mNA~_ _ _ _ --- I Features StockJ 7ago Symphony- For eenth mSuccessive Year MISSIDIARY TO :SPEAK kAT UNIVERSITY.SE hcE REV. MORURS FRATER SECURVDI TQ GIVE An)bRESS SU~ND)AY . . JEEMNO Rev. Morris Frater, for years prom- inenit'i missionary work among the f~outh Sea Islannders, will b h speaker at the .University' servics to be field in Hill auditorium at 7:30 O'clock Sunday evening. He will ta. k, on the~ subject, "Among tho, South' Sea Islanders." Since graduating from the Uiliver- ~' ity 'of Glasgow, Scotland; Rev. Frat- 1 er has been actively engaged in miis- sionary work, for the last 22 years having been in charge of -the,.issio n{ at. New Nebrides. He also served inI the mission made famous by Dr . JohnC G. Paton. George 0Mcar Cowen 'will: be in charge of the program of music at the Sunday evening 'services. Robft F. Adamrs, Jr., '23, president of the S. C. i IA. Will preside. S Rev. Frater will also speak to. stu- Vent volunteers at 7:3.0 'cloec Sat- urday night in Wesley hal., This ta1l] will be illustrated with slides. COM~EDY CUB TO HO aVi 1A~iJ TRYO1UTS T~N4RROW MORNMI 1923 ENGINEERS ARRANGE OUTING 1 asebali gam~es, track events, canoe tilting, and centipede races will fea- turte the thlird annual outing of the seniors engineering Tuesday at Bar- ton Dam. Games will. be played be- tween1 mechanical and civil engineers and chiival an~d electrical enlgineers. At dusk, a supper will be served with music by the3 R. 0. T. C. and sopho- more bands. Se'veral speeches and stories will complete the program. Tickets for the outing' are on sale in the corridors of the engineering building. Trackis will leave the: en- gineering a'rch at 5 and 5:30 o'clock Tuesday afternooni. J~. B. Vlack, '23E, is chairman lW, charge of thie trip: MERtN-ERM1'24 AD INiT EMAI tS IID ANHNUALINSPECTION Final review of the It. 0. T. C. unit in preparation for' the yearly in spec- tion by Major General Harry C. Hale, commander of the sixth corps area, on May 9, was held ye sterday afternoon before the p~ost officers and Major Mark L. Ireland. 'According to word received by Ma-l jor Robert Arthur, head of the niill- tary science department, General Hale accompanied by his; chief of staff, .Col- onel Caldwell will arrive in Ann Ar-, bor Wednesday morning from Detroit, and will review the six cornpanies Of the R. 0.F T. C. at 2:45 that afternoon at South Ferry field. The review and inspection will bie open to the pub- lic. In the evening a banquet will 'be0 given in General Hale's honor by the1 Chamber of Commerce and the Armny and Navy club at the Chamber of Com- merce buld,-ing. it is possible that Colonel Wallace, head of the National, Gurard of Michigan and Major Cowley, coi-mnander of the M. A. C. J.. 0. T. C. unit w-ill be present at the bancluet.I Get good values cheap, thr'u the I Classified columns.-Adv. HEAL SALES ENWATEDO icr summer vacation. if you are a live wire you canl clear $1500 this summer. If you are not a live wire do not reply. This is not a peddling or can- ,-,, sing proposition, but is a he- man's job with he-man's pay. Write Box 20,. Michigan Daily, Nvith telephone number and sales experience. Adv FLOWI IPlants Co I Palms and F to Rent FLOWERS BYI Cousins &Hail 611 EAST UNIVERSITY AYE~. PiloNE 15 :'I R William H'. Merner, '24, was 'api- pointed asistant director of intra- mural' Athletics for 19 23-24~ by Ebnffer Athletics, yesterday afternoon~. IMerner has 'worked as tryout, as- 1isat mniager and as Intr~amiural Imaniager for the past yeair. It is, the first time in' the history of the de- partmnit 'tha~t a Junior has eves' held the mnaiager's job. The assistant 'di- .rector job carries a salary with it. "'Read the W ant Ads GARRICK vd, 5c to'5.x JOS. 31. GATES Presents The Sky High uSimlal Comedy 1U'0 HBLOUIS as" rH..... . ... .,i w..u r .w1 "..1.. : .... '-Ia.ra.s ~u~r+[...: 'With' joy I'm almost bursting, Guess the reason if you can- It's because I heard my mother Call the Connor Ice Cream man! ; .... P 11y h. ,.. .., . , r1 V ^ C' n n \\ . Frederick A. Stack Loe famous conductor of the Chi-j o Symphony orchestr'a, Frederick 'ockc, Will again bring hlis organii- on of distinguished musicians to iArbor. for the May Festival, be- given from May 16 to 19 in Hill1 itoriumi under the auspices of thel University Musical society. Mr. Stock kand his orchestra- have =appeared an- nually in the Festival concerts since 1905. Hie will conduct e'ver'y concert except the one on Thursday e'vening when Gustav Holst, the British com- poser, will conduct the American pre-- nliere ,of his "Hymn of 'Jesuis'!, Com~edy 'club will hold- its spring tryou~ts from 9 to 12 o'clock tomorrow miorning in the auditorium' of New-1 berr'y hall. Several new memhbers will be clhosen to fill. the places. that will be 'left vacant by 'graduation.. Tryouts are requested to bring something with which they are famil'- iar? with them 'to read. Members 'of Comedy club will act' as judges.. It's true efficiency to use Daily CIs ~siefieds-Ad*. ICE ~EA M IEUSIC AND MUSICIANS Vatin~ee Musicale, undler ',d ose au- ces Maclame Clara Clemens is giv- her cycle illustrating the histor- deveolopment of Song, announces ,it the sixth concer'L oZ the series i be given at 4 o'clock noaxt Mo.- y' evening in Pattengill audtitoriump cI that the seventh concert, conclud- thip cycle, will take place at l he ne hour Wednesday evening. It s been custoinary to give these re- als a week apart, but Madam e Cle- ns has consented to the new ar- 'gement to avoid conflicting with eMay Festival and other niusical ents scheduled for the week a ft:er IYETROIT AL~I )Ni G AYTER1 FOR ILAST LUNCHIEOIN OF SItASON Members of the University of Mich- igann club of D'etroit, gave their last ltuncheon of the season yesterday n xoon at tie 'Tuller hotel. A business mneeting 'and election of ofl'icers for' th1e coming year followed the lunch- eon._ INEXT IEER--CHtAUCEY OLCUOTT Co n'os goodness is niot due to flavor alone --- or to smnooth texture - or to satisfying richness. It is all these, and the freshness resulting from whole- some rya%. i"facture,. that make 'Connor's inimitable. n s . /I l f Next Special Brice, RASP.BERR PY ORANGE SHERBET' MA LLO-NUT 'Pihone c arly. =t The intercollegial6 ti luleen t a1 e plac:e May 12. L'wilt "Everything is filled up There is only one Connor's Ice Creamn -to be sure you get it Say, "CONNoR'S" ---,. A -j XR but my, teeth ! " sighed the old gentleman as he finished iI ' I C.A. Co nnor Ice Cream Co* 1E cT.RO lt!i...... F YtI.. Y. ________________________________ I his 35c .Lunch at thte Phe sixth concert will carry patrons he cycle into the field of the "etern- dissonance," being composed en-' ely of modern songs by Dehussey, vel, Chausson, 'Reger, Schonborg, Izuer, Elgar, Bridge, Carpenter, ach, .Mason and Parker. The last vital is devoted principally to th~e y beautiful songs of Hu1go Wolf,j 2hard Strauss a'nd Gustav Mlahier, d also includes an Italian and Span- group by Driogi, Respighi;' Fern- I dez and Pedrell. 'Aitli the 410. songs,. Juded., in these programs, _Madamei mens will' have comlpleted her cy-j of mare than 150 songs iiI fu guages and have exeinplified theI of song writing frog 11its primitive ,ption down-i to the pre.sent , cdayr Coa.issiens to the flnal Jcncrtsl: will] sold at I> ~:~~lat ~ila - ANDIB SA J I IED t :, A Genuine Chocolate, Malted 'Drink fot Utoptahcatc 1219 SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE Bldtk anJ ttlalI Eat! of1 AtA Oane Whole Week. n adz 10 Starting Sunday . _ ,__ ___ _ _ , _..;, _ f __.. _ _ r _. ..__ .. r ,. Th. .r 5c P Of mpeetrbleAfticax'Pictured ift Their Widst Haunts DEALERS SPHONE1 14 i ,, ..:. ,.., f ,.4. .. r. l rcr -..riir iriiir'u i.w w"." w: 'r r t-' i..r t.. II p. - ,. . L:..JL 1w ..:, .. MAN SENIORS! N ow is the time -t9 place your order for CALLING CARDS ENGIZAVED OR PRINTED I VMA N 1IMIL\ W/"e can also furnish you with ANNOUNCEMENTS' 1I 112 LEITHER E NG-RAVED S. MAIN ST. O6 PRINTED PH ONE 1404 o , r y17 MA& b 6tt f I k, 14 o n . L a a a 5 n . o a '" e a a z 4 Q-aaa a n , TH-E MVAYER - SCHAIRER COMPANY Stationers, friitters, Binders and' Eng'ravers 0 ; 00 '00 . , ':1 m a .' Students wishin part- hI ~e work 'at. a.heman's j ob a pply at any time SHITS NDSCA FS ORSPRING,'. Shirts that ,fit perfectly at .the neck -and sleeves; tailored with -that attention to. minute' detail' that ro~ar- an tees long and ,smart service; 'you can get' them in pop l in, Mommi, and Ox~ford cloths, of white, light blue,' and li1ght tan, x 5, au pwr Neckwear in a varieAY of materials and patterns, With the popular foulards predominating; these 'ties are arade to hold their shape and style. ojetweean $I t6,92 7 astn. nd4:3Q0~m FAMF7' - ,