TE MCH>TGAN DALY________ city Wome ?morial Building Noyes hall, the gift of Mr. La Noyes as a memorial to his wife, I ewonmen' s building at the Uni- y of Chicago. The building it- ;onstructed at a cost of $500,000, dor Gothic; the furnishings be-y o nop particular period, but ar~e ay periods to simulate the ac- .ations of generations in an old ik ?Xfanor house. Some of the kings are fromx the Noyes homie ke Shore Dhrive, Chicago. adminstrative purposes, the divded into three departments,1 with a separate head, the comn- the department of physical tion, and the clubhouse. All the ges of the clubhouse are open ;ry university woman. physical education department gipped with the largest swim- pool for womlen in the wvorld and ira-vioet ray machine which zes the water used in the pool. commns refiectory, which seats ersons, is open to womnen and guests. The clubhouse has all imsies Devotes Issue To Poetry~ misies has issued a special sort-! number given up entirely t In all, 17 pieces of varying y ha.ve been included. No par- rdiscrimination has '~een used~ inging these verses together ; have been gathiere'd, rather to hat "'these things are being donef as the brief explanation in the !, ,e Tits it. t olf the stuff is of a mediocre eter. There is the usual free1 meditationi on death, found in issue of every college poetr-y pie. This particul'ar poetess to the conclusion that her must be taken to the top of a nd loosed to the breeze so that M1ay go as a thousand arrows: 1 y, delicately, eternally."I ire are two pieces that nmake the I mlore than worth while. The , s "TIhe North Country"' by John iton, and the other is "Nlight sLife, Romance," by Lisle Rose. ~tter contains real lyric quality. is something about it that holds ader, and mnakes him repea t. her poem, "The North Country,"j far the best in the book~. There uigged strength in,~ the rhythm of ords that brings up perfectly~ the a land which it describes. P.1iW. dling stones gather no, moss," nused furlaiture gathers dust.1 )60. -Adv. I d thiat lost pin through the clan-; column.--Adv.} the necessary equipment for personal jservice, in addition to lounrge, library, o%4lces and a theatre withi a seating capacity of 400 persons.! -New Field House IsHis Namesiike. t 1 r4 R4f Ed y a petition is being crlae,Th roar of the dlying engine brought Ohio State-Tw4o thousand students! yeas stbsripiona number of startled S, A. E.'s to the4 attended the Mlay break-fast on the Okaion"AeWeFrtc the Daily a part of the annual tut- door lust in time to welcome brother 4cmu yesterday amorn~ing. A main-E O1.a1 a , -"Ae l'eI a Pe~y ,tion fee of each stu dent. This new Sih h fe etadrfeh! HIell, Yes!" So r eads a 1baadline at Practice, havming put the MAinnesota ment filled his radiator :and flew away.'mt toews e pinfotfoe the top of page one of yesterday's Okz- ;paper again on its feet. should raise--- of the buildings from which the re- lahoma daily. This and other ve henm- the Daily Northwestern to a place I Tlinois-With the idea of obviating f reshmnents were distributed. Provis-! I uet protests are the re; ults of the e'-jam g the three er four Wiest :college miudrtnig3n oso ie ionas for the event included 4.020 rolls,. pulsion of the entire board of regents ;p r ntecountry, is the belief of an290mquartsof strawberres, 170bdoze by Governor Waltbn. The students its supporters here. a imessystmo apubel doughnuts,. and 40 pounds of butter.l 'believe it to be the intention of the, - has Been installed here. In all there F iifty gallons of .coffee steamed on theI govrno tobrig aouttheremval *Chcag-Whle lyig oer he am-are 900 bells in the system, all run1 top of, the stove while 160 pounds of of President Brooks. Governor" Wal- psyseraFeISih vitradifrmacnrlcokaprtsi h ao ize hn ton claims he has been, the victim of pu etrdy e Sihvitradpower plant. This timing apparatus, political maneuverinigs and "wants a former student, was forced ,to land ; giant mechanism in itself, is regu- Cornell--"Brandy, whiskey, wvine, new deal." Yvwhen his water supply gave ot. Bare- lated by "Western Union and kepit go- beer! Four truckloads of sustantial ____ly :missing the power house smoke- ing 'by electricity. The bells ring at NoiiwseruFllwngte u-stack, his plane. glided heavily to the ,Q'inue before the hour andagi evidence were collected in raids on cesefulnexame ofi: the eMin et awniifoto i onf tri f10 nutes agarnbootleggers yesterday," says a despatch lawn in frontaofle. oowntfeaternity!oon the hour violators -were placed tinder "We have had them under surv for some timne but have been for sure proofls," declaired Chic l ice Mlarshall following- the rai "ACRES OF DIAMONDS," lecture by Aubry Roberts, '23Ed., WednesdAy 8 P1. 'N. Lane Hall, 35c.-:adv. I 1 Try Wir Business Len's Lunch JOE PARKER'S RIM~led~s r~hestra C(orjjjell Coal Bldg. t ,_ .. , DEMAND' The Getine Chocolate 1M1alted Drink ERADICATES THIRST We H ave A ,'"'"' p D TD fLPG IE TO DA -TtIS $WVY EDWARD F ~GIBSON for every size snapshot 35 c to $1.25 DALE RS PHOMa r 1 II719.N. UNIVE RSITY G ME F ll Yost - .After= whom .Michigans new% field house on Ferry field "was namded 'yes terday .by the iBoard in .Control :of , '1fM Athletics. r: hURDLES ERP WCNTeF NAf3R Iowa "CKtY, may6 (By * ) Char le , Brookins; star Iawt.uuiyr- .1 't 'city h urdler, this afternoonhbroke the ,I wouids ,220-yar'd low hugd'a record IfTDIE~TNVi 'when he ran that race in 23 4-10 see- START*I NG T~*VMI Lands, I -Zfaster than the 'record held'; TIRU TUESDfAY by J. I. Wendell 'and Robert Simpson ~ The record was smashed in the dual.r track. meet between lewa a~d4 orth- C , : western uivesity~A______ The former record of 23 6-10 see-*, onds also was held ,by A. Kraenzlein. FZ6 ,(3 The lotteir established his reord May IIrrr' ~ 1913. Simpson made , the distance in1 u, Ae o 23 and 6-10 May .271916. -rY r v twA ,Isf Iowa scored i10. 1-2 ponts while IsYor Har alin Out?- f }p Nptheser sord ~ .- j#r's .> sTonics No Goo&-Paaon =-i r ..rtye re A F. Don't Be Discouraged!' See "'he' Tiger's Claw"mns~(C sA T E 'a ~It's A Guaraniteed HairRaiser(NufS ) 'CAV r' J. b s-. L IAnd Minarets..That's TheiSetig f-AV For his bsobingTal Of tor II 4 r ol akInrge Ill F th~ nw K~ppnheiier J~jwithingTigr-grl-nd FllsInt A< 1o-edOMSirigAdetue (anm n _ T \~ . - Introdu, College. dote the grace and smartness 0f spring. A three-button soft ;roll coat. r~ abrics in keeping e prsent this model-.1 s a new and clever, nnvaio.You'll f Ki i!/iL/iioi : ]. {' . . a ,.. ,; m ,, ,. _,i ,/ ..i ..r $40 - $45 IDAY PRICES Matincee All Scats......5c Kiddies.. .. ..10lc Evening -. the Same. Week Days EVA. NOVAK as. Harriet Halehurst-George etiole as Henry Fraser Halehurst and others of nose in this'unusual Paramocunt Cast. 9- PPORTIM4 GJACK ROLT $'TollLAY SCHE IIJIJE r' aftnee 1: 30 3.:00 4:30 Evenig 7:00 8:30 Oter Days 2:00 Matinee 3:30 7:00 Evening 8:30 Allen's feature values $25-$30--$35 New Velour Ties, DReceived Today $1.00 ' Matinee Evening Qfk .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . 3'G VI EVATIONAL " NEWS -ADDED HULA H OKE YMO019 It's A Christie Comedy ARCADE ORCHESTRA ' 40 ~ i 91