MICHIGAN DAILY__ i e Of Soviet President To Aid Relief Committee IAT TJLR THEATERS i Inn" will open at noon to- he Delta Gamma house, street. Luncheon will be mn 12 to 1:30 O'clock and tea to 5:30 o'clock today, tomor- aturday. en interested in the summer 'held at Lake Geneva, Wis., dent department of the Uni- W. C. A., are invited to at-. eting to be held- from 4 to 5 this afternoon at New- Opportunity wl be given' ne for women to apply for ip in the Michigan delega-I Screen--T'day Senior members of MasquecI are ask- ed to meet~ at 3:30 o'clock this after- noon in the parlors of Barbour gym- nasium to discuss plans for ncxt year's- play. The rustic group for Senior Girls' play will meet at 4 o'clock today in Barbour gymnasium. Mortarboard will ,meet at 7:30 o'- clock tonight at the Pi Beta Phi house. The Freshman Girls' Glee club swill meet at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnxasium. All members are requested to attend. Miss Elizabeth Haney, of New York, who is giving a course here. in Girl Scout leadership, will speak before the members of the spring training course of Girl Reserve leaders,9'at a meet- ing to be held at 7:15 o'clock this eve- ning at Newberry hall. Portia Literary society will, holda. regular meeting at 7:15 o'clock this evening in room 302, Mason hall. The members are requested to bring funds to cover the special banquet ta~r. Women wrho are planning to try oilt for the class baseball teams are re- quested to turn out for the next prac- tices as the teams will be chosen soon.' Seniors and juniors practice at 4 o'clock Monday and Wednesday after- noons at Palmer field; while sopho- mores and freshmen practice at 4 o'clock Tuesday and Thursiday after- noons. a 1Arcade--"The sunshine Trail,"I C with Douglas MacLean; corn.-j edy and news. FMajestic-"A' Noise in Newboro,". with Viola Dana; Mason anld .Dixon orchestra; Universal news.I Orpheu=-"F~lse Fr-onts" ; com~- edy and news. Wuerth Mr. and Mirs. MartinI Johnson's "Trailing Africa's- I Wild Animals"; Our Gang 'in I"The Champion.*" I--Garrick (Detroit)- Mugis cal com- ! edy, "Up' in the Clouds." To L ecture In Detr-ejt; Mrs. Barbar H. Bartlett, protessor of public health murstug,. Is giving three lectures on piublic l heath aurs- iug this week, at the Cass Technical, .1 hgh shpl, Detroit. The lectures. are given to the staff of public health l nurses, iu the. Detroit department of Ihealth. 1TO GIVE COMEDQY AT LEAGUE PARTY "Nevertheless," a' one act bedroom Mcomedy, will be given by Mummers womens' dramatic organization, at the League party t~morrow afternoon. IThe three parts In the -play are taken l by W enoach Cuddy, '24, who. plays th~e girl; Ruth McCann, '25, taking the p~art of -the boy; and Madeline Mc- SGuirk, '24, as the burglar. The play fis being. directed by. Portia Gould er, Mum~mers will hold. initiation of new members at. 4:15. o'clock this af- ternoon at the Alpha, Omicron Pi house, 1052 Baldwin Ave. miIllGAN DAMIES CHIOOSE YFICERtS FOU COING YEAR Michigan Dames have elected the following officers fozr next year: pres- ident, Mrs. Curtis LeFevre; vice pres-~ ident, Mrs. G. E. Nichols; secretary, f;Mrs. G. lE. DeGraff;. and treasurer, jNrs. S. C. Ecles. The Dames will give a pot luck. supper followed by cards and~ dancing. at 06:0 o'clock, Sa-turday evening in Barbour gymnas- iuim .This wfil be the, last pat'ty of the year, that the, dames will give [for their -husbands, Earl Of Huntington Claimsl R obinkocod Leg end Authenti , "Aend to the end of time the tales shall traction wa- noble, andl his true name ne'er be done w «as Robert Fit; oothes, "wrhic h vulgar Of Scarlet] George a Green, and Much prnniain eaiycorpedit the miller's son, ,potiito aiycrutdit Of Tuck, the merry friar, which rnan y Robinhood." a sermon madeE In praise of Robin Hood, his outlaws, . v_ _.. : . Through the whole English- speak- ing -world today there seems to have the Rob inhood fad. It is not that .the a Fairbanks film has swept America and England like, but: the .De oven opera has been revived. and new edi- tions of the old Sherwood; tales, and ballads are being printed and called for in large numbers Much comment has been stirred as to the auathenticity of such a charac- tcr in history. One of. tire answers ; to the dispute has come from the pros- ent Earl of Huntington, who,-recently made the statement that he is a ii- rect descendant of the famous out- law. In proof of this claim that Rob- inhoodi was a real person a MS. in the British Museum written toward the end of the sixteenth, century, as, w ell as certain legal recoras, are put forth. The MS. state lthat Robinhood. was born at Locksley. in the county, of Nottingham in the reign of ;Henry II about the year 1160 Furthefimore tho record goes on to say that his C);- ' 9). has had little effect on his for stories of his advents Oeen -written for over 500 of the most modern of the jis "Sherwood" by Alfred N( matic poem which senior give on the campus co:r week. (e Keep fit and fine with after every meal. .. 1i I1 1 19111 t 1lli illlt1 111 ,ltll# f itf lll llIt111111nulI[ill 1i1[III 11Ifill 11111111111! f1i111IIfill IM1111111till 111111dliiiilllilillllliit1Illjoulpil111llI11111111111Ill111111411 Mine. Kalenin,, wife of M. Kalenfn, Russ Soviet .leaders, has accepted an invitation, to tour °America to aid the committee for. the, relief, of Russian childlren. As. shes pictured here she'd give Wilhelmder-ex a run for his title of world's champion wood chopper. If that check didn't come, let "Ji-I Smie" sell something for you to. tide you over.-Adv. csQVw ti leR *1, ' Eat wisely, chew 'food well--then dime dides !tion a " kick " aond teeth, a dood appetite and proper didesst~~i~nearn MUCH to your' healthi. your your with Smeth ing New Something:,,Bf etter WRIGLEY'S ' s a helper all this work - a plea~sant, heec1al pickmeup. 1w UP ~ta-thc-1" ziute Servie i is rc mateials.. scientific manufacture, absolute clealiness -then sealed aans1 all impuriAty. That Is WRIGLEY'S as you det it-firesh end full-flavored. new with its peppermnw Jacket eFlavor Announce lEngagement Announcement has been mlade of the engagemient of Miss Francis Northl of Detroit to J. Jenness Newcomb, '26, also dot that ,city,. r'r Good Ply Use RIfT' PCA NA superiorount-iz pen ink RIDE1R 'S PELN SHOP New dance muisic. while it- is. new!I As fast. as. they become the rage in the, dance centers of New York, Paris,. London, Chicago, they are, yours on Brunsnvick Records. No waiting. SYou get them when you ' want them. Hear these newest and most popular hits. «,,,. ,: : : 4. r f - i (I f" TTIr ,+t , - '. 2399 Peggy Dear Railroad. Man. F~ox Fox Trot Tot SLEEP AMTILERF, 1IU'V THlE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor street Near State and Pacekard Streets Gne Rodemich's Orchestra II 4.- f 7 1 ' .. y. i.. ry Y v. ')Y S Z' 4 4' # : *. !f } ,r +} ., . , , , .y , Fwr ,t?' s a ;. ..:..= .,.. :. 4t 4 < t "., tx Ih,.. 0 G ;t tr.. ,+ 2400 Aggravatin' Papa 1 Crying For You' I I IIsham. Jones Orchestra, Fox Fox Trot Trot 240 1 Liza When Will I Knowe Fox Fox Trot Trot Oriole Terrace Orchestra I TOD~AY I 2402 Love and the Moon Wonderful You fox Fox Trot Trot Ip Joseph Smnith'sOrchestra A Towvn That Never .Knew 'A..Flaper! For Sports I 11 2403 Wet Your Thumbs You, Know. You Belong to Somebody, Else fl+ennie Krueger's Orchestra 2404 Way Down Yonder. inNew Orleans Y'ou Tell Herr, I Stutter, The Cotton _Pickers 2406 Farewell Blues; Saw Mill RiverRoadl Ishar Jones Orchestra, A Girl_ Who didn't Like To Be Unnoticed!D Fox Fox Trot Trot and Fox Fox. Trot Trot SNAPPY TOGS I And Ideal' Man Who Thought A. Girl's. Charm Was Measured By The Cost Of Her Father's Car- Aplenty Fox Fox Trot Trot 'C'IAN IIANEFUN IT11 MARTIhA W6ILSE 31Ali ES, AT HEu sports costume a swers unu c- ual requirements these dlays. B3e- sides lending itself to the greater outdoor activities, general picturesqueness is prevalent. Color provides the new note, this season, and throughout our Sports Section you will find evidences of. shades oriental and new combined in harmon- ious contrast. ( Too, new styles and nfew fabrics enhance the charm of their adap-. tation. Togs in many versions for your ,selection. ,-,- r.. 241 0 You've Got to See Maminr'a Every Night. Runnin' Wild Maiojn Harris. a I Fraternity' and Studej Especia) ant Charge Accounts Are 1ly Solicited '11 Just to Make The Old 'Tim1ers DThe Tir 1 Feet O~ff The Stove MARTHA IS PLAYED BY 1 I I I SWEATERS SUIITS BLOUSES ~~~oStofietPhIGShops PLEATED SKIRTS Matinees Daily 2 3:3 Main Floor .....31c War Tax'...... %.4c Total.,.......35c~ Balcony ........22c War Tax ........3c Total ........25c Includes all stage features in ]Edgar F'ra~iIln's Merry Mflanage. Supported by DAVID BUTLER EVA "-NOVAK } ALLAN FOREST Mlain Floor .....45. 'War Tax ....... 5c Toii . ..... An daccessories that speak of indi- vidufality achieved - Bandlanas, NICKE4'$ ARCADE_ AND 110 E. WASH INGTO.N IN A DDITO N STREET 8 ST AGETF E ATURE EAXT ItAORDl ItRY If i .