TiItEW. MICHIGAN DAII \__________ , ..... ..,,.... OFFICIAL BULLETIN the Thlletin Is constructive notte to all wernbers of Copy received until ^:-V P. im. (11:30 a. Zn. Sahirday.) TrESDAY, 1 A 1 19.;Nunmber 142 I to Deans: here will be no conference of the Dean Wednesday, May 2. Pleas change of plan. M. L. BURTON. frets' Cetiletes: 01. Seniors. In the College t Literature, Science, and the Arts and in 3 lhool of Education who expect to receive a Teacher's Certifcate in May pay their fees at this time. Tlanks should be secured 'from the of "the School of r'ducatou andi the receipt retrned to that ofte .tet~ then May4 25. MARGARET CAMRON. mlScehoo, Adminstrative Board:. her will be a meeting of the Board tat 12 noon, today, Michia CARL W. 1EIERI3CILI !ty an Alu~r1nii 11 E+ culty .and klumnt~ Members of the Michigan Union will be per 4l to vote for Union offcers at the election booth in front of the Li Wednesday, May' 2. Theae persons were not required to register one to the eleetion. J'OHN 112. BURGE, Recoring Secrear'y. rn; Servie with StakdArd Oil1 Company: 'e Standard Ol Company of New York requirs a few college grad- about July first for their Far Eastern Service. Mr.EF. T. ause, who pent 3U y ears In this foreign service, nmay be consulted by all st u- Interested, between 9 a.i. and i p. m. in 'room 302 of the Union. er partcu4 ,rs are posted in University !fal, the Economis build-' nd the ]+, gjneeii building. J. A. flURS.LM~Y. 1sed ('mrlelk" .11 applications for admission to the Combined Curricula (Medicin, )Dentistr'y, and Nurizl) -must be fled with the 'Registrar on or be Steaturday,,ay. ARTHUR G. HAA, Reistar. Ia Xapp A*1u1 Dmsitvessetin: Jph4~, Chapter nIn Michigan, Phi Beta Kappa, will hold its annual 'sMeeti14 Wednesday, May 2, 4:15 p. mn in Rooms 204-25, Mason C. . 00014 tY,lPreident. E,. . CAO1L, Secretary. r1I! not meet. Tuesday, May 1., Assignment for Thursday pages 327- C. C. EDMONDS. Geguhkr monthly luncheon of the Rtomanee Club Wedtsday, May 2 Voloc, Mcian Union, Room 31. A. G. CANVFI1LD. ' 1 r~oilofubtiw: t'he , Theory of Specific Heats" by r. James NM. Cork, '0,n ~', ~ 1~4.4'16 . im., in Room 2,2 or the Phyicl Laboratory. 11l tlse. interested are cordially Invited to attend. I1. M. 'RAN DIL., 'y 4w4 Oorapity Camp Smoker: 'e.first ajii 4 sjoker of the Summer Field Courss in Geolagy and Lphl i11 wltl e hthin toom G 217, Natural Science building, Thursday, 0,a 8 .:W, Thl sismoker is given under the auspices of Sigma, Gamma. on nd vwfll a ,comlimentary. All ,those who have attended the or,.gre int restea inl attending it at some future time are corially 1i ;the cai ns .eleettons to-nmorrow. :Wherever, you are, homeb camp or Muing trips -a Thermnos is always a great convenience. Qur big stock offers best selections. invited to attend rnol, tand entertai;n. nt. IProfessor S ner :.ndc Mr. Husywill speak.LMCuDSrer. Junior eperck Club: Importa nt Me n~tonighltt E . im. In, room 21 Natural Science build- in' Election of Officer; for next dear. t "Ierformance of Tlrucks - on Grades-,)by W. E. LY. {. -It ue epesntlEe: F. G. PBROW N, Sceay Will meiet TLuesday night, fourth floor of 'Univers;itj Hallt at 7:';,. All mieniheru requested,. to be present. D. 0. ('O0K, Spekr Sweish Pemar s WHA'S OIN OY ~ Gvsrviv XV 'TICE--Copy for tisls 0ulun shouldl f lbe submitted by :w:39o'clock or the day before pubieatioia. '13 : r '- gld°:,I facilty l uch inip! vate dining room of~the Union. :1:10-- oology department lunch inu room 319 of the Union. 5:000----C thaes buinsness staff and try- outsrmeet in Press building. 6 :'A1--S1.gma 1)elta. Chi dinner -in as. semibly hall of the Union.4a 7:00--ttlles In Gospel, of St. '161H. course IV, class meets in 13pper .w.:fir. room, Lane hall. . 7:00-Glee cl 3b mettls in 'laer read- ing room of the Union.' 7 :00--Sophoinore banid meets in room t -325 of the Union. r 7 :a8-to Voyag'etrs meet in room '106 of the Union. 7 :ei4--Alp h# Ra ppa Psi nmeets inroom 323 of the Union.,____ ______ 7:130--Scalp and Bla4de All-Ruffalo e- smolker in room 318 of the Union. Ernest TIrygger Ernest meets nr 02 orfalheUon, teeIErnest Trygger, a Conservative and1 mcet in oom302 f te Unon, former chief of the Swedish suereme 7 :30-- Interfritternuity con ferenice i~ court, is formning a cabinet to succ(eed 7::3(1--Les of the U nion.t i rom that of hlja lrar Brantimig, Social1cm V03'geus nc~lNin oomocrat, resigned. 3of the Union.,____ fourth floor, Unvriyhl, {7 :I5-1orestry dlib imeet~ in room 2-, 8:44)-Acolytes n eet in rotsm 10), *lfa. NAural Science building. son hall. 7. :b.._7yaht f ii tuents' guild mroon.t: 8:00---Enterttininent, benefit of Womn- light hike. Mleet at guild house. en's league, in Hill auditorim. 7::14--DeeenmRlate meet,; n rol'. r of the Union.# 'W1m)\ FSDAY !7 : 3,0---'Ui Y rsfy of llichgitr pwit of 1 i--toiance club Imich In roOom the American Legion meets in ,19 of the Union. room) 325 of the Union. 3:I)-A. A. (I.-1chigan tennis mat<+-7 :,1,--les Voyag'eurs meet in room 1302 es at Ferry field. f of the Union. 4 :4 1- lL 0. T. C. band praietice in Th-J Fred Woodruff spak bfore Newberry hall. Untlliversity Chamber of Commer, cc 0-.A. V.-3ichigan baseball g ame m reeting in room 306 of the Union1. 4 :5-"Organrecital iN11111 a uditoraim . , Science auditorium. 4 ,- Prof. (C R. Waird, of Oberlin. speaks in wvest gallery of Aluian; IUI-r~T lCFI4' M emorial hall. ~~1h~lrsdsrn opa ls 1 [.J5-41Tvl eenginttring staff dinner Ni bas;eball call Bill Reid at 558 E:- private dining room of the Union.dy + : t$R- ;ttior lowdinner in room #;}lf IXVl li t ciujix lctosl.nr of the Union. ro w. R H ,nation "w hiich i s to be o n f ct v PAD[R TO LECuR hs been appoiin~ted spcial agent STRICTLY 11031EC{)ORNQ t t i6 T of he Dmaritnere nn t k GYflu u P i~ L'. lran'ee agey , in clharge of souIthern PRMNN SJOUR "AtIIST,'l o"IrFlssWl nsetat T D N '' D E ZI;l'1 N 'I h c,~ I L sl O R . 6 lI Ago to Toledo, Friday , ito inspect the L U N C H- Cre'os oting plant oCf the Jeiso+n ?1 _;lam Belmot;I Par'rer, promin- Wrighit com mp, ny. ) l1 Sl EFRO T cueornls nd offiicial of thei i :1Si" -'~S0 i' f panfic Soc' 'ty of Ar erica, will lec- Jett" ) in to a ^ml ie " elei 3n "I' > hmeat 4:15i o'clock next Thursday lIOM1rrow a ternonin the lecture room, of TapTprin hll. The subject of Mr. ~FR~B? l~yqBsiC~t tre':&iia~;B i!i~~°t'&.1t ilfi~~~~ Parer' kletuire is "Some South Amer:i can L; I" .i brI2t .a ,', __._.........-.- ___- ______ .____r.__... . . Mr. l Parkr ha been active in the il of jourucr alsis for 25 years, be- A ">'. gi vig ithi an assistant editorship' T'ofthe tlt 1icMonthily??in1898, He I hsbeen literary adviisor to a large I i, f w l -n w u ls i g cmpaities and magazines, which in- clue iitotn Mifflin and company. astso i t~ddymagazines, World's 1 u.~ri,, Bakler and Taylor company, iti o . e o late P earAson rand company, and the Cen- ° 'LO1e 1" tuiry compai_ ny, lie has also been edi- tor of a score of publications and j b .okh silcli as: "Sir Philip Sidney's W ' rt.iPoems", "Complete Poems ofh rs e it o rp rr i 'dwar I IRowland Sill", "WAisdonm of Emtierson", "Letters and addresses of .;ra nge r7an20! TlI(ninsJ fe s n" n a y oh r .1 .n 1918 lie was commissioned by the - N Ils' D ay is Tray 1,3 1 ispanic Society Qf America to pre- ! = r~are a series of biographical hand- boocks on the various republics of H~is- j ic America. V0- jMr. Parker 'is an alumnus of liar-' ya rd university, having een grad- 1 4 ntdin 1897. He is a member of Delta4 Upsilon fraternity and Phi beta Kappawational honorary fraternity.I Iic wa;' an instructor in English at iarward in I.904 and was a lecturer. in : " -1ng-lis h from 1905 to 1908 at Colum- bia Tuniversi.ty. Mr. Parker is also a {IOORPE ebrofthe Players club of New FNTGRP" York... L. E IA"L, '2, JSTI;NS ASSttFoapotet 11R Cl1 iPOST-ODFFICT EAED S r "zor p k l t -Street all 33- flmer P. Beal, '92, at present in c(, of the Arcade brancd of the- l) p t t- lle, has handed in hils resig ¢[li IB101t aiaaiidBdlIlal38116Bill~ i11BitBBttBBya .,' 3 ,'~ ,, tlF: :.m v g: , CLUBS p lng' n others A LARGE ShiPME VT JUST RECEI FLD . AIR f; Q a too k ... Y N 59 0 w i r Vote in lMe campus elections to- morrow. (0111W WVEDNE SDAY M } 'om 'd ' tM Z,ze rere1#,e DOUGLASA AU1 MACLEAN The Famous HOTTlEN+TOT Star, "Jimmie the adltaker," the swift salesman. -Adv. s. :, . .._.. awmpw^vmwwm MADE BY EDERHEIMER SEI CMPN he Eberb ach& Son Co. 200-204 EAST LIBERTY STREET Brl*ef 5I , Tw*eed nnuo;kers, $4.98 Khaki B$2.2a up 0 :} i si ~ I. ~,9 A Jare Asortrnent of mnaterials in both ladies and men's breeches or knickers. :I' Se Window Wv~ool -Golf ose,$1. Hking Shoes, High-Tops, Packs, 'Ary and Dress Shoes, Leather and Wrap Puttees Outing Shirts in Khaki, Serg, Poplin, Plaid Wool, etc. Sweaters,- Sport Coats, Underwear, and Hosiery Cravenettes' 'ancl.T~p'a s Price $15 and- up * I rI TEORM~ +e~wGr.. , r1Y GI. Claude Drake's Drug and Prescription '9 %herever a May 'Travel Store Cor. State and N. University Y ou will find the same well dressed, class of people wearingFitform clothes. -dust notice it some time !. Rain Coats $.0u Phone 308 i WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT ["The Quarry" ~k . :Y 4- - a I