THE MICHIGANRAILY____ ADVEW ~OTI C E 'The following B~ox Replies are at tiwo DAILEY.OFFICE: DW, Jakie, JSC, X, B3C, BA, 12, PDU, 20, 18. RATES Classified Rates. Two cents a word a day, paid in advance. Minimum charge for 'first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word per. day if charged. White space charged for at rate of five cents per agate line. Classifieds, charged only to those having phones. Phone 960. DON'T FORGET Smith Tire Repair Oldest and most reliable place to buy tires. Kelly Springfield Diamond Tires 1-28c-tf' WHY NOT-Have that Spring Frater- nity Party some week-end at the Sand Lake Resort, Putnman, Mich. Rhone 25 Tipton. 154p-21 K - FOR ROCK BOTTOM.PRIES on gr~o- ceries, see Pierce's ad. in.tile VWed- nesday issue of The, Daily. 125c-t, NEW VICTOR RECQ1hWS fo'r May now on sale at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. 1544' A REX Special Canoe Lunch will make her want to go again. Rex's Club lunch.- 154c-tf FOR SALE FRATERNITY ORra-1I~tORY * residence property ranking among the finest in this city is available for a fraternity. Considering prox- imity to. campus, characterof, the house and size of the property, this has absolutely no equal. This prop- erty is being handled exclusively by CHARLES E. GAJJtVP CO. 246.7 National Bank Bldg. Phne 808.~ 1 54c' 7 7 THISClass ifie ds-Cont. , UNIRSMITOROR IF IESES3 XE13 T yewriter Rlepairing, 'all LEAES FOR CONTES mae.Ann Arbor 1Typawriter Ex-__ I NG! in .Phone 866. 9 Savings Bankt A Iblack. 123c-tf Gerrit Demmink, '23, the Univecr- sity's 'representative at the N orthern. WANTED 1?~WER League Oratorical contest wh':ich willX be held Friday night at the Univer sity WVANTED-Office girl for six .hlour; o hc Stfowr n lnsg of Minnesota, left yesterday with a dlaytwo hours off at noon. Typ- gegeBS OF, 20Cpn Prof.. Thomas C. Trueblood, of the i.>t with some knowledge of .iten- j C . 0c1public speaking depatet o m ography preferred. Answer Box) BAGG4AGE neapolis 'to compete in the annual L-61: 153p-2 jcontest. PPONE 2700, PACKAGE1 AND BAG-. By virtue of winning the thirty- WANTED-F4urnished house or apart- GAGE EX.PRESS. 140c-23 third University Oratorical contest, mnent by September. Write Geo. F.- ~ -- - Deniink gained the right to take Quo, 926 E. Washington. 154p-2 r nr r'r part in. the Northern League afair WANTED-By stuident and her noth- U 1 UL IILI Iwhi chnive s i e nofa icha nbetwen the er, two or three housekeeping rooms rr~ir rf oa icni, Mneoa n for school year beginning Scptem- fW OtN'"a U " ;IiNorthwestern univerco sity.Mnesoah aschoo _r C1, 465 54- I~1I U enters one representative each year.1 WANTED-Students to work in kit-I Demmink wi speak on. "The Mind chep remainder of semester. Em- Michigan's saxophone sextette, the in Thrall." The oration was written, ployment assured next year. 644 body that cornstituted a feature of Lthe by him as is required and deals with Tapan ve.15 i recent band tour of the state, played1 the mental servitude of a large nirn- for the Chamber of Comimerce at Its hber of modern people in which he, WANTED-Three instructors desire regu lar luncheon ineeting Tuesday, . urges that more independent think- comifortable -suite or furnishedl Robert Cambell, treasurer of.,the Urni- ing be done. On account of the orig- apartment for next year. Box M-3., versity, pre'sided and introduced theI inality of the oration and his d(1 liv- 154p-7, musician. cry it is thoug It by many persons WANTED-Cook 'in fraternity fo # Carlton Peirce, '24M, student man- who have heard' him that his ~rating foI ager° of the band, gave a short out-; at Minneapolis should be high. about 20 men. Woman preferred. line of the activities of, the organiza - The school at which the league con- 1005 Zincoli. 3043-~J, 152-3 fion. Capt. Harold A. Furlong an-r test, is held every year varies, each. WANTED- Ticket for Architect's ball. nounced the coming inspection of the university holding the affair every six Call Carlson, or leave messagYe. R. 0. T. C. on May 9. The inspecting,. years. The contest next year will bet 2624-M, 1,-4p-n officer -will be Major Con..Harry Halei held in Ann Arbor.j and he wl be the gutest of, a dinpner ___ ____ WANTED-Stuidernt to take over agen- given by the Army and Navy club and I ;i,;iials l MTrk: ! cy for selling household specialty:, the; directors of the Chamber of Coin-i Call Mr. Rasch, 431 Thompson. merce. The .business imen of the. city'f Sprig Fetival 154pI were\ invited to attend the banquet. WANTED-Experienced waiters for 1I Several..individuals. toad. out as sumimer season. Sand Lake Resort. a c. vWhimsies !above the ordinary at the Spring Putman, Mich. 1541)j 1' Dance Festival given Tuesday night inIIT. jiS l o pr w!'u WOnNTED-moAow:the HMill auiditorium by M'rs. Jeanctte WATDAgood second hand C~ Kruszka Johnson, although there was meod.~lrne hne213- 2 Whimsies' special souvenir issue; on the whole a lack of originality in 15- will be out tomorrow. Copies of this the dances, and a marked absence ot 'WANTED-Pair of high-top shoes. all poetry nuryher wild= be mailed grace on the part of thke performers.I1 No. 10. Call 922-W. 154f gratis to all' Whimsies subscrihars '. arie Reed, who danced to Dien- today and the regular, sale will open delssohn's Spring Song, showed an LOST# tomorrow, animation and vivacity unusual iu I At a meeting of the staff, held Mon- amateurjj. Among the children Al- LOST-Reward, if black grip is re- ! da turned that was taken from the cor" itwas decided to reduce the, price bertine- Lockwood stood out because to ten cents in, order to make. the' the spirited grace of her dancing. Per-! ncr of William and State, Friday magaz.ineaes ayailable to a greater num-j haps the" best number, on the pro-j night. J. B. Vlack, 1656-J: 152p-3 ber of ducaes ram was w Polish dance in whichI 1 OST-Gold watch with black and The best poems from among, more ,otneHa,'4,adGro ir goldribon raclet Bewee than 70 suibmitted twill be 'selected by, '94z took part. They gave. a perform- Crurch St. and State St., thru cam-1 the Whimtsies staff, following whichanewihhrydnevywya pus. Call 863-R, Reward. 154p-3 they will be adjudged by Prof. Roy fnse technique.I ----,iW. Cowden of the, rhetoric depart- LST-Cal egiate Sorosis tiin in or mont and finally b~y some recognizedl Do' you use Classified adts system-4 near Alumni Mernorial Hall, Mon- poet such a-s ~Robert frost.; atically?-Adv. r 4 , If- t10 'J4 j r