ITHE MICIGAN DMYL :. K asi --Co L SSIFIE ICOLUMN uCLOSES VERTISING AT 3 P.M. ,, . i The following Box Replies are at tlic Daily Office: 18, PDU, E, DW, "Jape" JSC, BC, BA, 12. .MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED... Clasiie -RATES ClasifedRates. Two cents~ a word a day, paid in advance. Alinimium charge for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word per day if char~ged. White space charged for at rate of five cents per agate line. Classifieds, charged only to those having phones. Phone 060. DON'T FORGE~T Smith Tire Repair Keto buy tires. 12°c-tf JUST THE THING, for your canoe, Portable. talking machine for only $20 at Shaeberle -& Son Music Shop, 110 S. 'Main. 156c 13E SURE and hear this record' of "~Charmanit Oiseaui" by Maria'Ivogun at the Stofflet -Phono Slops., 156c FOR ROCK BOTOM PRICES on gro- ceries, see Pierce's ad in the Wed- nesday issue of The Dailyr. 125c-tf 12%TE bF, WANTED-Men who can smile and work. Sell the best line of house- held. necessities on the market. A hustler can make at least five hun-.- Bred dollars during the summer vra- cation. If this interests you call Wall 1676. 402 E. Jefferson St. - 56p~ WANTED-By stuflent and her moth- er, two or three housekeeping rooms for school year beginning Septem-. -ber. Call 846-J. 154p-8 WVANTED-Studer)ts to work' in kit- Chen rem ainder of semester. Em- ployment assured next year. 644 Tappan Ave. 154-4 / A REX Special Canoe Lunch will 'nake 'her ant 'tog99 Oii Rex's Club lunch. 154ctf REAR STT FRSAE10 ,ROOM HOUSE AND DORMITORY, ONE BlLOCK, FROM CAPTJ. WILL Aca6MMODTE 15, TO 18 BOYS. DOWN PAYMENT $1,000. 12 ROOM HOUSE IN FRA TERNVITY DISTRICT. LARGE :GRONDS. EiASY TERMS.'FOR GOOD BUYS CALL ON ME. ELIER'E. BROOKS, RUALTOR. PlITO~p 864QR"37, 7 SAVINGS BTANK BU IING ;. 14c-3 A '14 room rooning house in viciity ,of Campus and High School. $9,800 with $1,500 "down. A ,.beautiful homq :SE. of Campus, 8 rooms, thle roo, ot water neat, large corner lot and garage. ta~ gain at $1 8,000 ' ith $5,000 down. DOEG4A GLDN 316 it Natl Bank Ilidg. Ph3one 70 r '~ 155c-6 ANEW LAKE COTTAGE-Located at ,Cavanaughi Lake. 5 roonms complefe- ~ly furnished. ,Sanitary toilet, two zitax garage, 66 ft frontage on the lake. nly $800 with reasonable terms. Call. Mrs. Gfustine, 835-F-, 2738. -156 FRATERN I r'IE-SOtO ITIES We have homes for you tha can be handled on 'very easy terms. A.H. Paton Co., 41=13 First at'l Bank Bldg. Paton Phone 40 Duncan son 145c-21 HAVE customers for 12 'to 18 room hiouse.' Must ben god condition. Good location. Will pay $4,000 down. Call Mrs. Watkins, 1283.' 155c-2 FOR SALE FOR °SALE-3=A.''Graphex ;amera, roll films,; post .card size, 5x7. Cook Bros. lens. Tripod and case, ex- tremely fast. Half price for quick sale. Phone 2951-W after 6 P.'M. 154c-tf FOR SALE-Three FEDERAL A. F. Transformers. Only $4 apiece. Ful- ly guaranteed. Call Eckfield, 1153-M after 6:30. 155p-2 FOR SA~j1- Seve'n -passengei'Cd i- la, A-i condition. Will sell cheap. Call 287-R, Eckles or MVayerry. 156-2 F'OR: SALE-Ardale pppies from registered parents. Phone 197-F-22,. Saline. Fred Kleinschmidt. 145~-33 CABLE NELSON piano6. A='1 onditio 1, oak case, exe ext tone, $150. 631 9Aklan d. 2808-W. - 155-4 Fog SALE-One alto saxophone. 'Al- most new. Phone 21. 156p-2 FOR SALE-'20" and 21 Michigan en- sians. Box PEW Daly. 15p-2 VICTOR l honogarph for, sale. Call Ieaphy, 2520-4i,15 5-3 TYPEIYRITING; YO3UGET PROMPT AND ACCUAT service .then1 your MANUSCRIPa are TYPI1' byFEXI1 T at ID. bIS 1BOOK ,STORE. 11, Nickes EXPERT Typewriter R- eaIing, al makes. Ann Arbr Typiearitr %:t.- change. Phone 86. 9 Savings Bank Block. 123 c-tf HOUSECLEANING WE rna~e your house clean without paint: We do bth interior andekc tenor washing. Ann Arbor HousedI Cleaning Co. Phone 1995-J. yWANTED-Threo instructorsesire comifortable suite or fur nishted apartment for next year. 1Box M-3. 1 541)-7 WANTED-3 tickets for May Festival MTay 19 on m1ain floor or, first bal- Cony. Call 2009-J. 15G-2 WANTED-'t'wo tickets for May Fes- tival Saturday evening numb~ler. Main floor preferred. 1 Cp-3, WANTED-Club of twenty girls. Two blocks from Campus. Call 855-J; 155p-3 .LOST LOST-Gold watch with black and gold ribbon bracelet. Between !Crurch St. and State St., thru earn-' pus. Call 863-R. Reward.. 154p-3 LOST-Fur neckt-piece on Michigan Ave. Road between Ann Arbor and Detroit Monday afternoon. Reward Call 2627-M. 154-3 LOST-Small bull terrier. White with tan spoits. Call Housekeeping of- fice, University Hospital. Reward. 156 LOST-Mortar board pin. Name, M. 'Koch, on back. Please call 1325. 156p-2.1 LOST-Phi Sigma Chi, fraternity badge. Call Wachter 1366. 156p' W~ST-,Case record from Detroit so-,I cial agency. Reward. Notify Dr.: taph~el, 619, E. Uni~ers'ity. 155-2 LOST-A'Zeta Tau Alpha 'pin. Call 2795. Reward.- 155-3, RflT In7E SS OPPORTUTNITY - Make your planQ.I now for summer I still have sever- investigate p ood towns open. Do not. wait until the best, territory jsal taken.Coei andinetgt ou prpstn now. KODAK FN IING FILMtS--Developed and printed -by our' own photographers. Leave films at any of our stores today, Sget prints tomorrow night. Calk- ins, Fletcher Drug Co. 109c-21_ Intra mral'Ihems (Continued from Page Six) Taut Delta Phi; Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Acacia. Won Lost Sigma nChi ........... .5. 0. Phi Kappa Tau...... ....4 1 Phi Epsilon :Pi ............3 2 Tau. Epsilon Phi........ ..1 3 Phi Mt"Alpha......... ....1 3' Sigma Nu............... .0 5 Phi Mu Alpha has to play Tau Ep-! siloii Phi before this league's sched- ule can be cormpleted. f Won Lost Cygnus........... .......4 1 B1eta Phi Delta..... ....3: 1I Peers.,............3 2 Trigon ........ ...2 2 Psi Upsilon...........2 3 1Pbi. Kappa Psi ......... '5 There are no scores on file relative i to 'the .Beta Pi Delta-Trigon gamle. All m:atches that are listed as not having taken place must be played off and the scores turned into the Intra- mural office-by 5 o'clock Monday night. The eliminations for the teams will start. Tuesday afternoon andi continuel during the next two weeks. All fraternities whlose victories and- defeats are not in - accord with the above should comle to the Intramural department -personally, tomorrow and an accurate check will be made ons all the results on file, aind the"errors cor- rected.) -"Jimni 1e" starts work ea'rly ±in t~he morning for you and doesn't stop un- til' he. gets. RESU1LTS, - - -Adv. NUVY INVTED A GUST' OFPSTURINSTITUTE WILL SAIL FOR EUROPE 7MAY 16 TO. ATTEND MEETING IN PARIS I Dr. _Frederick G. Novy, professor of bacteriology, and his son Freder- I cG. Novy, '24, Will sail for Europe on May 1.6, where Dr.' Novy will at- tend the meeting of the Pasteur linsti- tute in' Paris 'early in June. Dr. Novy has been invited to attend the meeting as a guest of the insti- tute~ The meeting will be of par- ticular importance this year as it cele- brates the. hundredth- anniversary of the birth of Louis Pasteur, its founder. Dr. Novy is one of the pupils of the famous French pathologist who is the founder of the institute which bears i his name.. He was granted leave of absence by the Board of Regents at its last meeting. 'While in Europe Dr. Novy will at- tend many meetings of medical im- portance including the eight hun- dredth anniversary of the founding of S t. Bartholonmew's hospital. He will be gone for the entire summer re- turning to the University in. the fall. The first part of the summer will be spent in Paris and Strassburg, while the latter, part will bie'given over to a general tour of Europe. -New Life Building~ Will Aid Societies campus literary, societies will be able to carry on their work unhamp- ered wlien the- new Literary building is completed. The whole fourth floor, 'I will be given over to literary and mod- ern language societies. Alpha Nu and Adelphi will each Ihaye rooms 38 by 45 feet in dimension,. Portia and Athena, women's literary societies, will each have rooms 24 by 35 feet. The room for a modern 1fang-~ cauge- society will 'be 28 fee: spare. AT MOST ATTFRACTIVE SUMMER PRICE REDUCTION r "" ' ' / t UR 1 T FORS A, DAINTYr SUMMER CHOKERS AS LOW a A PVy SiYYiifi ".YY~fiiiYYYYYYi ~ YYY~i ..............Y~ 1YYY1.ifl'A Si~ Yi ....... GIVE YOUR FURS, A SQUARE DEAL LET US STORE THEM OVER , THE SUMMER. MONTH-S ZWERDLING BLDG. ANN ARBOR,MiICH. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..........-- - - -. Fur Lxperts Are At Your To Give You Absolute Fur THE GOLF SEASON IS NOW OPENING BETTER SE CURE YOUR SPPLY OF LIGHtT REMODELLING- WEIGHT KNICKERS Ei,]ARLY We have a large assortment of Knickers for your selection in the Culf and Strap bottoms. _ I, I $3.00 to $20.00, Get good .values cheap, Classified columns.-Adv. thru the You will need one of the new Club belts we. are shoing., i 4 -~ - 11" A Wine These union suits are designed' to give you the same feeling of coal - freedom that runners have in their track suits. ," *, i . , ' 1 F TINKER &,COMPANY II is 3QU 3tate "The IDome of. Better C -1 , 11 3r.? 6lolhes .anid Furnishings at Fair Prices." . r / We- are off ering an (a "J.VD." is only, 72x80 count I I y F t .} ,. -_ ,- 88square cloth), suit, .at think of it, an 88 square, full cut athletc union H. Tel., 3221-J. Across 3. LEADER 622 E~. Liberty from Speddings 153c-7 $500 will be paid to many men by professional 'salesmen this summer. Desirable territory open in Michi- gan, Ohio and West Virginia. All who worked during spring vacation were handsome~y paid.. Call at 613 Packard between 4:30 and 6:00 P.) M., Saturday, Sunday, Monday.' 156-21 CLERKS-Railway, Mail, 18 upward. Exam. Ann Arbor, May 26. $133 mo. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars 'write R. Terry, (former Civil Service examiner) 1165 Bar- rister Bldg., Washington, D. C. 156P 4 FOR RENT ROOMS for next fall 'for men stu- dents, one single and one double, both corner rooms, new house, steam heat, all modern conveni- ences, on University car line. 1051 Lincoln Ave. 153p-21 W AN TE D TO 'RENT-House by June 30 wNith ten rooms or more. Lest references, Mrs. Mary Myers, 71 Rademacher Ave., Detroit. 152p-7 FOR RENT-Tenent wanted to share suite of three good offices on N. University, facing Campus. Call' 296-NI. 155-2 ONE rodm with kitchen privileges, bath, hot and cold water. 502 S. Ashley. Phone 3351-M. 156c FOR RENT-Desirable rooms for summer school students. Reason- able. 109 N. Ingalls. 156p-2 w ..r 'USED CARS . t s r Iff 3 ' ry /f _ "°' ": a ,, ... Y o ANN ARBOR'S LEADING CLOT-IHERS "Exclusive, but not expensl4 o" 209 S. Main St. V . . ............ ..b. .; . ... m C; .. ,' V :;:. - cJ A, l I# I SHOE STORE 'c } ; ,. , _E . . !# E [t f 1 ' r) I i i , s E r .,J T7he satisfaction ini having that PARTICULAR shirt ready WHEN you want it is -oqualled only by the knowledgey that it has been laundered JUST : AS you wanted it. ST. "'Put yNou r duns in our s u'd s." - -,- No Acids' to Destroyr the Fabric,- Only Soft Watr. BIG BUYS - in used cars A Ford' touring at $50. Other cars in good running order at $65, $110, $175, $200 and up to $950. Staebler and Sons Garage 211 S. Ashley 156-31 MICELLANEO0US GOWNS for Afternoon and Evening Wear t ~ - - - I-tI - - AT ..w,, n E I1 46 ffP-16F9.APIW LaF l