AN DAILY AA _ talIte ms pa Sigma vs. Delta Chi, Tau Delta Phi r vs. Phi Delta Theta; 7 oclock, Delta i Upsilon vs. Delta Kappa Epsilon, Ac- I from Page Six) i acia vs. Phi Beta Delta, Sigma Nu vs. s. Theta Chi, diamond 4, Phi Kappa 'T'au, Sigma Chi vs. Tau Ep-' vs. Acacia, diamond' , silon Phi, Phi Mu Alpha vs. Phi Epsilon T v5_ Tau Delta Phi (iia- Pi. .. I PRflFESSORS END CQ~ETD Chicago Official Is Indicted In Booze Scandal IVl. 1u .a vs.. S 1 1, PsiI diamon One g will be the sop lits. rnity horse May 1, is ppa Sigma a Theta Phi Phi Epsilo Xi Psi Ph Psi vs. K Phi Sigmal i Sigma Pi , Phi vs. Ph 4OLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P. M.I The following Box Rep DAILY OFFICE: Jake, DM, 12, 18, JSC, X. .MICHIGAN DAILYC RATES Classified Rates. Tw a day, paid in adva charge for first day, thereafter, 20c. Three per day if' charged. charged for at rate of agate line. Classifieds to those having phones. Phone 96 DON'T FOR Smith Tire R Oldest and most re to buy tir 'Kelly Springfield FOR ROCK BOTTOM P ceries, see Pierce'sa nesday issue of TheI F'OR SAL FOR SALE-S rooml Catherine St., 12 r Ingalls St.; 10 room1 4th Ave. Also have farm near Ann Arb exchange for Ann Ar erty. Inquire J.' W. 508 First Nat'l Bank FOR SALE-Complete pole with reel, high leather leggings. Ca er St. Mr. Shu after J Lelut rill, d .A igma Chi; 51 F. N. SCOTT ANI J. -ALEIGJI NEL. Omega vs. Del- The dead line for the playing of fra- SON )EEGATES TO INTER- nd 2, Trigon vs. ternity matches has been extended to NAT11NA L MEET ame in regula- 5 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon. e played at I Prof. Fred N. Scott, head of the de- h engineers and All independents are 'eligible to partment of rhetoric and journalism oraz playground baseball teams. in the Literary college, and Prof. J. .The entries of these and their man- Raleigh Nlson, head'of the depart- eshoe schedule ager's name and telephone number s as follows: 3 must be turned into the Intramural of- mnent of ,English in the engineering vs. Delta Tau fice by Wednesday noon. The winning college, have been appointed delegates vs. Alpha Rbo teams will be presented with medals. to the Conference of British and n vs. Chi Phi; The names of class teams, their man- American Professors of English, to be i vs. Phi Sigma ager's name and telephone number held Junk 13, 14, and 15 at Columbia appa Beta Psi; also must be turned into the Intra- ;university. Delta vs. Herm- mural oflice by noon. Numerals will Tieing d vs. Theta Xi, be awarded to the winning teams in aTitli as the leading authorities oin i Ch, Ph Ka- this league.-. amchsth ednauhriso the English language will be pres- ent. Among -the delegates will be men from the leading universities of THIS the United States, England, Canada, COLUMN- and 'several from other British posses- CLOSES sions. Outstanding among the Brit- ish represeritatives will be Prof. A. ADVERTISING AT 3 PM. W. Reed of King's college. Professor Grierson of Edinburgh, Prof. C. H. ---Herford, formerly of the University of LOST Manchester, and Sir Israel Gollancz. plies greTatt L T r y t t n n 'T'here will only be three meetings 2li areat Iw LOST-Friday night between Science I of the entire group of professors at SPDU, BC, BA, building and Packard St., gold fil. this conference, and ProfessorScott " led eversharp pencil. Finder please has been appointed chairman of the return to room P473 Science build- first oee, to e e d Wednesday ohse ob fedWensa ing, or call Miss Kurtti, 1313-J. morning, June 13. The general sub- o cents a word 152p nonigJne1.Ihegeealsu- cents a word .5et at this meeting will be "The Eng- nce. Minimum LOST-Reward, if black grip is re- lish Language". This 'will include 25c. MTinimum turned that was taken from the cor- discussions as to the best usage, es- cents per word ner of William and State, Friday pecially in matters in which -there is Whttspae night. J. B. Vlack, 1656-J. 1521)-3 a conflict of opinion. ,ive cnts pe Professor Nelson, chairman of the charged only LOST-Parker fountain pen. 304 I. English committee of, the American H.; N. S. Aud.; Waterman Gym; of Society for tee Promotion of Engi- 0. enroute. Call F. A. Cuthbert, 3#99.y :GT.15 neering, and also Associate Editor of GET ~ .the official publication of that organi- epair LOST-Postoffice, Nickel's Arcade, zation, "Engineering Education", will liable place Monday morning. Parker Duofold probably be the only 'representative es. fountain pen. Box E. W. L. Daily. of an Engineering college at the con- Diamond Tires 152p ference. He is expected to tell of the 128 c-tf, LOST-Gold faced Hampden watch mnethods being employed in our En- 'RICES on gro- bearing the initials E. M. R. Very gineering school and of the results ad in the Wed- valuable. Finder please call 1104. obtained. Daily. 125c-tf 152i'n As soon after the conference as possible, Professor Scott will leave LOST-Red Parker Pen. Name L. S. for Cambridge university, England, house on East Van Antwerp on it. Call 2545-R. where, from July 6 to 10, he will at- oom house on Reward. 52; tend a very important conference on house on Soutf LO -Gruen wrist watch s extra-mural teaching. This meeting LOSTGrue writ wach.Initials, a first class L. M. R. on back. Ca i 409-W 536 will be attended by delegates from all or that I will Elm 152 the leaning universities of the world. rbor city prop- Professor Scott has also been ap- Dwyer, Room LOST-Fur neck peice in box at Maj. pointed by the Executive Committee z Bldg 151c-4 Return to Maj. office. Reward. of the American Association of Uni- se___shn1520 versity Professors as a delegate to the sshoes, andFOUND--~ next meeting of the British Society for I appa Nu Captures iraudballi up Kappa Nu defeated Delta Sigma Phi 3 to 2 Saturday afternoon for the fra- ternity handball championship. The early matches were evenly divided but harder training told te tale and wicked drives and close tollows prov- ed the undoing -of Delta Sigma Phis in the final game. Kappa Nu will be 1 given a loving cup for the champion- ship and 65 points on the Intramural athletic chart.1 Completed figures of the changes in standings because of the handball tournament wil be published in to- morrow's Daily. HAMILTON BUSINESS C "*, Prof Lewis to Resume Classes 4 Prof. Howard B. Lewis, of the physi- §' >. ological chemistry department, who has been unable to meet his classes for . .r. :-fthe past/five days, is expected to re- turn to his duties by the end of this -week. Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. CIOM1ING WEDNESDAY John A. Cervenka i M 2 ma4 cM .'Ance presents John A. Cervenka, recently elected i N treasurer of the City of Chicago, has been indicted by the federal grand jury there on a charge of illegal'y possessing and transporting liquor., If found guilty ne faces a prison term and fine. -Ie denies the charge. -- MIMES GIVES PLAYS DOUGLAS A LA FOR LEAGUE BENEFIT MACLEAN The iamous ]EO"TENTOT Star Members of Mimes. under thz e i I - -- STATE & WILLIAM STS. T2e w T ' F FOR, RENT OR SA 41 203 S. Thay- 7 p. m. 151p-2 FOR SALE-Large comfortable. fum- med o agvenport. Genuine leath- 1 er cu hiln. Js thet'hing for'a1 fraternity-house. Call 2560-W. 152 FOR SALE-Ford racer. Ames body, good condition, good tires, $65.00 cash. Phone 1751-J, or write Box T-J. M. Daily. 152p-2 ,OR SAFE-Thoroughbred airedale pup, 10 months old. Call 131 Saline. Inquire W. -S. Elfring, 318 N. Ann Arbor St'. 152p-3 FOR SALE-Airdale puppies from registered parents. Phone 197-F-22, Saline. Fred Kleinschmidt. 145p-33' FOR SALE-Cornet-trumpet model. Good condition. A bargain. -pp1y 210 . S. Thayer. Phone 3083-M. 150p-3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Only SIX MORE- WEEKS of SCHOOL Have you made your { plans for summer? Do not wait until it is too late to] sign for territory. Students from Michigan averaged five hundred dollars clear for summer work. Come in and look over their re- ports and reserve your territory. H. J. LEADER Tel. 3221-- 622 E. Liberty Across from Spe4dings 149c-10 MNSCELLAIEOS FLINT STUDENTS-Heated sedan leaves Friday nights returning Sun- day night. Railroad rates. Phone 1394-J. 97c-21 RUGS SHAMPOOED or Dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. 135c-tf REAL ESTATE CAVANAUGII LAKE COTTAGE New and pretty, large screened porch, fine lake front and view, good bath- ing beach. Only $2,300. Terms if you want them. F.' Roy Holmes, 113 . Main. 147-5 USED CARS USED CARS $65-$850 DORT, Oakland, Buicks, cords, and others. Staebler & Sons Garage 151c-3 FLOWERS FOUND-A safe place to leave my furs, where they are insured against all losses at Zwerdling's Fur Shop. 150-31 Pure English igan Union, gave a performance Fri- day in Birmingham for the benefit of the Women's league of the Univer- sity. The attendance at the perform- ance was large, $150 being cleared for the League. Three numbers were given by Uni- versity students, while two other acts were secured by the Birmingham branch of the League. K. Y. Tang, '4E, and C. N. Tavares, '25L, gave a' musical number. The one act play "Release" 'was presented with C. D. Livingstone, '25, E. Parnall, '25, C. Rees, '25, R. L. Davis.. ' ME. and H. 3. Stimpson, '24, appearing in the cast, L. E. Ames, '24 S .of M., and M. A.j Peterson, '25, gave several impersor,- tions CURATOR TO JOIN RESEARCH PARTY! Norman L. Wood, curator or birds in the University museum, has been grUnted one year's leave of absence by the Board of Regents and will ac- company as Michigan's representa- tive the exploration party to be con- ducted by Ginling college in Nanking, China. The Board of Regents approv- ed the acceptance of an invitation by Ginling college to unite with them in this expedition which will cover cer- tain parts of China. The Chinese in- stitution is to pay all expenses of the undertaking. Professer Vibbert Addresses Guild Prof. Charles B. Vibbert, of the phil-1 osophy department, spoke before thej members of Hobart guild Sunday eve- ning at Harris hall on the subject, "Christianity's Responsibility in Some Present Day Problems' A AND BE SATISFIED A Genuine Chocolate Malted Drink for 1112 W. Washington Plione 35317, 'C H.H iS ISUUSSS 1 INIVFRSITY 6fRAR1IA? S GII TRY LECTRO Isn't it true that you would paint your floors oftener if you didn't have to keep the house upset so long waiting for the paint to dry? Wouldn't you do it oftener if you could paint one half ef the floor one d4'y, then move the furniture over from the other half and paint that the next day? Well, that's just what you can do with Lowe's Hard Drying Floor Paint. This fact, together with the way it stands wear and tear is the reason it is used so much on restaurant floors and ship decks. Come in uand ask for descriptive litcratur OSWALD HERZ 5I 14 - - Read The DailyT "Classified" Columns DEALERS PHONE I T- _V W I 80 r. w 0 Yb $ ' r a 1+. WANTED-Position in fraternity, ser .I ority, hotel, cafete:,a, or restaurant DESCRIBES XETHOIS EMPLOYED by. man and wife. Wife first class IN SELECTING 2EN IN, cook and good manager; husband FACTORIES will do anything. Best of Ann Ar- bor references. Write Box M. C. Daily. "Forget for the first three years 149p-4 after you leave school that you are a STENOGRAPHERS WANTmt' college nen," said Mr. H. H. H-ills, r- I, wit - - - u~ ~- VACATION. Students seeking em- ployment as stenographers during the summer vacation are requested to make out application at the Sec- retary's Office. - 151-3 WANTED-Student washing and iron- ing, also mending, work guaranteed. Mrs. Pemburton, 540 Detroit St., Phone 3105-M.1 150-3 '03M, vice-president of distribution for the Packard Motor Car .company of Detroit, in his talk concerning "Business Methods and Principles" Sunday afternoon at the Union. Mr. Hills stressed the fact that there was nothing mysterious about the busi- ness world and that the most simple rules of clean living, regular habits, and hard work would insure the suc- cess of any person. In his capacity as head of the branches of the company, Mr. Hills has had much experience in employ- ing men. The fact' that during the TROLLEY TO DETROIT FROM THE VARSITY DOOR - ii Direct Service for Michiga n Students WANTED TO RENT-House by June 30 with ten rooms or more. Best references, Mrs. Mary Myers, 741 Rademacher Ave., Detroit. 152p-7 I FLOWERS Plants Corsages On Fridays hereafter, commencing May 4, a Special Limited Cdr will leave Hill A uditriun siding On the Campus at 1, 2, 3 and 4 P. M. for Detroit. ' l WANTED-Cook about 20 men. 1005 Lincoln. HELP WANTED- sorority desires 1287. TYPEV YOU GET PROM] service when y are TYPED by DLES BOOKS Arcade. in fraternity foi first two years that a man is in the Woman preferred. company's employment he is a distinct 3003-. 152-3 liability was forcefully brought out -Delta Delta' Delta by the speaker, and that because of dish washer. Call this fact the most careful methods of 152p selection of future employment must be used. One test that the Packard WRITING company applies to all applicants is PT AND ACCURATE that of companionship. tour MANUSCRIPTS After his talk an informal discus- EXPERTS at BID- sion was held during which more de- STORE. 11 Nickels tailed questions of the automobile in- 1fc-tf dustry and business as a whole were '-4 taken up. P alms and Ferns to Rent FLOWERS BY WIRE CousinsE & all 611 EAST UNIVERSITY AVE. Save Jloney by Travehng the Trolley Way A. H. CADY, Supt. . C. I-N PHONE 1I5 11 EXPERT Typewriter Repairing, all makes. Ann Arbor Typewriter Ex- change. Phone 866. 9 Savings Bank Block. 123c-tU FOR RENT FOR RENT-Furnished apartment in Amberay Apts. for summer months. " 152p-3 BOA"D For Snappy Service at breakfast or any other time, try R E X' S CLUB LUNCH, where Toasted Rolls orig- inated. 122c-tf FURNITURE DO YOU KNOW we have the most completely equipped plant in the country for the Repairing, Refinish- ing and Upholstering of furniture? Phone 381-W. P. B. HARDING. 88c-21 GOWNS GOWNS for Afternoon and Evening Wear Negligees and Netheralls °' I SAXOPHONISTS TO PLAY FOR C. OF C. 8 At the Chamber of Commerce Y E L IA ILuncheon club gathering Tuesday P N EI 4 4 5O R-AnoEteSLpnecAof h noon the Saxophone club of theE University band will be featured. The ARE THE UNIVERSALLY KNOWN speaker will be Carlton Pierce, mana--THESE ger of the band, while Robert Camp- bell, University treasurer, will act as chairman. The songmaster is to be, Mr. Kenneth Westerman. Appearing with the Saxophone sex- tette will be one of the. soloists who tett wil be ofthe oloitereentBUIL T EXPRESSL Y FOR TA XI SER VICE accompanied the band on its recent M UL X R SL F R T X E VC trip. This is the second University program that the club has put on, the football team being guests of LARGE, ROOMY AND BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED. honor earlier in the eyar. All members who wish to attend the Operated by Leading Cab Compaesin all Princip luncheon should phone 46 as soon as possible to insure reservations. EXPERIENCED AND CAREFUL DRIVERS Oratory Winner to Give Speech i Gerrit Demmink, '23, who is to rep- !5 Ctse, pal Cities For to e cut-flowers and plants go ge BISCHOFF, 220 Chapin . 809-F-1. 106c-21 resent the University in the Northern Oratorical contest to be held at the YOU E SHR PHONE 44b - ,x %-IVI1bL AV-n 'VU-PQ1V-DE -I I