~THE MICI GAN DAILY 5b lUl ATIMN iGargoyle Birings History Up To Date In Issue Out Tomorrow, IS I________________________ _____ r n ' (Continued from Page One) ensan was announced as:-,, Kenneth Kerr, '24, chairman, Laurence Mack, '124, "William Fleischaker, '24, and Phlip Schneider, '251. The womfen's staff will be headed by Miriam Wick- sal '24, as wumeh's editor and Will be made up of Helen oward, '4, lzabeth 'lhuffid, '24, Mar&garet Black, '24, and Claribell Bowen, '24. The art edtor for 192 will be Mar- ion vanjvery, 24, and the photograph editor Will - be Carl Koester, '2'E,' with Marguerite ,White; 24, and Wil- Liam Hearding, '25C, as assistants. As- sistants on the art staff were announc- edas l9ethany "Lovel,- '4, El0vod' F rled '24, and YRth McComb, '24.. The 'stiness staff appontnents 'of ~the" ,lchig Annsian made by,Thomas Knlel,.'24,, business manager, are as follows: Gerge Patee, 25, accounts; Cass Hough, '25, advertising; Jack Co- hen, '35, organizations; Gifford lii- John, '25, sales, ahd lzabth um- pteries, '25, assistant sales manager. Announce Gargoyle Staff Carroll Jones, '25L, managing ed- tor of the. Gargoyle, announced the 1923 staff appointments 'for that pub- lication as: Merwyn Leatherman, '25L, and Lyle Nose, 24, assistant edi- tors;' Halsey Davidson, '25, art ei tor; William Flarshiem, '2,Paul Kniskern, '25, and 'Samuel Moore Jr., '25," upper staff assistants; and Alert Pack, '25, Stanley* Simpson, '25A,,and Walker 'Everett, '2, assistant art edi- tors. The business staff of the Gargoyle " annotinced by Do' Ste~etee, 24, 'bysi- ness manager, isf made up of: "Wil- liam Arash, '25, advertIsing; inton Church, '24, advertising; Aram Sm- on, '25, advertising; Arden Kirchner, '25, advertising;" Herb et Seidman, '25, foreign 'advertising; Henry Duff, '25, office; Thomas Glm re, '25, cred-( it; Clifford Pratt, "'2, publication; and Robert Straiib, 25,¢circulation. Annoncement f staffmembers for the 1923 Chimes...saff were not made bay John -Bacon, 24, managing editor. Dueo to the reorganization of the staff it was not possible "to make them at this time, They will be made at a later date. 'C Imes, Mlakes Appountents John Sabo, '2, business manager of Chimes, made the fallowng appoint- Inknts to the staff of that againe:' Ha ry Hall, '25, advertising; Harold Nutting, '24, advertising; Fred Pin- ney, '25, foreign advertising; Avery Bernstein, '25, circulation; Harry Mc- Cobb, '25, publication; and P. D. Brom-' berg, '25, credit. The editorial staff of the Summer Daily announced by Paul Watzel, '25L, is'as follows: Wiam Stoneman; '25, "city editor; Edward Higgins, '25, and Samuel Moore, Jr., '25, issue editors; Samuel Moore, Jr., '25, humor editor; and John Mitchell, '24, book reviews. L. Beaumont° Parks, '24, business Innnaer of the Summer Daily, didl not announce the business staff of that paper due to the uncertainty as to the men who will be here at wthat! time Theannouincements will be made at a later date. No staff 'appointments were made to either the Athletic Program or the M~ichigan Optic due to the fact that the ,staffs of tesc publications are already foramed and 'no additional ap- pointments, other than those already in affect were necessary. TICKETS ON SA LE Fathrs' Day banquet tickets will be, placed on sale at 9 o'clock this ,morning at the Union and will con- tinue on ,sale until Thursday evenig.'- They will sell at $1.25 each, and will admit their holders to the Michigan- Illinois track meet and the Mimes vaudevile performance, Saturday, as well as to 'the banquet at the Union. University guides will be furnished to any fathers during Friday or Sat- urday. *They will be secutred .at the office of Joseph A. Bursey, Dean of; M(en, in 'University hal. ,.pccial arrangements are nowx be- igmade for rooms for the parentst for the weer, endl. The Union will PIast history is drawn upon to fur- nish the main part of the editorial and artistic comment which makes up the May-issue of the Gargoyle that will be out tomorrow. The number, is primarily, a "Historical'.Issue" both in name and fact, and only the un- 'usual linking of historic characters with' actual reality lenids 'the 'current touch to the magazine.' Such classic episodes as the Cros- sing of the Delaware by famous mem- - hers of the historic clan are .cared upon to furnish arti~.'1-s, all aptly ii-, lustrated. Of like nature 'is that ac- count of Abraham Lincoln telling how he quelled the; rush'of .t'ie Ford thiea- ter and ho* he attainied his great in- (Continued from Page One) in the carrying out of-,the contests. Members of the underclass comn- mnittees to make ,arrangemrents for the Spring games warn their classmates' that it is absolutely necessary to "weigh in" in order 'to enter the tug- of -war. Those who hav~e represented t'ese classes and aided .in the draw- ing up of the contest rules, and agreed .to do all in their pow~er to eliminate unfairness in 'the games are: sopho- more lits, Jac'kson Keefer, 'Georgej. 'Haggerty, James Miller, Lester Witt- man, Frederick Wa'ssman, Edwell I Slaughter, William Reid, Herbert Steg-! er, -and Ray Bllington ; sophomore engineers, W. K. Griner, W. IH. Webb, E. Al. Fox, S. P'. Hart, J. E. Bamibdr- ough, K. F. McIver,' G. J. Mack- and IT. S. Young; freshman Iits, Earl Gre-; her, Lowe'll Palmer, Frank MI~atheson,, W illiam McMillan, Robert 'Beninett, i Rtaymnid Hu~tzel, Glenn Young and I Royal Cherry; freshman enIgineers, William Coleiman, Robert James, H. L. Tippy, C. M. McDuff,' J. P. Vose, T. 'A meeting of these committees to- gether 'with the juioIh"dcdiniiittee will'i be held at '4 o'clock this after'noon in; rooih 302 of the Unioin. house fathers only on these two days] set aside in honor of' the fathers. The Union committee in chas~e of the i affair will meet at 5 o'clock tumor- row Fafterrio6I in ,room X42 of the. Union. { Ted R.1iodes Orchestra will enter-' Itain coneists on 'the Huron livet' Wednesday evening, May 9.=ZAdv..- G ARRKKC~ ~ 4 The Selb'ipss Present Wednsday, L 0 ~TT I I Lfithe1Romlintic Comedy "THE HIEAR~T OF PANY1 WRACK" NEXT 'W1gK--TE,' bN~tP~LLB -0. tellectual capacity through the study' of such engineering works as Robin- son Crusoe and Pilgrim's Progress. Summing up the general attitude of the number and outlining the histor!y of everything in general is "The Slip.- Shod ,History of God's Land.'" All things from the discovery Of 'Ameri ca to the taking over of the country by the Gargoyle committee are described., Future history is also dei ,ed into in the issue. An account is published of the Daily-Gargoyle baseball game,j giving the' box score that seems a lit- tle fantastic and all about it. The strang~e part of the article is thiat the Gargoyle is pictured as having won the game, a thing so strange .that' it has 'not been heard of in all the many contests that there two publications have staged. Of' similar historical nature is the° art, work of this 'issue together .With R.A.Bk Ago So g 'C, TO 1INITIAT TVE MNTONIGHT Twelve members of the junior civil engineering class will be initiated into the Michigan student chapter of the Amercan Society of Civil, Engineers tonight in the' Union. Those who hame been elfcted to the { ociety, are, ,L. F.. Rader, R.H. Trites, W. ,A. Galancy, M. A. 'Guenin, F. J. Hildebrandt, E.' B. Sheppard, B. F. .Hausmen, 'Ripley Schemm, W. K. Saunders, W. A. McCienahen and J. W. Hostrup., Membership t9 student chapters is by election. "Eiligiblity, is on the ba'sis of scholarship, a candidate to, the so- ,ciety being' required to' be above the tscholastic -average i his work. __ IT COSS47O PIORL TOP RI ER" SKILLED P N SERVIC L,. the 11 ")1 q 111111111111111T iiY B. lOWRY 11&I CHIROPRACTOR 646 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. .lllorllllrs, E1-6 i1E P1ln 1 -J#l11 No cinch picking a lifetime job. The Administration Department- of the Missouri State Life Insurance Com- pany, St Louis, will be glad to give you information you should have before Y o u choose. x I A New Pattern SAMPLES Permnently on Display at GUY WOLFOL.K & CO. *;36 South Stane Street Ann Arbor, Michigan Designed by r WHITEHOUSE & HARDY IHCOR P4R1"TUO F~ROADWAY AT 40'" STREET 144 WEST 42"°a STREET MCC:C~.rr 0I~OUn SEuxLM KNICKERBwOCKER BVILVINO NEW YORK FtHbTht W on Stay ombe Iff -, ., , ,Y .reI. s.R . .. Y+ U I f IzT Ifluffy hair-f4or any kind of hair that won't behave use Stacomnb., Your hair will stay combed' all day if you use Stacomb. Ideal 'after 'washing your 'hair. 'Retores nbat- .oral oils washc'd out. Adds life anid luster. Ask your barber for a 3acomb. .tub.- At- 41l druggist., aeG. vU P. arr ve1 Make, the Hair Stay Comnbed 1j, I Students who wish busin ess-exper in at out-side work du- ring vacation. No training required 725 First Nadi. Bank Building., J DETROIT, MICHIGAN IltI~lIf lS 1111IISI1 IIl10111 STArTIN\G TOMIORROW Wher w _ s= r 6v STARTING WTEDINESDAY aIA _ _ _ , + t tw ¢ x ,,,, .. ,d i W .' r. , , i ,. . t k' -, ,ir ' f w r . A ,. ..,.r I ' 4 .. Are iken, thill- lv r'i xg. Ie ded? ..,_ . r: SUMM1eR WORK kOR AMBITIOUS STUDENTS I D~EMAND Phe Genuinie Chocolate Matlted Drink ERADICATES THIRST. If you want to make mioney during your summer vacation here is dn unusually good apportunity. We have three very desirable subdivisions adjacent to the new industrial section of Detroit's vest side. Henry Ford is spending several million dollars. extending his River Rouge Plant, building a new railroad and erecting a 'large building at Dearborn for his administrative offic's and engineering laboratory. We are especially equipped 'to train and develop. inexperienced mein .. We want several energetic ambitious students who are desirous of making money during their suimmer vacation. Mr. Ellis will be in Ann Arbor, Wednesday, May 9 to give :further particulars to any interested students. Call at Dean IBursley's office from 9 to 12 A. M., or from. 1:30v, to 5 PI. M. .:, I- .., K. .., I- K K. r s n lepuppies. AND A WON4DIE CAST 5c. GU1Y W. ELLIS REAL ESTATE COMPANY D etroi t, Michigan 542 Griswold St. DEALERS PRONE 114 6 zm ' . ~ . .,. :...: ICE-111.11111111If III 11111III! 1111E I I I I l'i I [if M I I11111111111111 ..k..i MIN 11' 'Oft, '' - """" - I ,. id, We clean and prYess clothes for people who ivant the best work, ,regardless of cost I TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT or SALE I I Id. Y t at, strange to S4Iy,, our Prices are the -lowest in e city : '~'a, "~~' All Leading Makes Qualit Machinecs P'n-o'lle 45 Todia-Y 'II ti t t .. . : ,: ,[ lF . .l11 i/YK 5117/Y tC .. .. c .. .. .. .. .. _ . . _. . .. ...r _._. .s . . .. .w.. \A(7aYh A