PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER, 8,'1922 SUNDAY; ,OCTOBER 8, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDY, CTOBR 8 192 SUDAY OCTBER8, 922 HE ICHIAN AIL xf An American 's Impressions of Oxford (By Millard H. Pryor) down and Carson carried the day "Tutorial system, organization by alone, which for the cause of prohibi- colleges, and individual and colorful tion in England was not an easy one. s n lges," is tAt the end, in the final vote, to the student life," is the way Ralph Carson,i astonishment of the English them- '17. sums up his impression' of Oxford selves, prohibition won by 163 to 129. University after his three year stay While in Michigan, Carson was very as Rhodes scholar from Michigan. active in oratorical work, was a mem- This comes with a little more force ber of the Varsity debating team and from Carson than it would from many also of the Adelphi House of Repre- other of the students from the United sentatives. States who have attended Oxford by The actual conduct of the debates means of the Rhodes scholarships, in- differs quite materially from the ac- asmuch as Carson is one of the two cepted custom in our inter-collegiate Americans to be elected to the high- debates. Four men are generally se- est position given to Oxford students lected to speak upon the question -that of president of the Oxford which is always of the most vague Union. The only other American ever and general nature and which is pub- accorded this honor was W. J. Bland, lished in advance all over the colleges. of Ohio, in 1913. Then on the night of the debate the Carson describes the Oxford Union President and two more officials of as being somewhat similar to the the Union dispose of the regular busi- Michigan Union in that it is ther one I ness and each of the speakers talks big undergraduate club and serves to for about 15 minutes. It might be bring together the different indepen- said that the debates are at the same dent colleges at Oxford, of which there time both formal and informal for the are 22. It is different, though, in presiding officers and the four main many of its activities. The Union is speakers always wear full dress. and housed in several buildings, which are certain forms are followed. But there used for lounging, billiards, reading, is no definite time kept on the speak- writing, and they are soon to have ers nor do they ever take sides of the a large dining room. The best working question that they do not believe in, library at Oxford is also a Union so that the speeches are always in activity and is entirely managed by the nature of a personal belief rather the students. But the way in which than a formal presentation. After the it differs most radically from our own four main speakers have finished the Union is in the debating assembly, question is thrown open to the house which is the center of all the Union and everyone is permitted to give his activities and the thing for which it views of the matter. Sometimes there is best known. The building itself is are more than 400 present at these built out of brick and stone and is ar- debates and often as many as twenty- ranged inside very much like tht Eng- five express themselves in a single lish House of Commons. This Union night. The time of the meeting is was founded in 1823, fourteen years be- from 8:00 to 11:30 o'clock and at the fore the founding of our own Univer- end the president asks that the mem- sity, and is second only to the Cam- bers present vote. This is done by bridge Union as the oldest in the exchanging seats so that all in favor world. The president of the Union of the question are seated on the right is in full charge of the debates that and those opposed on the opposite are conducted in this hall every side. Thursday night and it is because of a Very often prominent men in Eng- man's ability as a debater that he be- lish public life are. asked to speak comes president of the Union. The at these debates and it indicates the debate in which Carson achieved, his high regard in which these discussions laurels was one in which the question are held when it is stated that these was prohibition. It developed that tht men consider it an honor to address other member of the liberal side broke the Union. During the past one hun- INTELLIGENT AND INTERESTED Your bank should be sound, accurate and efficient. But that is not enough. Banking service to be of the most use to you should be also intelligent and interested. That is what this bank tries to be. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101-105 So. MAIN 330 So. STATE ST. he PAQM Duold Er. Lay Do Come Tiry the ht 2-YarPen that holds nearly twice the ink of ordinary pens. Its Native Iridium point is as smooth as a jewel bearing. Chinese-red barrel with smart black-tipped ends-resembles fine lacquer - handsomer than gold! Come get on~ on 30-days'trial. CALKINS-FLETCHER THREE STORES dred years three presidents of the the pinnacles and the' soft grey stone Unioh have become prime ministers: of which it is made. Gladstone, Asquith and Salisbury, The keynote of the entire place while present Minister of Foreign might be summed up in the one word, Affairs, Lord Curzon, Lord Birkenhead, individuality, for there the whole sys- Hilaire Belloc the writer, and many Item is made to enable a man to de- others have held the Union presidency. velop himself to the highest point. No It is also characteristic of the Eng- check whatever is made upon a stud- lish schools that all the arranging, ent and what he becomes is entirely management, and even some of the up to himself. The tutorial system details of the Union are left to the requires that an entrant .designate president. The same thing holds true what course he-is going to read and of other activities, for the track cap- then the only classroom work is one tan designates which men shall take hour a week spent with the tutor. It part in the different events. When a might look as though this concentra- man is placed in a high office he is tion on one line would lead to nar- given real authority and entire con- rowness, but this reading is really an, fidence. organization of . knowledge under a As to Oxford itself, Carson says that broad head -and also the intellectual the architecture, cultural atmosphere, curiosity of most men causes them to the beauty of the many gardens; and cover a wide field on their own. ac- the indefinable spirit of the place are count. Oxford is entirely given to beyond description. Ann Arbor per-1 the theory that the business of a hu- haps possesses more natural beauties. man being . is to become cultured in than Oxford, particularly her trees, a broad way even as a basis for a tech- but has no such air of antiquity as nical education. Any such technisal Oxford has. Everything there seems training must be taken after gradua- to have its roots far, far back in the tion from Oxford and even law must past. Especially beautiful are the be studied in London bfore one is chimes and one soon learns to dis- admitted to the bar. tinguish those of every one of the col- Student life might be compared to leges. Carson stated that he thought t.he dormitory system in this country the bell tower of Magdalen College the except that there the dormitories are most beautiful in the world with all of (Continued on Page Four) looks and Writers THE OCTOBER SMART SET The Smart Set for October should be of special interest to readers of The Sunday Magazine, as it contains a novelette by Harold H. Armstrong and a short story by Byron Darnton. Both are Michigan men, Armstrong having graduated in 1905, and Darnton leaving college before completing his course. Armstrong has written "Zell," and "For Richer, For Poorer." Darn- ton is a reporter on the Baltimore' Sun. "Exhibit A," Armstrong's novelette, is no credit to the author of "Zell." It is a poorly written affair, dry and tedious, and I yawned mightily before, I had read two of the thirty pages to which I had condemned myself. The story deals with fatal indecision and blind subservience to a shattered ideal. Ralph Crusoe, the leading char- acter, falls heir to a quarter share in his grandfather's paint works, and' if he continues on the job until he is twenty-one he is to receive another fourth. But Crusoe is an artistic soul, who would rather play the violin, and he has queer notions that the only way to realize an ambition is to goI after it whole-heartedly, letting one's family take care. of itself, and worry- ing not at all about so minor a matter as living meanwhile. Ralph lets his wicked uncle buy him out for enough money to give him his musical educa- tion, and sails blithely for Europe, whence he presently returns penni- less. Through the skillful press-agenting of his two friends, one of whom tells the story in a most inane fashion, he becomes a- nine-day wonder. The glory fades, however, when he mar- ries a pale stenographer with whom he had had a half-hearted love affairI in the paint office, and takes a posi- tion as teacher in a second rate con-! servatory. Since his departure from the office the stenographer has become a wife, mother, and widow, and he finds himself facing the necessity of supporting (sordid word!) himself, his wife, and his wife's child on an in- adequate salary. He becomes a brute in the home, loses his reputation, what there is :f it, at the conservatory, and begets two children. In a spasm of generous im- pulse, he commences teaching part time for nothing a day in an orphan asylum, doubling his work but not his pay. Here the wicked. uncle reapears, renews his ancient advances toward the former stenographer, and a wretched liaison results. Affairs move to a climax, when finally Crusoe kills his wife and himself after an unsuc- cessful attempt to shoot the wicked uncle. The point of the story seems to be that Crusoe "fixed" himself when he sold his legacy, and that from then on nothing good could come to him. "Bad luck" is the keynote. The real cause of his downfall is his lack of charac- ter, his weakness when strength is demanded. The story is hopelessly dull. It is only necessary to quote a paragraph or two to prove it: "He's clever, yes, but there's some- thing else to it. He's one of those people who never have bad luck. Has the faculty of always lighting on his feet. I've seen him wriggle out of some of the tightest holes.' "I want to hand him his due, though I never liked him. Personally, I al- ways managed to get along all right with him. I had to; he was my bread and butter. I find you can avoid quar- relling with almost anybody if you make up your mind you've got to. I always worked pretty hard for Klatt, and on the whole he treated me pretty well. Certainly I learned a lot from him during those four years." It is surprising to me what a man can get away with after he has made himself a name. "Harold C. Mills," the story by By- ron Darnton, filling less than four I pages, is much better. It is better written, presents a no less conven- tional idea, and with far more force and animation. It is like a campaign handshake after hours- spent as an undertaker's assistant. Harold C. Mills is an assistant bank cashier who is possessed of a large and all-pervading wife. She spends her waking hours impressing the neighbors and attempting to impress her husband with the social import- ance of his job in the bank. Every time he signs himself "Harold C. Mills," her unfortunate spouse, who might have been human if left to him- self, relapses into inky gloom, as he remembers that he was "H. C. Mills" before she remodelled him. The sig- nature is to him a constant reminder of his wife's domination over him, and the false front she attempts to maintain for the family. Thecatastrophe, when in a devil- ishly retrospective mood "Harold C. Mills" becomes "H. C. Mills" again and eats potato with his knife at a dinner party, his superannuated wife's debut, is brief but well handled. The story cannot be said to be a masterpiece, but it is clever and fairly entertaining, which Armstrong's is not, and after all, the average short story or novelette can have little pur- pose other than to entertain. To digress a little, Mencken and Nathan should be ashamed of them- selves for the type of advertising that has been appearing in Smart Set of late. The October issue is especially 'bad. Commencing at the back and working forward, we find a collection of advertisements of which I shall (Continued on Page Eight) THE GREAT AERO CONGRESS (Continued from Page One) l means of transport which carried sev- eral hundred thousand pounds of freight and more than 250,000 passen- gers last year must eventually attract sufficient public interest to penetrate1 the halls of Congress." Mr. Mingos of the Detroit Aviation Society - continued, "Operators and constructors have been twixt the devil and the deep blue sea, in a manner of speaking. They have not been con-, trolled by national authority in any; form; and after all, control is syn- onomous with protection. Today any- body can fly in any sort of old crate without a license. In a country where one requires a license to hunt, motor,l marry, keep a dog, build a house or dig a tunnel, one can do anything he wants to in the air without first qual- ifying for his job or making his fly- ing machines airworthy. "More than ninety per cent of air- craft accidents are caused by irre- sponsible persons operating unair- worthy machines. It has led to many, serious accidents and has kept capital out of commercial aviation, the sort of aviation that is needed if we are to develop aerial transport facilities to a point where they shall provide an adequate air reserve which our excellent army- and navy air forces may draw upon in an emergency." j To the end of pro regulation of flying Bill was considered Committee on Intersta Commerce since pass last February, but why in the committee sta been acted upon has termiped. At the present tim world powers excepl have national air law not allow a man to fl been licensed and ha spected at intervals a worthy. American pi: mitted to fly over Ca because this country regulations. The Can however, has shown our Army and Navy tending Canadian flyi them because their r dence of their effici training. Not only will the N races attract thousan prove a valuable exj um; but the Aero Cong to accomplish much establishment of avi concept in the minds this country. Hugh Walpole is to j again this month. Appearance Counts- USE- 4 r \ 1 _. } ., __ ' ' ' ,, . > 1 : a i ' 44 ' b y rs . f i1f+" r" , °+" / .. , . For Ladies, and Gentlemen 'i // , -. , A Liquid I and be well groomed Gives that glossy, stylish appearance -- that desired by all, and to the most obstinate hair. that dead, dry appearance, and prevents hair from A generous size bottle for $1.00 at most Dr partment Stores, Beauty and Barber Shops. Al the higher class Barber and Beauty Shops. THE WAUKEE COMPAN HIUIAE-WANSUR BLDG. - INDIANAPO "Waukee twice a week, keeps the hair well groomed Q~CNY > e-2~ ?Defrzih6 of the Beauty Shop Will add the touch of a well groomed woman. In our third floor Beauty Shop are to be found the many forms of personal service. The manager has recently returned from studying the newest methods used in Chicago beauty shops and is now giving several new services. Some of the services given are: Permanent Waving and Marcelling Diferent Styles of Hair-dressing. Shampooing with rain-water Facial Massage and Packs Dandruff treatments- Hot Oil treatments Hair-bobbing Manicuring AFTER A HARD DAY- Nothing will put you on your feet quicker than one of Besimer' s Grilled Steaks JEWELS The Real Value of Good Di A carat blue white diamond may be bought tod and prove a poor investment. The cutting, perfection, proportion and brillianc: color, are extremely important. After all it is the jeweler who designates the qualities of a Diamond. It is his opinion as to tutes the blue white or blue, the perfect or imper the average buyer accepts. The thoughtful buyer buys on confidence and est utation. We invite your inspection. H A LLER Don't worry about the Price! It's cheaper than you think. UPSTAIRS OPPOSITE D. U. R. STATION JEWELER STATE STREET I ,i' .. .