THEI MICHIGAN DAILY - ._M. _ 'SPAP horninlg Publicat rn Con This situ.ation became more flagrant~ The scholar, however, represents~ .. , as time went on and has culminatedI accomplishment just as truly as dloes in the modern yellow press. The the athlete. It is intellectual accom- 'ER OF THE evils o~f yellow Journalism would niot plishment as contrasted with physi- 111CHIGAX be soget if they were confined to cal prowess, but it is none the less except Mrondlay the newspapers that practise thenm, worthy of praise. by the Board in tions but this is not altogether the tease. nferencce Edit orial competition has required_ many con- >sociated P're.°s is exclusively en-1! ie use for republication of all news1 credited to it or not otherwise, ithis paper, and the local news pub- emi1.. at the postoff ice at Ann Arbor,1 as second class matter. tion by carrier, or mail, $3.50. Ann Arbor Press Building, May- t . editorial, 2414 and 176.1; Busi- lications not to exceed 300 words the sigznature rnot necessarily toI print, but as an evidence of faith, s of events will be publishcd in at the discretion of the Fyditor. If mailed to The Daily office. Un-l 1umnnications will receive no con. No manuscript will be returned1 writer encloses postage. The Daily necessarily endorse the sentinments n- the communications. EDITORIAL STAFF phones 2414 and 176-:I MANAGING EDITOR M PAION 1. STAHL or ...............nI'21 Vtzel 1r.......... James 11. Young] City Editor.........J. A. Bacon1 Board Chairma.. ......E. IR. Miss tos- yers Hiarry IHoey. rshdorfer R. C. Moriarty- onahue J.Fl. 'Mack io. .W...Fall"'e F. El'ott Editor ............. Marion Koch agazine Editor . ... I. r1.' Donahue itor ......... .E 11I. Aileh, iter.......... Buckley C. Rolibim Editorial Board err _Maurice Berman ein Eugene Carmichaelf Assistants Armstrong Franklin 1). Hpburr elf ield Winona A. Hlibbard llington Edward J. Iiggin's owr Kenneth C. Kellar ark Elizabeth Lieberniann nh11able John MCGinni1s Cote Samunel Muore Coughlin M. 11. Pryor stein WV. II. Rafferty, ke IRobert G. Ramsay inghc'ise . W. P- itrl Goodsped loll J. Sclinitz Mulder Philip M. Wagnei algrim1 servative dailies to adopt the mneas-# ures of the radical press in order toj make a satisfactory financial return. The nation now more than ever be- fore is demanding the sensational, in newspapers, and hence it is difficult to see how 'merely" revising a code of ethics will have any effect on the journalism of ourr time. Whlat is needed is an hionor court among editors or some mnachinery to enforce the code' of ethics that has; been adopted. Violations could then be punished by, universal condemnna- tion of the guilty one among editors throughout the country. Thug a codle of ethics would not be a mere shal- low document,; but would be backed up by an organized society of editors, thne power of which no individual or' small group of editors would be like- ly to withstand. iNamne it Yost!. REST O N YOURI OARS CANEl)AY Al'ITROACES The ominous Ides of Cane-day loomy near and it behooves every senior to crash through by knowing his cane, so that the health Service won't b, rushed on that fatal day.- Here yul arc: 'Please tell me if it is possible to make sugar out of may cane antd you will be doing me a great service 'cause I know nothing abodit chemis- try."" '23E. "Paint red and white stripes on them and hang 'emt on the Community Christmas Tree or stick 'rei up in front of a barber shop." S. C. A. Wotrke-. "Sonic of them could have been used advantage ourly at the Gridiron Ban-j quet last night. Those interested in. dramatics, i. e. Dodoes, please note." E Shiilsem, T.1lE PPI{ERM t'I' 4KETrlL Do ye not always to others as ye would like to do unto them. AN INCENTITEt With the departure of Prof. Anto-, nio G. Solalinde, of the Spanish de- partment, f pr the University of Cali- f ornia, the University and more es- pecially the Spanish department, .los-fr es. a man who will be sorely missedt by both the faculty and student body. Conng as'lhe did, just last fall, in the, short time of his stay, he proved to' be a real' stimulus to the study of Spanish literature. In the brief months of his residence, he showed himself a teacher of more than us- pal merit and a source of inspiration to all thosie with whom lie caime in contact., Although his classes were con- ducted entirely in Spanish, the inter- est shown in everything Ole presented was more than evidenc'e of the per- nmanent impression he made upon the} minds .of those who were privileged to be enrolled in his courses The memory of work dlone under his di- re.(ti'on will always, be an incentive for further interest ithze' study of. Spanish literature. , I EITORIAL COMMENTI 1'.Nl l 1lt' is ri 'I"n PLAT ET0 (New York "Tinies) M.Painleve, who was premier of France in the midst of the war and wvho is one of the world's greatest liv- ing mathematicians, appeared in yes-; terday's news both as a physical scien- tist and as a political philosopher. i-s two capacities were "in, conjunction," as the astronomers would say, each having the same latitude and right. ascension. He first pressed his view concerning the relation of the heaven- I l 1y bodies in the vast universe. Then;. he presented his opinion about the re- lation of the peoples of our own in- finitesimal hart of this universe to one another, and specifically concerning the World}'Court a "vast step in world progress". A mnathemiatician, hie is sitting in the scienti xc court of the cosmos in the case of Einstein versus NewtonI to reconcile, as he him self iultimnates that he hopes' to be able to do, thei gravitational theory of the great Eng- j lish' philosopher 'with: the relativity' theory- of the eminent German. No( one will for a moment thinky that M. Painleve's (letermnination -in the realm of pure theory (into which few are1 Sable to follow him) will be colored by' the fact that he was promier of, France when France was at war with Germany. Nor will any one, ,even a compatriot of Einstein, question the high' an-1 honest intent of the as- tronomer:~ and mathematicians of the rFrench Bureau of Longitude who pur- pose going to Mexico to mHake obser-~ vations at the time of an eclipse nextI ISeptember, bearing upon the Einsteinj theory, or assuime that nationality= awill even to the hundredth part of a second of an arc,dlisturb their calcula- tions. The sort of mnediation that M.; i Painleve has proffered in setting the conflicting theoretical claims as to Smatters beyond the kcen of most mnor- tals ought somehow to be evoked from the financial and political genius 1 of the world to settle the p~ractical tclaims that are o~uite within the range of general comprehension and com- mon sense. It was the philosopher Kant who' said in effect that the two impres- sive phenomena in the universe arel the starry heavens and# the choral responsibility of mian. We may not be bletoundrstndAT. P4 a.A s0 , Duncan &.rStarling Bioth Ends of the Diagonal I. I1 -1 'I I ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS Schedule in Effect October rlL,1922 Central Time (Slow Time) D X X D P.M. A.M. P.M~. P.M. 3:.45 7.45 .". . Adrian .... 12:4S 8:45. 4:15 °8:15 ...*Tecumselt ... 12:15 8:15 4:30 8:4o ... Clinton ...., 12:00 8:o0 5:15 g:iS .. Saline . .. 11:1S 7:IS 5:45 Q:45 Ar Ann ArborUv.10:45 6:45 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. D-Daily. X--Daily except Sundays and Holidays. Friday and Saturday, special bus for students leaves Adrian 1 :45, leaves Ann Arbor 4:45. I I JAMEI H. fLLIOTT. Proprietor Phone 46 I L UEO-ANN ARBOR BUSE Cars leave for Toledo 7:10 A. 31.9 2.1P. M. and 5 1P. Aft. Except Suni. day. Sundays at 8:00, 11:00 and 8:30.7 DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor and Jackson TIME TAB -NE (E-astern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars- 6:0o a.m., 7:00 a.m., 8:oo a~m., ij05 a.m. and hourly to 9 :o5 p.m. Jackson Express C~srs (local stops west of Ann Arbor)-9 :41f a.m., arid every two h;,urs to 9'347 .m. ' L~ocal Cars East bound--7:oot a.'n. anoi every two hours to 9:90 p. Ml., i t :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti onl-13i:40 p.wr., z :15 a.m. To Saline-Change at 'Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound--7 :5o a.m., iz:Id p.m.I To Jackson and K~alamazoo-Lirr- ited cars 3:47, 10:47 a.m-, 12-47, 2:47, 4:47 p. To Jackson anid Lansing-Limited at 8:47 ap.m. ! 1 .k DEPENDABLY conwed an i woys in hoo taste --"Syle and Quality D. BK FISK & Ca. CrVatom of C"Wjt mimw" Cho Nw Yomk Nil .. 0 1923 APRIL 1923 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2v 26 27 28 20) 30 li J WE aanre MFR. 'i D 1 OT.6 r Eaats Big Stock Always on Ihand LARGE SIZES A SPECIALTY Sa ve a D)OLLAR or more at our Factory "We also. do all kinds of Clean- ing andl Reblocking. of Hlats at lowe prices for HIGH CLASS - WORK -__ FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street Phone 179$ Where D. U. R. Stops at State -A A III * * * P)EARI MAY! Dark grey shadows cast themselves upon these yellow walls. An owl without dloth hoarsely shout to1 the tune of a ,siren's calls. You're far away, mly, sweet young May, and gloom may heart appalls. For it's sad to' be so far from thee amid these shadow's glooni. Sorrow dloth nmirk and at Joy it doth sirk within may sordid roomn. These books of mine doth make e whine that I can soon feel, miy doom. ANNOUNCEMENT For, your convenience we have opened a regu- lar Western Union office at Number 9, Nickels Ar- cade. At the present messages may be filed at this branch during the hours of 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. and, if found necessary arrangements- will be made to extend the hours- WESTLPN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY / r " F 11 T'eleplhole 960 SINESS M:ANAGER LBERT 3. PARKER ,! { ------- I F.. F _~- ---~ .. .......Jhn J. liarnel, Jr. .. .......Nalter K'. Seliercr ......Lawrence 1. Favrot. ~.Edward F. Conlin .......David J. M. Park .Town send 11. Wolfe .......... Beaumont Parks- Assistants Eayden Win. TT, Good Dunne Clyvde L. Hagerman ir Henry Freud Tian Clayton Purdy- tatrout J. l.. Sanzen1bacher Reid, Jr. Clifford Mitts [ale TI lls c tiacircn. oesser Louis M. Dexter orton C. Wells Christie Dryer Edward B. Rcidle Cooper J AY WA I Ii TN' An investigation of city traffic sta- tistics discloses the fact that a large percentage of the rmortalities are u II IIlI ,.F-.;,,' A letter, dea-r May, will save the day*; i c~u~eun tatDfl o atauom- I iiiist hear soon from you. t bilists, the jay walker. The public I Socerm, p 'maweu u h seems prone to blame the motorist S he euImaweu u h for all the fatalities that occur in, can't help be a bit blue.P city traffic, when the truth is that Sdrpm alieanI'lflfine the fault fifty "per cent of the tume andi ever to von, be true. 1 rests with the pedestrian who soon- 11111nell Cares. f ters across the crowded boulevard as DearMay, though he were walking down a quiet iIicthzc hspprsol country ,lane. fiecacthspprsol fall into your hands, for heaven's The jay' walker is by no means 11i11-' ete rhel> ited 0o the city; every small town. insaewietigywlterorel die on the vine., That name of his the country has its just quota of per-1- is a perfect one for his happy-go- a sons who value their life so lightly lucky te of pessimist.5 that the, whiz of a car as it passes ** within a few inches, of them is not I in the least perturbing. Ann Arbor is I'lfn(oBd a model small town, but it must be! As J. Whunipus McLuke wended his t admitted that it has more than its due weary way homeward, he became pos- share of jay walkers. This is a pe- sensed of an uneasy feeling, He knewI Iculiar state of affairs because of the II it wvas not the 13th of the month andIa fact that the majority of autoist's yet he could not feel at ease. Hie ap- drive without any regard- for the pe- 1 cedhshus.s ooe o destrian&. It would seem, that the serted. Truly this was not a familiar latter ought to become. more cau- sight for J. Whuntpus, because at thist tious under such conditions, but the hour he was wont to come homec andK reverse is the case and a driver in find the house ina blazing glory andI theory reconciling Newton and Ein- stein kwhen he presents it in its corm- )leted form, but wve can understand- ngly accept his conclusion as to this' planet of ours that international af- fairs upont it canillot go h'Without the