I' e . WAGNER The rocent archaeological discov- (Continued from Page Seven) cries in Egypt are responsible for an :s will want to quarrel w.ith gsonre ls things I have already said, but increased interest in Egyptian history, le a stand against the aged com- and Charles Scribner's Sons have tators and technique-quibblers found it necessary to bring out an- have kept Wagner operas away other large printing of Professor i those for whom they were in- James Henry Breasted's "A History of ed-the lay public. Literary crit- Egypt", a standard work now in its matched Browning from the pub- ninth printing. The author is Pro- y saying he was a metaphysician, fessor of Egyptology and Oriental music critics have done the same History in the University of Chicago. Wagner by calling him a mathe- Marrot has recently come here from' cian. While both of these state- England to gather the necessary in- ts may have a little truth, I think formation about Galsworthy's Amen- bigger truth is that these nmen are can editions. The English novelist Aly what they pretended to be-' and dramatist has now reached the vning a poet, and Wagner, a com- r, both aiming to please the pub- I stage of'literary eminence when early I am interested in giving Wagner copies of his books and his "fugitive" to the public. .-writings have a considerable value, fugitive. The demand for Galsworthy first editions began some years ago in this country and :s rapidly grow- ;ng, although it still is more intense! in England.j Katharine Fullerton Gerould in- |scribes her new story, "Conquistador", published by Scribner on April 6th,j to "the gentleman who unwitti-t-g- ly but graciously sat for a portrait which none will recognize". "Con- quistador", a short novel, is the story of a man whose father was an Ameri- can and whose mother was of an old Spanish family in Mexico. The op- Iposing racial -traits within him come' Carl Sandburg and his poetry will be the subject for an article appear- ing in The Sunday Magazine soon. This is a vigorous, intimnte defence of the poet of Chicago who has discovered beauty in the roar and smoke of the city. In E. Faber's "The Mind of Mencius" I ran -across this stanza: tj- ----T., .' tl SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIG AN, SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1923 _. _, .. : . _ . . "Men are many, - people say, Yet among the many, pray, Are there many men? Listen to me then, Be a man thyself, 0 man! Make- as many as you can." ji0ngoistic Tendencies in Literature simply because they are early and eito sharp conflict. l1w - - "-, , -- -m" . aft I b° .. a_ O t - gp 9 i p + N, . T'SLL -DNow that old kng Tut has be are a ain fascinated by the lore of o The Egyptians left behind ther their mode and manner of living t Without these pictures, history wo which has made it such a fascinating Once again we are impressed w truth of the slogan: "YOUR STORY IN PICTI NOTHING UNT Today business men realize mo' ance of' ellin , their sales story t pictures. Aos Parrish, one of the reat tising says, "An ideal advertisemen thing picturable, pictured. This kii saves space - saves readers titme - sel Upon your choice of illustration cess of your whole campaign. The Crescent Engraving, Compar pictures that have a selling punch. E specialist in his particular line of wc- sured that your order will be placed from start to finish. Wm en brouph ld Egypt. ,m a pictur thousandsc ould lose tl g study. ith the imp URE LEA FOLD" re and mor :hrou h th( est authox t 1 is, one tht nd of an a as may dep nty specializ ach Cresc Ar and yo YU [in the han t to 1i ht we, ed record of A years ago. he exactness portance and VES e the import- e mediumn o ies on adver-. at has every- dvertisetnent )end the suc- 1es in making mnt artist is -a i can rest as- ds of experts ADemand for Di Richard' LeGallienne, in a recent CARL GEHRING eminent biologists who tell i critical, essay on the biblical re- rpdto httecemo searches of one Dr. Jastrow, cries out trepidation that the creamof 4 in dispair, "The fetish of democracy ilizatioh is dying off. It app is obviously absurd." Without at- - The birth control so ferventl tempting to enter the controversy be- cated to stem the time of m tween Mr. LeGallienne and the learned propogation is howled down by doctor, I nevertheless find myself ant and stupid law-makers as strongly in sympathy with the state- fangied fad. "Aimless over ment made by the former. The the- weion," as Theodore Dreiser put logical discussion indicated was well, enses unmitigated ao brought about by Dr. Jastrow's claim- _ yokels, while the truly eli ing that the. Songs of Solomon were and cultured individuals find t without doubt the result of folk-lore, ing of children inexpedient. the compilation of which produced j Under all of these conditions that splendid poem, the apex of cul- tic standards cease to be tural beauty and refinement. This standards any longer. It is th LeGailienne severely challenged. Ac- troducing the vulgar, the sla cording to the latter, as the works profanity into serious writing T of Burns, Browning and others must isharply command, "Stand on yc be the result of centuries of perfec- nity, Sir! I should hope to tion in our civilization, so could a at least a rude sense of thei lofty word like the Songs of Solomon importance as writers, even in bear no direct relationship to yok- of standards rough-shod, if sta ell of that day and age. Rather by at all. Patterned after the I the very process of civilization, the tendencies as so much current work could hardly have any a'uthor- tre is, I might suggest that ship other than that of some great in his hardest and gost extrei mind or group of minds perhaps, of meat is never caught' off his the Semitic people. That is an element of greatness Now we of this country are the per- dcur and nobility, self-restra feet example of the .rising tide of -dem-true feeling, that really identifi ocracy. We love our millionaire and er. He is the typical big man, place him upon a pedestal, yet aristoc- ossus, addressing us in dy racy as such is completely discounted. -terms and he commands our Then I 'would like to ask why it i tion f-andhirespersonality. that so many of our leading minds-- those- that are left, and the ever de-;- Cleverness, a play of words creasing number of young thinkers- - ingy arranged with no definit are beginning-to recognize with hor- iind, is another phase of n ror the results of democracy, democ- writing. To persons depending racy the great leveller! In answer to ; on their wits I should like tc this we might well remain within the tion and respect by the very realm of modern literature properr. - 1you have, then say it, but do to observe these reasons and the e f-sit around spinning words." fects they administer. Literature is l tendency, I think is to be found moreover the most practical of the lgy in .book reviewing, the idea arts for this purpose. The writtengotten out that these review word and sentence are easily under- for themselves alone, and no stood by the masses, whereas the other I survey of a given work. The i arts, by the abstract quality of their THE LITERARY BOLSHEVIK tution of cleverness for true sub inception, require keener minds to a bluff at artistic merit where draw similar conclusions, reek by reason of the foul shoals ly- reason of the demoralizing influence comparisons are being made, i The answer to the question is self- ing near and all about them, democracy is exercising on literature, appalling. Under no considerati evident. The very structure of pres- Apropos of what is being offered by I find myself in accord with certain such vapid stuff endure. Tho ent-day society places a college edu-' -read it are charmed mome cation within the reach of every one, 1 nothing more. The -creators 4 and the result is inevitable. The aver- trash might just as well try the age must needs come down., Pople DA, 'Y at poetry, and Introduce a k who ordinarily would never thiRk-aofionq I tats luid verbal . jangle-into a wo writing suddenly have a con- ready too full of tinsel. sciousness of enlightenment, visions--To such shallow, garrulous a of greatness trouble their simple souds { - sire prons,'havig littlVe and with their many Earekas, artistic - JACK BERKMAN rbese a smattering of philiosop standards heretofore high must re- j clogy nodoubt, and a -bare vamp themselves to meet the new de-- Each country has its great men with own course 'freely; -other peoples lim- edge that art exits, good tas mald. It is a simple bit of economics, causes salient in relief and easily per- ited or directed his migration with a working background complete anid quite as, scientific as modern r.- ccptib'e which interpret the outbring- racial and religious hatred. His child counted, I would like to reco qirementsing of talents. Take ex pes. g- a eading of the works of Jai conditions it is a case of bad taste, ind has her writers, those of the los born in"a atmosphere of de-,Huneker. - He, so lately deceas foul judgment, that which had been ,'lizabethean age inu-enced -by high: resson and died in the same situa left a veritable encyclopedia 1.l etza eaa> be iiiue d _by' hghtio. HIis life was- but a long series e considered as slough in the literature ideals and discoveries of the day, tho o miserab torturing events. Cain formation couched in the very oaf our golden age, now brought :all og l 'srinaou yTeon erabone,-theorigentt teJewof modern language, popular y 'to the fore.Mediocrity is having her darkness of the period; and her list became melnholy that through the cellent.Meern gt genter da;lngmysh.ae of great statesmen comting to the front-cusofaethrgew itnhm i not one, of those single track i Thus We can easily see what a fund when the threatening storms thofana deep, inner sadness?regrewswits well 'groundedn e r of eanngtha sort qotaio ofMr - ihlatonby thier countries or' in- "Te Jews of today- have inherited the arts,'but qluite vacuous as teG enne tmbodi iewi hen tnal troublthad tnbesaertdthis melancholy disposition of their rest.artunke knewa his fie to a broad topic likedemoracy. He France has her heroes of- the revolu- ancestors, along with a doninating start to finish, and his comp used it -with great -effect' in bringing tion that' she might' rear rher head love for' music. Would such charac- -are rich in imagination and inv out the weakness of' Dr. Jastrow's The' -Hebrew tribes were once shep teristics imbue -them with a liking for He had that rare gift of infusi dhain of -reasoning, and it also applies herd people, tending their flocks as the frivolous song, pronouncing sheer own deep. personality into his here with undoubted power. Imagine they wandered over-the land given- by gladness, or with a disposition which and all along we are conscious the less educated and uncultured re- Go'd to their patriarchs. And as ", . Weeps to hide its laughter poetic presence, of his guiding placing the refined, and we take cog- through aimless days they pererrated and laughs to hide its tears?"' 'Indeed deftly pointing out bits of lig: nizance of conditions wherein 'the real on, these God-fearing people developed the latter. shade more or less obscure literary artist must either swim with poetry and song and became the com- T search for the musical instru- layman. 'But read his reviews the current or be dragged under. What posers of magnificent airs directed to ment that both consoles and makes Utc', Dostoevsky and Artsybasi results is a few outstanding figures in their divinity. David, the greatest of one feel that mystic, deeper side of learn how to size up an author the world of letters- today? Not one these -poets -was but one of many. life-the cruelties, fears, joys, sor- read his treatise on the Pars of them would discount what a great Then came the destruction of their rows, tortures, and troubles which Wagner to note an excellent ap past of progression has helped him to own country. The Hebrew spread they have passed through in their life-. of opera! His discussions of t become, and even these modern giants e - t .W t itl i-d not set his (Continued on Page Five) ont-ued on Page Seven i 4Yese$CCUI f ave U111atio -AL