....., firing with the 0--calibre rifle at the ority will give a dance at 9 o'clock outdoor range on State street are re- tonight at the chapter house. Ted quested to meet at 1:30 o'clock this Bennett's orchestra will furnish the afternoon at the R. 0. T. C. office. music. Tickets may be obtained at At~rre Q"Anchor Inn" tea room will be open today at the Delta Gam- ma house, 1205 Hill street. Luncheon will be served from 12 to 1:30 o'clock and tea from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock. The rooi list for next year which, is being prepated at the office of the dean of women will be ready witin a "week or ten days. .-Chaperones for the dances are as flows: IUnion, Mrs. H. G. Berger; mory, Mrs. Yates Adams. Senior and junior class baseball actice will not be held on Monday, o account of the Michigan-Iowa game. Women who are planning to try out for the class baseball teams are re- quested to turn out for the next prac- ties as the teams will be chosen soon. Seniors and juniors practice at 4, o'lock Monday and Wednesday after- n ons at Palmer field, while sopho- mores and freshmen practice at 4 o'lock Tuesday and Thursday after- tons- ehearsals for the Senior Girls' play1 I be held next week as follows: T'hecourtiers group at 4 o'clockTaos- day; the group of fairies at 5 o'clock Tuesday; the cast at 4 o'clock Wednes- dpL; the cast at 7 o'clock Thursday nfght; the group of foresters at 3:30 o'clock Friday; and the cast at c. olock Saturday morning. All rehear-; sgls will be held in Sarah Caswell A gell hall with the exception qf the forester's group which will meet in the. basement of Barbour gymnasium. White collars to be worn with sen- ior gowns may be procured before! Sring-Out from Grace Hunter at theI XVirtha Cook dormitory. The price of1 these collars is 35 pents.+ 'Members of the Freshman Girls' Gee club will meet at 2:30 o'clock ths afternoon, at Betsy Barbour house. A; few minutes assembly is desiredt before the party given by the Univer-7 sity Girls' Glee, club.- All women interested in trying out for class teams in tennis are request- ed to report ready to play at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday afternoon _at the low- er courts at Palmer field. In case of rain the report will be taken at Bar- hour gymnasium; those who are un- able to come at -this time are request- ed to notify Miss Danielson or Julia ;Coo. Anchor Inn" To Close With Dance the door, admission per couple being $1.00 and single admission being 75 cents. CONTINUE PLAN TO AID LEAGUE FUND Due to the success of the plan by which the University of Michigan Lea- gue receives a percentage on all sup- plies which are bought at the 0. D. Morrill store, Mr. Morrill has agreed to continue the plan until the end of the school year. i I S ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY Give Last League Party of Year NEW SHOPS WILLa SHE R B BRTIear'yeAt the last party of the year yes- H A V E LIBRARY terday afternoon, the League ended1 Women To Repeat Concert Progrmii its weekly social gatherings. Mum- Upon the completion of the new In Jackson iners, womens dramatic organization, { East Engineering building, a branch presented a one-act play, "Noverthe-' library is to be installed in it, to beJ Radio enthusiasts will be entertain- less." While the play was short and! known as the East Engineering li-f ed Friday evening May 25 by the Uni- included but three characters, it was brary. This will contain books relat-l i My well played. The setting was par- ing to chemical engineering, and al- versity Girl's Glee club which will ticularly attractive and the lighting, lied subjects. broadcast a program from the Detroit was well handed. - Free Press broadcasting station. The Following the play, ice and wafersLi nroram to last bout . o ill were served in the League rooms. n u 1 I E o u L It is expected to organize this li- brary during the coming summer, and f to open it in September. A com- mittee, consisting of Prof. W. G. Smeaton, of the chemistry department, Prof. E. H. Leslie, of the chemical en- gineering department, and F. L. D. Goodrich, associate librarian of the University, are at work on the details of the books to be transferred from the Chemical library. ke Many people have already enjoyed With each cash purchase a receipt the dainty food and the cool.inviting is given which should be dropped in atmosphere of, the "Anchor Inn" tea the University of Michigan League box room at the Delta Gamma house. All on the counter. Members of the Alpha sorts of nautical decorations, music Xi Delta sorority have charge of add- with a sailor like swing and waitres- ing the receipts each week.1 ses in white sailor , suits all aid. in making the tea room attractive. Announce Engagepnent Today is the last day that the tea Announcement was made at the room will be open, luncheon being Delta Gamma house recently of the served from 12 to 1:30 o'clock today engagement of Catherine Riggs, '24, to ahd tea from X:30 till 5:30. The sor- I James Mann Miller, '23. ~ ~~~! p 1'g1ua ,UxtL jv1 nre 1ur, wil include a number of special songs as well as college songs. Several other activities are being planned by the club. Thursday, May 8, the members will again appear in Jackson, this time presenting a pro- gram at a dinner to be given by the Business Women's club. The same program will be given which was pre- sented several weeks ago when the club appeared in Jackson before the Mosaic club. The club will have charge of the music for the Mother's Day program at the Congregational church. A fi- nal activity is the annual party to be given this afternoon at Betsy Bar- bour House in honor of the Fresh- men Girl's Glee club. A special pro- gram is being arranged. Dean Talks in Flint Dean Jean Hamilton was in Flint yesterday for the purpose of address- ing the Flint group of Michigan alum- nae at a dinner given for her. The subject of the dean's address' was "The Michigan of the Immediate Fu- ture." "Why a Girl Should go to College", was the subject of Dean Hamilton's speech given last night at a reception which the Michigan alumnae gave for; the senior high school girls of Flint and their mothers. MARTHA WASHIN(TON Candies fresh every Friday. Tice's, 113 East Liberty.-Adv. 1-- } f i t ,{ ,' > An unusual opportunity is offered to college men and women to earn enough money during the coming summer vacationtopaynextyeaes tuition and expenses. xk 4 <' During Summer Vacation?. P'remier iKnifeh Scissors I harpii~r AT'TrlE THEATERLS Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Write To y for Particulars. It will surprise you to learn how easily a substantial sum of money. can be eariied by selling the Premier Knife and Scissors Sharpener right inyourownhometown orcity. EverV housewife wants one the minute she sees it-because it is such an im- provement over the old-fashioned whetstone. Just a stroke or two of the Premier Sharpener on any knife or scissors blade produces a keen-cutting edge instantly. Written guarantee makes it easy to sell. Write at once for complete information or send, 50c for sample, stating what territory you wish us to reserve for you. Premier Mfg. Co., 806 U East Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Screen-Todlay Arcade-<"The Sunshine Trail," with Douglas MacLean; com- edy and news. Majestic-"A Noise in Newboro," with Viola Dana; Mason and Dixon orchestra; Universal news. Orpheum--Marjorie Daw in "A Motion to Adjourn," by Peter B. Kyne; Reginald Denny in "The Leather Pushers." Wuerth-Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson's "Trailing Afriea's Wild Animals"; Our Gang in "The Champion." ~ i lliltt 1 11 l l 1#tffllllllllil l f li~illl131 Q3 iI1 IpE fI 0Ili bi 9l f i t961 E t SH OWING FOR SATURDAY Smart, becoming Hats For S u m m e r Out-door Events DANA RICHARDSON 1 15 E. Liberty St. I spected--tied with the fam- ous Dro knots to i ns u re longer wear. Ask /your dealer for Duro Belle. Buythembyt n a,', Shefa,'ise ': Cur: D roo ngg nan~ lo~eslf EJ LAST TIMES TODAY MXR J O I E DA W IN K9 BY PE TER B. KY N E7 F I '..'-.- .1 i Stare--This Week 'Al women enrolled in tennis classes are advised to see the tennis match between Chicago and Michigan at 10 o'clock this morning at Ferry field. All women who are interested in Garrick (Detroit)-Musical coxi- edy, "Up in the Clouds." 11 port oxfords LAST TIMES TONIGHT There is a11° g11 In Every Mile of the Way 4 ff a.# r"IN e~ so= o A : i .der, s e j , e r , . , . i " n - " " i " i " . A-r "' y O ff !. A " .r' , " a " y " o, " y 4m . A,-a! A Gray with gray and fibre heel. Buck Oxford kid saddle strap sole; low flat S0 MINE 1 - 1 ti'tis 4Nl Kn i L 61m .. } W h Dounlas Maclean1 A W1Wd West Hero, A Dress (Suit Villain, ai pretty girl in the old Nome town-wd ALSO- "FIGHTING BLOOD" Round III 11 TR Il 11I Are you bald ? Is your bail falling out? Tonics no goodil Don't be discouraged ! - sec "The Tiger's Claw" --.it's a guaranteed hair-raiser SUN. MON. and TUES. AF r, H' IMF WIJLdjm) '' E 4 The white gi behind him the jungle-g saved his lif fought for h in startlingly rl he left i- and irl who fe-both im. But y differ- I'i I4 I I ASIGAS aa 7 Positively Your Last Chance t9 See The Original Martin Johnson Pictures of African Wild Animals is Their Native Haunts. We Wish To Assure The Public That There is ABSOLUTELY : ,, TODAY IS 41 NO TRICK OR FAKE PHOTOGRA- PHY IN This, The Lion Of All Pictures Of Hunting In The African jurmglesa It's Thrilling f It's Exciting! The Only ,o X NEW Thing In Motion Pkctures! JESSI L4LASXY -ORES )4TS', kf DON'T MiSS IT!1 11 COM~EDY AT'TRACIQNO-' ""lw t