[L MICI JIGAN D-AILY______ i Elatl r X FFJCIAL -NEWSPAPER 0OF THE UIVERtSITY O0 1 MAhGAN 'ublishcd every morning except Mond ig the University year by the Board itrol of Student Publications !embers of Western Conference Editoi « iation. L ack upon the observance of these sa-,11111-1 " I cred functions as the most brilliant:4 I' form the shining stars in a hazy back- ' / s11f,,,,/i.% ground of youthful memories, they are aythe links which bind the man to his ,'.in~ Aliaiaer. THlE PELIC( i ial JIUVAN AND TEOLUTION Know 7r:Your Stiff Use it as a, ramrod for your shot- gun. (CMS .... The Associated Press is exclusively en- Press dispatches of recent dlate have tied to the use for republication of all news ispatches credited to it or not otherwise contained numerous accounts ,of Wil- edited in this paper and the local news pub- itam Jennings Bryan and Is anti- shed terein evolution campaign. The singular fact Entered at the postoffice at An Arbor, to be noted is that this reformer is ichigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50. ;shrewd enough, to conduct his Offices: Ann Arbor Press 13 ildingp, IMay- lcue C~Si ttsweeh ardl Street.letr srisi sttsw re h Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-.M; Busi- has, the best chance of playing ess, 960, ______ upon "the religious prejudices of Commnnications not to exceed 300 words i~gnorant, illiteratet people. He en- sgethe sienature rot ccstl tn courage s the uninformed mrountainl- ppear in print, but as an evidence of faith,g lid notices of events will be published in I eersi of Tenessee and Keintulcky to send lh(! 1aily at thle discr-tion of the 1Vditor, if ct at or mailed to The ])aily office. Un- letters into the legislature asking that :gnecd corunntlications will receive no con- body to pass laws prohibiting the ;dcration. No manuscript will be returned rlcs the w iter encloses postawe. The Daily study of evolution. D~ue to his spslen- Bgat yourself on the dome and seef how, nice it feels when you stop. Pizzaizza. Take 'em over the library and use cm to file newspapers oil. A Icazar. IEDITORIAL COMMENT (Daily Iowaln) Phlilosophy, "an attempt by scienifle' methods to understand the world in which we live,", is often overlooked by students because it is not forcedr upon 'them. But, since it is the love of wisdom for its own sake, all who, seek, a higher education should seek! it. All of us are philosophers-we all Ehay;e our idleals of life, of the world,I and of the great problems. A course in philosophy only aids us in organiz- ing them, and inspires thought by, showing what others have thought. Since every one has some philosophy,3 then surely the better educated man; must have his well organized and plainly understood. Philosophy builds upon the results HEAT" s Duuncan &r Starling U raham ' Voth Ends of the Diagonal I' I _ F-.v. lplple-Apple, Ipple-Apple, Apple, Sniff! Soak 'eni in the Salad dish1, B:iff! lBif ? BUff It. is !'_e -Yost rFid Hotuse. Let "Jimmie the adItaker" find i Ipple- 1 0Ic 4,-j 11 r es not necesstr ily endor sce entiiients 1 ddoratorica' l)IaJll .t 1L'Ctiia- itY iu , prsed in +',e commiunications. -___ to prejudice, this famous politician hiarsRorteptbigrrolm.Plsph EPITOUIAL - STA1?Fwon man y converts to his belief in Oozzle-Fozzle, Oo2Zzl&Foozle, Oozzle- s n t a si n e o a y c ne t r s these southern states. Biej ~nlsapeof'out one Nvhich seeks out the basic Telclphones 211i1 and 176N TheNebraskan in his treatment of 3 itrhsad edsothewtlss this scientific thieory, distorts the facto; _c ebi 2UhIn science the object is to control na- MANAINGB.DTORL he makes great sport of the evolin- Oz c~(I. tore. In religion 'it is to come into - tio~nist and he even goes so far as to harmiony with the world. In philoso-' EdAitor-----------aul Watzel accuse the scientist of postulating a 111110 'AL'T'phty it is to interpret and understand si stant o City Editor .... ..,.....I:.. Bacon th Jm-5eory which is the same as Faying "Oh, DIoctor, cone quickly!" criedI the world, and they all weed out the itorial noard Chairman ......E. R. Mciss that a person's mother is directly des- the exasperated wif^, "hie ma; bee(dead weaker parts of the others. The three g ht Editors- cended from the ape. The difficulty! now. There is not a moment to lose."t are closely related., Ralph Byers Harry anoeyr with Bryan is. that he shows a comn- "Who-how-what-is the matter?" ii Philosophy is often accused'of stud-' I.. J. 1I rshdlorfer R. .MrirY plete ignorance, of evolution; lie will inquired the surprised dcl.tor. i ying unanswerable questions, but no II. A. Donahue J. I;. Mack sorts Edlitor ...........Wallace F. I,:1ott not take into ace6 unt the cold, hare "No time to explain now. Jus8t get otne will (deny that much progress has omen's editor...........Marion K och facts, but clings tenaciously to his old; your knives and a saw and let us lase been miade toward their solutions, and iday. Mlgzine Editor . .. . I. A. Donahue ortlhodox beliefs, no time. Oh! it's terrrible-lerrib1e. teei oidcto htpors usic Editor .......... II. A0ile5 innor Edito.,......uckley C. Robbins, A student of evolution knows that; If I lose him I know I sheLll die too,' will not continue. Even if these ques- KerEditorial Board B man's descent from' the ape, is not a. replied the lady. tioiis are never conmpletely answered, ul Einstein Eugene Carmichael p art of the theory but, rather that "Calm yourself, my dear womlanl. we shall gain by moving toward their' Assistants mans, the ape, the Oran g outan.g, and We must take our timne," answered thesouinItsthsrvnghacut, anlev Hf. Armstrong .. Franklin D. Hepburrn the chimpanzee, all had a common an-j doctor who was in league with the not attaining of the goal. dnley Bietfiekit Winona A. Hibbard cestor in the diml and distant past.a undertaker. A. Billington Edward J. lieggints elen Brown IKenneth C. Kellar Since that time, " however, each of- Finally the doctor was ready, and ION ORS C. Clark Elizabeth i~eberinantn theseanml has follo wed diversified the two dlashed, to his car. Five muin- B.~~Phl Counble ohndger)~ rnadette Cotee Samnuel cmoore paths due to different -environmental utes and-they were at the house. Mrs. ;"Pubi Le hifeder) a?* elyn I. Coughlin M, I-I. Pryor conditions. Of cour-se',,there are gaps McLuke dashed into thne house follow- i h he n fmn? seph FEpstein W. 1L. Rafferty . asked the catechist of the collegian, 41". Fiske Vobert G. Rn-say ,ir. the evidence upon which the. evo- ed by the faithful physician. There in an h ns,'~ "ha eed planGaringh~i~se 5 W.R"WiC~ t lution theory is based for the simplej the library sat her, husband, J. 1 esuiso ly ot 'alter s. Goodspeed soil J. Schnitzoi lehriesuesrpayfot rtia Goulder Philip M. WVag-net reason that fossil remains furnish the! Whumpus McLuke, reading the paper. i ball" Thle pert r ejoindler is recalled onald Ilalgrini_________ only means by which we may turn! "Thank heaven, hie is still alive,", ytevtngnosa Yl.I h ____ - ~~~~back the pages in the history book o; 'sobbed the wife. "Here, doctor, there Sinii colte u h inn IJSIES SAUthe .life on this 'planet. The Nebrask- is no time to lose. The doctor brought of the atletic insignia, the "Y," ahead riielione .960 an, however, is not content that these forth his tools, whereupon the -hus- of scholarship honors; in the College --- gaps be filled in by degrees; he de- band looked up and tried to ride, election of Phi Beta: Kappa, the "high BUSINESS MANAGER rinands that the scientist offer him! "Humor him, doctor, he is out of hisstnsoiycmeahdofitn- ALBRTJ. ARERcoinplete proof immediately. The follyi head," the wife riut in. ".His golf club tiona on gridiron, river or diamond. of this action is apparent when one(waopndtayadheiatoe; , dwas opened.todayiandJheHiseat hr.e; I amthalfback on the football team Ivertisig.... ......Wtter K. Scherer stops to consider that the work in surely he is insane,"' begged Mrs. Mc- adflbaki y studies," was the Ivrin. ......Lawrence 1-. Favrot fossil discovery has only been initiated, Luke. ibliain--------dadF oln rcn "o o r itkn"rpidtegrim jest of a sophomore in a letter pywiting .......David J. M. Park in reetyas Nyuaemsae, rpidte to his foned parents. There are s}till re ulation............ I'owns.end 1-., Wolfe This silver tongued, reformer makres doctor. "The opening was postponedYaemnwolieCrnBon, ccotunts ..............L. Beaumont Parks , Assstatsthe Bible one, of the main props in. until tomorrow, because #ihy are still Yapa me neholik e stor onfBroier erry Mr. Hayden ni. H. Good hidfne By using 'a veryT literal working on the course."'cteains of onle osfrteien s ot of her Lgiec L. Dunne Clyde L. Hiagerman' interpretation, he mnaintains that the WeepnMs cuepse hin C. Raskin henry Frec hreupo. r. c " pssdroom1 when he needed to wrestle with I,. Putinan Clayton Purly j Bible conflicts vrith science, when in' out. mathematics. It takes wil power to D.; Armantrout J. 11. Sanzenbacher reality there are no statements in it 0**la emo trn it n oi 'illiam HI. Reid, Jr. Clifford Mittsthtcnbtaeasrgm tsi s, farold L. B ale Thomia4 AMr'achren ta a etkna uet n lX~I1 'OflltN- have the stamina and the staying !m. D). Roesser" Louis M. Dexter favor. The Bible is essential ly a boot:kpwe t-d oh lan S. Morton C. Wells Christie ; A power to do both.atwe akehe anes A. Dryer - Edward B. Reidle of religion and was never written as a woanbe i ht etke r{ It was a sermon' for athilet es and lerbert WV. Cooper ____ - text book for science. Written at a t e coas ota oiSei rah Not, ______ ' -time when people were not far ad- eNotwgoodinotabadtandoyetablind. i 3 acdi hikni eas'ihesThey're intricate creatures, I know whn e adtfobllmni vndintiknidelwihgn-I yulage the slough of despond at the old Yale - ralities which m ay mean practically I H fcd Yu(0o o lnt o r yanything, depending uipon the interp- Awoawh'pefc SUND:AY, MA. Y 6,'1923x or youl aren't. If you think you can, _____________- --retation of the individual. fiend: o a.I o hn o a'-h iTtEio-ILA LI AK I Te cause underlyin~g the action of tle ebasareorerishrdtodi- t, I met a co-ed, t te!~m f ootball field is no place for you." Tihe des-same courage andI persistence are :-e- T11lE YOST FIELD HOUSE ; cern. Either it is a misguided attempt flowerI Topreut'h aeo n h nth ato htpltcllaert Yes, Violet, that was her name- uisite to win scholastic honors; and To prpeuat th nae o on wh onthe artof hatpolticl lade tothe danger of the scholar, as of the a contributed so greatly to the gain publicity (r it is an endleavor to1tl o erfai'n pi hwr athlete, lies in the assumption that his rominence which the Ulniversity, of become popular with the public by I wort her, but lost just the swei l f xelneisteol ne. It ichigan has attained, the new field taking exception to the teachings ofisonouetladhecssn And So I say women ar-e all in oneisono setladtecssn Ouse is to be named after the grand- science. No one" will deeny that Bryan .statistics and b~e a failure as a human d mian of footbal'l Fielding HL Yost.; is a man of intellectual ability, but it class, iig n a e ig2sadmi n bestowing this name upon Michai ma~y be that his mrinde is no longer No- od o a n e ln. adsilaodbigwa skona tn's grteatest achievement in athletic flexible; it will not stand a break with -- Violet (liderong to let her' chance ahed rsyil aoiring"ahotrisdkow a ructur es, the Board of Conltrol of the old doctrines of the churich. pa ss, --h "ras rill, bhredoM al thieicsvoies or te etir~ bdy o ________For shte certainly had a good find. )thl aluniiand .undergraduates, the 1 G1IOW ING SUMM~ER 80001, 1 ISO1 11 ii. IIRATNA MT I 1 E I I i 7 PEERIT UNITED L.INE$ Aun Arbor and Jackson TIME TABLE (i1*astern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-- 6 :oo an)., 7 :oo a.ni., 8 :oo a~rn., 9:05 a- pm. and hourly to 9:os p.m. Jac.kson Express Crirs (local stops wemi of Amsn Arbor)-4 :47 aam, and every' two h'.'urs to 4:47 ;'m, Local Cars East bound-7 :oo a.mn. anv every two hours to 9 :oo 1).in., 11 :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti 'only-i1 :40 pn 1:15 a.m. To Saline--Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West BGInd-7 :50 a.mn., 12:1.1 P.1,. - To- Jackson anmd Kalamazoo-Lirr ited cars 3:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47jP.iM. To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at 8:47 p.m. it' i ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUSF Schednie in Effect Octobr s8,.1922 Central Time (Slow Time)a D, X X D P.M. A.M.PM. P. M. 3.45 7:r" '. .Adrian .... 12:45 8:45 i~i 8is.. 'ecuin~ck.. 12:15 8:15 t:30 8i:30 ,.. , Clinton .... 12:00 8:oo ;:t, 9:r5 ...Saline .. t:i5 7:25 5:45 o:e5 Arknn ArborLv. 10:45 6:45 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. D,--Daily, X-Daily except Sundays and Holidays. Friday. and Saturday special bos for students leaves Adian I :45, leaves. Ann Arbor 4:45. JA: S II. F-,*LIOT f. Proprietor Phone 46 OUR SPE~CIAL INK WILL 'ILAST YOU RIDER'S PEN SHOP °UO-AINN ARBORBUS ( sirs leave for Tolpdo. 7:10 A' M., 201' 1. M.And 5 P. !11. -Except'sun.- daty. Sundays at 8:00, 11:.00 and X5:30. C , , urn r urn R s, n -q l. ni yyw ' rr+ w. rw . w is open i 3 r r l , r' r i f'. a , : e'a L1 Ex v ' e :T e s t i i S 191-3 1IY "1923I 1 2 3 14 5. J 0 1 213 14 15 1(i 17 19 1S} 20 21, 22 23 21 25 26, 27 28 29 30 31" !:7,STRAW CLEANED) AND IIEBLOCi ED (1 o acids used) Straws, Panamas, L eghorns, Bankoks. and all kinds of fiats Cleaned and Rteblocked at low prices for HIGH CLASS WORK. Let a "Root-black" shine your shoes, but have your hlat Clean ed and Roblocked by a Practical Hatter. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street Phone 1792 WXhere D. U. TZ. Stops at State Comne in before or after the Show Sundayfrom 5:o01. nM. for (amonig other things) Real. Chicken .Salad fudge Ice Cream that is Right Coffee and our Speceial Fruit Cake Chocolate with Whipped Cream Candy without a. rival 3311. unnatb, opposite Wit, hria Arradr I---- - '~illip ~ 7~-~ t SHere's a statement we dare Imake. Whatever your appe- ttcr v sf rSner is alm ost certain to be , on our menu--at a low price ; ti s] ,x is t . 0 entinent whichz they have so ardently expressed through petitions, andl in- inmerable letters. Under the able guidance of "Hurry Up" Yost, -MiClIgan has attained prom-- nenice in both competitive and. in- structional athletics, so that today' to be a member of Yost's team; means more than, merely being a football player. No tribute can be too great asf ecognition to the service this able eader has rendered to Michigan. CAVNE DAY At the present time, and for the re- mainder of the semester, traditions of' he University will be more in evi- ence than perhaps at any other per- iod of the scholastic year. Cane Day. which as the classy of '23 observes it oday, is but a modification of the original event, as it was observed many years ago, opens the ceremonies narking the departure of the senior class into the affairs of a great world1 of opportunity. Originating in the l custom of parading with fence posts aken from the old wooden fence which once surrounded the campus. oday we find the seniors flaunting as! na-ny dtiff