MICHIG7ANDAILY r .rryn . . _ _ , I THIS COLU1MN CLOSES IAT 3 P.Md; XI SING NOTICE Trhe following B~ox Replies are at thie DAILY OFFICE: DW, Jake, JSC, X, M. C. -MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED.. RATES Classified Rates. TCwo cents a word a clay, paid in advance. Minimum charge for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. 'Three cents per word per day if charged. White space charged for at rate of five cents per agate line. Classifieds, charged only to those hiaving phones. Phone 960. DON'T FORGET Smith Tire Repair Oldest and most reliable place WAN~TED WANTED-Furnished house! or apart- ment by September. Write Geo. F. Que, 920 E. Washington. 154p-2 WANTED-By student and her moth- er, two or three housekeeping roons for school year beginning Soptem- Sbr. Call 846-J. 154p-31 WANTED-To hire good car in good condition by visitor during next fort- nmight, without chauffeur. Write Box 'J. C. IL stating terms. 1551,' W ANTED--Students to work in kit- chen remainder of semester. Fm- ployment assured, next year. 6441 Tappan .Ave. 154-6I Classifieds-Cond. 11OLSE CLEAN W IE make your house clean without 1paint. W~e do both interior and ex- Iterior wasihing. Ann Arbor H-ouse .Cleaning Co. Prone 1995-7'. 152c-30 EXPER1TS of washaing windows at. reasonable :prices. Ann Arbor Win-] dow Clean'.ng Co. Phone 1995-J.' 153c-34: TYPE WlITER.$ EXPERT Typewriter Itepairing, all. Imakes.. Ann Arbor Tyjpwriter Ex- chang e. Phone 866. 9 Savings Blank Blockz. --1- 23c-ti' RE~MINGTON PORTABLE TYPE- WRITE~RS. Call Stacy R. Black, 432 'Thlompson. Phone 1128-JJ. We deliver. 141p-21 TYPEWRITIN G YOU GET PROMPT. AND. ACCURATFW service when your MANUSCRIPTS are TYPED by EXPERTS at BID- cI week - or more.- in Yellows t ITbI gardiner, Out Cody" jDOROTHY B. LOWRY SCHIROPRACTOR 60 00 st Nat'l Bank Bldg. W oi.,1-6 p.m. khone 401.3 VICTO LM;DNE SPIANO A TU EN3INGE9 Scool of 11;l;'~ie {I) ffice at REs., 418 'N. Division St.. na~ . , I U J 'tM Another week, or more, in Colorado ! Can you imagine a more wonderful vacation. The mnotor-trip through 'Yellowstone Park can be made in 41/ days, but you should stay longer. Some people remain a month. Nowhere else, they say, can they pass time so happily. The cool, pine-laden air, the fishing, the extraordinarily varied scenery, the delightful social life-these are attractions which draw tens of thousands annually. The standard Park tour costs $54if you stay at the hotels; $45, at the camps. And Colorado -- only twenty-six hours distant--is as satisfying, in its way, as Yellowstone Park. Rocky Mountain (Estes) Park - a summer' para- dise -- is only a few hours distant from Denver. So is Colorado Pprings, nestling at the foot of Pike's Peak. The, round trip to and thro' the "Royal ,Gorge" canbe made ina day from Denver or Colorado Springs, Keep Your Car Looking New, all the Time WATDTrEinstructors. desire DLEAS 1BO0K STORE. 11 Nickels DON'T let dull and it up-to-date; pride in it. your car get dingy. Keep keep up'your - to buy tires,. T V~dJ~ UL4 UfrrineI icu.]lc-tZ Kelly Springfield Diamond Tires apartment for next year. Box Mv-3. 3RSE 12tc-ti 154 p-7 -_____ _______ HAE her VcorRcod"Caro- WANTED-Two students to go west FULLER BRUSHES lin''bytheGratWhite Way Or-1 in Ford inJune. Call Ogilvie15-M SPRING HEOUSECLEA G-1x1 ICM NG? I chestra? For sale at Schaeberle and P__________________ 'We've got brushes for every. need, on11 ;Man ocWANTED-Clhb of twenty girls, Twoj Call 1158-J. 127c.21 WHY NOT-Have that Spring Frater- blocks from Campus. Call 855-J. nity Party some week-end at' the ________155____ Sp-3[f ~ Tai 15e4p-2 Pttna,, ic.WANTED-Ticket to Architect Ball. 1 HIb~E Phone 25 Tipton~. 4- Call 3104 at 12-M 155p nr 'j HEARh the' latest Brunswick records ----e o rhietsbijJ~ ER UL~E at the Stofflet Phono Shop s. Saw AllE-cketsonfor lrieav t'mssalle Mill River' Road and Farewell Blues Cal arsorevemsg. by Ishai Jones Orchestra. 155c 22-.l4.jJO UN :A. COPP TAKEN SICK YES., WANTED-Pair of high top shoes, No. rfIAWAY MOR t N£ ; DEATH FOR ROCK BOTTOM PRICES on gro- 10. Call 922-W, 155 SU I,)1J: ceries, see Pierce's ad in the Wed -___________________ _ nesday issue of The Daily. 125c-tf L0OST i John A. Copp,6, died at the, -r Health service shortly after 6 o'clock AREX Special Canoe Lunch will LOST-Around R. 0. T. C. Headquari- (ra i make~ her want to go again, Rex's ter(Wenedayaftrnonayat morning. Deat was due to;, Clubi lunch, 154c-ti" noteook containing notes for en- Af rrtrn n paetygo REAL STATEtire semester. These notes are very; health, he was taken critically ill at E~AL STATEvaluable to owvner. Reward. Phone 13 o'clock in the morning at his room- :FOR SALE 2987-J. 155p at 637 Oakland avenue. He was mm-] 10 ROOM HOU3SE AND DORMITORY, L- Golnmecdiately taken to the Health, service. ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS. LOSTGol an t iqe earring with d'Where he died three and a, half hours WILL ACMOAE15t TO' 18 caianswvlerlurodd later.. Copp is said to have suffered, BOYS. DOWN PAYMENT' $1.000. wt imod.O r bu lt with heart trouble, and was warned 12 ROOM HOUS E IN FRATERNITY form of M. C. Station. Reward. Call of his condition when be entered the DISTRICT:~ LARGE' GROUNDS: 984-R, Gilbert. 155p iUntiversity last fall. EASY TERRMS. FOR GOOD BUYS LOST--Gold hyatchi with black and Coltt's hbome is in Pendleton, Ore. CALL ON ME. gl ibnbaee. Bten!Ilie is survived by his father, John EL1MER E. BROORS, REALTOR Cgold ibbo.nd bracee St Betwcen-' Warren Copp," of Pen dleton. Funeral PHONE 866 OR 307, 7 SAVINGS ( pus. Call 83R Reward. 154p-3 #arranlgemfents 'have not yet been com- BANK BIDN.15c3i ___________________pleted. ___________ OF__TE______--LOST-Fur neck-piece on Michigan YOUNGER MEMBERSOFTEAC Ave. Road between Ann Arbor and rrhsi vm IJLTY-Property out West Huron Detroit Monday afternoon. Reward 1.111 R.11A1 St. presents happy solution of the Call262-M_1'x'-2 Lri iili You can keep it looking like a new model if you'll give it a coat of Lowe Brothers Auto V arn is h Colors every six months. Do it yourself. It's, great. fun. All it will cost is three or four dollars, and you'll enjoy doing it. There isn't any trick to it at all. Poll it out~ of the garage the second clay, and the neighbors will think you have bought a. new car. If you &w nt to change the present color, you have your choice of eight others. Comne in and see the sample spokes and learn how easy it is to keep old cars look~ing new. Low Summer Rates of the Northern Pacific make it possible for thou sands to visit Yellowstone Park, who 1 therwise might feel that the trip is too I want to send you our Yellowstone Park j book and tell you about a real Vacation.. Northern Pacific tramn service - there's -- nothing better ANYWHERE. ~' A. S. Smiith, Pass. Traffic Manager AYellowstone Park "Cmp" 978 North'ern Pacific Bldg., St. Paul, Ainn. 112 W. Wabinton Phone 353-1 WO2DO Miles of 'Startling Beauty" V 158 C "dl I .s 1* r PC er home question.y We are now in a position to offer you comfortable, well built,. and attractively designed homes ranging in price fronm $6,000 to $9,000. Investigate. Do it now. C. LOUIS AND1REWVS Realtor 512 First Nat'l Bank Tel. 3064 Evenings 2789-J 155ca A 14 room rooming house in vicinity of Campus and High School. $9,800 with $1,500 down. A beautiful home, S.E. of Campus,. 8 rooms, tile roof, hot water heat, large corner lot and garlage. Bar- gain at $18,000 with $5,000 down. DOUG-LAS GOLDEN 316 First N VI' Bank Bldg.; Phone 720 155c-6 AN, Exceptional buy. For 30 days the 12 room house at' 339 S. 'Division will be priced at an exceptionally low price and good terms. Every- thing is modern and in good condi- tion. Seethis at once as it will not be on the market- long at the price. Mrs. Gustine, 835-F-i, or 2738 155c FOR SALE-Two story cottage, large grounds and boathouse, Strawber- ry~ Lake, Lakeland, Mich. Call 1210-W between 6 and 7 P. M. 153p-3 HAVE 'customers for 12 to 19 room house.' Must be in good condition. Good location. Will ,pay $4,000 down. Call Mrs. Watkins , 1283. 1550-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE-3-A Graphlex Camera, roll films, 'post card size, 5x7. Cook Bros. lens. Tripod and case, ex- tremely fast. Half price for quick sale. Phone 2951-W after 6 P. M. 1540-tf FOR SALE-Three FEDERAL A. F. Transformers. Only $4 apiece. Ful- ly guaranteed. Call Eckfield, 1153-M after 6:30. 155p-2 FOR SALE--An up to date, good run- ning,' Henderson motorcycle, elec- trically equipped, and accessories. Call Whittier 1158-J. 154p-4 FOR SALE-Airdale puppies from registered parents. Phone 197-F-22, Saline. Fred Kleinschmidt. 145p-33 FOR SALE-Seven passenger Cadillac, A-I conditilon. Will sell cheap. Call 2878-R, Eckles or Mayberry. 155p FOR, SALE--Fine radio outfit, '4c- tector and two-step amplifie'. Cheap. Call 613-R. 153p-3 CABLE NELSON piano. A-i condition, oak case, excellent tone, $150. 631 Oakland. 2808-W. 155p-4 'LOST-iCase record from Detroit so- Ital agency. Reward. Notify Dr. Raphael, 619 E. University. 155-2 LOST-A Zeta Thu Alpha pin.. Call 2798. 'Reward. 155-3 LOST-At Military Ball, a gabardine. coat, Phone 370-W. 155 LOSTP-Lady's blue taff eta hat, Sun- day evening. Box C. L. 154p-2 BUSI'NESS OIPOUTUNITY Make your plansJ now for summe I still have sever al mighty good towns open. Do not wait until the best territory is all taken. Come in and investigate our proposition now. HuOS STIFF - H, Tel. 3221-J. Across J. LEADER- 622 E .Liberty from Speddings PFACTICE 153c-7 FOR STUDENTS desiring, a money [maker for summer: Act quickly and secure territory for a new and use- ful improvement in Ice Cream Con- fection. 13ita-Ice. For particulars write Eldred and Perry, Romeo, Mich. ' 154p--2 PROFESSIONAL salesmani had a six man crew out one week during spring vacation. Each man aver- aged $100. -FeW men needed to coin- S pl ee the crew for summer. Choice of good territory. Call at 613 Pack- ard, 1-2 any day. 153-4 FOR RENT ANTED TO RENT-House'"by 'June, 30 with,. ten' rooms 'or more. Best references, 'Mrs. Mary: Myers,. 741 Rademacher Ave., Detroit.' 152p-7 FOR RENT-Tenent wanted to share !suite. of three good offices on N. University, facing Campus. Cail " 2 6-M. 155-2 FOR RENT-Furnished house, garden rand garage.. June 15th to Sept. 15th. $55 per month., Call 2179-J or write Box E. Daily. 154p-2 FOR. RENT-Furnished apartment in Amberay Apts. for summer months. Care Daily Office. A. G. 152p-3 FOR LEASE FOR LEASE-14 room house with stu- dente furniture, 2nd and 3rd floors. 407 E. Huron St. 155p'I FOR HIRE FOR HIRE-Enclosed car, with oz', without driver. Phone 1753-R. 71c-21 ] SCELLA1IEOIJS GOWNS for, Afternoon and Evening Wear Coach Mather's Frosh baseball' squad' W13 'Aidit' 'tbii~h the har 1etW1 practice session of the year yester- day afternoon1. 'A hot sun and little wind made for ideal baseball ;play-I ing, and Coach Mather and his as- sistants kept the yearlings on their ties all the time. After a hard practice session witht the infielders Coach Mather picked two teams and sent them through a a, fast game. While the fielding is uncertain as yet, this 'was one of the best game's of the spring, being mark- edcc with hits of flashy work. Under. the directon of Mathiers' assistants 4he Frosh were instructed in the art of circling the paths and hitting the dirt. The Battery men will probably be the next to receive special instruction, as' yet they have beon merely, getting_ in shape. No extensive cut has been made this week, and the Frosh will proba- bly be cut away, in small groups from now on. The infielders are rap- idly growing smaller in number as are the fly-chasers. As soon as "Skip- per" Mathier has cut these down suf- ficiently, he will turn his attention to' the hurlers and receivers. Bury Lord Carnarvon Londuro, Mlay 3 (By A. P.)-The body of Lord Carnarvon, Tutankhamnen't tomb discoverer, was buried on the summit at. Beacon Hill, after services at Highclerc Castle. COMING SUNDAY WIA-P 1. G' f . , t ; i Investment it. Good Appearancc IIie tan alit Fabrics from the fore os t mills in to th, hemispheres, t e tailor g skill of expert craftsmen,..and -the style direction of un. questioned, autho ~ty make Kuppenheimer good clotihs the highest standard of quality. , ; . :. V\ ifi. _ 4r." i,. tt ^ 'C { , ' 4,' , -o AL I -ft, T A v y. Tr ~N ~ W "% A r ,,