________________ THE MICIANDAILY_________ til LU C1LEEI I IO'Ni _KETS FOR BANQUET TO C O ON SALE TUESDAY AIFTERINOOIN Jore than 400 fathers of Universi y ,dents will participate in the Fa- ,rs' Day celebration, which is to held next Friday and Saturdlayr der the auspices of the Unilcn, ac- ding to latest report~s fron'.- repro- tatives of fraternity anud non-fra- nity men. Picets for the banquet Saturday ,ping, May 12 , will be on sale from to o'clockr Tuesday, Wednesday, d Thursday afternoons in the main b)y of the Union at $1.25 each. The nquet tickets will have attached,,to ,m stub, which will admit the bear - to ,the Michigan-Illinois track meet urday afternoon at Ferry Biela. Members of the Fathers' Dayco- ;corn will assist in the colebration ich will consist of the following' ants: F'riday, vsits to classes, tng- war between. freshmen and soph-j gores, and track Pep meeting in 1 auditoriu~m; Saturday, annualS ring gamnes of-ukidercla-ssmen_, Mich1- gy.Illinois track TPmeet, banquet atI~ ion, and an entertainment at the Pies theater. i'raternlies wh -ich have not turnedI the number of fathers that they, pect to house over the week-end are god to do so at once by calling ilace 1Flower, teoeophone 1166. Ge rlton B. Peirce, '24M, manager of frthe usadparocure win th adte IVTTOS ISE frthe andaldeprtceure inl behad te program will consist of a combined; LI I SRI~hF band concert and senior sing, in!stead of the latter only. I___Yi The band will give a concert next j Wednesda y, May 9, on the library ter- Invitations for the All-publicationsl race. It was planned at first to com-1 banquet have been sent out to more b i n t h s c n e t w t{ e i r s n . t a 0 t d n u l c t o o k but due 'to the fact that caps and ers and plans for the affair are now gowns are not officially worn before! complete. President Marion L.. Bur- swing-out, which occurs on May '10, it was thought best to postpone the ton, Regent Junius E. Real, and sev- first sing- until the seniors could as-j eral faculty, members have also been senible in their traditional costumes.! asked as guests of the Board of Con- iOn next Wednesday, as well as on the trol of Student Publications. evenings of the senior sings, the pro-.i Students who have received invi- gram will begin at seven o'clock I tations to ;the banquet should call at IJh al business office to obtain tickets. The list of faculty guests is SC IFN C E A CAD E as follows : Robert Frost, Prof. John PAPE~RS I S S U E -1L R. Brumm, of the rhetoric and Cowden, of the rhetoric department~junls eatet rf o . '] :,. The first volumpe of 1the "Paipers o :the Mchigani Academiy of Sciezee, Arts an1l Letters", , n sirUniversity publicatio~n, has recently been ised. This work, which is a, ofiquation of the "Annual Reorts -of the Michigan Academ~y of Science"~, 1, is~nied under the joint direction of the council of the Academy and the executive board] of the Graduate school of the Uni-' versity. o n The voliime contain.,;ar'tileso: - throp ology, botany, ecnomics, geolo-I gy, psychology, and zoology. Edwin.G. Burrows, of the journalism [department, Donald H. H{aines, of the + journalism. department, and Wilfred !B. Shaw, general secretary) of the Al-' limni association. COUNltT Y 1110A11,13r Q ITII #9 LEASE'V,'{ . 11i 1) (W J.i WJiW( Y1A CTOFF 31 i AT ES ARRANGED FOR SENIOR SINGS Followin~g a Alichigan custom, the' nual "senior sings" will he heldl s year on Wednesday evening, May and the following two consecutive dnes days, on the library terrace. cording to an ;announncement of Prospectlve Teches Mst Pay Fes All seniors in th ecolege ofLiJtera- ture, Science and the Arts and in the School of Education who believe them'- selvs eligible to receive a ~ teacher's certificate of diploma in June should pay their fees now. Blanks may be secured from the office of the School I of Education, an~d receipts for :sameI must be returned to tha;t office not' later than May 25. "Y' Anchor Inn" To Ye Anchor Inn4 . 1205 111l1 Street Waslitenaw county board of super- visors adapted a resolution yesterday releasing a small portion of land now belonging to the county, farm to the county board of! roadh commissioners. The lande will be used for 'part of the right of,.way for a new state trunk line SPECIAL SALE Poj-pula 1r Pril 333S from Washltenaw read west to Jackson:rnni Intii fllf "' jcenter of the Natural Science building b ius exhibits of botanical speciments. road. r~bN~ l~ U II are now being worked upon, and Awill The pon~d is already finished and the When completed the new trunk line T soon be finished. 4 shed which will house the various will branch off Washtenaw . road to the rN11* Miriii Th court will include a pond of specimnens is expecetobcoptd not;o-hliut fr d extend L tI NL U'N II stagnant water which will make possi- soon. Creeping vines wyill be planted around Ann -Arbor to- the south, run- bIc the natural growth 'of water plants which will cover the wa~lls of the l ning into Jac son road near the coun- The botanical house will include, var- Natural Science building., ty fair grounds wvest of the city. The. Officers of the Engineering' society cutoff will be nearly, four miles in for the coining year were chosen in ( ength, and is intended to. divert some the annual engineering elections yes- of the heavy traffic from the city pave- terday. A light vote was registered, ments. only 472 members of the society signi- fying. their choice by balloting., The a Tau Beta Pi To Capel 2,peiet Frederickar eP ge Ax In i te Tot Kratz, '24, vice-president; -F. M. Free-'ae (1( u au, '25, 'secretary; and Kenneth Mec- k Cracken, '2t, treasurer. Fourteen mien will be: honored by The Architectural society also elect- STau Beta. Pi, national honorary eng1 ed officers yesterday. They are:_______________________ ineering fraternity, in, their annual President, John r'ronczak, '24A; vice- r 1rr rrnr r lw S'spring initiation ceremonies which president, John Dinwiddie, '24A; see-._ will tale place at 5 o'clock this aft-, retary, Donald Boothby, '24A, and ernoeon in the library of the Engineer- treasurer, Robert Cadler, '24A. Igbuilding." Following the ceremon-'n M e n l ies the Initiates will be the guests ;of T IIh ~ O E 3 honor at a 6 o'clock banquet at the O URI T GREENROUE SOON LiNEWh~ e IAmong the students to be taken into- -the society today, 11 are members of Corrplete III every dotail, the courtDany ald the, junior engineering class and three, and betanical greenhouse to be istu- are senior engineers.. Prof. H. C., An-' ated in the open space of land in the Cooling drinks erson, head of the mechanical engi-Plaatsronig neering department, will be the prin----- ,Y1 cipal speaker at the banquet and Paul, IRiLA iiC P1TNaa uronig _Goebel,-'23, will act as toastmaster. It ?_______ is expected that more than 30 of the T faculty members of the organiztion 1will attend both the initiations, and the banquet. L7,Tuttles Lunch Room . Let "J'immie the adtaimer" find its FOR SATURDAY Folks say our.plumbinig C I U C E 1aWorkd is great SANDWICHES, SALADS, MEATS ce HaopShop to date: ~. MAIN . -Mr. Quick.. We are modern plumbers Ice Crew - " ~with just one vicr point-the.r point of your satisfaction. You'11 find that we are scion- PIE A LA MODE tific and speedy. ;~INDIVIDUAL CHICKEN PIES " Saturday Night 5-7 KI'A ROL Y N KITCHEN' S19 East Liberty fV t °I 3' .., ., MuEe - 11 0 L I D w F; E start'a : _ w -: i ITH fi V,3 o o S l iM o n t h s a t T What thie Foremost New York Critics Say About fit- COMING SUNDAY ELMERk A Hodkhinnn Rturp, of Quality and Refinemenvt - The kind that you'll be proud to serve to Maurguest~s A . , Bisque Fresh Strawberry Vanilla Phone 166 i T rubey's ? .: . Jf unlg 3gCae A picture which thrill- The most complete -,t Gal l* in Africa with Gun acid ed, delighted: and enter- which means the most in- , ' rZCl~ caht. tained us as much as any- structive and the most: ' r ,K Camera,' IL.A., Snow pokted' thrilling-motion picture ~ . ,; ,. . ; .'f-st"Wa ~thing, in years. It is ab- o idaia ieee; tte esr heis camera right' up under solutely fascinating from made. The beautiful, they .r, l~ntssmrble: the noses of .the tiidest the opening shots of over ugly, the, swift, the un-iI . -. nimlsof heMrwana million penguins flying gainly - they $are there,r$R'~Y. W 'Sinto the ocean to the close-sigyadnhes, 1R. a iR~. ,'m junigles and came away up of a giant African elo- water holes and, darting cq ksiltd*- pitrso h htspliant ch~arging into the across the plain or diving , dt tst4i 0 1e~b u ih itrsoftewie camera. All in all iwe into the jungle un- of the beasts' eyes. This consider this the best filmr dergrowth. Comedy. is in- " 4 sa xrodnr im"entertainment in New troduced to relieve the .THE VWAILO rl IS ane3:1raordiary film."York today."--P. W. Gal- tense action.-J. 0. Spear- '*tfA' 0n'tE _ ,.t to brln. Quinn ':a'rt]In, .Y. lWorld.. leo in Daily News. ing, N.Y. Times. Q t~ '"Most satisfying pictures of wild .animal life yet. taken."-Don Allen, Eye. World.:&. - ~~~~~~"More drama in a single reel than in a bale of Hollywoodl productions" G -N .Tiue dr-e4 'tpoff. "lly all means tier this picture and take the chiildren, for,.if you dlo't tl'iy'll . e "snt t .ne-er f r"lye you, ii they e-ver flend out ablout this aowv."--.lDally :lows. -1#5t time in n~ - "All the exciting thrills and~ chills of 'Hunting B3ig Came in Afrfica' are there. No~ one. between. one and seventy should miss this picture.-N. Y. Eve. 1Post. U 1 "No Zoo in the world is able to produce 'as large a number of wild animals WILD Drn as these pictures show.-Louell 0O. Parsons in l~orninig Telegraph.~ O "A vivid record of the thrills" and chills of the" jungle." , rc ic z w k.'; "In the midst of most- exciting adventures one suddenly realizes that during . £ ~ ~ - all this hazard the camera 1 man was there bravely c ranking, cranking, cranking.' '"The. most fascinating "An example of the ci- "The flat statement' pre- BUE~Iiaia itr vrse.ema at its best. A more dieting a long showing for *{; l~rw- tit even exceeds in enter- :uniformly interesigad'utnBgGmenA- tBti m n o e Pu . e sto al hiln set rica with Gun and Camera' -anmn ofwpicuresuhs ntbeen is based on a number of, 4 R ainey's classic. It is ex- shown on Broadwtay in things, foremost of which r.~ citing and humorous. many .a day. It' crowds are these:Tense, thrill Crashes between the Fliv- mor_ e real drama into its fing moments, punctuate,. V~ p .- ver and wart hog are fun- ten reels than 90 per cent w it h mirth provoking tl rer tan te ofof so called super-spe- scenes and great lessons - .,nirta th antics of. "arvih fi~ nrmn ,, r'_e_ T~ rln s_'__ 218 S. Main St. I It'sI I .,at ............. .',...R#Ri .1# .....................i Ma th y I'm almost bursting, ucss the reason if you can- because I heard my rmother 'all the Connor Ice Cream man! lip. sty 1 n v o 0 0 00 +v " ' F J1. 1 Connor's goodness is not due to flavor alone -- or to smo~oth texture - or, to satisfying richness. It is all these, and the freshness resulting from whole- some manufacture, that make CQonnor's iiniitable. Next Sfund a o Special Brick 5PBERRy There is o*l one CnnnTr 5 Ice Crea I