THE MICHIGAN DAILY Maw ft- -Aft" ftwmftm.-ft- +.... VAN" j- II CUIWNIIIIIWWD) } i ti WOW v SIYTEAMS MEET M, A. 13 ON DIAMOND AND COT TOOD7Y Intramural Items ITON NEY The fraternity horseshoe schedule for today, May 2, is as follows: 3 o'clock, Phi Kappa Psi vs. Cygnus, Psi Upsilon vs. Trigon, Beta Phi Delta vs. Peers, Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Nu Sigma Nu, Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Delta AlphaILight Heavy C Epsilon; 4:30 o'clock, Delta Sigma Phi Action vs. Phi Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Delta, DETROIT GO hamp Anxlow0 to Start After Regaining Title RIAW' Coach Fisher's Sluggers Play Second Netn en Meet Farmers Preliminary to t ame With Aggles at 4:05 Matches With Chicago O'clock 'odaj Saturday O'HARA TO START ON MOUND WOLVERINE SQUAD SHOULD WITHI lIBSON IN RESERVE TAKE SINGLES AND DOUBLES Michigan's Varsity tennis team HOW THEY FACE EACH OTHER ,w1l play its first home matches of _____ the season with M. A. C. at 3 o'clock 14Michigan M. A. C. T this afternoon on the Ferry Field s.s. Brady, 2b. courts. This is the second match Kpke, c.f. McMillan, 3b. of the season with the Aggies, the Haggerty, 2b. Johnson, 1. first played at East Lansing being Shackleford, r.f .Stephen, c.iifa shut-ot for the Wolverines. - Prac- Knode, 1b. Cepeneck, s.s. ticaly the same team will play to- dAh l.f Beckley, l.I ay for Michigan that took part in Pape 3bDaley, r.f, last weeks matches and it is expect- Paer,c Gass c. ed that both the singles and the dou- Blott, .GasrcE O'iara, p. Kuhn, p. bles will go to the Maize and Blue netmen. Roerich, Merke, Sanchez, and.either Kline or Cemon will com- pose the regular quartet against the Coach Walker leads his Aggie base- [Farmers and Jerome Gregory will ball team onto Ferry field this after- probably be given a chance to per- noon for the second game with theform iii either the single or the dou- n hdt bles. The Aggies team will include Wolverines, and from all present indi- Crol, Capt. Cummings, Coe and cations it seems as though Fisher's Schaefer. tribe may not be able to pile up an- Today's match will give the Wol- other 21-0 score over the Farmers as verines a good bit of practice in prep- was done April 24 at Lansing. aration for the matches with Chicago Even with an overwhelming victory to be played here this Saturday. The last Saturday over Wisconsin, Coach Ma'roons have one of thd strongest Fisher did not lighten the practice teams in the country this year an sessions this week and the men have more practice is needed by the Michi- ' been kept working overtime in oider gan players before they will be able that all blemishes may be removed be- to do their best. fore the strenuous week end in which two hard games are looked fot with Notre Dame and, Iowa on the card for Saturday and Monday respectively. Practice yesterday afternoon con- I sisted Of the usual hitting and field- ing workt with a finale furnished by a I game with a team selected from Coach .I Mathers yearling club swingers. The regular Varsity took the fieldagainst- the freshmen and Coach Mather him- One of the greatest come-backs in self worked in the box for a few in- Michigan athletic history was staged nings./ Blott worked behind the plate on Ferry field in the Syracuse game and Will start the game today against of 1916. After 53 minutes of play the the wearers of the Green. Bob Knodescore stood 13-0 in favor of the East- is slated for his regular initial sack erners. "Pat" Smith threw a pass job while George Haggerty will be sta- to Peach which netted 35 yards and tioned at the keystone bag, started the Wolevrines sensational re- Captain VJt eritz will be seen at his covery. A fake play then gave them shortstop berth and. Mike Paper is the first touchdown, while in the last carded fr service at the hot corner. minute of play Zeiger crashed through " The a wil he the sane as work- on 4 lin plunge for the necessary ed agai C tWi!6iiti last Saturday:. yardage to end the game 1443. Ac- Shackleford in right field, Kipke at cording to The Daily of Oct.29, Cap- the center field bertn, and Ash at the I tamo Maulbetsch played wonderful de- left field stand'. Some changes .are fensive football and his exhibition of bound to be made in the lineup before covering punts was perhaps the best the game is many innings old with Ferry field has ever seen. Klein and Soleman each in reserve for the outer gardens, and Dillman, The plan of the class athletic pro- Van Boven, and Giles ready for in- gram as outlined in the booklet on In- field work.'. tramural Athletics is the following: Pat O'Hara has been selected for "A social purpose is evident, although the hurling job today and if he is it is not the big one. The men of each right, the Aggies will have to take all class are brought together and later their hitting out in batting practice. the men of different classes. Friend- O'Hara was one of the most effective ships are formed and a spirit for one's twirlers on the training trip and so class is stimulated. This spirit makes far he has been seen in action on Fer- of each class a small college, eac ry field but once, in the Ypsilanti game with its 'Varsity' and followers. That on April 26, when he pitched the last congenial fellowship is brought about . two innings against the Normalites. cannot be doubted." "Lofty" Gibson will do the bull-pen stunt and if anyone relieves Pat it Engineers Must Pay for Pictures will be the lone southpaw of. the Var- Senior engineers must pay their prc sity. Benson, Baker, Noonan who rata of the cost of the class picture held the Aggies at bay in the first to be hung in the Engineering build- game, and Slingerlund will be the re- ing today. The tax on each man is 5C serve string of twirlers and it is high- cents. Ballot boxes will be in the ly probable that any of these men will main corridor of the Engineerin be injected if the fray develops into building throughout the day in which another charity slugfest. the money should be denosited. American I vs. Alpha Chi Rho, Theta Delta Chi vs. Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Delta Phi MAY 4 DATE SET FOR GENE'S vs. Alpha Kappa Kappa, Theta Chi vs. FRACAS WITH JACK CLIFFORD Phi Gamma Delta; 7 o'clock, Delta. Tau Upsilon vs. Beta Theta Pi, Kappa New York, May 1-Gene Tunney, Nu vs. Phi Alpha Delta, Kappa Sigma light heavyweight champion of Am- vs. Chi Phi, Delta Theta Phi vs. Delta erica, who is scheduled to box Jack Tau Delta, Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Al- Clifford, May 4 at the Coliseum in pha Rho Chi. I Detroit, was delighted when Billy The balance of the schedule will be tGibson, his manager, informed him played off tomorrow afternoon and 1 that Detroit would be the site of his evening. Friday, Saturday and possi- first battle since regaining his chain- bly next Monday will be given over to pionship title. Tunney was told that the playing of matches which have several other cities were keen to been postponed because of errors in stage this bout but Detroit drew the announcements and postponments. prize. The eliminations for the title will start "I am glad to make my new start next Tuesday. Alpha. Chi Sigma, Zeta!as the light heavyweight champion Beta Tau, and Masona will get a in betroit," Tunney said today. "I chance to display their wares in the met many Michigan men while in eliminations as it was impossible to France with Pershing's army, and include them in the leagues. I gained many friends among them. They are real soldiers, great scrap- Entries for the All-campus singles pers, and the best of 'buddies' in the and doubles hoseshoe tournament have world-1 hope to renew my comrade- been coming at a fast rate during the ship with them in Detroit and hope last few days and the tournament will to show them, during my contest with be started a week from today. Fac- Clifford, that I have not forgotten ulty men interested in horseshoe pitch- how to uphold the traditions of the ing should get in touch with the In-|A. E. F. in regard to scrapping- trUmiUtdLE danartm 1i l UUt 'y. 'iLL it. New York. ........ Washington..... Mays, Bush, Hoyt and chary, Hollingsworth,I Gharrity. R H 8 1.3 7 12 Schang; Russell 1 3 Za- and ' ' Dusky Relay Man SELECT THIRDMMR Loe Directidi .xOne of t ne most amusing feature "thePei relays last Saturdi As a result of trycuts hell yes-eas aforded the runners and spe ::ators alike in one of the prep scho terday and the day' before Crosby relays. has been selected as third man on the One of the events was a short r squad due to his superior playing in lay for colored pi'ep athletes. TI matches with Benedict, ltasting, race was quite close while the fir Broderick, Potter and Mitts. Capat'in two men of each school were ru' Smith and Winters will he placed at ning and several of them turned ti positions one and two on the team lat pole almost on a par and ,tart( and as they have demonstrated citeir on their last quarter lap even. Ho, ability in previous trials they viere ever, one of the boys was so anxio not entered in the competition trials to receive the baton from his tear which were held to determine the mate that he started up to meet hi personnel of the team. and after receiving the stick he ke The fourth man to make the team right on going up the home -stretc will be selected today fromI Benedict, in the wrong direction until he hi Potter and Hastings. The six men covered more than 25 yards. Wh< named, however, will constitute the' he finally realized his mistake a varsity team although this team i3 chances of victory were gone. only a temporary aggregation nd as soon as any member on the squad ap- -Vote in the campus elections toda pears "to do his stuff" better than _____________ any of the present Varsity members TODAY IS "1" DAY. he will be placed on the squad. Just call 960, when you have TODAY IS "1" DAY. want.--dv. E St. Louis ..............3 Chicago. .............. 5 Kolp, Pruett and Severeid; 'ette and Schalk. H E 7 3 6 2 Lever- R H E Athletics............. 4 10 0 Boston............. 5 11 1 Ogden, iHeimach and Perkins; Ehmke and Picnick.- R. Cleveland ............ 5 Detroit. .............. 6 H 14 11 E 1 0 Uhle, Edwards and O'Neill; John- son, Francis and Woodall. ij "i , : National R H Brooklyn.............. 3 5 New York............4 7 Grimes and Taylor; Johnson Snyder. 3 1 and tramural department today. .ntries for All-campus track are still being I accepted. Fraternity athletic managers should . note that today is the last time for the playing of interfraternity tennis' matches scheduled for the first round. Baseball among the class and fra- ternity teams will bring the following aggregations together today, May 2: 4 o'clock, diamond 1, Alpha Chi Sig- ma' vs. Kappa Nu, diamond 2, Delta Tau Delta vs. Phi Delta Chi, diamond 3, Alpha Tau Omega vs. Kappa Sigma, diamond 4, Phi Beta Delta vs. Tau Epsilon Phi; 5 o'clock, diamond 1, Al- pha Rho Chi vs. Phi Sigma Delta. This schedule completes the fraternity league series. As soon as the results can be tabulated and compared the (Continued on Page Seven) Vote in the campus elections today. TODAY IS 'M" DAY. Give 'em the best that's in you .I ' jut. A f,-- fl-e n -1, I1 just returned from the Ozark mountains where, for three weeks I ' H E put in eight hours every day, three Boston ............12 18 0 in training and five at manual labor, Philadelphia .......... 10 17 1 helping an Arkansas buddie con- I McNamara, Waton and O'Neill; struct a, dwelling in the Ozarks. I Hubbell, Behan and Henline. never felt better in my life than right - now and I expect to enter the De- ;R H E troit contest in tip-top shape." I Pittsburgh.............6 13 1 Detroit sportsmen will see one of St. Louis ............ 2 7 3 the finest. human fighting machines Cooper and Schmidt; Sherdell, Stu- in action when Tunney wades into his art and Ainsmith. opponent. He is a teirific puncher,j lithe as a panther, quick as chain R H E lightning and a consumnate strate- Chicago ...............3 8 3 gist. He likes to box and is confident Cincinnati.............1 7 2 that with a little more poundage Dumovich and O'Farrell; Keck and which will come within the next year Hargraves. or two he will be prepared for a_ whack at the heavyweight title. TODAY IS 'M" DAY. APRIL,51-lOWE] BRI NG OUT . NNFCL Tt E~- \" - FOR Al _.' "-ma rOR S ®r Cts oat L F t 't s z 3) I ) I. a t ''N 'N' AT LOCASTORE AJJ1OWER .Co h h r s s h ;t t 0 e 0 ,e ' h :° , R FRESHMEN When in Ann Arbor do as . U your upper' class men whenr you can.r f Michigan men, including - * Freshmen, do and can play Z Billiards at ra S-7 unrtas caa s cxMS+xN IE9 PIPES LUNCJ-IES SICA9 fwe -try to treat you righ-v" - - - - - - - - --- - - a nas __aug LookJ esYou Will Want BOSTON HEY'RE taking the world by storm - these new Cheney ties. Nothing can equal this universal vogue for Ondule Crepe neckwear; and no neckwear can be better than -that which bears the name "Cheney" on the neckband. Whether you look for the latest thing in cravats or for conservative patterns, you will find just the tie to suit you among the many styles and patterns created by Cheney. Ask your haberdasher today! (or the nime on the neckbarnd. -e + v .aavw. vr ....u v .av1..vwa vvw.. Vote in the campus elections today. TODAY IS "1 DAY. Votee in the campus elections today. TODAY is "l" DAY. SOLD BY ,---- ,. - . i I WADHAMS & CO. REULE CONLIN & CO. J. F. WUERTH& CO. F. W. GROSS MACK& CO. We Are Showing the t .... ---- - NEW TYSON Soft Shirts with the latest collar, Just x.V ...PtI Clothes .cLo It's getting all you can for your money; and it's paying enough to get the best quality. It's buying clothes that have an established quality ard fabric value- K~uppeunheier GOOD.CLOTHES .- ... ... 11 "THE NEW HARVARD" This is the shirt you have been looking for ;: y th e 5 4 ,- Corn lea oUpJ "4. andWiches aladr- moqjTea THE SHIRT TRADE MARK REGD solve the problem of clothes economy for you. We have wonderful assortment of men's and young men's suits right now. Excellent values at { i Materials oxford, silk finished poplins broadclothes, and silk finished oxfords m $45 T HE PLACE Priced $2.50 to $5( TO ENTERTAIN YOUR FRIENDS Allen's feature values $25-$30-$35