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May 04, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-04

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[I. No. 155






1 '

«M#ason and Dixon Seven" and iKen-
iaedy's Orchestra Chosen to
Furnish Music

Pep was the keynote of the
practice which was held by the
Sophomore band last night in
preparation for the annual
spring games. If noise is any
criterion the sophs bid fair to
outshine anything that the fresh-
men will be able to put in the
field in the way of music. In
addition, the members of the
class of 2 have a couple of sur-
prises up their sleeves which
may cause the yearlings some
uneasy moments during the
spring fracas.
M. B. Curless, '24, of the Var-
sity band, is helping put the men
in shape, while W. W. Spanagel,
'25E, holds the positions of man-
ager and drum major.

Will Talk Before
COLUMBI IIFANConference Today1111SHOST
Herbert Edwi n HIakes T il Give 1astings and Pontine Teams to
University Iecture Ihi, .h (i in U'niersily
A fter noon Hail






"Examination and Mental Tests"
will be the subject of a University lec-
lure to be delivered by Dean Herbert
Edwmn Hawkes of Columbia university
at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in the
Natural Science auditorium. He will
discuss the new development in col-
lege and university practice with re-

rt !!

Debating teams from Hastings and
Pontiac will meet at 8 o'clock to-
night in Unlyersity Hall to contestj
for the state championship in high
school debating. The Hastings affirm-
ative trio will compete against the
Pontiac negative team.j

The "grand- old seniors" will
promenade for the first time Sun-
day with adequate support for
their rapidly increasing infirm-
ity. Day after tomorrow has
been chosen as the annual "Cane
Day," and the class of '23 will be
given the opportunity of swing-
ing the traditional class walking
More than 800 members of the
senior classes of the University
have purchased canes. The ac-
cepted design consists of a shaft
with a crooked handle, a silver
band with a block M and 1923
engraved on it, and a horn fer-
rule. Seniors are requested not
to carry their canes until Sun-

General Institution Measure Awi
$3,000,000 For Use In
Next Two Years
(Special to The Daily)
Lansing, May 3.-Rules were s
pended in the senate tonight to p
mit the third reading of the Univ
sity of Michigan Appropriation 1
and a final vote. If the house fails
concur in the recommendation of
senate fixing the appropriation
$4,007,00 the bill will be refrred t<
conference committee. There seem


I ~,I

Meeting tonight in the assembly
hall of the Union, members of the
class of 1926 and their partners will
hold the annual'Freshman Frolic. All
arrangements have been made, and
everything is in readyness for the


Mason Dixon to Play
The Mason and Dixon Seven, from
the Fast, and Kennedy's Society or-t
chestra of Ann Arbornare the two or-
ganizations chosen to furnish the
music for the function, which will
last from 9 to 2 o'clock. The Mason.
and Dixon has gained an enviable
reputation at a number of college
parties throughout the country. It
was one of the three orchestras tol
play for this year's J-Hop. They will
intzoduce a number of specialty nim-
bers, and will feature Skin Young,
tenor and banjoist, in several songs.
Kennedy's aggregation is well
known in Ann Arbor, having -played
at a number of important social func-
tions. This orchestra will also furn-
ish some novelty selections.
The' planning of all decorations forl
the hall has been left in the hands
of the Blue Maize shop of this city.
Those decided upon are simple, and
will harmonize perfectly with the
ballroom. They will consist of a
large floral piece in which the class
numerals are worked, and tall ferns
massed at intervals about the room.
Leather programs, of a unique de-
si ;n, on which ;r seal, and the class
numerals have bec t worked. ;have
been chosen. They were distributhd
to ticket holders yesterday after-
noon at the Union.
Chaperones Choson
Mmbers of the faculty who have
been asked to act as patrons at the
formal are: President MYarlon L. Bur-i
ton and Mrs. Burton, Dean. John R.
Effinger and Mrs. Effinger, Dean Hen-
ry M. Bates and Mrs. Bates, Deanf
Joseph A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley,
Dean William Humphreys and Mrs.
Humphreys, Dean George A. Patter-
son and Mrs. Patterson. Pean Jean
Hamilton. Prof. Rollo E. McCotter'
and Mrs. McCotter, Coach Fielding H..
Yost and Mrs. Yost, Coach George E.
Little, Prof. Louis A. Strauss and
Mrs. Strauss, Prof. Emil Lorch and
Mrt. Lorch, Prof. Robert M. Wenley
and Mrs. Wenley, Prof. Charles B.r
Vibbor nnlt d lihri 3+ M

gard toexaminations. I I
A graduate of Yale universityv in
. 1896, Dean Hawkes received his Ph.D.
from that institution in 1900 and then;
spent several years as a student at Joseph A. IBursley
Gottingen. After serving on the fac- Dean of Students, who will speak
ulty of, Yale university for a short on "The National Student Forum" this
period, he became assistant professor afternoon before the annual confer-
of mathematics in 1903 which posi- en1ce of university deans at Purdue
tionle Ield until he received the university.
Author Is Well Xnown As Founder professorship in mathematics at Col-
of Amerean School umbia university in 1910. After serv-
Realism lg for several years as acting dean i
WHIoSIea yer asaCTdVE PART in 1918 he became dean of Columbia
'f 117SIES HAS ACTIVE PART ' college. [OR
IN ARRANGING VISIT HERE He is the author of a great many
mathematical texts which are used
)Coming as the last lecturer in the by many leading universities. He also
series being .held this spring under has been a frequent contributor to
the combined auspices of the American American and German mathematical
Federation of University women and publications. His special research in
Whimsies, Hamlin Garland, well hypercomplex numbers has been
known author, will speak at 8 o'clock I praised highly by mathematicians the -
tonight in Hill auditorium. He has world over. He is a member of the ('OMMITTEES FROM COMPETING
chosen as the topic of his talk, "Some American Mathematical society as CLASSES AND S'1TD)ENT COU-TN
Meetings With Famous American Au- well as many other honorary scientific ('L ('0SE EVENTS
Pioneer In literature Dean Hawkes is brought to the Uni- "O S,
Hamlin Garland is universally con- versity by special invitation of the IORSE AND RIDER,
ceded to be the founder of the Ameni- faculty. He will also speak at 8 NEW GAME SCHEDULED,
can school of realism. In 1887, with o'clock tonight at an informal meet-
the publication of "Main Travelled ing of the University club. Tl'ihree Tca ins Will Be Chosen for Tug
Roads," his first book,- lie set a dis- i Students Who
tant landmark in American literature.
Born and raised in the middle West Weigh-in Next W eek
of the last century, he has portrayed LLI IIULU
this in his work with a faithfulness LI r Final preparations are now being
and a refreshing freedom from the mIadeby the Spring games commit-
Amkerican tradition that marked adis- 1'sim 0l fby the Spring gam esmit
tinct forward step in the literature of teen, t'tiiophmore andfieshmati
out country. DISTINCTIVE DEtORA TIONR W1L~ classes and the Student council for
Since that date; he has publishedl LEND ATMOSPHERE To the annual class contests which will
some 25 novels, the best known of DANCE be held next Friday and Saturday.
which are "Crumbling Idols," "Herfwiththe exceion of one new game
Mountain Lover," "The Captain of the Distinctive on the campus, because
Gray Horse Troop,' and "A Son of of the dress to be worn by the guests ;Which will be held Saturday n:orning,
the Middle Border." Heehas also ven- and because of the unusual out-of- the list of competitive events for the
tured into the field of biography with door decorations, the traditional an- under-class contests remains the
his "Ulysses Graat," puplished in nual Camp Davis Formal will take m° sin pr sy ears.f
1898, place tonight in Harris hall. : as in preo n y ears.
Attends Dinner Much concern is being shown by the On Hniiay after oone ,T-N- i

Regent James O. -,urfin, of De-
troit, will preside at the debate to-
night which is the sixth annual state
championship contest held under the
j direction of the University Extension
division. Two cups, which are now
on display at the Haller and Fuller
. jewelry store on State street, will be
presented to the two teams at the
conclusion of the debate tonight. The.
cups, which are being given by the




I w
i '

University Oratorical association, are!--- however, to be little objection in
to remain in the permanent posses-! Transcontinental Trip of 2,700 Miles house tonight to the bill as pas,
sion of the schools winning them. Made for First Time In History by the senate. -
Five members of the faculty of the t Without Landing
University have agreed' to judge the Lansing, May 3 (By A. P.)-Univ
debate. These are Prof. Edwin D. AVERAGE RATE OF 100 MILES sity of Michigan appropriation I
Dickinson and Prof. .Herbert F. PER HOUR MAINTAINED ,calling for the expenditure of $4,0(
Goodrich, of the Law school; Prof. 000 was passed by the Senate tod
Thomas II. Reed, of the political sci- San Diego, Cal., May 3 (Dy A. P.)- together with the general instituti
ence department; Prof. Claire E. Today, it is but a single span across bill which appropriates another !
Griffin, of the economics department; the contnient. From New York to 000,000 over a pe'riod of 2 years.
and Hobart R Coffey, of the rhetorid San Diego is only a hop. The At- The bill, prohibiting the wearing
department. lantic and Pacific are terminals in masks, aimed at the Ku Klux Kl
The question that will be under , America's air lanes and if one wishes, Nwas passed by the Senate.
consideration is: Resolved, that the there are no stops between. Appropriation house bills passed
United States and Canada jointly With the arrival at Rockwell field, the Senate included the Jackson pr
should construct the deep-water way near here, of th Army monoplane, on bill, the Ionia reformatory bill,
to the Atlantic by way of the Saint1 T-2, piloted by Lieutenant Oakley G. girls' industrial home bill, the be
Lawrence river, as proposed in the Kelly and John MacReady, the first school bill, welfare dept, and the au
report of the International Joint non-stop flight across the United z tor general department.
commission, submitted to congress, States was completed.
January, 1922. The time from Hempstead, N. Y. to With the state Senate supporti
Hastings and Pontiac are the only San Diego was 26 hours 50 minutes the recommendation of the fina1
two schools remaining in the debat- and 48 and 2-5 seconds. The trip be- committee calling for an appropriat
ing league since the elimination of the gan Wednesday at 12:36:53 P. M. east- for the University of $4,007,000, the 1
other 138 schools which were comn- ern standard time. The distance is will be sent to a conference commit
peting at the beginning of the sea. estimated at about 2,700 miles. made up of members of both hous
son. More than 310 debates have The airmen received warm greet- if the regular method of procedi
been held in the state this year and ing when they were sighted over the is carried out.
it is estimated that over 45,000 peo- city a few minutes before they landed This, committee wi ll yve .two
pIe have attended the various con- at Rockwell field. Both aviators were ternatives, either of effecting a co
tests. in good physical condition when they promise on the amount to be approI
landed and after being greeted by ated, or of voting to accept the I
army officials were taken to the offi- as voted by the Senate.
CHOOE r cer's quarters. In either event, the bill will spe
U U0 UThe historical flight began with ily be given a final vote, as it is c
- Kelly in the pit. The T-2 cleared the tomary for each house to accept
i _S[NIORinoacneececmIhangers at the end of the flying field decision of a conference commit
by inches. It did not stop an inch without delay.
short of its goal.
BRUNSWICK DANCE MUSICIANS Roaring westward hour after hourn
WILL PLAY AT in the supreme attempt of its historicP
I DANLCE LA ATcareer, the T-2 was awaited in every PROF$ hOhIh S1K
city, town and village throughout the
Two of the three orchestras which long line of flight, and telegraph in- Leclures Before Sigma Xi and I
are to play at the Senior ball to be struments during the afternoon and search Club
held May 18 -In the combined Water-. night told of the passing'of point after -
man and Barbour gymnasiums, have point. "Eighty elements, more or less, n
been chosen by the class music cam- An average speed of more than 100 exist. This number, as time goes
mittee, Edward Reed, chairman. > miles an hour was maintained for. will probably become less throught
The second orchestra selected is the trip. newly discovered process of ato
the Brunswick Dance orchestra 'disintegration," said Prof. .
ch y the Brunswick ance orcst-aBarker, of the physics' staff, int
which plays for the Brunswick conrnam ~m~u ~ ~ NtrlSine uioimls i
pany in making dance records. This IN INUIV1I B atral Scince auditorium last nig
orchestra will make its initial 1ap- The lectre "Atomic Structure",
pea rance in Ann Arbor at this affair. ~ .e r -t b .g

t! ,

Mr. Garland arrived in Ann Arborf
late yesterday afternoon, and was en-!
tertained at dinner at the Union by
the Whimsies staff. Prof. F. N. Scott, I
head of the rhetoric department, and
Prof. E. R. Sunderland, of the Lawj
school, were guests. Afterwards an,
informal gathering of the Whimsiesi
staff, with Mr. Garland, was held at
the home of Prof. Ray W. Cowden, I
v ILI~trLr'ru. ru~rom ne metomc ~paL~i~iL.IV 11f

fair sex in regard to the proper at-
tire for the occasion. Questions are
going the rounds such as "what will
I wear?" "are you sure my middy will
be all right?" and "can I wear my
knickers?" and the males are in a
quandry as to how to put a stop to
it, Information extracted from the
committee in charge is to the effect
that there will be many other novel
features beside the attire. Entertain-
ment of a unique order will be fur-
nished the guests.
Chaperones for the occasion will be
Prof. and Mrs. L. J. Young, Prof. and
Mrs. H. B. Merrick and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter P. Staebler. Patrons are mem-
bers of the civil engineering, forestry,
and surveying departments.


voer[ an ivrs. vibbert, prof. Petert of the rhetoric department. wiie:I
Field and Mrs. Field, and Prof. Evans in Ann Arbor, Mr. Garland will stay
Holbrook and Mrs. Holbrook. with Prof. Bradley M. Davis, of the
There are still a few remin ing botany deparent. He leaves tonight
tickets available at $5.00 apiece. These i directly after the lecture.
will be placed on sale from I to 4 1 Tickets for the talk may be ob-
o'clock this afternoon in the lobby of tained at Wahr's and Graham's book-
the Union, and will also be sold at stores in Ann Arbor, and at Stanley's
the door tonight. The committee asks and Zwergel's in Ypsilanti. The costI
that no corsages be worn. Autono- is 75 cents for -reserved seats, and 50
bile parking rules for State street cents for general admission.,
from Jefferson to Madison street have
been lifted for the evening.


war will take place across L: Leru
ron river. Each class will enter three.
teams of 50 men each which will be'
known as the heavyweight, middle-
weight and lightweight teams. Three
separate tugs will be pulled with
these three different weight teams{
competin. The lightweight squad<
will consist of men weighing less
than 135 pounds, the middleweight be-
tween 135 and 160 poundls, and the
heavyweight those tipping the scales
at more than 160 pounds. Any men
in the sophomore an tfreshman
classes are eligible to try out for their
class teams.
(lasses Weigh il 'Next Week
All souhomores who desire to par-
ticipate in the tug-of-war will "veigh
in" from > to 5 o'clock on Monday
afternoon in Dr. May's office in Wa-
termian gymnasium. "Weighing in"
for freshmen will take place from 3
to 5 o'cloclk Tuesday, afternoon at the
same place. As there will probably
be more than 50 men trying out for
each team, the heaviest men in each
grcup will be chosen to compete in
.the contest. The names of those men
chosen to enter this event will ba
published in The Daily after the
choice has been made by the Student
In order to assure that the men
entered in the event are not crowdedl
during the nrogress of the game, a
ne" of 20 feet each side of the rope
will be marked off and kept free of
spectators. Space will also be re-
served for the . visiting fathers who
will be in the city that week end.
1.7nfairness toI Be El im nated
Assurance was given that there
would be no such unfairness as
greasing the rope, tying it to a tree,







"Mlichigan Forestry Club*Annual", IA "Infinite riches and wealth of e-a
published by the members of the club tail and design marks the arch ,,e-
and alumni is expected to be ready for Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, ture of Ravenna," said J.ohn Siap-
distribution during the first part of' who has been at LaFayette, Indiana, ley, head of the department of fne
next week. All alumni of the depart- i for the last several days attending the arts at Drown university, speakning
ment and the faculty will be sent j annual Conference of Deans of Ameri-j yesterday afternoon on The Architec-
copies of the publication. can universities, will speak before this ture of avenna". "The glory wasi
- --afternoon's session on "The National reached in structure which made no.
Citl Service to Hold Tests Tomorrow (Student Forum." ! appeal to the muscular senses but
Competitive examinations will be, The convention, which is held at a rather sought to avoid such an ap-
held tomorrow by the Civil Service different representative university { peal," continued the speaker.
commission for the positions of clerk every year, is for the discussion of Professor Shapley described the
and letter carrier in the Ann Arbor the problems and duties confronting famed mosaics of the Italian city as
postoffice. the dean of students and his staff. !"mysterious depths of green and goil
Preference will be given ex-service Several addresses are given before the j foliage, vistas and landscapes". Using'
men. gathering, all of the followed by open the church of San Vitale as an illus-
discussion. tration of Early Christian architec-
Dearr Bursley's talk will be among ture, he enlarged upon the details of
1 those which conclude the meeting. The;its construction and of its decorar,
SHe A dnise Dean, who left Ann Arbor Wednes- tions.
e H s Adoise day is expected to return tomorrow. A historical element was introduced
in the talk when the speaker told o
~ To Dthe escapades ot various Roman ofli-
Said the sweet young thing CensorsZIp T e iaIs in connection with the con-
as she heard our caller calling ba Sc struction of the various edifices.
out the RESULTS from a small De
ad in the FOR RENT section. Woman Gets Civil 4)fice
And she was right for his noise j1"Resolved, That the present cen- Washington, May 3-(By A. P.) -
strteary in the orning r d sorship of student publica'tions is Appointment of Mrs. Mabel G. Reincke

While enjoying agret poputlarity Sociedad tispanica nominated ofi- the local chapter of Sigma XI, n
In the East, these musicians seldom cers for the coming year at a meet-:tionalihonora y scientific society, a
play for engagements west of Pitts- ing held last night in University hall. the Junior Research club.
burgh. Nominations were as follows: for "The first elements to disappea
Roy 13arg"e's Victor record orches- president, M. A. Peterson, '25, Fred-I through this disintegrating proce
tra, now playing at the Trianon Pal- rick Marin, '24, and H. M. Woodruff, would undoubtedly be the radio-activ
ace, Chicago, is the other orchestra S. of M.; for vice-president, K. S. Wil- elements, such as radium and ur
engaged for the Senior party son, '23, L. D. Staubach, '24, C. L. nium," according to Professor Ba
All applications for tickets must be Stanton, '24; for secretary, L. D. Stau-. ker. "This is merely the reverse
I i the ma by today. They may stil bach, '24, F. C. Reinke, '25, H. M. Ithe process which has been ndvanc
be obtained from Kenneth Galbraith,IWoodruff, S. of M., and K. S. Wilson, by many scientists for the existenc
604 S. State street today Hioever, '23; and for treasurer, L. D. Staubach, of the present 80 elements. If the
th04 este'24, L. O. Thayer, '24, F. C. Reinke, theory is correct the present el
thymust h postmarked today toI
receive consideration by thet '25, and R. . Watt, '24. For the of- r--nits are the products of the di
tee. The committee expects to act fice of faculty advisor Professor Del integration of a common element
upon the applications immediately Toro and Professor Mercado of the The lecture was accompanied by
and within the next few days to re- Spanish department were nominated. number of illustrative slides.
turn accepted or rejected applications Election votes will be cast at the
to the senders next meeting of the society at Thurs- Airmen Killed in Flight
-e eday at 7:30 o'clock in University hall. San Diego, Cal., May 3-(By A. P
S--Two United States Naval airmen
Students M ourned IWHIMSIES TO BE the Air Souadron, Battle Fleet, base
gt North Island, were instantly kill
A t Northweserni SOLD TOMORROW this n orning when a Vought obse
....-..- . vation plane.in which they we:
Northwestern university today Whimsies' special souvenir issue: making a practice flight crashed.
mourns the death of two members of will appear on the campus tomorrow.


the student body, Louis Aubere, a
freshman, and Leighton Mount, whoseE
skeleton was found beneath a pier,
It Evanston.
The student council of the univer-
sity took the following action as a
result of the accident. "The student I
body of Northwestern university deep-

The magazine is gotten out "purely as
a whim on, the part of the editors"
and will be made up entirely of
It is the first time that the Whim-
sies staff has attempted the publi-
cation of such a volume with their
mwn finds. but the growing interest

Flood Waters Recede
Portland, Me., May 3-(By A. P.
Flood waters, which have cau
damage amounting to several mill
dollars, are receding and no furt
results are anticipated.

or by pulling by means of a truck,
when the class committees decided to
draw up a set of rules for the con-
tosis and to eliminate all unfair tac-


iS. ly mourns the death of Louis Aubere, of the public in the magazine and in I
Pep meeings will be held next week '26, a member of the Delta Tau Delta its lecture series has made such a
by both classes at which time the, fraternity. The regretable accident thing possible. A copy of the mag-,
l of last Thursday evening has impres- thing pile A copoteta-o
rules for the contests wiii be explain- wihtexreednran azine will be sent complimentary to,;
ed and captains and lieutenants fored us with the extreme dager a all of the subscribers of Whimsies,
catan the futility of unsupervised e'ass myv- aloftesbcirsfWhme,
the games will he chosen. Cars will airy. The student council has never and will be on sale on the campus ,
also be given out to those who have officially sanctioned hazing on the tomorrow at a reduced price of 10

8:00 P. 1.
Garland lecture-Hill auditor
9:00 P. M.
Freshman Frolic-Union

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