40 Looe A6F a at A TTEND TA GAME TODA Y XXXIII. No. 156 EIGHT' PAGE ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 5. 1923 EIGH-T PAGES PRICE Fivi ..W.r...... r W N ENJOY DF GAYETY lUgLFROLIC EXTRA 'ENSIAINSi ARE UNAVAILA BLE Where will be no extra 'EnsiansI when that' publication goes on sale next week, according to a statement made yesterday by staff officials, who say there is a large demand for the book. What few are not called for t will be taken by persons on the wait- ing 'list which now numbers 50. Monday is the last day on which students who have lost their payment! receipts may call 'at the :'Ensian office for duplicates. No books will be given out without these receipts. I FIED HOUSE MAY SENIOR CANES TO APPEAR. FOR FIRST 'T'IE TOMORROW Canes of, every size and color Iwill 'be put to jactive use iby Imembers of the senior classes oi Ithe University for the first time Itomnorrow. Phe annual "cane Iday" will see more varieties ofj walling sticks that have appear- ed since the inception of the tra- d citional custom for the men of the graduating classes. Each class has selected a dis- tinct type for use by its mnem- hers,, the step sticks vary in color from the light brown of the{ senior lits to the dIeep)imahog- any of 'the engineers.. FAMOUS AUTHORS STUDENT'S BODY TAKEN TO ALBION Spoke Last Night In Hill Auditorium The body of John A. Copp, '2GE, who RE D SCRBED Y ~died at the Health service Thursday g [BESC IBIO B morning following an illness of threel and a half hours, is to be taken to HA LIG RL ND Albion, Indiana, at 9J o'clock this morning where burial is to be made. Mrs. Thomas Taylor, an aunt of the NOV'ELIST"l AND POET SPEAKS O boy, and her daughter Douglass, of 11V1ITEJIS IN IhILL Alion, Inch, were in Anin Arbor yes- AUJDITORIUM! terday to make arrangements for the scare of the body. Copp's home is in RELA FS E PERINCES Pendleton, Oregon. WITH LHARTE, KIPLING n rrn n 1,T mm iia n a t WOLVERINE NINE READY FOR BA9TTI WITH NOTRE DA l)tra n rjCoach Yost. Practically every alumnii no corridors. Acommodntfins for AUD4IT"ORIDF I ard, has charge of the' luncheon. terpr of teItrainlJit: k Butrton, Dean ohan It. Effinger andr association in the country has passed, 150 men have been planned in the or- - Harry Ledyarcl, Yale, is luncheon; omsin sbitdt CnrsIFishea Mrs. iEffinger, Dean Henry M Bates ;tresolutions urging that Michigan's new 1,iginal architect's plans. Rev.aser omisiosumitecooonres and Mrs. B te, ;Dean Joseph A. fedhebgie n thnaeoYst The club rooms of the building will Maurice FPrater, head of the tatatr a- ffild ous begivn te nme f Yst.i +illmissions in the New Hebridesgrp Robert H. Cancy, '07A, Michigan,. January, 1922. lirst ha! urshey and Mrs. Bursley, Dan Wit-l Prom nent Michigan men and others faeSaesre.Thsscino ;h of the South Sea Islands, will be thej holds the chairmanship of the ublic- : fiot fte ugs a ~ rt brahi bur umplreysand rs. -lunph-interested in, athletics ahavewitn iructue loccupy S app sroximaotel'speaker at the Sunday night services( city committee, and sasse yE n.lf i rpys, Deant. eorge W.. Patterson andi fromn all sections of the United States hafte1oko Saesre ot in H-ill auditoriun. In his talk on H Tyson, Penn State, in charge of Regent James 0. Mrfin presided Ms. Patterson,;Dean. Jean Hamilton, Ietuistal akn h ln h froni South University avenue. In- + -hake exithusiaeluded willcbena loungelroomha smok_ = the subject, "Among the South Sea,,radio, R. B. Alig, Amherst, "James ;Pontiac with Margaret King, LoreneI P~of Rll E M~ote ad rsIStudent body, and the many faculty hlugroi mi dnn on et I slanders," it Is expected that he will1 Schermerhorn, Jr., Michigan; William:- Waler and Henry Harrington upheld Coma cotrCah.eligHYotadmembers also favor the proposal. n D ml i'nrgt tell of his work in connection with j C. Richards, and E A. Batchellor. the negative while Hastings with Rob- grei I ingtCa 200e .Lit ndcteI sosPersonssmaldiig throosonni owreBop enir Mrs. Yot, Cach. GeorgesE. Ltztl adoitrIL inSseating 20, and a kitchen, aswel as terisinposs nwrgarded as the -ert Xalton, Albert Butler and ClaudeI MrLtlPo LLouis - A. tas The reasons given are numexou! smaller rooms. most successful example of missio n:-Knweete"ffraie Judges anfd' Mrs. Strautss, Prof. Emil Lonch; but mot f them 'bear Out the follow- ____ r oki iewrd ehsh U were Prof. E. D. Dickinson, of the Law !UN IV and Mrs. Lonc, Prof. Robert M. Wen- ilig points: 'That Coach Yost means! 22 years' experience in this kind o school, Prof. T.11. Reed, of the pohti- Iey and Mrs. Weynley, Prof. Charles., the most to Michigan athletics and is work iii these islands anda especially;rir fflI fI cal science department, Prof C. E. M 13. Vibbet andL Mrs.- Vib'ert,. Prof. the most prominent. figure connectedIll 115AST1 ON [R[CE among the New Hibrides and neigh- LIt ru in H II Griffin of the economic department,! Peter Field and Mrs. Fild, and Prof. with collegiate athletics in the Uniite r ri.nbrn gop.-Po.H F odiho h Lwsho fm Evans Holbrook and Mrs. H-obrook.i States today; that his followers havej f dIIIL fhQI~ Since the death of Dr. John GadH .Cfe ftereoi e h n ,A large share of the credit for the long sought for a means of showng EI. U11tLhIU (IU a Paton, 15 years ago, Mr. Prater has~ LEGISLATIVE IhOUSEIS STILL AT- nartment.f ed toda sucs-fteprym-tg oR hi prcato fhsvre e--- been the head of the missions founded OD O iVEST Two -cups, presented by the Un-I of tihec B.; Bennett, chairmian of the commit- vices; and that it was due to his ef-I BREAK L¢OOMS OVER IFFERENCF in the New Hibrides group by Dr.! BUDGET; versity Oratorical society, were award- now hol tre, and to htis associates, J. G. Don- forts that the new field house was( CONCERNING FOREIGN LEGAL Paton 50 years ago. When the mi--' ed. They will remain in, the posses-! ing atI adson, W. G. Evrtt, D T. Quirk, C.' conceived and is being built. I GUARANTEES sions there were founded, islanders Lansing, May 4-(By A. P.)-Tate ion of the two teams pernanently. I Dean I. Sapp; Lorenz Vasbinder, Katherine E were still in a state of cannibalism., move to rescind action taken at theI was ele N. Kreis, Loraine M. Parent, Mar- UN V RST LUB L ausanne, May 4 (By A. P.)-Tile Conditions there are now greatly; 1921 session which authrized the ,PADDOCK BREAKS II CORD; Nicols gret C. Mogk, Josepine A. ,Clark, i United States has been dragged into; changed as a result of the remarkable Reet}o h nivriy o ih BARRED FROM COPE 'PITION Tsota wa aigrtRice, and Aene Fleming, al ELEGIr S OFFICERS i aecontroversy tat threatens to cause I"work which has been done in civiliz-, ega tol a edorth hodoatic____ of thle claf '26'. --Ihe colapse of the second Near East{ ing, educating and christianizing the } eilsholfae othtdyi Officeers of the Unvrsity club for conference. Tie delegates are des- natives. tie house., Blocked by a point of or- Paris, MDay 4 (By A. 1.)-The;G B.V .M nies12- wr lce a etn heldl perately seeking at solution of the sit- Tonight he will tell student volun-? der raised by Representative Edward Freich athletic federation~anight af-, letnih. fers elected 'were: n ation to prevent tie rupture feared : teers, men who plan to enter mission- Manwaring, of Ann Abor, Represe- ter a full discussion decided to p'o- Chica, To valaest'night.enPOf.flrec o I Isoi n consequence of radical differ ence Iaywri ir ealo h rb tative Charles D Culver, of Detroit,Whit the holding of the remainder of western of te geodesy and surveying depart-e between the Turks and the Allies and leissheeIhas faced in connection withm served notice e wudrenew his res- thnvriy capioshp ftmeU Seio hnq enfrnithe s-1 n;seceay rof .. F. Adams,' the Ameicans over the special legal the work. This meeting will be heldi olution at a later session. Consider- Charles Paddock continues to compete I Westmo tneitt,, secretaror hi otion was in - in them. pit ics will meo mtattheeHuron- ohe syhloydepartment; treas- Iguarantees to e 'accorded to tor- at7:30o o'clochk, anmd will be illustrated ! atec it woud Paddck giv cites il ee oigtatte uo ' Pycoog nerisedo h omrcn dicated. The federation announced however hiote, Ysilanti orthe annual B. ~urer, H. M1-Hawley, and director Dea in erise ft~efre Olby slides.- Mr. Prater wilalso Tat ouseandthat i oudpermit Pdokto gveTo iv4 p .fo s uler court abolished by Turkey. blTpektoohehtuettrup nthe hueadsenate still are ;xibt.i Cmp D. dance. Thes social affair, which de- IEdward -I-. Kraus, of the Sunmmer IThe controversy hinges on the a-ablytimeapusotrsudent gOnubeing informed ofer therfeierio- meheldeto rives its name from the three lhonor i hrt ob rne h oeg ea a niae rdymrigwe Session. Following the election of IthwasindcateuFrdayunmonin wh n ben ifomdfthfdra{el d the ofcesPresident Marionm LBur- Ilthoity tobeigrated tme forianizlgalsof__the__mission_ societies, Baristers, Vulcans and ffciI advisors Turkey means to employ, the negative roll call was attached to' eiinteognzr fteIuiso Druids,;marks thebig e-oete o ton and Dean H. E. Hawker of Column-I PahhedoteTuksde-USIN WILL SING -bytehseotmea nd ntae Championship games which are in letter c the laegn erigalt--classe borIanvriysoeifral oteIsmetPsa ba the Tllieshbdolf- tUSSIANtoythe huiertofMichmand billmadprogresslaegnrig nd itcssIbanvriy'poenfmlytohe!rges at the Corps Doree Stadium given to leaders.1"s , members of the club. gelrd vgrul -ta T n t nrw' hrhwll aea . declared that Paddock would run as Exani The dace thi year will sart a - - - ' He eclare vigorusly hat Tukey St Andre'smchuchswiluiaveasgabtellOmnbus buldingbill. heesen hadabenearrngeditnotwihstandng I prviso The anc ths yar wll tar atregarded the legal advisors question I choir tomorrow the Russian Men's ate added 700,000- to the house ap- :30 and continue util .11:30 o'clockt. DEX1PSEYGID1BOS FIGHT as closed and said she must refuse to- Choir of Detrait. They will sing at 'propriation for the University to be; the federations stand. starting The affair, as customary, will be for- I CONDITIONS ANNOUNCED discuss it again. the 5 o'clock service At 6 o'clock.ue ocmlt h eia building. aial.- they will be the guss of tie Hobart'Adtost h os appropriationA n u l1 r d9 ,l 1 Chaperons for the dance will be Chicago, May 4 (By A. P.)--Jack ii Guild at Harris hall. bill for state buildings aproximated!A n u lV ud v le T Prof. John B. Waite of thle law school;I Dempsey, world's heavyweight boxingi IN heporaOtRh huc ii- and Mrs. Waite, and Prof. James I-.; champion, wil receive $300000 for WIL IIII NI elude the ordl's 'Prayer sung to a The Hauer bill to limit the IUniver-. Will Be Stag t+Cisel of theo nginteering school rikin his tithe against Tom Gibbons ~ ~ traditional melody and Lvoff's "Ohm ity nuill tax income was reported the so-called challenger, in a 15-round Gl~~r ~ 1N "'' iadsonme Radiance."" The singers have ' out contest to a decision at Shelby, Menl- i""'ME no accompaniment. Russian folk________ An annual vaudeville tournament in will be Tu 1 tana, July 4, while Gibbons will gain- Allsongs will be rendered at) Harris hall. Firinig Held o Rhfle hange-whcalUnvriysuetae i-prto ble ith he pomotrs fr hi share Al sophomores and freshumen desir-, There are, anmong the members of! Firi ng on thme 200 and 300 yard rifle jgible to conipete except members of ; Prelin- IA/j AO e of the receipts.a hc range was held yesterday afternoon.,Mmsdaai oit adtm i-Imn ____________________________ T is s revealed tonight w hen allIwa whc will, be hlcd next Friday dra choir of N ew York City. The or- at the Rt. 0. T. C. range, A large nu ni-- n r of the last vaudeville tournament' day eve obTslsoftemac