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May 08, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-08

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. .

~ ..

-- I-

j1 4 to make an effort, they might have
more to say in running the affairsI
of the city, state, or nation. It so
AL N1EWSPAPER OF THE happens, however, that the educated
LRJSITY 1 OFIIC IIGAN class for the most part keeps out of
every morning except Monday politics leaving the reins of the gov-
StudentP ublicationst r ernment in the hands of schemers, in-
of Western Conference ditorial, terested in their own self advance-
ment. These political bosses and their,
nPre-, iselusivelyv nadherents are not overly scrupulous'

0A~..DI LhL

(Purdue Exponel)
College and university deans of men
from all over the country will hold
their annual conference here for the



& Starling


. : ae "a
April showersI
Bring May flowers.

e Assoemteo t'e515 - 7 -
to the use for republication of all news
etchles credited to it or not otherwise
ite in this papertand the local news pub-
ted at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
iigan, as second class matter.
bscription by carrier or mail, $3.50.
fices: Atnn Arbor Press Building, May-
ones: editorial, 2414 and r76-M; Busi.-
-mmnunicatiofls not to exceed 30o words
Sthe siiatnre not necessarily to
ar in print, but as an evidence of faith,
notices of events will be published in
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. If
at or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
ed commnnications -will receive no con-
ation. No manuscript will be returned
ss the writer encloses postage. The Daily
not necessarily endorse the sentiments
essed in the communications.
Telephones 2114 and 176-M
s Edtor..........PulWte1
;s1Etr.. al'te T,d'..r...........james B. Young
stant City Editor........J. A. Bacon
orial Board Chairman......E. R. Meiss

in the pursuance of their duties and December snows
the poor public often suffers at their Make you blow your nose.
expense. 'Not that all the politicianA And then you can't smell the flowers.
in the country should be branded as Boohin. -
little less than theives and cut throats, * * *
but it must be admitted that the aver- Blankety-Blank Verse
age politician is not a man of high A FLY came and sat on the radiator.
moral or mental standards. A SECOND fly came and sat on the
If this evil condition is to be in any radiator,
way alleviated, the reform must start SAID THE radiator, "I'm feeling pret-
with the younger generation, amongy"
ty fly this evening."
those who have not yet felt the in- WITH WHICH the flies flew.
seen power of the Dempseys of the SPECK.
political ring. It is inded surprising * * *
E that so few college men should enter IVQRYH(tllats
politics where there are unlimited op- Floating down the Huron i a hlrqd
portunities to serve the public. TheC
average college man possesses the Old Town canoe;
high ideals which are essential- to a Floating on the Huron; there is only
better government, the danger rest- room for two.
When the sun goes down to rest
ing in the fact that the college man; Then the snmesthatwn tk rest
may be too much of an idealist to' That's the tie that we likte best,
cope with the practical situation of It's sure great, canoeing on the Huron.
the political world. One night on the Huron, we wereF
That a real man in politics may floating peacefully,
serve the best interests of the people I kissed her ane fuaskl her if she
is no where better illustrated than
in the case of Roosevelt, a man who cole'rovm.
m th cas of ooseelta ma wh And it's no lie, she blacked my eye,
gave not a continental for the threats And socke, he blacke m e,
and crocked me on the dome,
of the bosses and who carried through And then she shoved me over on the
numerous reforms in the face ofy.
stormy opposition of Wall Street capi-
talists. The college man who will Floating down the Huron, it's hell to
stand oit above others, unafraid to be alone.
voice his opinion and the opinions of But it's worse when the "only girl"
his supporters, will be remembered has a heart that's made of stone.'
long after many of his former class I won't quit, tho water's wet,
mates have passed into the world be- I'll get anpther girl, you bet,
yond. And we'll go canoeing on the huron.
Any university graduate who enters
the game must be prepared to find it The purpose of this is to show that
"rriugh going." The statement that ii I've had my spring bath.
is impossible to keep a good man Fresh..
down holds equally true in politics I1NKEM': * * *
except that a good man may be kept I'll never forget the night I re-

next three days. This conference in
which the educators get together and
discuss common problems is an out-
growth of advanced education and is
in a way indicative of the great pro-
gress made along educational lines.
Fifty years ago the deans in Ameri-
can colleges conside-ed them,,elves
thoroughly capable of handling their
problems and, did not want any out-
side help. Today all are benefitted by
the exchanges of ideas and solutions
to problems which come from such
conferences as this.
The world has made great progress
in recent years and educational
methods are making a great effort to
keep step with the rest of the world.
Modern- psychology, a comparatively
new study has attempted to analyze
the human mind and to modify teach-
ing methods to conform to its f'nd-{
ings. Many valuable surveys have
been made and the defects in the
great school system of the country are
being picked out and corrected. The
one-room country school with eight or
possibly twelve grades taught by one
teacher is a rare sight now. Commu-
nity schools with modern supervized
training have taken their places. The
requirements for teachers have been"
made more stringent and the salaries
of this group raised.
This change is only one of many.
The great one has been in the manner
of. presenting the material to pupils.1
The division into grades by ages has
undergone change's and bids fair to al-
most disappear " in some advanced
schools where the pupil is allowed to
go as fast as he is able, and wher3 the
divisions are being made according
to ability and not according to age.
Among other passing features of the
school of yesterday are the fine hand-
writing and old-fashioned spelling
Changes are being made every day
in educational methods the same as in
other fields. Advisors of university
men play a great part n the modern
educational system and conferences

n lH A F,,

VI othI Ends of, the Diagonal


Are you ALIVE?

Use Th

Ann Arbor anrd Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express
6:0o a.m., 7:00 a.mn., 8:00 a.m
a.m. and hourly to 9 :o5 p.m.
Jackson Express C=rs (loca'
wei.c of Ann Arbor),- 9:4y a.m
every two hn:rs to 9:43 p.m.
Local Cars East Bound-7:c
an'a every two hours to 9:goo
r 1:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-
p.m., 1:15 a.m.
To SalineChange at Ypsiai
Local Cars West Bound-7 :5
To Jackson and Kalamazoo
ited cars 3:47, :0:47 a.m., 12:4
To Jackson and Lansing--Lii
8.47 p.m.
I #

e Daily 1
- S
., 9:05
n., and-
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-1' :40 0 F
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,1t E'ditos-
lalph lyers
f. 1lershdorfer
I. A. Donahue

Harry. hloeyE
R. C. Mo: iarty
J. EF. Mack
. Walla e F. Elliott
..Marion K cht
ditor ....II. A Donahue
...........E. 11. Ailes
.Bckley C. Robbins
rial Board
Maurice. Berman
Eugene Carmichael

l. Con
nadette Cl
Aln 1. Co
-ph Epst
Epi11)t. F iskce
in lCarlin tr.
ter S. (;
tia Gouk
nai~l I alb

mstrong Franklin D. Hepbuirr
ield Winona A. Hibbard
nagton Jdar J Iigi
n Kennethl C. Kellar
Elizabeth Liebermann
able John McGinnis
ote Samuel Moore
nughlin l. I. Pryor
ein W. B. Rafferty
Robert G. Ransay
igh.nse f. W ~i4
oodspeed Soll J. Schnitz
Ier Philip M,. Wagnet

1923 MAY
1 2 3
6 7 S 9 10 1
13 14 15 16 17 1
20 21 22 23 21
27 29 30 31
s O ~ STR
+f t 11 1 f ,.PAN A
(No aeids used)
Straws, Panamas, Leg
Bankoks and all kindso
Cleaned and Reblocked
prices for HIGH CLASSV
Let a "Boot-black" shii
shoes, but have yhur hat
ed and Reblocked by a PIr
617 Packard Street Pho
Where I. U. R. Stops a

Telephone 960
dvcrtising..............John J. Tamel, Jr.
dvertisin . ...Walter K. Scherer
elverti~ing ......" ...L arence 11. Favrot
ulication.............Edward F. Conlin
(pywriting -.......... .David 3.I. Park.
i;c(lation...........Townsend H1. Wolfe;:ons.... ..I.eamtPrk
cconts...........Beaumont Parks
crry M'. THayden ' Win. IT. Good.
ugene b. Iunne' Clyde L. I agerman
C' an , Henry Freud
-L. Putman Clayton Pur~ly
1)D. Armt t ยง 3. . S nzenbacher
dliam Hf:Aei, t , Clifford' -itts
arold L. Hale. Thomas 1 cFaehren
tm. 1). Roesser Louis Al. Dexter
lan S. Morton C. Wells Christie
mnes A. Dryer Edward B. Reidle
terbert W. Cooper
As the culmination of an extended!
iscussion, the final appropriation of
--- - <.,. +~n , - nci n f tho Univer-

down longer in this game than in any turned from seein' her. She was oil
other profession. The low standard and I was water-we didn't mix well.
of American politics can only be She was pretty but colder than Green-
raised by a group of men who enter land's mountains-and more distant
the field to benefit the nation and not than Abyssinia. She must have been
to acquire a fortune. It is -in the a relative to the guy who invented
city and state governments that poli- j Eskimo Pie-and abstrusive-huh-
tics are at their worst; when former she thought a kiss was something they
bar tenders manage to get control of raised babies on. Anyway one of the
civic interests it -seems as though sophisticated sophs at our frat was
there should be reform. If the edu- hooked for a SORORITY RUSHING
cated men do decide' to take an active SNOOZE--an:1 she was to be his girl.
part in the age old game there ,will I laughed! I more than laughed-I
undoubtedly be a grand struggle when told him why; He looked glum--but
the two forces meet, left game; I thought-what crust, he
The intellectual class should win must be apoker shark, or a' glutton
with the support of the public, but for punishment; then I laughed again
it will first be necessary to break -ha-ha-ha, O waht mirth-O waht
the powerful hold that the bosses have glee! "Did you have a good time, ol
over the many uneducated voters. Of snuggle?" His facecracked, ever so
late, there has been a quite distin- slightly. and a twinkle which I have
guishable movement among college come to asspciate with fineesse--He
graduates to clean up politics and j sez "I'm d better man than you are
there is every reason to believe that Gunga Dim"*- TEARABLE.
these men will be successful in the * * *
long run. The new reformers shonN. * * *
however, always keep in mind that Did you all hear the old wheeze
Rome was not built in a day and that about the absent-minded prof who
old systems.cannot be overturned with poured the syrup down his shirt and
one swoop; reform, badly as it is scratched his pan-cakes?
needed, must come as the result of a * * *
slow seizure of the reins by the new T'E HEN) ECAME R 0


of hats
at low
e your
ne 179
t State



such as th present one are invaluable
in promoting progress.


-J. C. C.

(New York Times)
Dissatisfaction with the German of-
fer is echoed even in Germany. In-
stead of the united front with which
we have been told all Germany would
support the Cuno proposals, there are
plentiful indications that many Ger-
mans consider the note to have been
inexpedient' No greater condemna-
tion than this can be expressed by a
German mind. Inexpediency is the
unpardonable crime. Already, there-
fore, there is talk of ousting Cuno
and of putting in some one who will
make a better job of it. There are
complaints that the'note did not offer
enough, that it was vague, that it
was neither clear nor satisfactory to
France in the matter of guarantees.'
Others, of course, say that it offers'
too much. But most significant of all
is the indication that both the So-
cialists and the industrialists believe
that Germany could and should do

Schedule in Effect October r8, ig42
Central Time (Slow Time)
D. X. X. D
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
3:45 ~o-, Adrian .... 12:45 8:45.
15 .5 ...Tecumsek+... s2:15 8:15
4:30 8:30... Clinton .... r2:00 8':oo
5:15g:r5 Saline . :15 7:1q
5:45 4:4 Ar Ann ArborLv. 0:45 6:45
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian z :4s, leaves
Ann Arbor 4:45.i
JAMES H. I1+LI4OTT. Proprietor
. Phone 46
Cars leave for Toledo 7:10 A. M.,
2 P. M. ant] i i. H. Except Sun-.-
day. Sunday at 8:00, 11:00 and

--- -

A Gray Buck Oxf4
with gray kid saddle st
and fibre sole, low

$ 59



108 S. MAIN


nds for the expansion o Me > ICru
y, as it was announced yesterday, ! CACEG SCHOOLS
ars witness of the sincere and never ,
ling interests which Governor The summer coaching school is one
oesbeck and the state legislature iiof the recent developments in the
A toward the University of Michi- I field of athletics. The idea originated
n. In according final consent' to
n. I acordng ina cosen toat Columbia university but the coach- I
e appropriations bill as it was al- at Coumbia uiersity but t cach-
ed in the Senate, the House has ing courses there were not a separate
ailed the University of the sum of unit in the institution being given un-
$00,000 as well as releasing a bal- der the supervision of the physical
ce of.i,,0.000 which remained un- education department. It was at she
-id ,froi a former appropriation1 University of* Illinois that the newf
ensure. scheme first took definite form as a
Certainly no more reassuring evi- distinct unit in the curriculum of the
nce of the unquestionable support school. Other universities were
lich the law makers of the state prompt to follow the action of Illinois
ve lended the Uniiversity could be in this regard.
anifested than through the granting Michigan, due to the efforts of
this sum which represents fifty Coach Fielding H. Yost, gave the sum-
rcent of the entire building budget mer coaching school a trial last year
the state. Always considered the 1 with the result that this department'
eatest state institution in Michigan. seems destined to become a perman-
e citizenship of the state have well ent fixture at the University. Indica-
med the gratitude of every young tions are that the coming summer
an and woman who has..or may in will witness a great increase in the
e future be privileged to attend any enrollment of the coaching school.i
partment of this ever-expanding The athletic office is .in receipt of
hool. numerous letters requesting inforina-
The most notable advantages brought tion upon the school and the courses

i ~

[ Wanna Trireme--Philetus Plum-
banius Sapo, son of Gneius Bomrbon-.
ions (surnamed the gnat-eater) was
obsessed with a desire to be a sailor.
Now his pa, Gneius Bombonius wasr
in a responsible position under the
Jurisdiction of the second triumvirate-
lictor to the proconsul of nether
Iberia, I think. Anywab, in this ex-
tremely responsible position, he had
a" chance to make just oodles and ood-
les of jack off tlhC poor ignorant
Iberian serfs. So, in a manner of
speaking, he could give his sweet little
son just about anything he wished. So
one day, he came home bearing a tiny
bireme, which, as everyone knows was
the backbone of the Roman fleet at
that time. "Wah!" howled little Phile-
tus, upon seeing it: "I wanted a trir-
eme!" "Oh come now," cajoled papa
Gneius, "be a bonus petit puer. Be-
have yourself, or I'll crack you on
the seat of the pants with a flagel-
lum!" At .this magna lacrimae funde-'
bat down Philetuses cheeks. "By Zeus,
pa, you're the damnedest tightwad in
all Iberia! The waters from Hellas
to the Hellespont ne'er drowned aI
more piggish old man than thee! Oh!
tu tui libi te te, and sometimes W
and Y!" Of course his pa went im-
mediately and bought him a trireme.
Returning he handed it to his son
"Viola votre trireme," he' purred "ven-
lbare sub fluminibus avec moi, et'
watch it float." So they trotted down
to the fluminibus and navigated the
trireme all over it. But Philetus
iactebat some rocks at it, and sunk

more than was ofered in the Cuno lllililill l tllllillltlllli i illll llllillttt lltl lilllt llltllttllllilldl tll fttttllilill li ttl tlttllttlttllliltt
It goes without saying that this
lack of confidence at home, confidence
in the Government, confidence in the
Cnhe oernent, confidence in the Our customers look upon this as one of the greatest as-
Cuno offer, confidence in the German sesw;ae
finances, reacts unfavorably abroad. sets we have.
Without restored credit Germany will When-ordering from us they are always assured of Puritj
never get the assistance which she de- = \\\ JI and Qualit .
nmands. This is one of the absurditiesWd
.a Thi irson of e G rdities We buy only the highest grade product and then clean it
about the anresent offer. Germany ex- .. .Y I
pects to raise large loans, but not aby
word is said about German subscrip- PASTEURIZATION
tions to them. Everything is to come \"Most Efficient Process Known"
from abroad. But-why, when Germans
did not even trust their Government = A rbo
enough to subscribe $50,000,000 to ! =The Ann Arb r D airy C o.
a loan to help Germany's cherished
plans of passive resistance, should A Ask For - - The
foreigners take one hundred times
that sum in a loan to help the German '"_____________________________________________ iI1I~lIItlIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIllitII
Government do what it has steadily
sought to avoid doin-pay-repara-
Germany is suffering from the 4_UALITY.
curse of a scrap of paper. The blow A
which she stiuck at her credit when
she invaded Belgium is being me- -
turned upon her. To retrieve her xjxlvn6'
good faith is her greatest task. If,
however, instead of appearing to make"nrow your
concessions as if she had won the war,
Germany should freely and frankly
confess defeat and admit that 'she leak garden hose
must pay the penalty; if, instead of
lamenting about what she couldn't
pay, instead of attempting evasion, in- and get a length of our brand name quality. It will enable you to
stead of pretending bankruptcy whichsk
is really manufactured, she should sprinkle gardens and lawns quickly.and on account of its durable
talk of what she could and would pay; construction will last for many seasons. eW also have hose reels
if in place of passive resistance she which provide the only proper way to keep garden hose, for it auto-
resorted to active deliveries; if, in-
srted o blaingte dires; world x- matically drains the hose as it is reeled on the drum and can be moved
stead of blaming the entire wvorld:< ex-'
cept herself for her troubles, she dill- about easily wherever desired.
gently set about curing them by her
own acts, then Germany would begin
to restore confidence in her good-will * '* .A % 1 2 e- A Li l4 MA

about by This legislation are in con-
eection with the Medical School,'
which after the construction of thei
new medical building and completion;
of the ho pital as provided in the bill,?
will establish Michigan as a ranking
institution in the fields of medical in-
.truction and research. Already noted
for its dental equipment which is the
finest in the country, the University
will soon have medical apparatus of
the very best as well.
As renown and scholastic reputa-
tion rise, Michigan will always have
to turn to the noble, generous, and.
far-sighted citizenship of a great state
in gratitude for the support which
they have rendered in establishing a

which it offers. The majority of those'
who come to improve their coaching
methods are athletic directors in the]
high schools and small colleges, not
only in Michigan, but in other sec-4
tions of the country. In anticipation
of the growth of the school several
new courses have been added to the-
curriculum for the summer of 1923.j
The coaching school at Michigan is'
yet in the embryo state as its was only-
introduced last 'ummer. It should,
however, rapidly take a position of
prominence because Michigan has al-
ways stood for the best in athletics.
If those who perch themselves on
the football stands during each base-;
ball contest insist on throwing pea-


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