THE MICHIGAN DAILY rells Of Bad Library Iitions I( South America Belmont Parker, publica- er of the.l:If panic wofiety who recently spoke at theI on the subject of "Southj Abraries," told many inter- s that exist between the raries of Qur country in compari- n to those of South America. 'They are in a pitiful state of ne- ct," Mr. Parker declared, "and cor- tive remedies can only be made r a long period of time. The majority of people do not give cli consideration to the material ue of a library and its great aid progressing education. South Am- can libraries are in their pitiful dition largely because of the na- nal spirit of the people, which is note-worthy and is made so due the extreme climatic conditions of 4 a a f . E !4 Unvrity L:brary, be advised them to e careful in ChooIing th groper son to go to South America fall and spring being the be"t seao < accr(1- ing to Mr. Parker "I hone tlat in speaking to you I have not removed the glamour and the romance of these Spanish American countries. There are plenty of opportunities to search among those million books and who can tell, perhaps you willfind ro- mance among those tinkling fontains and numerous patios.'" Will Appear At Arcade This Week Hundreds Of Radio Receiving Sets} Link Ann Arbor With Far Cities The e are more than 1,000 ralio the popular type seems to be the one receiving sets in Ann Arbor. A can- bulb regenerative set. The outdoor vass by The Daily revealed, among aerials seen by The Daily reporter, other startling facts, that a large part varied in length from 15 feet to a } *of these are concentrated in the north- 100 foot five-wire length. In addi- west section of the town. Along sev- tion to the many comimercial broad- eral streets of this neighborhood one casting stations, practically every cannot look to left or right without large university in the countrybroad- - aseeing several long strands of cop- casts news bulletins as well as the re- per wire stretching between the roof silts of games played there. of some house and another prominent point. One aerial was seen uniquely suspended between two birdhouses on 'r -necrs Receive Two New Notors, the tops of 30 foot poles. Two motors have .been received by 'YFIndoor aerials are not uncommon, the department of electrical engineer- it was discoVered. The commonest ing from the Detcoit Edison company type is the screen window with an These motors are to be used in con- ordinary bedspring running clse s nection with the research being done nd. One student' has a wire running by this department in an effort to Ir SENIORS! Now is the time to place your order for CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED OR PiRINTED We can also fufnish you with ANNOUNCEMENTS EITHER ENGRAVED 112 S. MAIN ST. OR PRINThD PHONE 1404 I IUNY SiCE S 1 o ANN AR~hb CHflHL South America. Nevertheless, per-! fected means of education when sys- tematically managed have their right- ly deserved place in the advancement) of a country's people, and to such a means we must give large credit to theC libraries. If more enterprising peo- ple would take up the project of per-I fecting the degenerated system of li- braries, the betterment of the people would be more advanced. Travels in South America Mr. Parker has been traveling through South America, stopping at most of the larger cities. He was first sent to South America in 1918 by the Hispanic Society of America, which authorized him to compile a series of handbooks on the various South Am-, erican republics. To this project is due the larger amount of his knowl- edge concerning South American li- braries. Libraries are situated at many of the South American univer- sities and colleges. Students there, are at the disadvantage of not being able to find the book offhand that they wish to use for reference work, nor are many of the books in a read- able condition when they are finally' discovered. While speaking of old manuscripts' and ancient books with great attached value, Mr. Parker declared "there are not very valuable books in the li-] braries of South America, at least I haven't' been able to find any. The libraries have been pretty well comb- ed by American librarians. Yet there are still possibilities of finding treas-a ures. I am sure, however, that they' will not be found in any of the public' libraries. I happened to be looking through some books in Lima, when II did run across a valuable book whicht I found lodged behind a seldom used shelf of books, but the value of this book was lost beyond recovery. Its1 pages and binding had been destroyed¢ by insects. Neglect was the entire. blame for this loss." "There are approximately 1,000,0001 books in all the libraries of South Am- erica," Mr. Parker estimated," as coin- pared to 50 times that amount in the< United States alone."1 Southi Americans Read Few Rooks1 "People do not often read books in South America, and if they did care to read, it would perhaps, take hours be fore they could find a book suitablet to their fancies; for there Is no sys- tem of cataloguing the books there as done here at your Michigan library.,, Later when Mr. Parker was speak- ing to a group of librarians from thel [ (Continued from Page Nine) ''around his roon just behind the pie- English and one in German. The ?1ture moulding. He hears 'Detroit every' English sermon will be given at 10:00: night. o'clock, followed by the German at 11 S' 1 l"After many student enthusiasts had o'clock. Sunday school will meet at 9 been questioned it was found that 106 o'clock. ; rs" this rk at the Ar. different stations had been heard. cade th.tC A.r. Three of these, especially remarkable "A Wonderful Prayer"i at the St. because of their distance were: Schen- Paul's Lutheran chrc at 9:30 a t Farland will lead the Wesleyan Guild ectady, N. Y., Fort Worth, Texas, and 10:30 o'clock, the formper in German Devotional meeting at 6:30 o'clock. Los Angeles, Calif. The three stations and the latter in English. Bible school At the morning service of the First most popular with the owners of radio will meet at 9:30 o'clock. An Presbyterian church, Rev. L. A. Bar- sets in Ann Arbor are: KYW, the ning sermon will be delivered at 7: 0 rett will speak on "Destroyer of Life." Westinghouse Electric company, o'clock, the subject of which will , , Student classes under the direction of broadcasting among -other things Is- "The Mediator at the Right ad o. D. iHenderson and Dr. J. E. ham Jones and his orchestra from the E God." irkpatrick will meet at 12 o'clock. College Inn, Chicago; WWJ, the De- "Settled Problems" will be the ser- The student's social hour, as usual, troit News; and W CX, the Detroit mon topic at the Church of Christ will be at 5:30 o'clock, followed by Free Press. The' programs broadcast- morning service, at 10:30 o'clock this the young peoples' meeting at 6:30 ed by the Ann Arbor Times News are morning. Bible school. will meet at o'clock The topic for discussion will also listened to by many students. 9:30 o'clock, followed by student be "Why I Believe in the Bible," and While there are a number of highly' classes in Lane hail rearling room. At will be led by Geraldine McHenry, successful crystal sets in Ann Arbor, 6:30 o'clock, the Christian Endeavor -.. will meet. The Men's Service club Ruin _ 'WUSic at St. Andrew's sian men's chorus of Detroit will sing will meet at noon, Holy Communion will be at 8 and Russian ecclesiastical music at the 5 Baptist 10 o'clock this morning, at the St. o'clock Vesper service at the church, Rev. R. Edward Sayles will preach Andrew's church A sermon will be and will present a program of Rus-' on "Life's Upper Room" at 10::,) delivered by the rector on "An Essen- sian folk songs' at the students' sup- o'clock at the First Baptist church til Truth of Christianity." The Rus- - per in Harris hall at 6 o'clock. this morning. The Student bible clas- will meet at 12 o'clock at the Gu'1:1 i31 ml'at o house, under the leadership of MrI. Chapman. From 6 to 7 o'clock, wili TON!G.HT "Spfr ard unainr be the Student Friendship hour. R PIES: freshments will be served. The de and Eves. 50c to $2.00 votional meeting of students will be It11f WE1i; Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.00 held at 6:30 o'clock. Sat. Mat. 50c to $1.50 "Saul's Suicide-A Warning Ag:inst ITA AIN ATI EE WE NES AYW $1 Jealousy" will be the topic of the eve- "___ ning sermon, ,to be delivered by Rev.°: Sayles. On Wednesday evening, May = The Seiwyns Present 9, ReV. Joseph Taylor, D.D. of the! Fm West China Mission, will give an ad The World's Foremost Stellar dress inp the church parlors. Rev. Taylor is a great speaker with a story C ma- of real achievement. aVOTte Of Comedy andono At the First Methodist church, Rev. A. W. Stalker will speak on "The Closed Mind," at 10:30 o'clock. Spe- cial music for the service will be: "Prelude in D" (King-Eddy), irs. Rhead; "Andante" (La'), Miss Stru ble; "Sanctus" (Gounod), the chorus choir; "Hither come ye heavy heart- ed" (Chadwinck) the chorus choir; D S ThE SIPERLATIVE SUCCESS OF I;lS ILLUSTRIOUS CAREER "Tomorrow comes the Song" (Am- brose), Mr. Dewey; March (Gigout), Mrs. Miead. Will Give Sind Bible classes will meet at Wesley £ F dyW h " hall at 10 o'clock. A hospital sing Fo A ,k ' under the auspices of the Social Scr- ,voice department of the Wesleyan guild =An ri miaiitic Comedy Festoonied With A Varland of will be given at 2:30 o'clock. As usual olde Olcott Ballad Wesley hall will have open house, be- ginning at 5:30 o'cock. Mr. Ross Mac-.1 There are three very good reasons for buying- here: develop a single phase motor which l can be adapted to the running of ele- vators. The Detroit Edison has do- nated a $10,000 fund for'e-perimenta- tion and research purposes in this field.' TH-E MAYER - SCHAIRER COMPANY Slalioners, Printcrs, Binders and Engravers Read The Daily "Classified" Columns -- . ..V_. ._._____. .n..____- j ! ! I 4 in.,1 1 i3 >;-Iv K rs