THE MCHIGAN DAILY Wyvern, junior wvomen's honorary society, will sell blue hooks in_ the, Library and University hall from 101 to 11 o'clock for the remainder of tlhej senester. During examination :, blue, books will be on sale at all times. E Courtiers and fairies for the Seniorl Girls' play will meet at 4 o'clock -to- day in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The schedule for th e spring tennis tournament has been posted in Bar- bour gymnasium. The first round ms be played off by Mamust at Home 1, the proceeds being given to the Y. WN. C. A. In connection with the Y. W. C. A. work, Dr. P. W. Slosson will speak at the meetings 1.Monday e'vening. His topic 'will be1 "Problems of Every 'Day ULfe." Tulesdlay the graudate nurses will give a benefit bridge, -the proceeds, ,oing to theo fund for sick nurses.) Nmerous plans, are also under way to earn mnoney for the Women's League. TO CIVf MAYBREAKFAST Will : ,eomnodadte1Festivhal Guests At Fashion Offers flPlrT rf CPTC R CR DCDfi AT THlE THIEATERS Screen-Today Arcade- Katherine MacDonald in "The Refuge"; comedy and news. Majestic -- "Glimpses of the Moon," with Bebe Daniels, Nita Naldi, and'David, Powell; comedy; Mason and Dixon Or- chestra on the stage. Orpheuni - Rex peach's _"Fair Lady," with Betty Blythe; comedy; news. Wuerth- "The Stranger's Ban- quet," by Don Byrne; comedy, "The Fatal Photo"; on the stage, the Midnight Sons' Quartet. Wide SeleciondUIIILII IEDtd 'Ultra chic and .attractive have been After conducting tryouts, Mummersamtirgniaio a the costumes displayed at Mack and, nounces the following new members: company's store at the two style sElva Langdun, "26, Gertrude Macau- shows given under the direction of I a,'5 etue ak,'6 ahr Elizabeth Maloy, '25. A certain edti typercen - ine Moriarity, '26, Elizabeth McDow-j tage of the .money realized1 on irinathcere,'26 Mrl costumes will be turned over to the ilr, '26, VignimaMLoae,2, EMtee Women's league as vwill the money paid Rhince'ault, '26, 'Dorothy Rockwell,1 to the models. '24, Dcrothxy Waldo, '26, Lucilla Wail- Styles as chosen for these special .pe'-r, 2,JntVnereW 2,Ll displays advocate -accordian pleated Zang,. '26, Anne Miller, '26. skirts, panels, collars, cuffs, and trim-__________ mings of "all kinds of pleated mate- rkds. Panels of longer lengths than Stden ~t ' ather Produce~s Play the kirs, nd mbrideiesof ver J.Mr. S. M. Hershdorfer, father of.Leo the kirs, nd mbrideiesof ver j*Hershdorfer, '23, is the author of a description are shown on 'afternoon pa o rprn o u°drn gowns. Gray will be used extensively,plynw reaigfraundig I ad bigh clor wil b god.Skitsthe next New York theatrical season.° are shown long, short, and medium. I sette Mte. Apparently, fashion has not definitely It was given two' trial performances made up her mind as to just whatinNw orlatekbfre'xy length shall reign. Widths 'vary from prominent dramatic critics anid produc- narrow, in the heavier materials, to ers, and was'well. received.' extremely wide in the lighter ones. Many costumes, of heavily embroider-- ed crepes, and of quilted materials are being shown. These costumes are f4' direct from New York, and represent the latest modes. C0 SIN G W1 EDNESDAY Mack's F'ashion Review Cancelled I There will. be no fashion review un- " der the auspices of Mack and . coom- g 1 I1I11 South 'University Ave. Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Foutntain Pens, 'Loose Leaf Bookb Cameras and Supplies Candies,, Laundry tArency, Tobaccos -- Following a custom which has been Michigan Dames will h;old election carried out for several years, the Uni- of officers at 8 o'clock th;s evening versity Y. W. C. A. will give a May at Helen Newberry residence. Evcry breahkfast, Saturday morning, My 19, one is urgedl to attend. i (;.in the week end of the May fo-,i-. ~a. The breakfast will be had in The cast of the Sen1iorGi'rls~, play, theo basement of Barbour gyminn si'iim.l will meet at 4 o'clock tomorrow after-' may festival guests and 'University noon in Sarah C ar;,ell Angell hall. Iwome are 'invited to attend. "ial arrangements are being made 1o tLat All women interested in the summnerI sororities or league housce who wish conference held at Lake Geneva, Wis., I to do so may, reserve tables for pri- by the student department of the Uni- vate parties and provide for special versity Y W. C. A., are invited to at- table decorations. The general dec- tend a, m eting to be held from 4 to 5 orations of the room will be in maize o'clock Thursday afternoon at New- and blue. berry hall. Opportunity will be given Tickets may be secured ait 35 cents at this time for women to apply -for i each. Breakfast will be served atl membership in the Michigan delega- two and possibly three different times. tion. T rhe first will be at 8:30 o'clock, the j' second at 8:45, and if a 'third is held The name of Mrs. C. L. Washburne it will be at 9:15 or 9:30. Special was omitted from the list of jnemberS tables mnay be arranged for only for of the campaign committee of the Un- the first -serving. i versity of Michigan League, printed The affair is being given under tlhe in the Sunday Daily, auspices of the social committee of the Y. W. C. A., and Grace H4unter, '23, ANCL IN N TEA is eneral chairman. University we-I me will assist in the serving. ROOM OPENS SOON I -____ x, ,' : Il Stage-lils Week A 'New Pattern (Garrick (Detroit)-Musical com- Iedy, "Up in the Clouds." I Vote III 111011Twvl. the campus electlon'- to- pany, as announced in a Daily advwer- tisemnent Sunday. DOUGL AABLAUGII MACLEA iI NUTE The Famous ]f OTTENTOT Star SAMPLE P~ermanently on Display at GUY WOLFOJ4( &COO 36' South State Street Aln'Arbor, Michigaii Designed ,by K' ; Y,: 1 WVHITEHOtISE '& IHARDY,' BROADWAY AT 40' STREET; 144 WEST 42ND STREET METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE BLDG. KNICKEftBOCKUIR BUILDING NEW YORK j" w sfl1922 A nautical atmosphere, waitresses in sailor costum es, and decorations carried out in true sailor fashion will be found at the Anchor Inn tea roomin which will be opened on May 3rd, 4th1 and 5th at the Delta Gamma house, 1205 Hill street. Luncheon will be served fromn 12 o'clock to 1:30 o'clock and tea from 3 :30 to 5:30 o'clock on. each of the' three days. In. addition to the tea room a diance will be given by the mnembers of the sorority from 9. o'clock till 12 o'clockt on Saturday. Admission per couple is $1.00 and single adlmission is 75 cents. Proceeds from both the tea room and dance will go toward they University 6f M~ichigan League fund.' FOR BE~NEFTFOF Y W. C., A, Members of the nurses' : raing school have been carrying on several activities duringi the Past few weeks, among- the most important being a;' benefit dinner held Saturday' evening Vote in !thc campuis electlinr to- 3E10rrowd1.1 Vote in the campus electtions 01OITl. tv- mom ,.,...s What .Vv You Know About Blusiness? -Life Insurance, for inistance. Ask the Administration Department of IThe Missouri State JLife Insurance Company f ST. LOUIS for somc highly.interesting infoirmation: revess~11 TO'1DAY T HROUGH WEDNESDAY She A reed- T o 1Mar ry Him For a Year. To Love I.m For That Time- And Then--!. H E RE'S .A G{}OGEOUS 'D11RAMA 'OF MARRIAGE AND DI'VORCE 'WITHIN THE LUXURIOUS WHIRL OF SOCIETY. EITII ~l.WHARTON'S WIDELY-READ ]NO VEL a Copijrigkated 1928, by, Elinelp, ITO. jlI 11::$!)-_"? f{+ 6,5C JOE PARKER'S SPECIAL SNDYDINNER Reimedy's Orchestra 11:30)- 4:00 coruwvell Coal Bldg. CO1I I:G WED-N :SPder Ja aIUZ4 .,°,7ce, presents ; I LI TN LIQUIFY WITH AND ALLEVIATE YOUR L.ONGINGS NE of the newest things in men's shoe :tyles ! A neatly shaped blunt toe. A masterpiece in foot-fitting called 'the Claridge. iI liI Price $S.04) Featurfing9 DOUGLASl M VIACLEA Nil AFB VAI1 RY 5C i lpape raaK i1EG V $ ART OF r, 2a/- &z, 115 SOUTIHl MAIN SOLD EV !YW HERE The -Famous ROTTENTOT Sir- lm v mmmmummll, Now Playing TrouLg~h Wednes- day --, - , 1. .. L. i A nd Of a W-oman Wiho Couldn't Leave Oceher., W+oinn's Hits- Mid~opec! ". ~, MARSH A'LL-'.NEl LAN 'S SUPREME ACHIEVEMENT --9ara07mowt- ->_- ~ z " ' 4 "z . , *- ""' TliE '6 STR.NGER9 i A - E I I -'-A: c' - R "' I wvith TWETY-THRE FAMOUS STARS I;AETCSTAGE FEATURE EXTRAORDINARY ONTHE STAGE Thy Mid-night Sons. 'QuartetIgs AS, O,'NwDIXON ®r R CHESS'. TRA ALSO