THE MICHIGAN DAILY I~ _ ,. - - -- ----x- . _ 1, 1 1 1 - x I- - ! -7 ! 1 1. _____-I be worn with sen-I e procured beforei race Hunter at the itory. The price of ternoon at the booth in University hall.I There will be a meeting of the Uni- versity Girls' Glee club at 4: 30 o'clock this afternoon at Barbour gyminasium. Athena Will meet at 7:15 o'clock this evening in the Alpha Nu rooms of Unriversity hall. There will be a pro-1 gram anid discussion 'on the problems of Immigration. Screen-Today AT THfE ZIEIATEJRSI Arcade-Jack Holt and Eva Nov- ak in "The Tiger's Claw" corn- cdy and news. Bernice Gregory, '24, score 95; I'eryl ' y" INSTALLS OFFICERS1 :chafer, '20, '94; Jgi lig 2, 90; Bessie Divine, '23, t;0t; rtig nstallation of officers ofthe Univer- 89'; Marion Lawless, '26, 88; Aicc sJi, Y. W. C. A. for the coming year, Young, '26fld; 88, Jose hiine C!Lark, will be held at 5 o'clock this afternoon, '26, 87 ;Anna Wheeler, 26, 84;a.d in the south parlor of,-Newberry hail, Helen Fuser, '24, 82. Ij at a candle light service. The retir-! The )L. 0. T. C. team ..ihadle the fol- ing president, Margaret Whyte, '23, lowing scores: 'A. H. Robins, , 97; will preside. After the opening serv- L. C. Cooper, '24, 96; P. A. Smith, '23.x, ice of worship, she will give the charge 95; 13. L. Korenkiewiez, '9A; L. P. !to the new cabinet, and Dorothy Jef.- Gills, '93; W. E. Smith, '23, 192; s'. D. frey, '24, president of the new cabinet, Apted, '24E, 92; L. P. toebr, '24, will re spond. All women on the cam: 91; K. S' Andersson T22' R 9; andi A. lmis are invited to attend. W. Pushick,88.Get good values cheap, thru t1 w Student, Uidergoe. QO_ raf$ io I Classified columns.-Adv. Ronald T. Halgrirn, '25, was otpr- 1- ated on Friday nti ht in the tUnivEr ", Try Our Business Ion's Lunch hospital for appendicitis. It is x- ,; - -~i a pected that he will resume his studies next 'Week j E AR E 6'' LAST TOE HOOTGIBSON TIME~ --IN- Rehearsals for the Senior Girls' play will be held this week as follows: 4The courtiers group at 4 o'clock to- day; the group of tairies at 5 o'clock today; the cast at 4 o'clock tomor- row; the cast at 7 o'clock Thursday .night; the group of foresters at x :30 o'clock Friday; 'and the cast at q { o~'clock Saturday morning. All rehear- sals will be lheld in Sarah Caswell ~Angell hall with the exception of the forester's group which will meet in the ;asemne'ft of :Barbour gymnasium. ,All women interested in trying out frclass teamns in tennis are request- :ed to report ready to play at 4 :15 o'clock this afternoon at the low- e r courts at Palmer field. In case of' r'ain the report will be taken at Bar-. .hur gymnasium. The schedue of the baseball games in the interhouse tournament is as fol-, iows: at 5 o'clock today, Adclin Cheev- evs. Zeta Tan Alpha; &.t G:30 o'clockj today, Alpha Omicron Pi vs. Delta I Delta Delta, Chi Omega vs. Kappa Del-4 Stylus will meet at 8 o'clock tonig ht at the Pi Beta P1hi house.., The Girls' Mandolin club will meet at 5 o'clockt tomorrow at NewberryT hall. It is requested that dues be paid at this time. The picnic will be postponed. Mlembers of Wyvern will meet atl 7:15 o'clock tomorrow night at the'f Chii Omega house. All houses tare requested to report on the sales of candy for the Women's league between 3 and 4 o'clock this af- Ted Rhodes Orchestra will enter- tain coneists on the Huron Riv6r Wednesday~ evening, May 9.-Adv. JContrary to a previous, notice which Majestic--"Hiunting; Big Game in I appeared in the Sunday Daily under . Africa;" Mermaid comedy, I tihe program of spring events, the "Hlolt Tight"; news. Setnior, Girls' play will be given on. Tllursday, June 14, and not on MayI Orpheum - Edward (Hoot) 15. Gibson in "Dead Game"; come- edy and news.y VN E N TOI Wuerth-Elmer Clifton's "Down t oteSai hp oe COMMITEESTOmORROI"The Artist."co URM F Stage-Thfes Week i All camnpus women are expected to vote 'for class committees and councils at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, in# Barbur ymnsiu. To eectons Garrick- (Detroit)- Chauncey Barbor gymasiu. TwoeleciosH Olcott in "The Heart of Pad- will1 be held in the parlours and one dy Whack."' -n the upstairs hall. Comedy, "Up in the Clouds." Ofiticers to be elected by the junior I +__________________ woemen are those on the Senior Play________ committee and the social committee. Nominations for the senior judiciary tME VICTORIOUS. councif will also 'be made.. Women FE of the sopho'more ^lass will elect thxe Y SMALL MARGIN. juinior advisory committee, the JTun - ior Play committee, and the social l The women's rifle team was defeat- com mittee.. Nominations 'for the juni- I ed by the R. 0., T. C. riffle team by {a f fr judiciary, council --will be made.,r score of 927 to 887 in theo comnpetition Freshman women will elect the Fresh-j twatch held' last week at the indoor Mnan Spread committee, the social com- f end outdoor ranges. n'ittee, and will nominate the fresh- Idvda crso h ebr man judiciary council . Idvda crso h ebr Voting will be by ballot, and nom- of the wom~en's "team are as follows': "Dead Game"7 --COMING- Others are hbenefitted by the cia: si- fieds, why not YOU? --A dv. lienedry's Orchestra 11:0- 4:00 Cornwell Cool Bldg. inations will' be made from the floor, All cornpetent persons are eligible for, elections and women are urged to have selected their candidates for of- fl cc. "ACRES, OF DIANVONl3S", lecture by Aubrey Roberts, '23Ed., Wednesday 8,p. in., Lane hall, 35c.-Adv. ' f1 0 E I For Good Zloty Use RIDEJR'S S'PECIAL INK A-superior fcorntaiv pen hink RIDLR 'S PFN SHOP 'i Magnetic wavers Effect a ;perfect triple mrarcel in five minutes -Copyjrighted 19 ,~ by . " ne's, Inza. I w___ -w a -. s - at{I1Utttttf t1 ttfttqt~tliti~ i ttttt ~t til tttli n a Al 5 -l11 Wha te1111rCagh wI - .1T r WAGN I I ILJL.PWT H AB 1 5 Aw eattn tmeeo rm~tigeebnscagn h aea . Aw e~eosio~r ul tef~i j aitespcueines .1n1rgdd~~ee~ hre ealn no h eeo h aea w Anatrv~gtr~u setceo lput iitecae fa x w rattled. x }d Wris~lSoeArne b IOSVR n lydb ANENAGE.SMHOICCNCR ORHSTA atal c 4eShw 'l Prga loIcue If ~3f~ eJJ!lCOE) THMA MIGA -IN "TE E'RDOWEL 1tll a ~- 1': EDDIERANGE'S GIL BAN ReadTh} aily "lassfied Coim i C'are fal Finshing that Protects.your Negatives We- feel a real rcspon- sil6ility for filmn left with us for devrelo.pment._ Negatives cannot. be re- placed, and there are often. several exposures in each roll that are ival-. uable to the owvner. Care- ful method'sad scientific formulaeb i csults that justify your entruast-. ing your fIlmA to our finishing department. Of course wei are eq1uipped for enlarging-- let us 1ho w you some samIples, of our work. KodaX, 1ilm in all/sizes LYND00 & COMPANY 119 N. Uiversity These hair wavers are, highly magnetic, are. the simple, sen~sible and scientific method of waving the hair. They effect a beautiful, lasting triple Marcel wave in a few minutes. Announcement Mrs. M1aloney -will be on the main Yoor this creek to demonstIrate the use of MAGNE TIC hair wavers LU .. Regular Prices J ILAST TIMES. 3 0TODAY 8:30 Regular; Prices An rental Thriller 'The Jvagnetic Waver Is Different I' The, Magnetic hair waver,,is different. from other hair wavers in so much as it is open allowing the hair to dry quickly and Jeff ect the wave in a few minutes. They do not injure or break the hair because of the spring sides. They are' very light and allow a, free circulation of air; ,you do not need to wear themn overnight. You can. use them at home and obtain perfect results.. A set of six may be had for 25e. Er I hiero in Cis tense tbri' ea'of h Far East. But You'l only he " ~A 0 nur al p o ureblegri ofsoaal 4s °_ Yng, lerve tigling eiitert-Oaiiin, y ille IUs was u grip that hllv~ dpi i er and destruction. Acted by a cast of suvrme e xcel- hence. Come in and let Mrs. M aloney) demonstrate. the use of the, Its a Paramount Thriller' Sure Enough ! l (MAIN FLOOR) __ vP'J Ani'oCvow I ° i° Seventeen times the censor sazid NO! Here's a Hawaiian comedy I ~ "... .. { i _ ,, ._ . . , kra WE= momm 0===wMZM"w"=" e ,_i I 11, I (I 'r a " . f v ELMER , CLtFT6NS w f t I3. 189< v , NO LA0 YK , . , a wl a e o 'atale! ELMER. CLIFTONS \L L M T, iii,, I