11 . ttl I Sectio n Two' ' VOL. XXXI IT. No. 157 ANN ARB3OR, MICIGAN, SUNDAY, MIAY f, 1923 PR~ICE FIVE flIV Th COURTS OF WORLD 091 T6 ' CAN'T ESTABLISH1 T1110 A ".0tllA cW £ A /t Program Of Spring Evets7 SMING-DUT FIGHT SESO )Epirr, iyWAER!THURSDAY WI LL B Y..... nnEiaIrnnAYSrPTAGE MAY 7 MAY.!lTl r nn;rrnVWa TIo )rtehH OUSE , "He, Jim, anna go swim-n VNRVN "Hey,: Game Wisonsin Tenns 1'L1(latchA oel fehmn wt 31Y2 ot rlacse eo ecut-MAY 10 , ance, so accostedserl of j "Al'SetinsofCan y orfr~lteIllinois Thasbal ({Gae ;Cuncl Oppsed~ to I reliiai Conlilt; his classmates, until he happen- S . . A etosoCotr otiteSeving Out Priiat n nui!MY26 \Niht Beor'e'ed to find one with identical in- T Ceri ratinI Cnuu(aregie l'niis Mtch Crmn ~iain.,imdaeyte CeeFainh IA Western Normal TBaseball Game (r~tOt lntos Imdaeyte xi ,t V 1---- I started towa d4 Mainstreet, and 0 COMM3I~TTEE PLANS PROGRAM FkFsa thers" Dfay MAY :8 SUPPORT OWFRA13T4ENI ITIES from there struck north. AP TC( 710GRE.. 1' G'"":TSTug fWar WANTEI)F TO STOL CO{N(3TLST4 I it is reported that there hiss RI Arch~J.MNYGIE 'S . .Tiect's Binsoa fIli ath_____lbeen swimming in several places Fathers fromrchitectios'fh MAlY JUNE_ 1 Freshman Swing-out fights which; since Monday. One of the Hats- Univers coutrywil beinAnnArbr tist fr3 reports that the water i will take sounty;wil°besi3A:n;rbor his Faters' Da' Conferece Trac~(k Meet avo -een held the last few years n "retty warm" to a d~nth of two 1:ta 40 wekedt atcpt n"ahr'~~'KSpring Games~ JUNE 2Y the campus are to be abolished at the ora three feet, but below that he 1i, Michigan DywhcwilbceertdoFi-' " IllinoisrrakMetonrec Track fleet !University beginning this year. This Is.ys it is "kicnda cold." hr n day and Saturday under the direction y *s' actioneentakenck the Couirdn-in f the (Union. An elaborate program ~A hcg oiMthws y Suet______-- - ---26mie ha ben>rne yteUincn-Sno 'a ci after the fight of last year which Hier. A7 }ittoe lln charge of all arrangemntsPlay JU.NE l1 caused considerable damage to Uni-MA YODcOBaO~mpus c to ent'ertain the parents during their MAY H Unversity of Washington Bie esiypopryan uc nur ot e camp vist ere0t. S. U. Golf MaIstli ball Game sudets OPEN TO STUDENTS'I retion o Mept rmSaerlisadi-Say Festival Crass~ Day Exercises lb is felt by the Council that such ar lal superv Rert Cm rtriie n n fight has been carried on during the; Employment in Ann Arbor is unissx-Vrsit dependents on'the campus indicate '." M AY 17;latfwerhnfaeniyrst-"She that there will be more than 400fath- .®" __ I .. aMay Festival JUE1matfwyas hn rtriyfeh A h heetotkela i:th ner-> A len have contested each othier to uhang ;wally plentiful for students, at the LUiversit e?"'s eet aepr nteet MAY Clas ay Exercises and (:lass IStheir respective frate nity swrings present time, acoring to Mris. ay ieing ma tainment which will be given on Fri- Reunions Interschltictl Tack fleet Invriy Ruin among the campus trees, is not only L. Stewart, head f the University Em-1100 more day and -Saturday. It is estimated r University Tiseall(ofieWashington Bsbl nesota Basbl ae(the cause of a good deal of property pomntbra.;h ninse were att that the largest number ever attend- Ga'mCe)ploytmestnctinubteitis.nnTcesayuriinifsrhehe ing a banquet at the 'Union will be Senior Bal of life and entirely out of place with buildings are offering such opportun- . peetSaturday night. Including the Jenah Fazel, "nise wrtanof eria, UE1 the senior ceremony the next clay. tista1i sdffcl o et denscarge o Lahres nd osI soalht MAY 19 Baccalaurate Sunday At the resent time much agitation1 to do the odd job such as cutting da. th 1athers andl eoreIthi pa ble00 tat "ual ecesalhv iMfu Ly sivlhas been arousedI in the country by the grassanwshgwid s.IreEw thrwihmoenta 80Ina-Dati bine eart s oft he ipe opl, I ~ia Fstivracl : tJUNE18raszi 'thIahn wnos tthhers ti tenance. kae i rtrcwatCTaketJ?.i 4 hzng and lss of lie of college stu- i Thre ae more than 100 jobs on file iiHoeghw'2 says Jenab Faze, lBohai ,age, in Chb innesota Baisebn all Gae Commencement dtents hrotiggh molb fights. fne con-t' in the office of the University Lm-1Tcesfrtebnutwihwl iam We, Ticke for thbnqetwhchwilsago tole attend the Bol wraasrls convention cl believesi that with the underclass ployment bureau for which men can rde'5 selfr$.5will be on sale from 2 He declarestawlcurs willrig,5 to; 5 o'clock Tuesday, Wednesday and never he able to establish peace nailresaIyYe' N t. m games every fal and spring, in which,=not be' found. Approximately 85 per-, "Tables Thursday afternoons'In the lobby of 1 IIl J } I Dr~ iO& Lue y the fighting is surpervised, the Swing- cent of these are obs that will re-' ferent ph theME SUin ikt wl di h VIILL To Lackflf A ethod out fight is entirely unnecessary. quire only a few hours to a day to students th no.Tceswl dmtte{ 'L c athers to the Ilinois-Micigan track IILIPi D [CO ~nri~llEfU iii __ Figl tn~g Not a Tradhionf complete. The remainder are for stu-'the camp Meet, the banquet, and the Mimes e-en IIJ l 1 I fIUL tdlJiJ I:W UIIVRLJJUI U11oe]aiursennhetechngpr-slhitngffirisnooa worklshd fensrisintthwekforteibbara cocdT, ,.4oe aiurs noretecroom.- ls te 1firisno a e4alihe tertainment. Students, however, must ' - 1~ custom as sonic believe. It started "}_r_______1and4_ have their thletic coupon books for I '11IIIIL I1IU'Icession are due to lack of knowledge five years ago when several freshmen ;-- field said. th rakmet UI lUUI I., CUNIL Clements lnhrax~Will he formally- than to methods used," said Prof. John: rmoefaeriyatmtdtohn'!in m rni itrni ToSeTu-fWa pne uo ( he h (eiatr .Scholl, of the German department, ,a swing in one of the campus trees. LRICU RL LLbVLpr '2esentb atdfeettmsoYrdyadi on the executive council of the Amert- I son, director since 1905 of the depart.I high schools n theo nversity's r-baddw n u hi w e ~ ii~rin~ 9l:i ury adiintoterprvlg o ii ing a oit y of International Law, ac- erred list. spectlv'o swings upg, and so the fight M ~;ILILuit U urrcavss cassothstw daswlwi-cording to Prof. Jesse Z. Reeves, of0n1fhitrclrserho h The statement expresses an opinion 'began.hl the political science department, h, Carnegie nstitute at \Vashainto. This I(whchiismajo ness the tu-of -war, the first tontest rtredtpnAbr usayatrhiaewihcsbthAuniDyanirstin strking' contrast to thre 1Last year the fight reached ma I EAN WEST OF PR INCET1ON WFIL oftheSriganerne'iya ter edtw n o Tuesdafterydte, lst (layisohlumeerisesybnforesmetossystem in which pedagogic zProprtions, tearing up the grass SPEAKTO;1)L ;ES I Chiefly b dlvrnarbentr essed"The sub- front o the library, harming the trees,J~ 4 alumni,o noon. That evening they -will dine Jatolgeafahngo.NAtteCmeneetF 30nak le~.('nrb~ atr arosfaent an borigecntlegetg higtof t the mrcnsceyopletineo ntwhat marlbeenp oinedjet matter should dictate what sys-! and breaking ;several University ld-c~ntIbt teet>ieigo h mrcnscet lto fwa a enpoon ern is to be used," he said. des aqug wth the dragging ut f the }1?m a houses' and will then attend the track of international law which he also at- by many as one of, the finest libraries 1 rfso col osntblee fire-hose front the janitor's shred. AsR Through the courtesy, of the Uni- be maie rally Whicht will be held° in Hill audi- tne hl nWsigoProles- ins its field in the country. tatanoo sstmrilfakeusfrsor r StchoSudntConcl ecdoesesiythnAerca lasiellegueveal torium. At thi tme the fathers will sor Reeves said that, Prof. Edwin' ID. The new building will house the va- "ta h farsol erhbtdi wl alG hae n pprtniy o eehw pe" icinon o te av chol ad en ,malecllctonofAmrianloat- dslckof knowledge. I found that ia'teafarou( rhbien lholdits annual conference in Ann: a Pul G all failures were (ue to ignrance o f tue Arbor June 28, 29,and 30, according Imatoot tls imbtfed in the students previous to ton Reuben McC eery, '88, were; 1oam L.toCtemienst ay iy.e theteujetmalr- ashLettee t fiter reto be setot othiwek as- By the 11 pia-MiQJiuigan' track me nelected to 'the executive counCih. liamt ed.toCtemUnivesitoy eet Vi-letnter are toue snt out to theavk- po. o.Wnl, fteLine- b 1 re shortly ~he .system employed in American- rte.ThLauewsfaedIlio m Saturday, The speakers at the.rally Professor Reeves was elected to the books wll be conveyed hereg shortlyopraewlh~h Can will be Coaches Fielding H.,Yost and executive: council last year, having Iby motor truck from Regent Clements' nvriiswsblmdfrti.Sil itha tiseyfacoopera itthoun- pve"artnent.bThe aue asnded throuugho'. "See arlPo.M eley f the been' appointed for threeears , He home. i (ents now devote less time to a. maor sollars 'are spent each s'iring- by the West of rinceton university.' Its camp lift phlspy4prtet alJhsn ,lohsbe ebrof tetor Dr. Jameson, who will deliver the su~bject and take too many minor sub- uligadgoud eateti meetings have ben, held' annually t studiy, sxw I jects, there arplearnedninadequaJlynrepairing thegrounnsaaftereth variousndinceuthndingconnectiondwthdtherNa-nthing '20, and. J. Fred Lawton, '11, of editors of the America . journal of' 'dedicatory address, is an historian of !jss hr r ere ndqaeyrpiigterud fe h aiu ic hni oncinwt h 4-tig On Saturday morning the fathers International law for the past 10 years. note, having served as president of1 and then taught inefficiently, accord- I spring fights. It is hoped that with toal Educational association The cam: il see the contests on urryField the American Historical society and ing11 to Professor Scholl. ~h lmnto fteSigotfgt Sneti erteascainwl n ra between the so~homosacyfres he Boy Scouts Plant Trees in the history departments of Johns;- much of this needless waste will be i meet the first part of July in San Fran- order toi whl nte4eno hymya-Ironwood, May 5. By A.P.-Four H'opkins, Brown and Chicago univer- ago l! /l done away with. Cisco, the officers of the league pre- 'than 400 tend the Illinois-Michigan track meet' hundred trees were planted here byI ities. In additioni he was for many, ft erred to have a separate meeting in the sum Thebaniquet will commence at 5:30 Boy Scouts during a single day re-i years managing editor of the Amie- ! Reveal teSidleesanrteiniato o'Ciclckin the: Union "imtmediately f- icently.' , can istorical Fleview. O Secrets flflhI f of the University was ifacepted to f1 IA)A ryIFOREl¢met ereof 18 m ter the close of the track meet. Or, iin Pat ll t iIII U LU me ee ifrn Biteu to S eahk r--"-lfflhit I --'T+AlA The purpose of the league, says Pro-,t Unt i The May issue of the Gargoyle prom-; { ,i fljW iflI- U1lfssor Weney, is to improve educa-, In add President Marion L. Burton, James Wy.,A n,,ie aysrrsst h tdnsISCONSU~IN I UIIWUL IILtomal work in the linguistic field and' 1+ Dufy fIpy GtyanCConrj hes of ha )i stomnyrryi es ratherunsudets e '_ Bates are °. Duffy ,of Bayi Cityyin andtheCongress-reaiseYparticularly in the ancient la'gages. ferene mean P. H. Kelly, of L ansing, will de-I of____ i_ of past and current events. History:i Dairing the period 191 122, the 'With funds supplied by the Rocke- oral mee liver speeches at the banquet. At the1 pofssr-wllbeapriedt ere in f tac i fce of the University of -fller foundation an investigation is " closesor ofllthe dinnersedtherefathers ywill.abe' clroide dnnertaneta the Anotheril e school Year is almost at a' fewv weeks remaining students should of imortant historical incidents Wisconsin has increased 50 per cent, being conducted' in schools and col- l er and ian =entertclose;t atlthgood things Hu st endl. Stu- take advantage of the sermons (Ie- which have never been heretofore ment-'while the student enrollment has in- leg es all over the United States in or- ihers and Mimes theater.Clslllvrdi.cuceheetindihitrtetbo. Te creased 86 per cent," declares Pes- der to ascertain the facts egr ing etead. ' Jon PLawtn, '4, s cht' a dens wh ar leaingregardingor oh P Lwtn,'2, s haima dnt wo relevin An rbr orlierd nguchhre.onlaroe nstoar therbooks. rThedent E. A. Birge in a recent report tol the value of linguistic study. In this' dpentand of te T omop~ mittea which has now good cannot forget the quiet peacs- ongegaIonalhargtsoyltafasuh egthei ad .t"stae gsltthicleague hs had the assistance and seko compleed all arrangements for the fulness of her avenues and the slo-' The Congregational Students' Bible 'h otntwrh hne e c-prto feprsi vr tticnetc craffir ll faente hohvio os euyo e ouead.Teeclass will meet at 9:30 o'clock fol- Ilpainstaking research that these gems Tems oeotycag, a d co-opeataitofoexperts ierstteing nnmect reported fi.Athe rnumber aeniisof fathers nx-t'canueery b er oualveird s oT lwdb h endlverelyRe.of history were at last reduced to writ- cording to'PesidentDirge, has been fand-laugreatlovvarietyt ofoetestshe isrbeinglvereSummRer l~canneverbe Ilr~or Jumpat 1034o'clock. This ig. Especially do they cmunend the !te recognition of the need for closer applied under all pssible conditions. heoW pelted at their htouses during the w eek; and few will deny that Ann Arbor ebrJmpa1030 M J p''sitnc ofheUvriysoy I connections between the university 1 This work is nearing completion and~ enW end are asked to 'do fro at once by churches contribute greatly to this Iwlbeacniuto 'department for their sympathetic and "and the people, and the provision for1II swt t idnsta h oni ilr calling Wallace Flower, tlpoeloeiesTe r ymoirft e ie r stinity."TheCreloo'consoling advice. Quite unusually tihe cnecinthog"etn oohe eaigu Te cilllisworat heA-d ec 1166. ' (beauty typical of Ann Arbor. In the gi'sieCrsint. 1l, lo University seems either directly or in- j work both in ardulture and in etheri o uctn.Th1onili oposdWbr _______________________Atonement_______versus_____Unending__ tonmenvvesu;Unndigreivatioiretlyconecedaithallaffirsofatreatons}Byfarthegreterpar .o 'Love" wll be the subject of today's;wrdwiehstr.tho remarkable growth of new ser- -- -- Baurran Says M ore College m ean - emn -upiryo h ~~ The Life of Abraham Lincoln" is ices has been in extension work:. : R u sin ro es or .., .,. ..a,~ particularly :instructive, revealing: DAfORCM Will Sponsor Cuinpns Drive DSend Youg4ters To, Fresh ;ir ('amp tBL SUPRni«VISED BYR ity students next 'Thursd~ay part 4n a drive to siend mxore poor kiddies from various cities, to the Universiy's ual Fresh Air'-camp, at a lae from Ann Arbor, next' sum- rag Day will be held on the n that date to help finance which will be under the dl- fthe S. C. A. and the person- 'ision of Lewis iReimann, 16, y football man. camp is fn anced entirely by y students, and as pas are, .d for the, accommodation of youngsters this summer than the campt last year,; we. look rty response from .the cam- gh K. Duffield, 24, who is in fTag Day plans, said yester- ter members of the conmittee frd W. Thomson, '25; Cass S. 1; Robert Hummer, '2; Wi- b,'24E, and -William Ethe- awill be located at five dif- [aces do the campus where may make 7contributions to afund between 8 and 12 '' rsday forenoon, nd :betweenk 'clock in the afternoon,"Duf- ties ,and, sororities are .at eing.Aanvassed. Max Shray- beiing in charge of all fra- olicitation and Marin=L. '24, in charge of the sorority the camp will be supported ay University students ,and hers -who care to do so may e, offcials in charge of the I. These contributions should :( to Lewis, eiman,.N, anar ,ohel, '23Eis, eneral chair- e camp committee viho will attend the camp 'aio icked by welfare soceties tt "the stag , and will be 'tpse is most needing the outdor e in which athletics, natre 'imming, dramnatics and oter ill play an iprtant part. p equipment thisi year is hc-, Ay improved and added to,in facilitate caring for the mre boys who will spend p art of ner there. embers from the facutis of high schools and collegs in d States. ition several hundred dle- eexpected to attend the con- here. There 'will be a gen- ting of the league June 30& 1n itorium to which all met- Sthose interested will e in- 1n June 28, Dean West, pres- I founder of the league, will isomne educational subject in an with the lecture of the Session. fficers of the league besides est are: vice-president, F?.. J )f the University of Chagp; ,retary-treasurer, Shirley H f Princeton university, R=equests, E Should Inter Into .t-o uucs er ry conlege, will alkat the aped iLincoln's activities i rvnigteA ~ E T E E Sl~ a n v r iyA forum at 12 o'clock oni History andI student rush atth Ford theter, and y___ Fiction in the Bible." At 6:30 o'clock his famous emancipation of land-!J Han:Henr ' 11. Crran ofNew orktauht i theNewYorkLawschool! the students at the Fireside chat will ladies.I raesi, Fusion andidate for mayor to opposed it so happened that a friend of his I discuss "Jazz, in Music and in 1Li1e." A full page of ancient coins by 1'. "Hunting Big Game in Africa," with By Jack Berkman I atf TammxanyA o all in the election of. 1921 father's was running for mayor. Hej This will be a general discussion of H'alsey Davidson explains the basis of Gun and Camera by I'i.a. Snow, ofs the1? In the last Sunday issue o the Mich insfctd who delivered twvo University lectures felt it his dtyto help him and lhe some present-(day tendencies in caum-ormntr yseadIs cid incientl Oakand useu of aturl Hitoryign ailySun arbainemthecoiap- ndthen eeasot tine :ago believes that did such good work during 'the cam- pus thinking and living. Election of, the coins bear images of well-known expedition, will be shown at the Ma- peared the article, "Brars Rils i idlmng coee amenoand women should take a paign that he became captain of his' offcers will be held at this time. local characters. ! jstic for tie entire week beginning and Strikes" Within it was contiedInulent cxoeatv neeti olitic. M. eecton stic. "The Ascended Lord" will be the Not. only is there discussion of pcast Sunday. The Snow African expedition a etr n fteeotha wsr- gkn Curran hmself had no thought of be- Not long. afterward he was nomin- subject of tie sermon at the Trinity history, but history i somewhat an- was organized by the African xpedi- ceied here from a Russian pofessor the educ, coming a poltician after leaving ated for alderman. His election as a 'Lutheran church at 10:30 o'clock this ticipated in the play by play account tion corporation of Oakland, Caiforn- Adamantios N. Damantopolos. In hs s school,' balng drawn into politics Republican in a Tammany state came morning. Bible school wil be held of the Grgoyle-Daily baseball game a. It eft San Francisco in 1919, and Briefly, he has drawn a picture for ng that Ihrog a °utisul~i~rumtace as a surprise. His next step was be-' 9:30 oclock. which is to be played in the near fut-1 returned in 1922, after a trip around us of Asiatic Christianity suffering 'ltion for AtrgautnfrmYlin1898 ing chosen President of the Borough'.1Unitarian ture. the, world totalling 80,000 miles. Mr.y "for the glory of Allah." But that was. pleads I hesetsvrlyasas arpre of Manhzattan. In the year 1921 he I An organ recital by Mr. La Rowe The May issue will appear an the I Snow brought back with him a com- ! not his primary purpose, and in run- primary Wadatn tlgaheio nteopsdMayr Hylan as candidate will be given at the Unitarian church capusti ek seeMsu rup of each species ing over the second letter with Dr. Robbins an acig4 tlgaheitrodh poe of Wild Life shown in the films. The ,i rakERobnAstntothbeten New York, Tribune. In 1901 he took for mayor but he was defeated and at 10:30 o'clock this morning. ThelrakERobnAstntothBeien im' h rcieo lw o ieh retired to private life, 'program is as follows: "Prayer and !CA MPBEL L DESIGNS deity of Oakland, California, for which ~President, his primary aim manifests!1 Dr. Rt up heprati oflaw Fr tie ie Asked whether he was going to re-ICradle Sng," (Guilnant) "Proces- ;-the groups were selected, is building1 itself throughout. I though I _____________________ ainin. politicsMr. Curran said, "I sional March" (Guilmant) "Contem-F NOVEL CALCULATOR a museum to preserve this priceless sFre feso teat A FL ,got bounced but I'm still in the game lation" (Saint-Saens). Morning serl-,slcin Here is a mamn, formerly professor i theless, RU Df'ILOMATSEVrY DAYL adit's oeosa f Imos ttinrgae: vice will be held at 10:40 o'clock. The' A "Metal Mixture Calculator" which '. HFunting Big Game In Africa" hadi in a' Russian university, though a' con fun I OF DPOA EEYDY It' n ftems hiln e topic will be "Ou~tdoors and Iindoors was designed and copyrighted by Prof. a three-month r un at the Lyric the- !Greek by birth, who wras fomced 'uppercla IiIko of Religion." The students' suipper and;l:H. L. Campbell of the Engineering Cohl-i' tre, New York, at $1.65 per seat, truhtecruitne fteE-1fre How would you like to have as jfoiis n h Press ' discussion will be held at 5:45 o'Iclck i lge is being distributed by Rogers In* addition, a Mermaid Comedy,rpemstugtoeksatyfoiwth an o yurnuerusduie- "I think that the man in politicsi followed by a speech delivered by Mr. rw n opn at time convention ; "Bold Tight," will be shown. Rsi ln ihohrrfge.A teei ,th. sgnig f yur ahe, egr y actually does more good than the'1 T. L. Adams, president of the Big c!- the American Foundrynmen's ass o- I da twsfudi mra u t uhat and yet artistically, to some 1800 1ICre nsi-t etukciation recently held in Cleveland. I 'Wierlhwsol hr-ivd h ukso Ediplomas? Ta is js one newspaperheman. Policies carer deter-ey. The instrument, according to Pro-; Eemer Clifto's great production, I laying waste to the land there. ' Thee,' the many' things that makes i1iddb fepbihr I esp essom' Campbell is a mathematical "Down To The Sea in Ships," comes' Professor Damantopuls then fled one poin ei dn potsBeauoltcthioewppe ilaE .btusyn il pekinGrmnchart by which the proportions of dif- to the Wuerti for an entire week, be-!Ito Athens, Greece, and in describing ! ception alo eiPresidentBt fhesoudon"TeLodsBurtonPayr a gin a"Suda.hbusyalecndtin man erie tteee ayseEerydayanar-Easoberndavoyo itnBtafrhmsoul Ion Th Lod'oPrye aoraer"attfoensltscfaetas ban e btanej gnnngt unay."DwnwonheSeahiTpiialeSonitinsaynDdpivd ~ndpa furl of tho1se much sought forI oppose it his subordinates are pr ac- 10:30 o'clock. Bible school will meet from a desired metal mixture. It is' In Ships" Is amromance of the golden of our belongings, even to our most clamori documets is taken into the Pres- tically helpless. Of course I will not at 9 o'clock in the morning. "TheI adapted primarily to determine the ;d(ays of whaling. It is authenti, as it' essential ones,-and without a cent to world. I ident's office, adwt apl f for a moment say that the power of Rural Ministry in the LutheranI metlcombinations for thefunr pcrethwaigndsyatNwbynyoeseaentlednaofod -... _ _ _xa. ,... . .. f. ir ,,"nhmmmeal fmndr picumheitimcwhaingnndusryra NewI k .....t.ersf ._.ae __ta.,d ina.ofgoo Id hildren n his fimst letter he referst ren only in his last paragrapl this desire is to see the geo t the head of this Universit it of an unihappy father by N enough to help afford his so ation of an American colle-i cond he .states the good train his soan has had in preparl university wvork, and furthc Uis point. 'This, then, is hi purpose, a purpost that D says, should itn some miannE (led to. Wobbins goes on to say th. Lhis Is a case of the exccptioi :orities of the school are nevc powerless to act. The studei nd-this is received for on] ssmen who have already a themselves as charactersf repute. Free scholarship- nothing which provides ft ,Bing. Caose Onl Exception Thole matter resolves then, in it. Here is a case of the e: Here is a case where ci' 'ent, both of the highest ide to becowe truly useful to tl Time father has proven he stock .in becoming a moan I