THE MICHIGAN DAILY V Iarl-nle Clemens' Sixth Recital Rad'ical in its trend and composition. inas much as the songs ung by Mad-! nine Clara Clemens in the sixth reit- al of her hitoric song cycle last night; tin PattengilH auditorium were the er- tions of the modern lyric writers, nstill this conert 'was well liked and proved one of, the most poular ,to date. Madame Clemens was in line voicei-and that charm and daintiness ~ whih9is9o charaterstic of the noted soprano were In fll evidence in this recita. _Mss"Edith .Mannebach ren- -. dered admirable piano acgompani- * ments. The sixth, program embodied' the -compositions which sought to revolu- tionize the standard forms of the age' V worn song, and also contained the ' compositions of ;several American, amfong whomu Heratio Parker enjoys the greatest popularity. Two if his' ° songs, '"d e is a Sickness", and "The -Lark Now 'Leaves His Watery est" were the' last numbers on the pro- gram. They were both exquisitely* done.' In fact, too much cannot be s said f'or the brilliance and true rendi- - ion of lyris in the last group. Bd- ward Elgar, most noteworthy of allt s:'Irl nklish miasters, was represented byis cmposition ""Sea Slumber- song". Mrs. H. H. A. Beach, whose { ~creation ".The Years At The Spring", . with all of its dainty trappings, proves that she holds, a high place among ;the women composers. Claude Debussy, "the father of fi-1 - turistic music" a style adopted more or less by all modern composers, was heard to advantage when his coim- positions monopolized the entir first; groups. Ravel, Chausson, Rger,, VSchonberg,n and . Pfitzner were the other omposers whose creations wecre on the prgram. ..-Madame Clemens will conclude the cycle with her seventh recital Wed-{ nesday evening. 1-1E. REAL ESTAT WORK. : OENSTO RAODATS Guy :W Bllof the Ellis real es- is tate company of Detroit, will be in the office .of the Dean of Students from s to 12"and from 1:30 to 5 '- lock tomorrow ~or the purpose of Sinterviewing students desrous of workt in ithis line 'during the summer vacation. g it The work of the men, according to a letter received by Dean Bursley, is to find prospective purchasers and A then. a tupeintenaent will go with they .t~hwMeproperty and to . t closethe deat heir work will not Include the a{ uIta selling of any pro- perty. To Decorate Clemets Library Grounds Work in planting shrubbery around j, the new Clements library will be1 P started at once by the buildings andl i; grounds department, It was ' an- I nonced yesterdiay afternoon. Pitlin aiad Mtt, Cleveland landscape design- f ' ers, originated the gchene thats being i ; followed in~ the planting of, the shrub- i "ber. Remiember "dJimie, the adtaker's" nmbe-GO-Av. PIANO TUNIN G # Shioalof.Muse Tuner I PHONE 3(1 ii ' fiiektt 41 1, Dvitoo L. y'1 Youngest News From The Other Colleges Quaker Graduate" Twia-The custom or hypnotizing a not to shave until they had won a. student to illustrate the lecture onl : game. r hypnosis in the department of pschol- YleTe aerastntcC- Icause of the danger involved. The pro-j ter B 1oat trip will be inaugurated as zY fLessor, 'who is an authority on the an annual institution this summer ~ phenomena graphically explained the when 50 undergraduates willI work . process which must be gone through. their, ways to Europe and b~ack. There -~1 will be three boats leaving Baltimore y ;r Illinois-By the passing of the uni- at intervals of two weeks after the# versity's $20,500,000 appropriation close of college. Each man taking a# 1 ilwithout an adverse vote the uni- psto ntesiswl aet } y : Eversity iti assured of the execution care for 33 cattle. Free second class of the vast building program which passage for the return trip will be iscnepae.Thx u euse given. i by the president cnepltd.of T the uni mversity was materially increased by the' vot3 of '4i1nnesoIt -The consular trainingI the house and later was ratified by! course given here under the politi- fthe senate and the governor. cal science department is considered - one of the most efficient ones given 4 in this country. The department hasI only been founded for four ye.ars but noldin thlit time has built up an enviable relputation. Many foreign students are enoldin the }course. 1110.0110atl Cai ompetitin ThreAtelne( Paris~, May 6.-(By A.P.)-By par- ticipating in the international students athletic meet being held here Charle~s Paddock, the American sprinter has created. a delicate situation in the International athletics threatening of the elimination of some of American's and France's best talented athletes from competition in next year's OJlym- Pic games.4 Earn ExtraCredits on Cool Lake Shore The change and recreation so necessary to. everyone are ucational advancement. Boating, swimming tennis, coneerts, dramatic performances, inspiring lectures, etc., are here available SUMMEk I ON LAKF SESSION a sMICHIGAN Organized excursions to industrial, financial and art centers of Chicasgo. Courses covering full year's work in General Chemistry, Physics or Zoology, for students interested in Mfedicine, Dentistry or Engineering. Summiier Sessioni opeiu .Jiie 2,i11 anid includes: C~raciuate :5enooi Law tociool College of Liberal Arts School of Music 5".hool of Commerce School of Speech tkhool of Education School of Journalism f l h curso& f NirW STERN UNIO T and educational.'. Name s { Fail Addr~ess(_____________________ Ad16dress WALrtR DILL Scorr, Prerides* NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Daily Origin ,Landreth j Orian, Landreth, who is to graduate from Friends univerisity, NWchita, Kamn., thi, spring will be the youngest per- son ever tco receive a diploma from the Quaker school. Landreth is '18. 'ie entered the university four years ago after graduating from Macksvil le j Kan., high school with honors. New York - According to the " ) ttesmen's Year Book" there are' more thlan 300,000 students in the col-f leges and universities of this coun- try. This is practically three times the number, enrolled in the year 1900 andl more than twice that in 1910. Wiseoflsin a recent question- naire survey taken among the co-eds here the sentiment is shown to be in favor of co-education. Four fifths of the questionaires expressed the be- lief that a girl receives a better edu- cation in a co-educational school thanf elsewhere.# listealyswtanpd fwith van-c her islitralostwanpdfoundhoffic itycaeswhich have been picked up. It is 'said ha they are less likely to be reclaimed than any other khmd of Arnold Johnson's %Irchestr 2414 .2Sweet Lovin'? Mawa" 'f~iss Me" Two Lilting Fox Trots Arnold Johnson's Orchestra makes records exclusively for Brunswick, because like other noted dance orchestras they found Brunswick Records truest, clearest and most perfect in their interpretations. You'll like these two sparkling dance records. 'Full of bouncing rhythm and yielding melody. You'll want to dance to their rol- licking syncopation. Something new every day You can get new Brunswick Records every day. No waiting, Go to any Brunswick dealer and ask to have the new records played for you. Brunswick Records-can be played on any pbono- graph but they are best on The Brunswick. I Duro Belle nets are not mere- ly good - they are best. You will agree to that a.fter you try one. Beautiful lustre-true color --perfectly made-triply, in- spected-tied with-the ftmin- ous Dro knots to insure longer wear. Ask 'your cdear$ for Duro EBelle. 3uy them byt me 1 Q*Qvy s : k A a.f 4$97W &.Ao d MW W ork.Dl ayed1, On lost articles. New Dance flai ('i einali-Men students here have recently inaugurated a new custom. Work on Granger's Dancing acade- A. number of them have agreed to my, nowv being built on Huron street'aIppear on the campus with shaved !west of ;State, has been delayed duie heads in, order to escape the wiles of to lack in material, so that the hall the co-eds. During the football sea- twill not'1)e complete until f,.l' Ison the members of the team agreed The building will be a. 1arg' onc<. covering a lot 80, by 200 feet. Tht , dance floor occupies most of the arc. and will accommodate more tlu'o r Icouples. There will. be (ies~iag 4 rooms as well as ao spectator's bal- cony on the second floor. Offices and, check rooms will occupy the front! 01th frt lor Wherever you are, home, C Ted Rhodes Orchestra will enter-Thrn hwv 1' L r 161% 1 w B.otl' it arMrm ltes FOR dY'OUNG ME1 t' MADE BY EDER~1EIMER STAIN COMPANY camp or outing. trips--a a great convenience. tain coneists on the Huron River Wednesday evening~, May 9.-.adv. Let "Jimmie the adtaker" find it! SLEEP "~Yi.M ERE, BUT IET AT RVX'S I THE CLODt LUNCH1 7ea 11, Arbor'Street NirState id Pa ckard Streets -1 11%11 111V J so 411 V Y 4V.' 0 u Our big stocle offers best selections. k Valor, s The Eberbach & Sonl Co. 200-204 EAST LIBERTY STREET' Swing. Their Canes V - + .f .. t c . w^ ' s . . .. .. And a good many of them wear 'the f a- mous Fitform Brand of Clothes." You can get these clothes in any model you desire.. if it is a, loose sack coat you want, we have it for you-and just so with anything you may ask for. l a YY r ITFORM dW. f-y".6 moo -4k w(9 "t7edicated to the best 7lt r in the aworld Y OUTR MOTHER"1- YOUR EXPRESSION OF AFFECTION CAN BE DONE NO BETTER THAN THRU THE MEDIUM OF FLOWERS. Distance is no factor--we reach YOUR Mother And the Greatest Combination in the World is the Prices that go wvith our Clothes! Rememnber, with us it's- DEMAND "°Quality First-Economy Alwvays" "LECTRO" Anywhere The Genuine Chocolate Maled Drink m. swq ., Direct W~'. U. Wire from the Store Tom Corbett ERADICATES THIRSTr- S. B3lulaize blossom Shop 116 E. LIBERTY STREET I I WHERE GOOD CLOTHES ARE SOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES NICKELS ARCADE. 213 E. LIBERTY. DEALERS PHONE 114 P. M IMIES VAUDJLMA IILA r U 1 \ 1 r c a !nnri T lotI IFr N I