arbor. Make the mnost of you~r time. The, roaids . are in fine condition, Mtillison's horses are as in:e as ever, and (tthe cash coupon' plan makes' riding as e('onomicjl -as it is pleasanirt.. I- THE MULLISON STABLES Phone 87 -~" 326 E. Ann St. -. Store I11 1 Sotkh University Ave. 14 r' xi )'a 1 ilalRedmond Theeldstliving- member of the m innclhuirch featured the recentl i .iiial (coniference of that church inI J;.t Lire city. lie is 34 fchael Red-1 ti,,10 yea.+a y'rr1F {' " y r C ,- _ y 3 - N "4 YG EII 14 13d[f I