T HE MICHIGAN DAILY ein date because of the ig-Out comes on Thurs. Brealis Altitude Record record for a plane carrying a load of Look over the values in the class!- Paris, May 5 .-(By A. P.)-Avor i v5500 ,pounds. rising 26,250O feet pie .-h~ ~uui .aw~day . uontard yesterday broke the =altitude j il iiteil1;1!Iii tii111 I; IIg 1i o1t l0Ii1I1B1i IIl d ii[9TESTS INCREA SE RELIABILITY OF 2 RADING SYSTLYUIL AWRES DECLARES Jus "Examinations aid education greatly in that thoy stifriulate the student to study hisSubjects as a whole, at the sanme time instilling in him the habits of measuring up to tests of ability at a 1 specific tlfrkes, ' said Deani Herbert . Edwin Hlawkes of Columbia college, ( Columbia university, in explaining the1 system of examinations and mental p tests pryactid at thlat institutino, Fri- day aft'.r r ioo in the Niaturl Scienco c~ pusan in.a eImported ,.FoidUU a r 5 has increase:; the Fei blity of col-i= 'le,.e grad-~o at that institution from --- 70 to J90 e;'cethe dcl~ared. Where ? the ordinar. y c say examination of six or' seven rquesctions is easy for in-} rtriuctor to mal ke up), it is hard to = p'ead, difficult to score, cannotn cover A W n o r n Ia d tiie entire coursec and brings in a great deal of h rev"clont material which ..- ma~kes it nct uusinmilar to wiiting an examiuation in blank verse, taken 1. .. , as a w o, ttd D a l re wopnted outc how these disadvantages w were overcome wth the newer system, Fw "Prom D1ona~eilo to Michatel Angelo," A An the lect ru ,,\vi was to fie given at 1 45 'l kThursday afternoon in ,,a ul CLn-, "- lmill, xVi I l'e ,i'Ti von Wdne 7dary after- .ne neon In'aead.l lossiter Howard, difec- = r'UL to deliver tn:e lecture, has consented -~Liet _p .. . .v a aa u r V a . * - -. .:" " il r ~ $8.00 t Th ogefr prtwa big tiret ak-Ov4er ;yscrs itwt t the oge Nfor sport weacrasing inlay saddles. 115 S. MAIN ST. 'UA 1 ,A. rf P *f w Next Sunday IS Your r-l I Jiodier's Day 'ith Flowers 'i 2WoSsomShop Nickels Arcade, 213 E. .L b; er ii I' 0 ouauvt~re.+tsnv ~ i: .cx~~m' aaI A 0 4111C,- CO MMENCING STARTING Th- la Iomrls ~1 )uk r y ' i 0c'a,, itr ,F,;; , ,. ... ,. - '' " rt ' L , ; r,.-_ ,...,, ,';',+t._/k "irs :>:2 .(-U: . ., " '+'., - \A sU f.; t 's r ,, # -i i °Y v -a-' ! 4is ' 1 x . J- t-"~ D' ' , - 1 , ~y i 3** y ~wf' a~)> £ r.' < ---- f31.{, f , y t r . ". la'4rrr- " ' tJ "t ' ^y UU ~i a i:' : U'w U( /Cy .- aJ , . ",,,,. ,t. t ,/f ~ CU -. -- H.ASNOW'S 7 4: r. " 1^ % . ' '" , p J 'Y I A4 p lrl. ' / < r. j fi ' i 2 .' k. , t, r, voo--l R' M-- I-. a '- . C - ; (U" 4 w, r~p',. f. t U ,- r .. IN *'q; l >w XVITHI GUN A CA M-ERA ,vyr ri ' -P VII e OF THE ZONES THF EZOLOGICAL ZODIAC -You'll view with bated breath the devastat- ing stampede of trumpeting elephants charg- ing the camera.3 You'll shout with joy sand excitement as these Mlad Monarchs of the Mlurky, Morass come t earing headlong into the screen- You'll wonder and marvel at th-e unparalleled bravery and courage. of the dauntless picture hunt.ers. And you'll hail this amazing adventure spectacle as the gr'eatest you ever saw. Don't miss it - there's NAbi ng Like It On Earth! rte. *a.. 5, 4 ..........:'-, W rN R AC Y," /1 y v y- n - See the ferocious beyasts -of impenetrable Africa pictured in }Lteir Wildest haunts. See the dauntless adventurers of thne' camera face death a doz;en tirne3 while they snap the mighty behemoths of the -unconquerabl~e forests right under their snarl- ing noses. See the most thrilling rmoion picture record ever brought back from fa -off Africa.' Don't miss the grey est of all shows -mightier-bigger-:more thrilling-than any show on earth!l See it today!1 Ix :*A zlk -7 ''r y4; ) -W- a:. a N TIE-':'e -, kdckurf -was se !ured by Cie Majestic"It ilie mhird larg e ;f cot of any picture ever shitn itn Anui Arbor. 'To eaot is exceeded wnily by "The METROPOLITAN PIUESE NiTA'.h)N Orchestra Score, Arranged by (inco Severn and Played by AENAIE0 All Showvs Sunday" PRICES Adults ....... .50c Kiddies......10c This production is the identical- one that ran for 3 months in New York City at the Lyric Thecat rt at I