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May 03, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-03

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her of years brought one step nearer .TED
Sto ralization. ffI~w
Severalzorganized campaigns to se-
FICIAi 1EWSVAPER OF THE cure money from the alumni to com- // /
'MVERSITY OF M1ICIGAN plete the swimming pool have been
dished every :Horninlg except Monday laAnche
te every yarn by ee andy 1launched by the Union during the last
the 'University year by the Board int SELECTION
>l of Student Publications three years. All of these provedSE '
usuccessful whether because, of the
ribers of Western Conference Editorial 114)W to Haiidle Fanes
ation. inopportunity of the time or because E
Associated Prers is exclusively en, many men prefer to regulate in4 t Een thead Fs osh have taken it into
to the use for republication of all news giving by their own propensities rath-
ches credited to it or not otherwise h- cane perplexed seniors. This shows
ed in this paper' and the local news pub er than bythesolicitation of oth- beyond all doubt that the entire
therein, ers, it is hard to determine. Since the
campus is interested because every-
ered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Union has recently abandoned this fn. knows that the freshmen show
gan, as second class matter. policy two large donations have been w .
cr n tion by carrier or ail $s.s o no desire, excetintmes of dire

(Philadelphia Pub. Ledger)
Tt t d ra aftpn n in Wa,,h-!

Ibasts a turay aernounL
ington, D. C., the men who say what
may go in and what shall stay out of
the news and editorial columns of
about 100 great newspapers sat in an
"upper room". They were conspiring
for the greater good of their profes-
sion and of the Nation.


Duncan & Starling.
Graham 's
7Both Ends of the Diagonal


cripnon vy cr rv i1, . . ~
es: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
es: : ditorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi.-

rnmuications not to exceed Soo words
,ned. the signattire not necessarily to.
r in print, but as an evidence of faith,
notices of events will be published in
Daily at the discretion of the lFlitor. If
t or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
1l communicI ations will receive no con-
tion No manscript will be returned
s the writer encloses postage. The Dailys
not, necessarily endorse the sentiments
ased in the communications.
Telephones 2111 and 176-1M
ldito.r .... ...0a Watzel
Editor :. ........James B>. Youngi
tant City Editor.........J. A. Baconl
rial Board Chairman ......E. R. Meiss

Not only the Union itself, but the
entire University would ptofit if the
swimming pool were completedf Ade-
quate training facilities would be
provided for varsity swimmers whose
ability is only impeded at present
through lack of a suitable place to
practice and to hold their meets. But
still a greater function}of the Union
swimming pool than that would be
the healthful recreation it would af-
ford to the entire student body and
the impetus its completion would give
to class and inter-fraternity compe-
Has the University one more friend:
or group of friends whe will donate;
the remaining $20,000?

stress, to mingle in upperclass affairs.
It is then and only then that the

weatherbeaten frosh is fresh enoughI
to tell the older boys how to do it.
I saw me a senior on the street.
Tall and with coal black hair;
A cane was entwined amongst his
f eet,
And,- God! How that man could
I've often thought to my seltsinceI
Canes are not so banal;
For, why not give them to council-
To chase dogs from the diagonal?
* * * Frosh..
.Why not hang up your cane in1
place of your contrib hook and see ifI
the aforemention d conthibs wont't
increase? Smariy.
* * *
Election Epigrams
1. A man in the counting room isj
worth a hundred at the ballot box.
2. Don't count your votes before


Harry Hoey
R. C. Moriarty
J. L. Mack -
.Wallace P. E ott
..Marion Koch
itor .... L A. Donahue'
S uckleyC. Robbins
ial Board
Maurice Berman
Eugene Carmichael

The life of a farmer is never one of
great joy because of the many trou-
bles that beset an agriculturist at
every turn of the way. After the
World War conditions became such'
I that the ability of a farmer to main-
tain a satisfactory income was taxed
to the utmost. Low markets, ineffec-.

Then and there they agreed upon a
set of Canons of Jourpalism, a code
of ethics for newspaperdom., It was
too bad that all the critics of the way;
American newspapers are run were
not "listening in". What they would
have heard of journalism's self-re-
spect and fundamental beliefs in de-
cency and fairness would have been
nighty good for what ails them.
The editors in that "upper room"
did not get out and range the wide
empyrean for the clauses of that
code. The material lay ready to their
They simply took the best and bet-
ter practices of their everyday work
and put them together. Most of the
code clauses are a sort of "second!
nature" ,nd more or less common-
places of newspaper making to meet
newspaper folk.
There is no new thing in these Can-
ons of Journalism drafted and approv-}
ed by the American Society of News-
paper Editors. Nor is there anything
"revolutionary'? about the code to
men and women who spend their
days on the greater and decenter
American newspapers.
For instance, one section of the
code deals with "Responsibility". The
veriest unlicked cub of a reporter
must be taught that. Other sections
deal with "Independence" and with
that great rghit" Freedom ,cf the
Press" guaranteed to Nation and
Newspaper by the Bill of Rights. "Im-
partiality" and "Fair Play" and "De-
cency have their places therein.
Grouped together in the Canons are'
"'Sincerity, Truthfulness and -Accu
racy". Light-minded folk who sneerI
at the printed word, shrug the shoul-
der and lift the superior eyebrow
might have been helped had theyI
heard the codemakers discuss thei
very special hell that ought to await
the insincere, the willfully inaccurate

will become one of the paramount
issues. Solution of the problem must
begin with the elimination of indi-
vidual wastefulness. We as students
are not exceptions fo the rest of thel
nation in this respect. We daily waste;
time, both our own and that of oth
ers. We waste money in uselss ex-
penditures. We throw away clothing
which might well be given some
charitable institution for use of less,
fortunate persons either in this coun-
try or aibroad. If we would take stock.
of ourselves along this line we will
find many instances where we may be
able to better ourselves by conserya-
And another generation of campus
politicians has passed on to the ranks
of eternal fame.

Schedule in Effect October J6. 1929
Central Time (Slow Time)
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
3:45 7: -. Adrian ... r2:45 8:45
4:15 8:15 .T'ecumseh ... rz:t5 8:15
4:30 8:30.. Clinton .... 12:00 8:o0
5:1 9 .... Saline .... si:is 7:15
5 :45 Q :a,, Ar knn Arbor Lv.10:45 6:454
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
andi Hiolida. Friday and Saturday spcci 1
b>uS for stnl'nt'S leaves Adrian 1:45. lr~iv"
Ann Arbor 4:45.
JAM ES H. rLIIOTT, Proprietor
Phone 46






,..,...r...._ . .._._. ..

E ".






nstrong Franklin D. Hepbnr
eld .Winona A. Ilibbard
gton Edward J. H iggin~s
- Kienieth. C. Kellar
Elizabeth Liebermann;
able John McGinnis
at Samuel Moore
ghlin - M. H. Pryor
in W. B. Rafferty
Robert G. Ransay
hcuse J. W. P''witch
odspeed Sol J. Schnitz
er IPhilip \M Wagnel

mn Garling
ater S. Go
ilia Goulde

Ionald Halgrimr'
- Teephone 9601
\dvertising.............John J'. lamel, Jr.
ulvertising...............Walter K. SchererI
1r ertising...........Lawrence I1. Favrot
'ublication..............Edward F. Conlin
opywriting............David -J. M. Parks
irculation ...........Townsend H. Wolfe
ccounts..............T,. Beaumont Paiks,
ersy M. hayden Win. T. Good
ugene L. Dunne . Clyde L. Hagermana
:h C. 'iaskin Henry Freud
L. . Clayton Purdy
.). t . B. Sanzenbacher!
VillianrI . eid, Jt. Clifford Mitts
Iarold , Haler Tios vlde achren
Vin. 1-). V'oesser Louis MAL Dexter
lan S. Morton C. Wells Christie
aeCs A. Drver Edward B. Reidle
herbert W. Cooper,
- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
light, Editor-L. J. IJERSHDORFER
-- jA

tive transportation, and a series of they're cast.
bad climatic years all tended to drive 3. A wandering politician gathers,
the small producer to the wall. In or- the votes.
der to keep their farms running many 4. Get votes while the eletion judge
of the sturdy sons of the soil found is away.
it necessary to abandon their homes 5. A cigtr in time wins nine.
in the winter and come to the big el- 6. He who votes last may not vote
ties with the end in view of earning a second time.
a sufficient surplus to tide then: over 7. He who votes and runs away,
any crisis which might be caused by may live to vote another time.
a bad year. 8. A man's worth is measured by
The result in most cases is far from the votes the other fellow gets. 1
a success because the farmer, accus- 9. The cnd justifies the means.
tomed as he is to the rural living 10. A job, a job, for your vote.
I standards, finds it difficult to break 11. Let there be lots of votes
even on his finances under the new for me.
city mode of living. Often these men 12. The -more enemies the fewer
return to their fields in the spring votes.
in debt and in decidedly worse cir.-Splurge.
cumstances than when they left for;
+the cities in the fall. Here's what you want, Bunk,
This difficulty of the farmer is in a A clever little ditty.
fair way of being remedied if the The rhythm sure is punk
present plans of Henry Ford mate- But the whole darn poem is witty.
rialize, in which he proposes to build POISON IVY.
a series of plants throughout the state' * * *
of Michigan in small towns, these fac- "MAKE PLANS .FOR AROII-
stories to * be run almost exclusively TECTS PARTY." -0. O. D.
by farm labor. If this project suc- "An Egyptian dancer will be work-
ceeds, and it has every assurance of e41 out on the north and south walls
succeeding, it will give the small pro- of the gyminasUm.11
ducers of the state an opportunity You never can tell about them
to live in a small town during the architects. What they won't do when
winter months when farm production it conies to throwing a real May
comes to a halt, but yet at the same Party! Still you can't tell as I said
time make high enough wages to save before. It may be a mere scheme to
a small amount to be held in reserve sell all their tickets-.
for the next crop failure or drop in Tom-totn,
the market. There are so many dis- * * *
astrous contingencies which the farm- Sparkine' eli
er is forced to meet that he must al- I bought a Ford
ways have money on hand to ieep I tFor twenty bucks.
from going into bankruptcy. Mihi to mnothev
gan farmers should welcome Ford's To the market;
plan as a means whereby agriculture A tire blew out--
may be stabilized in that farmers Damn that Ford.
will be permitted to make a living I took my cousin
wage during the slack season of crop To a church bazaar;
production. A cylinder cracked--








V 215E. HURON PHONE 214-F1
'" r e asp =""aEEERE2tBE a 8553 ;r 505985##8009 355 .85

^r; R pM-
(No adlds



k ( yaw
M aa




Straws, Panama, Leghorns, °
Bankokts and all kinds of hpats
Cleaned and Reblocked at low $
prices for HIGH CLASS WORK
Let a "Boot-black" shine your
shoes, but have your hat Clean-
ed and Reblocked by a Practical I
617 Packard Street Phone 1792
Where D. U. R. Stops at State

Students wishing part-
time w ork at a he-man's
job appfy at any time
7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
at New Literary Bldg:

and the liar.
This code is a crystallization of
newspnerdom's best practices and ofa
the Aings thousands of men are do-
ing on hundreds of great and little
papers. They know more about the
faults of jouYitaism than do all the
outside critics that could be herded
into a forty-acre field. If the own-'
ers, editors and writers of newspa-
pers cannot correct these, they can-
not be corrected. The code approv-
ed April 28, 1923, may be taken as a
sign of the faith that is in the news-
paper makers of America.
We are under no illusions, we folk
who are the Slaves of Type, Matrix
and roaring Pre". We know the
Game is greater than its players, but
;he spell of it is in our blood. We do
the best we can, and Mr. Kipling
painted us when he wrote:
The Soldier may forget his Sword,
' . Izallni*A U lild I Cna


Cars leave for Toledo 7:10 A. ff.,
2 P. M. and 5 P. M. Except Stilt-
day. Sundays at 8:00, 11:00 and





f a .,

Quench Thai Thirst




fridiron always warm and
ut never hot' enough to
y, those who Tuesday
ded the banquet of Sigmaj
national journalistic so-



ciety, took their turn in being roast-
ed by the genial wit and satire of]
the organization.


Thue saiior man the Sea;
The Mason may forget the Word
And the Priest his Litany;
The Maid may forget both jewel and
And the Bride her wedding dress-
Bift the Jew will forget Jerusalem
Ere we forget the Press!

Emulating the great Washington
journali tic event known as Gridiron FOR THE INTERSCHOLASTIC
Nights, the local chapter of the so- High school track athletes from all
(Iety undertook to establish at Mich- sections of the state will come tor
igan a sirnilar occasion. More than Ann Arbor May 18 for the interschol-
two hiudred replies were received astic meet held on that 'late under'
to the invitations sent out to certain the auspices of, the Atlletic associa- I
prominent facilty men and students tion. In the basket ball tournament l
of the*University, townspeople, state j which was staged last winter the high.
journalists and national notables. school players were taken care of by
For four hours the guests enjoyed the various fraternities. During the;
the' privilege of laughing at thetr coming meet, however, there will be a
fellow guests, of hearing their faults larger number of athletes to provide'
satirized, their virtues caricatured. for and it is necessary that the fra-'

Damn that Ford
I took friend Isabel


FIor an evening ride;
An axle broke-.
Hallowed be that Ford.
Spark Plug.
Mbongo was a prehistoric, neilithic
man, dwelling all alone in the dark,
dark, and frightiully obscure regions!
of central Patagonia. As a result of
his all too depressing surroundings,
Mbongo was just a trifle to dank,

That is the sort of poor, one-idea
folk we are. The code may not fit
us to get out the kind of newspaper
that should greet the Millennial Dawn
or leap from the presses on Judg-
nient Day, but it was written by men
who love the game and who live and
die in it.
tI was drafted by men who under-
stood exactly how President Hard-
ing felt when he told them on the
night after the code was shaped, "I
would rather be a newspaer publish-)I
er than anything else in the world."
Tberefore it was drafted with sincer-
ity, with honesty, and with faith and
(Purdue Exponent) -

,.... ..

2 0.(a - SOUTH
U N IV1!RIt TY'-'


xOur ,Dridks
fHi thde Spot"r

They witnessed skits carrying further ternities aid
the spirit of the evening, and they by offering
joined in without exception to help high school
make the first Michigan Gridiron ban- To make
quet a success. fraternities
But to the organization which fos- athletic offic
tered it must- go the lion's share of school men

the credit for initiating an event
which will undoubtedly increase in
popularity as it is held again and.
again in the years to cone. To in-
vite guests to attend a banquet at It
their own expense and carry the un-.
dertaking through successfully' couldr
only be done through the concentrated
efforts such as extended by the mem-
hers of Sigma Delta Chi.
Michigan has among its annual af-
fairs something distinctly new, some-1
thing stimulating, something condu-
cive to better understanding and fel-
lowship among prominent men out-
side and inside the University. Mich-
igan owes this to the energies of the;
organization which sponsored the first
local Griditon banquet and to the
many guests whose co-operation made
it ii~c, q1 lllt . f 1q

tain her vis
will bring c
It is theref
fraternity se
the meetingi
is being hel
the purpose
for the acco
men on the1
The practi
high school'
number of
these affairs
the futureu
coming mee
chance to ob
the cinderI
men should
possible tha

I the Athletic association dark, and frightfully obscure himself
accommodations for the to be really good company. Ie was,
participants. as Mrs. J. C. Mbongo, his stepmotl-
this .affair a success the er, had often remarked, "quite unus-
must co-operate with the ually Ubanki darrunga inombassa
ials in showing the high songa-songa blub-blfib mpwapwa
that Michigan can enter- rungwa-mkomokero bunga-bunga!"
sitors ' in a manner that In brief, he was a frightfully surly
redit upon the University. individual, Now it happened one day
ore imperative that every a party of tourists strayed within the
end its representative to borders of his little yama-yama farm
of house managers which while he was spraying a number of
d tonight in the Union for young yama-yamna shoots in order to:
of perfecting the plans rid them of the pestiferous bemba-:
ommodation- of the track bemba beetle. These tourists, it hap-
lSth of the month. pened, were unfamiliar with the old
ce of holding contests for and cherished Patagonian custom of
athletes is in vogue in a killing or injuring for life all who
universities. Through trespassed on another's farm. hence
it is possible to pick out they ambled slowly and rhythmically
university stars and the along, stooping to pick a byangi root
t affords Michigan a. here, and a tingo-tango blossom there. I
Main a few future stars of Suddenly they heard a noise. ti was
path. The high school like the hiss of a rattlesnake with the I
be shown in every way rabies. It was Mbongo, wlio had
t Michigan is a real uni- shinnied up a tall palm tree at their'
approach. They looked up, and just


It has often been said of the Amer-
ican nation that we are the most
wasteful of all peoples. Lack of con-
servation is acknowledged even by the
supreme patriot to be one of the char-
acteristic failings of the nation as a
whole. In all industries, time and
labor are squandered daily. During
the war we found that we could in-
crease the output' and efficiency of
our factories greatly by keeping them
running day and night, and by a more
careful conservation of materials.
This is not confined to industry alone
for the average farmer leaves enough
grain around the edges of his field
to feed an Armenian family fol sev-

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