ATHER LODE 1LKIE I I g lei, A -AL Ag ~ai1 C ANL :154 EIGHT PAGEI.S ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, THURSDAY,,MAY 3, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PR rLLY TRIto PH ELECT I ate Boots T $4, 7,N PRESIDENCY CON Iin mi nnr nniianii I f I iiniirrE Mussolini's Chiet i uOpponent Loses Powe r In Italy 16 PR 9 R MAJOR IRELND HUNDRED' Formal presentation of the Distin- guished Service medal to Al\ajor Mark L. Ireland, Rydie}. Cha pin fellow in Hl-lway Transpor ta~tiou. was made yesterdlay afternoon by Major Rfobert Arthur, head of. the Military Sciene deprtment. The presentation was; made bcore the battalion formation of the local R. O. T. C. unit on the campus between the Economics anld the Chemistry buildings. Following the presentation, the members of the R. O. Tr. C. passed in review beere Major Ireland and Major Arthur, in preparat on for the annual inspection by Major General Hale May 9. PHI BE T A K APPA CHOICE; 89 TAKEN ELECTS DEAN BATES PRESIDENT FOR C0HIN G' YEAR READY Soph Lits Hold Annual Smoker Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the politi- cal science dlepartmnent, speaking of "Class Spirit and. Democracy" at the Soph lit' smoker held at the, Union last night urged a closer bond of fel- lowship to be adopted among the mem- bers of the class. He compared conditions at Michigan with those at Harvard and California, and showed that better conditions ex- ist where a better spirit of democracyI was maintained. The revised rules for the spring# games as adopted by the Student Council to make for better sportsmen-t ship were approved by class. Refresh-. ments, smokes and music concluded the program for the evening. 15Ut WINS WITH 600 , A SUED BY R 1r IPIHOTOGIRAPHIER VISITSI ICITY VIA AIRIPLANE An aeroplane, carrying staff ' photographer of a Detroit news-1 paper, flew over Ann Arbor Tuesday, for the purpose of tak- ing pictures. More than 50 were I taken in all.I A return to Detroit to replen- ish the fuel supply was neces- sary, but the plane returned again to Ann Arbor to take all that were desired. It is said that the pictures were taken at the - CLARK GAINS I. S. A.C. B LAND,- DUNN GETS ( LEAD WITH Ilubbard is Named Scherer, Stah . Publicatil DED FUNDS ASSURE EW MEDICAL BULDING WILL HOLD BANQUET EVENING OF MAY 23 G~et $2O0,000 During the Year; $IIIO il te Second First I Prof. Paul Shorey, of Chicago to be Speaker at Annual Function Lansing,. May 2-(By A. P.) - A repetition of the eleventh hour deadi line of two years ago over the Uni- versity and other building appropria- tion bills iecame almost inevitable a a part of the inish of the present ssion today, when the senate com- mittee on finance reported . out the University building program bill and the state institution building omnibus bill with increases ini the totals from additional items Ain the bill. joutse tands Patt The house ways 'and means com- m~ittec has already served notice that it will not accept amen dhients to the University building bill revisiiig the figures upward and will stand pat to the end of the sessiin in a conference committee before it will recede from it s positlon: - The pum which the University an o ther state institutions are authoriz- ed to spend for buildings during the nest few yers is I7,20,561. This amount is divided between the Uni- versity and the other state institu-1 tiUns as follows: Total for the University, $4,007,000; tonal for other state institutions $3,253,561. Assure iedival Ruildig The -principal change made in the University bill by the senate commit- tee is the appropriation for the med- ical building for which the senate al- lhws $00,000 the first year and $500,000 for the second year. Accord- ing to the bill as it came from the house there was estimated to be FPO0,000 available for the medical building. . . The senate committee is justifying its action in Ticreasingr this item by saying that the increase in the ap- lfropriations a'd the setting up of the n'edical building as a separate item conplees the University program. The medical building Item, and the increases grarted in other items in the fUniversity program increases the to- tal of the measure $800,000 over what vTa. provided in the bill as it passed the house. . NEED ROOMS FOR FESTIVAL WEEK Many nmore rooms are needed to fill the expected demand for them during the May Festival, May 16, 17, 18, and 19, it was annotinced yester- day by the committee in charge. So far only 60 rooms have been listed, most of them double, while 100 more are being sought by the committee. The rooms, which are listed at the Union, will be given out the first few days of the Festival at a booth there to those who desire them. The demand for rooms for Father's Day is not pected to be as large and it is thought .that the 60 which are at present listed wil be almost sufficient. POWQER RIVER ! L ET .TER BUCK! Now that the elections are ov- er and our ambitions are either quenched or squenched, we have time to either repair the old or equip the new. A quart on the SET SWING-OHI 0 EFOR 0 Ceremoy to Follow C1ose y tion's Set in Precious a Elections to Phi Beta Kappa, na- tional honorary hterary society, were made yesterday afternoon by the Mich- igan chapter. In all 79 students were elected from the students of the liter- Tradl- ary college, and 10 from the schooll nf t~# n in request of a University official, whose name has been withheld by ,the newsppaer. lm .X AN NHALELECION HOLD SCHOOL D ET Choose 41 to Membership in Society; One Alumnus FINALS n E TOMORROW y_ Picked Voters in yesterday's election u ed .Thomas J,. Lynch, '25L, presid of the Union for next year by a sm; majority over John P. Lawton, Jack Kelly, '24L, was overwhelmi: ly elected president of the Stud council. Few Vote A small vote featured yesterda elections, almost 1,000 votes I than the expected quota being ca Only about 2,000 students signille choice for student officers for n year, the total vote-falling far sht Don Luigi Sturzo Reported splits in the ranks of the Peovle's party, the Italian Catholic party, it is believed that Father Luigi Sturzo, long regarded as a maker of cabinets in Italy, has been shorn of his power. The party defection is said to have followed the resignation. of three Catholic members of the Mus- solini cabinet. SLUSGFEST -PROVES A EN Wolverines Repeat Performance., Last Week, Swamping Farmers Outfit 1G-2 .otf PAPER JOINS IIOME-RUN CLUB; KNODE, UTERITZ HIT FREELY Coach Fisher's aggregation of ball sluggers overwhelmed the Aggies nine 16 to 2 yesterday afternoon at Ferry field in a game which was an almost complete replica of the game played1 at Lansing April 24. O'Hara started the mound work for; Michigan and allowed but four hits and two runs in six innings. He was relieved in the sixth by "Lefty" Gib- son, who pitched perfect ball for the few frames he worked. Johnson, the man who was the first to be knocked! off the slab at Lansiig, performed, again for the Aggies and was swatted to the tune of 11 hits and 13 runs in" five innings, after which he was trans- ferred to first base and Ross took up the hurling job. Bob Knode strengthened his mem- bership in the home run club by slam- ming a circuit clout out to the tennis courts in the fifth, while Mike Paper drew an initiation slip to that august body by sending one out to the tennis players in the following inning. Cap- tain Uteritz had a triple in the fourth and a double in the fifth as his share of the spoils. Walker's men were the first to score when, in the first inning after Gasser was out at first, Brady singled to left, He was advanced to second on Knode's choice of McMillan's grounder. Brady romped home a second later when 1 Johnson hit a long single to center. (Continued on Page Six) "Yank Her In To The Anchor Inn" "Yank her in to the Anchor Inn" is the watchword suggested for campus sofa-snakes for the next three days by members of the Delta Gamma sorority, who have turned their house into a tea room until Saturday for the bene- fit of the University of Michigan Lea- gue fund. The Delta Gamma lassies will serve, luncheon from noon till 1:30 o'clock, and tea from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock to- day, tomorrow and Saturday. They will do all the work with their own fair hands, and will carry out the nau- tical scheme by wearing sailor suits while they serve tea and luncheons,, which will also be of a seafaring na- Fears i of e ucaoLin. Elect Officers SENIORS ASt(ED T'[ CAI1. I Election of officers in the society SOON FOR CAPS AN)DGOWNS for the coming year were also made. Those elected were: Dean Henry Al. Swing-out, the first of the annualltoltedLwre:oDeansHen ; traditional ceremonies leading to Corn-I Bates, of the Law schoo, president; mencement in which the entire gradu- Prof. U. B. Phillips, of the history de- ating cla'ss. appears on the campus in partment, member of the executive caps and gowns, will be held next committee; and Dr. Preston W. Slos- Thursday, May 10. This date for the son, of the same department, secre- senior ceremony has been set by the tary and treasurer. It was also do- Student Council which has a con- cided to hold the annual banquet at mittee already, working out arrange- 7 o'clock, Wednesday night, May 23. im - for the affair. Prof. Paul Shorey, head of the de- .- Iltions Remain the Same partment of Greek language and lit- Everything in the ceremony will be erature at the University of Chicago, as has. been held in Hill auditorium in will be the chief speaker at the ban- past years, according to the present cquet. plans. The committee hopes to keep .. honor 79 Lits the tradition the same as it has al- ways been, as it is this annual affair The seniors in the Literary college which marks the beginning of Com- honored by the society are: C. T. An- mencement season and is the first of e na E. Anthony, Barbara the series jf steps leading up to grad- Baker, Constance l. Baldwin, George uation. E. Bigge, Hazel B. Black, Harriett L. President Marion L. Burton, who ltlum, Louise B. Bulkeley, Beatrice L: has delivered Swing-out addresses for Champion, L. R. Christman, W.. D. the past two years, will again be the Christman, Frances J. Connable, Elsie speaker. The program will take place Cooper, Madeline D. Corlett, Martha in Hill auditorium. T. Dodd, Nona L. Doherty, Me Tsung At the conclusion of the; ceremony Dong, W. A. Donnelly, F. G. Donner, the senior classes will march ort of . DEaton, M. 1. Faust, Frances M. FlorerJs .Gagw .S odig the auditoriLmIi and commence their IB J. smthlJ.Grah R swin acossthecamps. he ineI. B. Goldsmith, Louise J. Graham, R. swing across the campus. The line B. Hall, Sadye L. Harwick, Caroline of march has been changed this year E. Heinz, Lucy Huber, G. R. Husband, beginning at the east end of the cam- Edith A. Jensen, Leland J. Klmbach, pus instead of at the west side. The Eugenia S. Katz, Mana F. Kilpatrick, classes will march east to BarbourI Caroline J. Kimmerle, Genevieve M gymnasiun, south to the diagonal, Koehn, Margaret A. Kraus, Louise southwest to the front of the library, Lambertson, Ruth N. Lechlitner, Mar- southeast on the diagonal following jorip R. LeVeque, Sarah Levin, J. E.! the walk on the west side of the en- Little, E, C. McCobb, D. B. McLaugh- gineering building to South Univer- lin, R. W. Masters, Helen M. Middle- sity avenue, west on South University swart, Helen W. Miller, E. F. Moore- avenue to Tappan hall and there the Yone Miyata Moriya, Dorothy V. Mum- line will disband for individual class mery, Anita Nye, Constance Ohlinger, pictures., re irAiaNc osac higr Ofctarcs.Clarence A. Peterson, Charlotte V. Order of arc.Phelps, S. K. Proctor, Una A. Purdie, The order of the line of marchwill E. T. Ramsdell, P. A. Rehnus, E. 5. be the following: Lit women, lit men,. engineers and architects, medics, laws, Reid, Jr., L.ilam G. Reid, Margaret A. dents and homoops, pharmics, grad- Reineke, L. T. Rice, 0. C.Ritcher, Helen uates and educationals. Previous to Ib Safford, Joseph C. Satterthwait, Car- the exercises in I-Till auditorium they ribel Schmidt, Victoria E. Shaw, M. B. will form up in front of the library Stahl, Frances E. Stryker, Beatrice in the same places as last year, Mary Touch, Anes L. Thompso PROF. A. F. SHULL CHOSEN TO SPEAK AT ANNUAL BANQUET3 Sigma Xi, national honorary societyj for the promotion of research in both, pure and applied .science, held its an- nual election of members yesterday. In all 22 were elected to full member- ship, 19 to associate membership, and one was made an alumni member. Officers will be elected at the ban- quet to be held May 25 at the Union. The.. initiation will' be given at this time. The retiring chapter president, Prof. A. F. Shull, of the zoology de- partment, will give the address, and conduct the initation ceremony. Graduate students elected to mem- bership are H. R. Roehm, Major M. L. Ireland, E. J. Miller, Maurice VanLoo,, H. J. Osterhof, W. H. Griffith, and Ray Nelson. Graduate students advanced from associate membership to full membership are Hazel M. Losh, D. B. McLaughlin, M. H. Soule, D. V. Bax-1 ter, L. E. Wehmeyer, L. C. Anderson, C. W: Clarke, W. L. Fink, G. C. For- rester, D. L. Tabern, R. R. Wilson, L. A. Philipp, Helen Updegraff.c Graduate students elected associates are Eileen W. Erlanson, J. C. Pernert, H. L. Kleim, E. F. Smellie, Margaret N. Woodwell, F. E. Eggleton. Undergraduates elected associates, all senior engineers are: W. E. Bach-1 mann, L. K. Mower, C. M. Mower, Jr., Finals in the state high school de- bating league to determine the state championship for this year will, be held at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in the auditorium of University hall. between the high schools of Hastings and Pon- tiac. These two schools remain after the series of elimination contests which have been held during the year. There were 140 high schools in the competition. at the beginning of the debating season and this has now been reduced to the above two schools who will compete Friday for the state championship. The question that will be debated Is, Resolved: That the United States and Canada should construct the Saint Lawrence waterway. It is said that more than 45,000 people have attend- ed the various contests which have been held this year in different cities and towns in the state. More than 310 debates have been held. RegentJames 0. Murlin of Detroit will preside at the contest Friday. HAMLIN UARLAN WILL THALK TOMROW NIGHT, Hamlhin Garland, noted author, wyill of the ballot last year. Close voting was noticeal elsection or all officers e, president of the Student cout I elly carried the office by r 600 votes. The ballot cast office was Kelly 1,249, Rice the president of the Unio led 'with 644 votes cast, Law second high man with 49 James Duffy, '24E, received 387, Lawrence Doogo"24, Perkins Bull, '25L, was low votes. W A. Cotton, Jr., H. F. Kingdon, deliver a lecture at 8 o'clock tomor- Aaron Levin, W. J. Piper, I. J. Sand- row evening in Hill auditorium. He orf, E. RI. Wolfert, B. A. Butcher, J. Ir e n H a ie A. Packard, P. B. Pew, D. C. Seitz. Ihas chosen as the subject of his talk, Prof. ,C. J. Lyons, of the Dental "Some Meetings with Famous Ameri- school, and H. G. Waller, of the de- can Authors." He comes under the partment of internal medicine, are the combined auspices of the American faculty men elected to members'p. ; Federation of University Women, and Dr. Ferris N. Smith, '10M, of Grand the "Whimsies magazine., Rapids,' was elected an alumni mem- As a novelist, Hamlin Garland, has her. held an enviable position in American letters since the publication of his I'first book, "Main Travelled Roads," int 1887. Since then he has.published in WIL DISCUSS SOUTH all, more than 25 volumes.- 5 Iis best work has been in the por- tinia l [ I trayal of the -middle west in the last century. Born and raised in the hard, exacting surroundings of the fron-. William Belmont Parker will give tier farmer, he has never been able a University lecture at 4:15 o'clock to separate himself from the life in this afternoon in the large lecture his work. 'At times he has attempted roon on the second floor of Tappan to free himself from it, but inevitably hall. "Some South American Libra- he has returned to write again about ries", is the subject of the lecture his beloved middle west. to be delivered by Mr. Parker, He is The lecture is the third and last of speaking at the University under the the series of authors' lectures. Tick- auspices of the Hispanic Society of ets for the talk are on sale at 50 cents America, of which lie is an official and 75 cents in Wahr's and Graham's in charge of the society's publications. book stores in Ann Arbor, and at Journalism has been Mr. Parker's Stanley's and Zwergel's in Ypsilanti. 144 Vice-Presidency (lose The men elected for the vice-pres dencies of the Union received decide majorities with the exception of tU literary vice-presidency for whit Donald W. Steketee received 24 votes, Harry C. Clark 214, Jame Drbsbach 200, and Edward C. Star 98. Calvin A. Campbell secured tIl engineering vice-presidency over Wi 11am Kratz with a vote of 243 to 14 Stewart R. Boyer received 140 vote for law vice-presidency, while Bowe Schumaker .received S7. Howard I Hoffman received 194 votes for mei ical vice-president and Carlton I Pierce received 150. The vote fo the combined vice-presidency wa Gilbert C. Ely 86, and William Hei Berson 20. Pick Hubbard Secretary H. H. Hubbard, '24E, becomes rt cording secretary of the Union wit a vote of 747. Thomas Cavanaugl '24, followed him closely with 73 while E. C. Maeder received 293. f In the vote for president of the Sti dents' Christian association, Harry t Clark, '24, won a decided majoril over Millard H. Pryor with a vote c tary the votes cast were: N. B. John 988 against Pryor's 381. For seere son, '25, 710; and Robert Straub, '2f 525. J. K. Dunn, '24, was elected to thi presidency of the Oratorical associa tion by a vote of 839. Votes for th other candidates were: K. F. Clard3 '25L, 362; Donald O. Cook, '24, 42 For vice-president, Lyman J. Glasgois '25, received 947 votes, and Norma B. Johnson, '25, 676. The secretary Frieda Diekhoff, '24, with 1,233 votes against Blanche Kynast, '24, havin 413. Edward H. Backstrom, '24, polle 853 for treasurer, and Edward C. Prc phet, '24, 717. Isbell, Arndt, Boyer, Make Board E. R. Isbell, '23, Raymond Arnd '24, and Stewart R. Boyer, '24L, wer elected to the Board in Control c Athletics with votes respectively o 1,172, 857, and 837. Other candidate polled as follows: M. B. Stahl, '251 786; Kenneth Kerr, '24, 748; and Wil liam H. Merner, '24, 665. The men elected to the Board i Control of Student Publications wer Hugh K. Duffield, '24, with 969; M. I Stahl, '25L, with 762; and Walter I Scherer, '24, with 742. Other men re ceived tle following votes: E. ( McCobb, '23L, 616; A. J. Parker, '2' 609; Max R. Schrayer, '23E, 477 Harry D. loey, '24, 420; Julian I Mn r'9d Al A *. .nA PT CriT r~ whence they will march to Hill audi- torium. The Varsity band will be onx the auditorium steps. There are still more than 1,000 caps and gowns to be called for at Georgel Moe's sport shop on North University' avenue. Seniors are urged to get' them right away so as to avoid con- fusion later. They must be paid for when taken out. TO DISTRIBUTE FROLIC TICKETS AND PROGRMS Mason and Dixon Seven, from Ken- tucky, have signed a contract to play for the annual Freshman Frolic, to be held from 9 to 2 o'clock tomorrowt night in the assembly hall of the. Union. This orchestra has played at many of the largest college formals, in the country, among them this year's{ J-Hop. Dance programs for the annual ballI Edna F'. vosper, itargare w artnin, li. Lucile Welty, Lucile Whitfield, Miller Williams, Emily M. Wires, Gwyneth McF. Wrentmore. M .Those elected from the School of Education are: Katherine Campbell, Martha J. Chapin,WV. F. J. DeJongh, Glee E. Fosler, Dorothy B. Lippold, Margaret L Schmutz, Millicent C. Sin- den, Irma H. Smith, Jerome C. Thomas Caroline G. Wilgus, LBERIN MAN TELLS CHARMuOFCATEDAL "The charm of the cathedrals lies in what they stand for as reflecting the light and thought of the time," said Clarence Ward, of the fine arts department of Oberlin college, speak- ing yesterday afternoon on' "The Charm of French Cathedrals". "Gothic architecture is the glorification of God in architectural form," the speak- I o nn,- p main field of occupation for more than 25 years. During the past years, Mr. Parker' has been actively engaged in the editing, of books, preparatory to, publication. He has also been lit- erary advising editor to many pub- lishers and is the author of a num- ber of books. Mr. Parker was authorized by the Hispanic Society of America in 1918 to compile a series of biographical accounts of the various republics ofr South America, which were to be pub- lkchip~di n ,~In. h nir kform. His sue- I Glee Club Names I Russell Manager John M. Russell, '24, was appointed business manager of the University Glee clubs for the coming year at a meeting of the board of directors of the organization held Tuesday night. He succeeds James C. Stevens, '23, who has been manager for the past year. Ctn n nxl - -Lt . n ...,txrfht