____ ___ TIIE I .-'AN DAR.) ----------- ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN! caio in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all meviberu of alveratty. Copy receivred until s_2O P. m. (110 A. n a-sy. t 3 FRIIJAY, XAY 4, 19 Njj Abr 1l0 iAll Seniors: DIPLOGMA FEE IS PAYAJLEk NOW! Early settlement is ntees- the prejparation of diplomas. In no case will the University degree at Commencement upon any student who fails to pay this1 "e 4 o'clock p. mn. May 22. In case the Faculty does not recommend r, the fee will be refunded on surrender of receipt for payment. e applies also to teacher's certificate tee, business admlnistratlon ,e ee and nurse's diplonma fee. Candidatos°'br degrees, or for any ,e or diplomra should AT ONCE fill out cardl at office of tke $ecro.- heir College or Sc:hool, pay, the Treasurer of the university and .d recepted, and file indicated section of this receipted card with etary of their College or School. Do not delay tllI the last mio- t attend to tis matter at one. Treasurer's Office will be closed each Saturday afternoon.j SH1IRLEY W. SMITH, Secretary University. ' y Legore U . E. Haswkes of Columbia College. Columbia University, will de- riversity lecture on the subject "lamination and M~ental Ted p. mn., Fr"iday, May 4, in the Auditorium of the' Natural Science Dean IHawlces comes by the invitation of the Deans of this Uni- His discussionu of the new developments in college and unilver- tics with r~gard to examinations will be 'of interest to the momn- the faculties. Dean Hawkes will, speak, more Informally, at igof the Ujniversit~y Club, Friday-evening, May 4. There will be a debate, tonight at 7:30. After the dp',;, f there will be busines meeting when the nomination of officers [or n ext semnester, will take place. May 11 the officers will be elected. eases brought about by various ameoe- s poke y Aesterdlay afte7 icionin l roem .' Cuddlfle toy" that $(l'uEaik, aim1al bae, Wednesday night in the Natural 214 of the ,Natural Science b~uilding. and dolls. 'Also rattles in all ,4lze Science auditoriums. Thec topic of this talk was "he LiC(,e and designs. Jane iSingleton Tot Shlo, Professor Kofoid, whlo is 'brought Cy~cle of Prntezoa wvith 1 el'erence to 4 Nickel's Alrcade.- Advi. to the University through the ef- Certain Funldamentzal A spects of Ev - ________ forts of the zoology department,-loo -o" a onz al Avrie- d' Tryout s for Coimely Club: j Tryouts for mneinbershp in Comedy Club will be held in Newberry Hall ,Auditoriunt Saturday morning, May 5, from 9 to 12. Those trying out are requested to have something prepared which they can recite. All students of the University are eligible for membership.' C. J. 1)REISBACJl. Comedy Clare: All members of -Comedy Club are expected to be present at the try- tinuts in dewberry hll Auditorium, Saturday morning, Maiy 5, fromi 9 to 12, to assist in the selection of the new menmbers. j ~C. J. DliIJhBA'II ltlt11111 ii lttt 11111111111 U II 1 11t1 tttII i11 1 t l ilIIIII lti l 11 II IIIIIII 111 11111 ilil II 3I 1111 1illli illiINiIIII ! lM i 1111 HI HAMLIN Gf"A RLAND . A 4th ilAdtorium S ingle Admission 5 nd 5 Cts. i WHAT'S GOING ONJ EINGINEERING SOCIETY ',HOLDS ELECTION TODAY { rr j t i GOLF '. : ROBBINS. v° rsi Club Annual omeethig Friday, May 4, at 8$pmi. Election of officers and other iness. D~ean Herbert E. Hawkes of Columbia College, will talk ;infor- Lly on the newest developments in "examinations in course. _. P. ADAMS, Secretary. iDed Curricula: All applica.tions for admission to. the Combined Curricula (Medicine, w, Dentistry, anoi Nursing) must be filed with the Registrar on or be- aSaturday, M4ay 5. ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar. Stadenlts T'e is an urgent nee-d of twelve students to act as guides to the opus front. $to 8 AG o'clock this morning. Quldes will assem-ble on the ps of 11111 Auditorium at 8 o'clock sharp. The remuneration for this vice will be 60 cents wh~ich can be had by application to the office of Dean of Students. J. A. B3URSLEY. ow?'T-itectiire and Marine lEngineering:, Une-,2aduate in .this department who deaire, to obtain..practical exr ience in, the Shops during the suammer, are requested to see Professor blr or Professor Bragg, Room Z2Q West Engheering building. II., C. SA DLER f)Ibnan Rheoric Staiff: A mreeting will be held at.4 o'clock Mo1nday aftern oon, May 7,.Jo con- r the course of studly for 19 03-1924. G. S. LASHIER. *Iaal Geology Fileld Trip:4 The claLsein~ Glacial Geology .23 will assemble at the Natural Science lding, aturday, Dmay 5, at f a. m'., for a trip by motor truck~ over west- Wnahten4w County. It is important to have the Surface Geology map the Ann. Arbor Folio. Other mnaps will be supplied by Mr. Leverett. FRANK LEVERETT. Firng at~ 200 -and ~00 yards. Truck leaves R. 0. T: C. office at 1 p. Mn. day. Satur'day fiig will be at 300 and 500 3 arils. Truck leaves It. 0. C. ffce at 8:30 a. in. F . E. COLLINS, Capt. Int. Dol. 0. T. C. Adra~wced Course: Black neclities are on hank' for all advanced course men. Be. sure, all at the R. 0. T. C. offlec and get yours before Wednesday. * . . . . Major' Ord. Adjutanit.. to Ciskhxlonship Debate: Hastings High School debates With ToutiaC Binh S(-pool for tie high, ,ool chlam~ponahip~ in debating at 8. o'clock cui Fridamy evening, lMay 4, the a.udit~orium of University Hall. The public is cordially tlnvitcd t ~nr. CARL G. BR lI)T. ftsi"nu:-- Regular annual meeting will be held in the dining room of the !I - ic Temnple aot 7:30 p. i. lFriday, May .4. Airn ual election, of 'ofilcers Ibe lielden' laiformation relative to the trip of the degree team will be en out.. J' W. HOSTRUP, President, SOTICE-Copy for this column should] be submit ted by Ci t- 30o'clorck of th~e day before publication. FRIDAY 12:I--Law faculty lunch In private, dining room of the Uniton. 4t14---- awks, of Columbia, lec. ture toNatralScience auditorium. 7:00-Zionist association meets in 7:4-Le hilub meets in room W.so the Union. 7 40--Volonla Literary circle meets In Lane hal. 8:00--Hamnlini garland lectures in Hill a~ditoriuin. 8:00--Final' debate of Michigan high1 school debating league in University 9 :000--rosli Frolic hInassembly bal of the Union. 1'2:0-- ~. Prixtce speaks to those !in- iterested in auto sales training. 2s --Notre jDame-Michigan baseball game at Ferry' feld.i #:14--Taii Beta Pi dinner fit room 3.18' of the Union. S6*4--De .Silguta Delta dinner ii room 319 of the Union.. 630-Wesleyan guild pivnli(. C'all! Wealey hall today.: U-?4'ilCE S C Caps and gowns for engineering and literary seniors have arrived and Mnay be obtained at Mone's Sport shop. 17ickets for Camp Davis dance on sale now at Graham's book store. Today Is last day for senor engineers to get their pictures in group pc ture. A. L. E. ,E. SECURE: FILMI FORPl'.ESENTATION MAY 15 Cardidates for election to the execs- tive offices of the Engineering socie-! ty' were chosen at a meeting of the nomilnating comniitt c,! held yesterday.I Officers for the couIng year in the society will be selected, in the annual engineering elections today. The nominees are as follows:. For president, Calvin Campbell, '24, andi Donald Holm, '24; for vice-president,I Frederick Kratz, '24, and Freidel tiWil- kening, '24; and for secretary, F. M. Freeman, '25, and Waldo Greiner, '25; and for treasurer, Franklin Dickman, '25, and Kenneth McCracken, '25. The election booth in the engineer- ing arch will be open from 8 to 3 o'clock today.k BIOLOGISTLECTURES Professor lKofold of California Talks 1 on "Amoeba and Man" Speaking on "Amoeba and Man" Prof. Charles Atwood Kofoid, emi::ent biologist and head of the zoology de- partment at the University of Cali- fornia, discussed the relation of such organismfs to the human species and with the aid of lantern slides describ- ed in detail, the more disastrous dis- WAHR S U n iver ity Bookstore C L U B S vmmsfmg Wacgregor's, Spalding's and others A LARGE, SHIPMEN4T JUST RECEIVED .. ... . . i Scabbard and Blade Initiates Two ilen Scabbard, and Blade, national hion- orary military fraternity, initiated two men Wednesday night. The new menm- bers are cadet first lieutenant E. H. Pals, '24, and cadet second lieutenant 4i9 fQi i' E (I 1 Through the courtesy of Stone and E Webster, tle local branch of the Amx- o rican Institute .of Electrical Engi-I neers will present a film, "Nature's l Frozen Credits,'' on May 15., The picture is a dlescription of the *Caribou hydro-electrical development? in the Sierra. Nevada mountains of California. Prof. Lovell, of the electri- cal engineering department will give an introductory talk, prior to the showing of the picture. Child enms' Dress". -I nfanits six, nmionths and Year sizes. .,Jane Single- toff Tot Shop. ,4 Nickel's Arcaide.- <