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May 08, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-08

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VOL. XXXIII. No. 158





__ _ -
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---w---____ .

Varsity Comes Out on Top After Hard
Struggle With, .

'Ensian ReadyDedicated
To Regent William Clements'
.Arriving at noon yesterday, 1,500 year's patient work in collecting pho-
copies of the 1922-23 Michiganensian tographs from the seniors, the class-
were taken to the basement on the es, fraternities and sororities as well
east side of the Library where they as a great number of clubs and or-j
will be distributed the next few days. ganizations on the campus. Then1
I This is the same place as was used there are the snap shots of various
last year. men and women well known on the'
The book is bound in handsomely campus and the action photographs of
embossed blue leather and contains in the athletic contests.
all, 592 pages. Headings include Sen-I The art work, too is excellent. Sec-1
iors, Classes, Features, Athletics, tion headings are artistically colored
Publications, Organizations, Frater- -a recent innovation. All in all this
nities and Women. Excellent photog- year's 'Ensian will make 2,800 owners
raphy is displayed in the athletic and happy and will delight many More
feature sections of the publication. who read over their friends' shoul-
To William Clements, regent of thei ders.
University and donor of the Clem- Persons who have lost their orig-
ents library, now nearing completion, inal payment receipts and have not

U N IV E R S IT Y B IL L l T 9iT 0 8 [
INOW $5164,000

Michigamua On
Warpath, Seeks
Brave Palefaces
From behind the staring moon face
Comes the slow and solemn five
Telling that the Evening Spirit
Wanders over woods and meadows,
Lights the campfires of the heavens
Then the Michigamua warrios
In their feathers and their war
Soon will gather round the Oak,
Round the Oak Tree called Tappan
There to greet the trembling pale-
Many in number wait the bidding
Of the loud rejoicing redskins,
For before they take the long trail{
To the home of Michigamua




MAN AcGER.S :N 1a 1E 1923 AS-
A IS1' A NT!-


For (Gyn na s4jfmfl, MuseumnI
Amang 'rliat Cnt Fromi

VanEvery to Head 'Enslnn Art Siff;
Davidson Picked As Gargoyle
. Art Editor

Former Daily Editor Outlines H'
cal Development of

It required just about all of Michi- is the Michiganensian dedicated. A yet secured a duplicate will be re- With the passage of the University
gan's unidefeated baseball team and photograph of the regent .is at the quired to wait until Thursday before 1bill by the legislature just before ad-
several men in Hawkeye uniform to head of the book. they may get their books, officials an-| journment early Sunday morning, the
maintain a zero in the "games lost" This year's book is the result of t, nounced yesterday. University is now assured a grant of!
column of the (Wolverines' Big Ten $3,800,000 which, with the $1,364000
diamond standing when Maize and recently released from the 1921 ap-
lhe met Old Oold on Ferry field propritions, renders available or
yesterday afternoon, but in 10 innings i"inew buidins the sum of $5,164,00.;
of hectic baseball Ray Fisher's men Strenuous opposition to the measure
toncei trdsuccaive Cwenter-.T ftl I [T which has prevailed since the Senate I
eo uctheHouse appropriation by
It ws Mihiga's scond uphil IL~V I$507,inceas, completely disappeared be-
battle in three days, a game that kept fore the final vote, which was unani
every one of the spectators in -ornthf hotes
the stands from the first appearance Scuds Regrets to Invitation o Presi. Ceremonies Begin at 3:4. O'eloek mos in both houses.
of the band until Bob Knode crossed dent Burton; Previous flans 'Thursday With Annual Cnp and In all, a total appropriation of $7,-
the plate with the winning run in the Interfere {ovn Parade 099,000 was approved by the legisla-
tenth inning, and a game that proved-tre, distributed as follows: the Uni-
decisively to Michigan fans that j EXPRESSES DESIRE TO VISIT IIVRTON WILL ADDRESS versity bill of $3,800,000, calling for a
Coach Fisher has once performed the ALMA MATER FREQUENTLY CLASSES AT AUDITORIUI release of $1,760,000 in 1924 and $2,-
foot of developing a pitcher who will i --040,000 in 1925; an omnibus bill pro-
stand up against a team composed E With Swing-out only two cays off viding for various smaller state in-
of some of the heaviest sluggers in , ' there are more than 300 caps and stitutions $2,300,000 in 1924 and $670,-
th g Ten. .retary of war, who was invited to give gowns still at (ieorge Moe's spor 000 n 1925; and the M. A. C. bill car-
lbsou Sitrs the address at Cap Night, May 18, has shop uncalled for. It is urged that rying an appropriation of $565,000 an-
Tolittle Eddie Gibson, then, goes sent his regrets to President Marion the seniors draw these out righ't away! nually.
evry plaud t that can be heaped on L. Burton saying that it will be im- so as to avoid any delay that mnight The University, as a result of the
support- possible for him to attend. .be cause at the last minute. legislature's action is now able to
ers. Going into the box in the third Mr. Denby wrote that he has been The plans for the annual senior make tremendous strides in advancing
ning after the veteran Liverance making a strenuous effort to be in ceremony are now practically corn- its comprehensive building program.
had ascended to the heavens and been Ann Arbor on that date and accept plete. The program will begin at The completion and equipment of the
pulled down by Coach Fisher for a the invitation of the Student council 3:45 o'clock Thursday afternoon when new University hospftal is provided
jaunt to the showers the wee south- to address the students of the Uni- all of the senior classes will form up for by the terms of the bill. A new
paw held the slugging Hawks com- versity. He said, however, that he in front of the library. The classes for b the terms of the
pletely at the mercy of his untiring "is very sorry that he has been tin- will form the same as last year on building, completion of the
arm, flinging for eight innings and "able to accomplish this, and that he the various walks leading to the mne- physics building, the engineering
allowing Iowa but two bingles, both will have to decline." I dallion. This will be the center with shops and the School of Education
in the fourth frame. An excerpt of his letter follows: "I the classes radiating out in lines. building are also assured. The mea-I
But splendid as was the work of join in the wish that you express, As the Varsity band "plays on the sure sets aside $500,000 for exten-
the little pitcher, there are at least that I may be able to meet more fre- steps of Hill auditorium the proces- sive additions to the power plant and
two other'Wolverines who are deserv- quently with the students of Michi-- sion, led by the senior women, will $210,000 for new tunnels and sewers.
lug of credit filly as great as that gan, and keep in closer contact with start, marching to North Uniersity Purchase f land condemned for the
a eorded Gibson. One of these is Ash. my alma mater and the activities of iavenue, turning right and following new Lawyers' club and land for the
It was this dusky left fielder who was my own state. But as I stated, I have the street down to the auditorium. new medical building is guaranteed.
directly responsible for four of Mich!- been unable to alter my plans and They will march in the auditorium The legislature struck from the ap-
gn's seven runs and who played an engagements to permit me to make filling the ground floor seats first. propriation list the amount asked for
all-important part in a fifth. In the I this trip." President Marion L. Burton will a gymnasium, a new museum, a we-
second Ash, who had reached first As yet no new speaker has been again address the seniors at Swin- men's field house and a biological sta-
on Scantlebury's error, scored when chosen for the occasion. out this year. The comnpate pro- tion. As it stands, the amount voted
Paper doubled. -In the third it was gram has not yet been announced is $300,000 more than the sum original- I
his clean single to center which but will include several musical se- ly contained in the House recommen-
scored Haggorty and Shackleford. In r lections. The benediction will then I dation and $207,000 less than the
the fifth he drove out another singleIUIVIIVIbe given. amount sought by the Senate amend-
to -the vicinity which brought in Hag- S iOR LLy At the e conclusion of the ceremony ment. s
gerty and. in the tenth his neat sac- the classes will again form in line
rifice advanced Knode to second, from and swing across the campus in their
which vantage point the Wolverine march the traditional "M". The line iOA flnrEn Irh
first sackem' . scored the run that Committees for the Senior Ball of march will take them to the front ~ J~10 R~UVfh~
brought victory. And to Captain f which is to be held May 18 have been of Tappan hall where they will dis-
Uteritz goes a world of praise. for announced by the general chairman, band for individual class pictures
his daring base running and his two Lawrence W. Snell, Jr., 23. The com- F
singles, one of which resulted in his Lawence Ws Snllr,: ge com-
mittees are as follows: general com-f Tm fICTURES~
crossing the plate. mittee, Lawrence W. Snell, Jr. '23, r n Word has been received by the di-
Iowails Deserve Praise ;cara; .K abaith ">3Ed-
Marshall and Hicks of Iowa are de- charman; Wd K. G a ra'3, 'd-~ rector of the museum to the effect that
serving of special mention for their Helen Huff, '23, aribel Schmidt, '23, Iairs. F. M. Gaige, assistant curator in
performances. The former, twirling Helen Huff, '23, Crbel S idt, '23h, tem
for the Hawkeyes pitched a game len Buster, 23, Robert Gibson, ' t museum, who was shot recently
that, had he been accorded better and Burton Dunlop,' 23. hAS BEEN HEAD OF MISSIONARY by accident while accompanying her
support, might have won for him and The ticket committee: W. I. Gal- SERVICE A G CANNIBAL husband, Frederick M. age, curator
that was dimmed only by Gibson's nbraith,n23Eara '23 Charles TRIBES .ofentomology in the museum, on a
remarkable work. He allowed seven Knight, , Ea , University expedition into the heart
lits during his stay in the box. It{ Proctor, '23. The music committee: of the Panama Republic, has been
was his hitting, howeve', that stood Edward Reed, '23, chairman; Leland Conditions in many of tecanniba successfully operated upon and is re-
out most prominently, for his triple in Kirpartick, '22E. Larry Van Ness, '23L. islands of the south seas prior to the ported out of danger.7
the second frame with the bases The decoration committee: Seward introduction of Christianity, contrast- Mrs. Gaige was brought to Panama
jammed sent three runs ahead of him, Cramer, '23, chairman; Max Shrayer, ed with changes wrought about after last Wednesday by an army airplane
and scored a moment later on Poep- '23, William Lowe, '23E, John J. mission posts had been estailished, from the interior of the Chiriqui pro-
sel's single. His single in the fourth j Hamel, '23. vince suffering from tetanus as the
was wasted effort, however, for her The card committee: Helen Huff, were pictured by Rev. Maurice Frate' result of an accident received from
was caught trying to reach home on 2 , chairman; Helen Buster, '23, and in his address, "Among the Savage a gunshot wound.
Hick's blow to Uteritz. Caribel Schmidt, '23. The floor com- South Sea Islanders," at the Univer- The expedition party of which Mr.
Iowa started off with a crash. Locke mittee: Harold Hunt, '23Ed, chair- sity services in Hill audit-rim Sun- Gaige is the directorleft for Panama
flied out to Shackleford, but Poepsel man; Edward Hang, '23E, Wendell day evening. ln last February and is financed by Bry-
was safe when Haggerty threw over Herrick, '23, Martin Golding, '23, Rus- Reverend Frater for 2igears has ant Walker of Detroit as a gift to
Bab Knode's'xead and tlk second 'sell Taylor, '23Ed. Tbeen actively engaged in missionary tmhe University.
while Knode was retrieving the ball. A few tickets to the ball remain work in the New Hibrides islands l- It is expected that the search for
Scantlebury was out, Uteritz to Knode' and may be secured by applying to cated 1,500 miles northeast of Austra- specimens and floral data will econ-
but Poepsel scored' when Hicks sing- W. K. Galbraith, '23, chairman of the .d
led to left, Hicks ended the inning ticket committee, 604 South StateI ha"Whedn hissi n s weer tnu tht the aide of rs. Gaige
whnh re ota eodw thot stet established in these islands," Rver- ;and that the party will return home'
hie he sue t s.as dwh s .end Frater said, "the natives had fal- the latter part of June as expected.
noticeable success. len to the lowest stages of degrada- According to reports received by
Michigan kfailedtoore the firstquar-,IIUDENTM tion despite the fact that the islands Dr. Alexander C. Ruthven, director of
auh ip e *byjhd one ofMrsha- are among the most beautiful and for- the nmuseum, the Panama expedition
ter of the distance around when ee ashai'sI tile in the world, giving the nativesssugh-wt h r
trosowa, startedy rne aslh. - Rypractically all the material things they the collecting data and specimens of
ter and Liveransce a real ascentIn nneed in life." this district. HIe expects shipments of
______ Ltashe speaker then told of a village, specimens to begin this month.
the second, although all might have Ak7( A "where there now stands a church on
been well had not successive errors Akron, Ohio, May 7 (By A. P.)- the village square,-te site of many
conrtribnted to the veteran pitcher'sItmtonta ie ih aeinfer-!I vlaesume-test fmn
lott'ss fseIntamation hichgthatnl cannibal feast and revel in days
lows '; confidence.Laude was safe mation which would throw some when the islands were still in the W lh m
on taper's exhipition of juggling and on the disappearance of Leightton n th sands
Barrett was likewise safe when Uter- Mount, Northwestern University stu- grip of savagery, Quality
itz successully emulated Paper's feat. dent, who had not been seen sne field Adams, with Earl V. Moore as-
Barton then cracked out a single to September 1921, until his skeleton was organist, appeared in a vocal duet. "We all stopped but the watch
As, whose Uet handling cifthe l. found under a pier at Evanston re-eRavlenryopewi, rectorhf St.tAn
bal a ea rd run ke a se cently was given here today by Josephire s Episcopal church mread the kept going, I guess, at least
from crosing the pan. Liverance A. Mills, president of the 1921 Fresh-i scripture lesso6n and led in prayer. when the debris of the oFrd
settled down for a moment and whif- mail class at Northwestern who is had been cleared awayim
| Robert E. Adams,, Jr., 23, president of°: d nY erd w ymy

fed Schaloupke but Marshall stepped held by police pending tie arrival of the Student Christian association, - was gone. If it runs by
tn the nlate and cnnht one for a Illinois officials. tS udt rsi asiirwTch was gon Ih it runs by

Many trials and many tortures
P1irst must show their strength and
Ere the red man bids them wel-
Ere he calls each pale face "Indian"
Ere the peace pipe smoke goes sky-

, i


Appointments to the staffs of all of
the campus publications for the com-
ing year were made at the publica-
tions banquet held last night at the
Union. The managing editors and

business managers of the publica--

tions made the appointments withoutI
fl ii rr~the customary speeches that have
LB~ ~~ TO marked the appointments in succeed-
U NvEIIOingear s o
I3IH Howard Donahue, '24, managing ed-
itor of The Daily, made the follow-
INIing appointments for the 1923 staff
of that publication: Mlian E. Mack,'
sh '24, news editor; Harry D. Hoey, '24,
Sophomores, Freshlmen to be Weigh- city editor; Ralph N. Byers, '24, sports
ed From 3 to a 0'clock in editor; Winona Hibbard, '24, we-
Gyninasium men's editor; F. L. Tilden, '24, Sun-
PEPf 'ETNday Magazine editor; Samuel Moore
T MOETRN ANID THURSDAY) Jr., '25, humor editor; Robert Tarr,
'24, telegraph editor; and Ruth A.
S: . ,Howell, '24, music critic. The night
"Weighing in" for the tug-of-war editors appointed were: Edgar Ailes,
Friday will continue for both sopho '25, Ray Billington '25H Harry C
mores and freshmen from 3 to 5 o'- Clark, '24, B . on a'5, , T. E.
clock today in Dr. May's office of the Fiske, '25, John Garlinghouse, '25, and
gymnasium. Due to the fact that the Philip Wagner, '25. The chairman of
sophomore weighs were taken yester-;the.editorial board, the members of
day at the same time the Iowa game that board and the assistant city edi-
was going on, the sophomores willd beo andtedasistatedte
be allowed the opportunity of being t for will be appointed at a later date.
weighed again today. Daily Business Appoints
There will be three teams of 50 men Appointments to the business staff
each chosen for both classes so that I of The Daily were announced by Laur-
it is imperative that all underclassmen ence Favrot, '24, business nianager.
desiring to compete report at the gym- Those appointed to the staff were W
nasium today. In the lightweight team ;K. Scherer, '24, foreign advertising;
men weighing less than 135 pounds . E. Dunne, '25, copy chaser; P. M.
will be picked, in the middleweight Hayden, '25, copy writing; C. A. Chris-'
those tipping the scales between 135 tie, accounts; Lawrence Pierce, '25,
and 160 pounds, and in the heavy- publication, W. D. Roesser, '25, con-
weight underclassmen weighing over tracts; and John Haskmns, '25, circula-
t ion.
160 pounds. Those men chosen to
pull on the teams will be picked to- Frederick Gilner, '24, announced the
night by the Student council commit- editorial staff of the Michiganensian
tee in charge, and their names will be as follows: Milton Green, '25, senior
published in tomorrow's issue of The editor, William Etheridge, '25, feat-
Daily. ure editor; Ritter Levinson, '25, assis-
Soplh Meeting Tomorrowjtant feature editor; Edward -Thomp- I
Sophomores will hold a pep meet- son, '25, fraternity. editor; David
tug to elect a captain for the games Bramble, '25, athletic editor; Ira Den-
at 7:15 o'clock tomorrow night in the man, '25, organization editor; Milton
Natural Science auditorium. At this Peterson, '25, music-drama editor; and
time the rules for the contests as Neil Barber, '25E, classes editor. The,
drawn up by the underclass rules advisory committee of the Michigan-I
committee will be explained to the (Continued on Page Two)
class by various members of the Stu-
dent council and class officers.m
The freshman pep meeting will be 0
held at 7:15 o'clock Thursday night TR CKiPEPlMEET
in Newberry hall auditorium for tme
same purpose Those men who have
been chosen to pull in the tugs-of-war
will be given identification cardu at1
this time and they will be the only_
ones allowed to enter the games Fri- First Assembly of Kind Will honor
day. This will also be done at the Farrell's "Wonder
sophomore pep meeting the night be- Team" "

Reminiscences of early days of stu
dent publications on the campus were
recalled by Regent-elect Ralph Stone
of Detroit in his lecture before more
than. 300 staff members of present
publications at the annual publica-
tions banquet held last night in the
assembly hall of thne union. Regent.
Stone, who served as one of the first
managing editors of The Daily, and
who was one of the organizers of that
publication, delved into history for a
number of facts that showed how
publications and journalism has de-
veloped at the University and thai
touched on the experiences that have
marked the editors paths from then
to the present day.
The formation and history of The
Daily furnished the main theme of
the Regents talk. He described how
he became anxious to foster the ath-
letic spirit of the University which
was then in its infant stage, and how
his goal for his task caused him to
direct a communication to the newly
organized Daily.. The effect of the
communication as being instrumental
in placing him on the staff of The
Daily and the resultant opportunities
in the field that were in this manner
opened to him were touched upon
by the Regent.
)escribes Daily Growth
The growth of The Daily from the
rivalry of fraternity men and inde-
pendents, the organization that mark-
ed its infant stages, the .work and dif-
ficulties that crowded the path of
the struggling editors of the time,
were described in detail by Regent
Stone. He told of some of the earl-
ier issues that were published during
his period as editor, saying that the
second edition carried an account o
the running of the first electric car
in Ann Arbor.
Regent Stone recalled an article
published in The Daily of his time
telling of the running expenses of the
University which then totaled $245,-
000 a year and compared them with
the millions now spent annually.
Tclls of Banquet
The first Daily banquet, an affair
held in the Occidental Hotel of Ypsi-
lanti, furnished the theme of a furth-
er phase of the Regents lecture. He
told of the speakers at the banquet,
of how Prof. F. N. Scott was toast-
muaster then as he is now, and the
various toasts that were given at the
time. His actual experiences as man-
aging editor together with the most
important news that greeted him on
his ascension to the position, that of
the fact that students were accused
of using curling irons to curl their
bangs, furnished an amusing side-
light on the former situations of the
Suggests Publicity
Regent Stone closed his lecture

As in previous years the sophomores

Y: AIVTvmd'V ' N r ftt c,-m'N', A

will pull.first trom the east side ofJI1LU.'114, SPE? V K with a suggestion, one thathe u
the Huron and then the classes will 1 I the students to follow, and one
exchange sides and in the other two I Coach Farrell's "Wonder Track he deemd extremely necessary.
pulls the freshmen will occupy the Team" will be given a monstrous pep said that he wanted to know v
east bank of the river. As officials meeting Friday night in Hill audi- publications were now on the car
for the games, there will be mem- torium on the eve of the meet with a short time ago, and he looked
hers of four honorary societies, Illinois. This is the plan of a com- the University catalogue to find
Sphinx, Triganles, -Vulcans and mittee which is working out details Ile could find nothing, either I
Druids, stationed at each side to aid for the affair. or in the President's report. '
(Continued on'Page Two) The meet Saturday, it is thought, he pointed out, there was no ac
will be close and it is only by the Imention of student publication
j r lisupport of the entire student body either of the official publication
oirniirv that the Varsity will win. The track the University. The suggestion a
meeting Friday night will be the first cated, then, was that the catalogue
of its kind ever held, coming at the provided with a section devoted
WIL BEINIOM DDW atd a oe o te b i th;otseieresmaydurnhfor
time when Michigan's track team is tese interestsurand to hin
rated as one of the best in the coup- rn h msyief
l tr in hisfield.
The first round of Mimes vau-try. nProf.F. N. Scott of the depart:
vie tournament will be held toor- Prof. Roberty' M. Wenley, of the of rhetoric acted as toastmaster
row evening at the Mimes theater. plilosophy department , Carl John- I troducing Regent Stone and the n
The show wil be repeated Thursday son, '20, Fred Lawton, '04, Coach Steve aging editors and business mana
evening, and following this second Farrell and Coach Fielding H. Yost of the various publications who
performance the winner of the tour- will all talk at the meeting. The nounced their appointments. Al
ney will be decided by the largest Varsity *band will be present to play during the evening was rendere
number of yotes cast for him. throughout the affair. Lawrence W. the saxophone sextette from
The majority of the teams who will Snell, '23, will be master of ceremon- Varsity band.
compete in the contest tried out last ies.
night. Those who did not try out i The committee plans to have the Wenlcy to Talk apt House Seice
at this time will do so at 2 o'clock I meeting as a part of the Fathers' and Prof. Robert M. Wenley, of the
tomorrow afternoon in room 302 of Sons' day and invites all visiting fath- osophy department, will deliver
the Union. ers to attend. The Student council commencement address of the I
To the winner of the contest will will help to supervise the affair. Military academy this June. Pr
go a large silver loving cup which sor Wenley, one of the most dis
is now on display at the Union. The Players' Club Will Meet Today uished educators of the United SI
winner may have either his name or Players' club will hold a business represented the schools of this (
the name of his fraternity, if he is meeting at 4 o'clock today in room C try at a banquet recently give

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