WARNER LY Atr Datli INA]Vl I CTO~ NO. 152 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRIG AN SHIPS NEWV YORK~ . I 'Frolic, Tickets S I " Will Be Put Oan Sale Tomorrow SE Tickets for the Freshman Frolic to be held Friday night in thie assembly ktfoidi ',i hall of the Union, 'will go on general M" sale at 9 o'clock; tomorrow morning at the desk in the main lobby in the fan- ion. They will remain on sale all day. 1 t, EI The object of this sale is to dispose of the few tickets which as yeti rempain j "Amoeba ar unsold. As there is a very limited is of a poPulu numb3'r all who intend to pnrchase by Pror. Char them at this time are asked to came ..f,. the $ 0010 1IST WILL se ds Millions For Old Books In Firt Lecture Tomorrow{ ZOOLO)(11ST T o raf A SEIES OF TALKS ,d Man" wvill be the top-, tr lecture to be delivered rles Atwood Kofoid, head T' department in the Uni- EtMENACES SOCIETYI 'E nsians To Be" Distributed To Campus, JMay IU All copie", of the 192" Michiganen- jsian wvill be sh;ipp)ed fromn the factor- Jail )RY" LEADERS PREDICT ?GISLAT1ION 0 N POINT ligress Caunout Stop sole of IUlqUio, On All Amnerican Vessels, Court sslys Al1sington, April 3-(Bly A. P.)- :oxicating liquor even under seal not lawfully be: brought within "ee miles of the shores' of the Unit-[ States, the Supreme cou~rt decidedl as early as possible. All those holding tickets will be gi1v- en an opportunity to exchange their program stubs for programs from 1 to 4 o'clock Thursday at the Union. SPRING DANCE ESIAL TO BE GIN TONICKT~ versify of Californa, at 8 U (IotoL-' morr~ow ight in the National Sci- ence auditorium. In discussing the amoeba, be xwill emphasize its im-! portance in its relation to man's health, and will ex Plain the many diseases wvhch result from a disi- I1 tegr ti on process caused by suchi or- ganisnms. Pyoirhca is one of the moreI common, diseas.es of this nature.:Y0 Professor Kiofoid wi live two other IAJrk9 -of a: semi-technical character 1. Dr. At~Italaul S. IT. Rosenihach; and will also meet advanced groups Dr. Abraham S. W. Rosenbach, not- of biological stu(1lents in consultation ; e look collector of Philadelphia, Pa., (during his visits here. He will speak on1 "The eu ral-metor System of Pro- Oack in U. S. after spending i$1,250,- tozota' at 4:15 o'clock tonorrow aft- 1)00 in England for rare books. Thie opinion, rendered in the cases} brought by foreign and American; INTERPRGETA'TIVE '1IDI3FS TO steamship companiies, was delivered ' BE' EATURED) IN by Justice Dan Debanter. Justice I r't((.IA M Sutherland in a, dissenting opinion' agreed with the majority of the court Jeanette Kruszka Johnson and her in reference of the ship but declared that foreign vessels had the right to; pupils will present their third Spring' bring liquor into American ports with dance festival at 8.:15 o'clock tonight ashore. stuided in Chicago tinder Mine. U~phold Attonitey General ( Young, and Alex Itosloff, formerly of The effect of thie decision was to: the Imperial Grand Opera associa- affirmi that of Federal Judge Hand in1 tion, and 'in Nw York City under M4.' N. Y. insofar as it sustained, the opin- Portapovitch of Paviowa's Ballet- ion of Attorney General Daugherty in Russe. that liquor could not be brought into The progrs~in whch will include na- American ports.! tional, interpr-etive, oriental, eccentric, conhesschsurt thypoer ot that 'a b tegiannisgwith .etrria Dons-re Thngesscourt taypontoutforbid ndats,'egdances, wilhbEtrgiveniDosr- all ships flying the American flag to' ter, who, as Mother Goose, introduces carry liquors outside the three mile her favorite children. The final num- si-sLwStatndard of lea of the printing comnpany in 1W- l -U -II Livingnois Friday and will be in the hands of the editors and ready for distri- CELEB:BiIES OF v .rIIPvu SERIUS DECLINE NOTED IN h ution by Firiday, May 11. The books AM) N AT1ION TO A' A(ITITU-L OULTONwill be sent in one shipment only this "RAZZ ET "Thee mut b a rstrctio en year, so that they Wyill all be ready BU T NLITDA "Threzuitbe retritio onthe for distribution at the same time. 'B R O LIT DA rate of reproduction in the Human SE K R FE species," declared Dr. Raymond Pearl, The issuing of the 'Ensian at such SE K R FE biologist and professor of vital st4- 'aan early date as May 11. marks the - tisties at Johns Hopkins university, in earliest tine for distribution of the 8 Sa iricit1 Skits, Pantoindi his talky last night in tile Natural, year book. Last year the books were ' Xovelty Featuires Science auditorium, "or our children in Ann Arbor by May 115. Program and grandchildren will become em- A waiting list for students wvho ne- - erged in a civilization, a standard of' glected to sign the books at the time ;Michigan's first annual living, so low that it's squalor would of the "wale is now in the basin :s :ngtwl eev t nui bie scarcely conceivable." ofice of the 'Ensian in : the PressnihwllrcvetsIug (Dr. Pearl first showed the manner buildiing. Students maysinadtu to the university tonight in which populations grow by a ser-! have the opportunity of buying any Sponsorship of Sigma Delta tes of diagrams of his own expert-; books that are uncalled for at the tioaal professional journal ments. He then went on to a descrip- end of'the distribution. ternity. Guests, w~ill bet "r; i tion of things as they actually occur- the coals," literally, in the n today. In tracing the vital statistics Innir~ nnr and epitaphs to he present V oof England during the "past seventy-' SflhiM'IllbUj in1 embers of the fraternity five years it was found that the birth U5U5~ their turn will also receives and death rate over that length of fl rfTP Il!I catfll o the friendlyr abuse. !time showed that population was ever; " Jlj IJU bIU The banquet is scheduled on the increase, its steady rise brokenj at 7:30 o'clock in the arse only by disease epidemic in the of the Union and from forties, the nineties and again during? SPECULATORS D)ENY CHIARGE OF! on until the close of t the World War and the period of in-' lltrR~ING ANTI-TRUTST taliation and retaliation fluenza infestation. This con d~tion, LW in evidence throughoutt he declared, is a general one through- e ring. More than 200 n, out the world and implies that the; expected to attend the "ra: ! number of deaths and births of the I New York, April .30-(By A., P.)- among them being 50 stude: lworld's population always' regulates Hearing of the government's applica- bers or guests. Celebrities itself even in the face of the greatest. tion for a temporary injunction to re- state, and camipus are includ idsseso that a general increase those to be present. Satin tn population is maintained. i strain raw sugar futures trading on pantomines, and novelty fea YT. S. ]_fay Become Crowded i the New York coffee and sugar ex- be among the attractions c }"It is hard to believe that the!l change was enjoined until May 7, to- tertainment to be offered. United States could ever be crowded day, after the, government had pre- GrIir ight festivals but this will be inevitably. the case ' Gridoiusanriton da nalyatmnygthfersuivl unless steps are taken to stem such senteadan ohr nie an increase. W~~e are living ithe age# vit., colleges where there are cl ernoon in room 2.14 of the NiaturalI Sience building, and will deliver his ruru second talk at 4:15 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the same room on the D I I subject, "The Life Cycle of Proto- r( zoa with Reference to Certain Funda- GE mlentail Aspects of Evoluton". WiFas Former Facvulty Member Gra~luating~ from Oberlin college in 23 S Rl 1590. Professor Kofoid continued his I stuties at Harvard and the UTniver- sity of Wales before comning to the I Un'iversity as an instructor in verte-' New 1R brate eMorphology. After two years IAk ..-T on the faculty here ,he went to the University of Illinois and later to o h t California. -o uid, ye' 6I1 IS STEMER S DOWN IN SOUND CV~IORS LENY'VE WFCK IN LE AKINfr LIFE BOATS edford, Mass., April 30 (By The incidents of the sinking :arner Saconnet, in Vineyar'd esterday morning' with the loss c.I sexven lives, became liit hr sa ale o evndaces Te He received hdnorable mention at tnor: n here today with the arrival ' employment of millions of individuals tin ad he2 pstad reet f 'This view of; the court resuted i music, vhi h was composed entirely tePrsepsto o ilgclsa 3srioso h rw ntets fpouigm terasfiersand temberpswhod haes en C 1mayredicticons Many "r'la-by Mrs. Johnson, wt be played by tio wokaaddrceied god mdalTheo have beopeedher,Washint tropwork an reciveda gld mdalwhich are non -essential to life., Some ers after thne gist of the decision had Adele and Fharlotte Eckert,panists. a hit Lusepdiinfrt e ' ' one must,,producerheseessen ti l uponed, took no action in todays ,tiora of been learned tonight sad that an at- The festiVal is° bein~g given under invnin ft,.lnto e.earns while being pounded by thetin gsaeyfo, ulad teproceedngs except to ile an answer The tes tempt would bg made to obtain legis-Iteaspcso amaPiBt-orDrn h World WrIe erved as eas y esterday. The crew directedl means of protection, to the governemnt pnroceeding dnyiin . comnpos4 ltion- on this paint at the earliest the benefit of the Women's League amao in the sanitary corps. lie has'~ Capit. Daniel J. Miller, Jr., manned { dv oafes Restriction in Lfe the charge that the exchange is vo men a posben~in.fund. Tickets are on sale in' the I-8 edited such journals -a the American lwoes or stoked fires until the. The, results. are obvious, hie declar- 1 lting the Sherman at-trust law. ,;tlt thb Bs t l hi Itp _ gI~axd Vsel iarary and Uniersity hail. *edaitadteIt utcaeR-s mrrlldoe.Tejs e d o nafwmr eeatos~AssatAtre ena .~.yasa ekar :iinounz sed a~ ~ t.' he psnt; vue ges'Hydrobiologie 1e has been fr such conditions coninue to exist we 4tSeymour and Special Assistant J.A, tnaf board, , ; unhtfodhepeetI rqun otrbtr oboogclfrsh her saprsnkethey adndorders. abadnd her Fwe1i etn hu ' Preside: the ban .on induor would be kept on LAYErequ erid cals trnderter skippersoorders.will be so densely populated ad lour Fwe nprning e governmen s i ry, it nhbe c a m e a l v n o w n , in te n d se tr ~ e = 1 P I E per l l l l I T~i o im a n y h odc a s n d or a ys ie n t if t h o r e p nl do le I c l d i g sid e * a enr e s w of l if l m k eob eo n d nrh o uhdhu stuen talityio h is a ter n to p redaftit prvisonreglaton to, state thatt ithii ;ies li hsqhdateoistnctonofde-soaghtete-omaolaerhadto aipwoderwhthetitisworhalvig.ehenxcang an is cearngass-Mfir maetenib iht dadeion.': f evralboksofnot. mmbe J Idihten tofkepthe tbod at er, etrcinonlfus emdeIcaiooiaws p t oet a t ingnes electedil toe ur .the d npresidencynsrumntlof otheu Amedrafcanshpipswilbegplaedona t8o'lcktmrrwngh nSaa ane hntoarscien c jump ceaed i the aer. iftea-eeybooitraeteqestinrsuls teyiaidwasthaithfpier,.M eqat asswtot toofrinlie w eltiAngslhhalhantheiafirthepise-ctong e do camloitoaliebot.rv s whether It i wbetvolunayvin of rxa eandinedsuglarinasbi- get t'ELPROD U'IRITIKINSII rboat u h Sanawhohld thear A esritan.ohe liie s to holdfto theon rsu ometa r ess make tdyh e miwt t dU ysest o thrams hicgwlleeive ae d toUL theei dencyI , of the;wwihth eCaokp tin Mlerbutcler. _ nchcorwehr a ilPaeregsig sell iquorbeyon thenhrmedile he- inoneiatuendwrittn byetutensal stocrkgethenuponhimsef itsregultion "'ok ~ 0 ( .P)- Se sc lubwfor ructo y plays Ame ric n nssociati n rnrth Ad T edtyto jm othr s ie e r ottedin it w proidigvnnencebouhtnntoporfIScIi ence. {eveMdar eleedt hv gn dwr Pil ill elierthe qustion1u ii:a lt HfhIIIIIingayl A it a a s rdwoigh b y rac H.n'sa 8club.tomrrw nghtinSaANY sucp i tionewa. Ffen a-'s were othertwbee olectr or inu- ofraLanI fine u garU1Il Cambel, ouncl t gheAecn eRobertes, Henderson, '26,- reaed orisha directingpond a-,teSpeecutu- enai ____ofiohithealplayst__syeart, " Thseas nfluten ceaol Ieitatncehontn pr~l~fIe dt Sggtayp eriastting at. .l toBth dfrastofhsec"heall ivn Sar,"W ' Day Be Longevity"ter ath4:15tio'clock'hethise after-onsPerAtru SvR iga ritten by IMbridgwingh'24.tTiisMie-eT InTil o on t in ~k rom h214 oer thenalltalI L igh!t ioryyodttreeS. le fn i scriesatendf i~ttef flngb sta " PReEntsV S' .TI upontiu ThSicebuld insg atiofnaltakgilppe Althrouiigthe sid Bheuhadinot eIor reai hr fmeanaprstgebyre ber ovegonridown e omwattehncl auet Io of11the tudngh i re ash decisid oniMrhCabel Idralthlb OFRD eisoghrinendledtirilfor ad su- U . i heRN conideedthehe nsuactisnsaionl;ewsapeasoris.iee Campellcounilto te. A er a Rrt f th erllng 6 sta r ctress Berline Iprile30e (By A. P.)--Ger- tie ceftdetiadmmbrsothopbfctos i odtheseaTinuaPlliAll-ar,"i tsed vtictory fors Aeria si oners whoten h aeteiorated4boTh hysiclymaysnw eaat-rTga n-Abr nIid a il eeveis'aclisTwl e pnt alwoarILubiain'LaqetaI:1O'lcktnb Sct y o IS UTlSS t .) Monday ay To B 2NThey ern Seoghi2.wl b ipthd to the entene's n oAr teb ror day was or niigm 14o h atrllI -____ AletterhIretheid hnonad onvitationinfor lm etheRCESine wlin .T iefnltlkw a e sensati' AIOS O I~IT " onad nes ar o r eak-,ch pital and to Washingtonetonightatmatedninaa midwestern statehyear heraieedteuis pdtn t i ng, by-ilialPtCaobllgh3K OfictlqurteetnihtcotinedI goas man o plitca pbdci St artwl onch alud tor aAlgtct heirj B refusal to iae evnaycusoy.ht he.uso asremaned S n dsuensadmmbr t e nt Maria ion wll.holrtnhe ber sof 501- epSits vistr theAuestonwichn membowers o t opsdo CalID ligtoe ~ooas AogteRicsA borandBeen dar irgets ht~ II~Iff~m i idvd wh~ne h eau fNtos omh edofteiraeenthayicatlly rea in as towhep atu pre m in ofaulisthel pnewt'lileleoit hs I. L LL IUIIL tfuURT ea nqfReetsa d B5oardck in tbyr hena ailrtistupnitthicweky'2,wh lyed the leo GorebedeswhChvtbenincos annbothcelebrationFrall .ponThe ametf-tudntP.lictins an Car metn hihi obehl t :5 Mreni oy club'ipresetationrd Curzwithsovern ent eurers Idy.inttmreren20stdetswrkngd.e oc~ck this eveninginrUniversity hallilTeleppbatonofthifretsatchliieardn, ovlitwilho-ot tenaroensafs.e'apn ThoeAon he O NAI Stee ea ar Rth ouMr PH a ssete e way"rsefIrWel pty aln the pashiengtoenopinioh. nto gratly ihealmiped by tt e c ars ecie t8o'lckfiI the Upeaker frthair s no the ea g fin g o ," y a PLu Cite bely, 23 , 1 night as thuart tgh ewnd aoffer willof ofiica luli i ver age av enst u o rs-Rpoi Jennsled'h, lith MctdowlStat_____'seciy fa fxai f w30,000,000,-prgra. Arihtbor dayinstom hat thaedu Sto irn igtcn1el uioim II ilytbe noned si utmrntb andei erlneMses'2.Teng-snsr 100 mrsalPoIkeevena 9c yaruridsoharecyidiidalshllpln seamoe"eeinsritsamusth'mnain eior0ad usnes rgn tie ea wllbeco poedofElenI II V ~ Dlani-gge~onta t b prtciatd teeontht ay. sPoplaed livighn meicn!tor."mnagelrs[n 1923Bu illo n noneter in al;h owrdnroies r ie i intyiregratly ocpeeih M aln gnrlly ocdd stfaponmetso et era i iii sJohotrtL ee-fNtonns'24.comedy of th peset ay itcst Ith rev ation ofte atacu Grarete oeens ofteroemngyItobttefrshfthemrianshoewt lstm. ihot ay rlmiayirsn itheaQuertive ticeamilb~fAt a s hreste' A1D.L1Hl L',ivingsoneL popoal. A ogteR cs a reiclife hsobeeth ant d much tn frait ~iteplatti { ofspe Bar f eess adBor'Buth ro Sam qesie wtha egtie eamn constant ;both' celril ntnt. i~nisgienatn fauotee nur a me;of I isffirsnbookl"ainSTiuvented oadb"ications,___and uChl fthe Porltiea te r natery oc e l 5 lyedaterothe. eore l a n alternatve, txa erndbreiesyatoiteteeare87lendIJsp Atnmeting nexhist Tu ed atevening. ausnn"oedyAprlu3 byesna. tio uhtth goern grmentxheaddhutfewespciesao.birdsehatharncap- nsiudeany'sprngrintng i meHrmpl 0coc tisevn n-nierit hll f "rance hassranky,"infore Trelymakengthe puncondi,,tionsugsion-able epofaduatinoftheselves t i-IdeWenfotierlifowhichh TaousNOTEDCHE ST Morti * a o hectlt~e Yteam areRush1,do es, notLuclie Wetecon.entrt a th t ho e reatonsertanlgleatyg.helpadci y, the that-o easi n lyalovut t8acok Fiay''Teserfrted. Wha nt hitnu hengs ai6,l illbeM wl , i , io fTrks-rop- nte uinshoeldf bea ultittetio a o nferenc0,00, Arouldabeencouragte cto m tay,{asser t , rin lecture ithe ird andewils tbe noncd i utomay, oahe morwsiseals fal a- foter*n ht i ti nenemss~eark fs tatell proposea9 yalsek n "Meins wth FmosrTe m nivgeit a or s t tobasnoed;urget dida.tes forll e cmpse-oficEwihen ence;racereussnotei - aesoncexta t h Aeprican !ateosin chargay e o e lay. g I ofAm serieutsiggie"nerte mtyer s terday923henlDr.nA.uF.eleet, :Nyand '2, Hlex Reaus 2G an { INC AN TU~ tlNinbyallthePewrs_ nd comibined 3 heauspicesciy aeof gethe .tAmericuped itleeonglehenr Gofan theeerUniversitystar apoftmAts oter-tyeaJati rnao eletyitn 24th raiosnc ofthectu-Gorcmain yriaifttey blievoites h i stick heetari0cn sholnlo i muierswitiesofuth ny elounry forlis 1 tl I i;A. Cay: ivimthes totathe ele cti edtor of the Cetrcneso.PoesosEmnb.Dyad irdSumefel ucorste stuents nare___ _Jos__day TieDiytdyth uk o xli h rs c hatteran bthof ee coomcngoogendtgeograhy ni18holdthir e mmeiatc ely Witaginos I D.Hlea soe fte1la-brB eAhnetn ex usa vnnge.ofLroopsnneApi 3,ciyA. dePo.) eprtenw-l-eaebenedt frfir spnualsokebrdstat 8 'lokCiagArir0(ye Jakgch UIEITHSeT hiHcun-mpfh Vomi h lmu lcin o i eest fsbuigAmna inati wherenondtheynal asudthggsayeenintiiromn-21, a-roDmpseyilcefa oten hoftte i-agint th irt ek nApi t dlve . brandhchasfarekcuingredTuroubeanuat h lonertonosColleniateua, Sincoe idn.thd esmok e eTomrGibbonStiPalf chlerTO NO~ss tTEDCEdiaIonTof th~ig 1 thee, cholsof usies. wll ehcmpimetarsadnwllte lJuye4atthebyMon., n - 1-rond$2g00y,0 tilinvedi rylabra hid subnventionach wll ee huld ne tencausiedosto im a aeci sioo ~acrigt o tr tYl nvriy mr TheTDaily;wil UXilshnto Sioof Trkis3,4,an 5,wiloeottnse bonsionhnaiolgeoicalrter- e Mlcurstathetommandlofthe¢C6th DRY AcoNnomipexertvs fomall the Adigy naaAericcanoseLegion. oIth Sa.prie nies wsosmt toa to edt f he mrpa is;alitoal.cn frier'at at U.its. itOL univ'eretiesof stte pcoontr. Teo--Po.Cr .Suro helo JuniosesophooresiadefreshmnrI-Amo diae o e g!oie;wthe rmenaYo, pril3-Nw Yrkstnfeealitresttomenes- eto busey fihe a1 epatmnt ine uhB.smithorthgmrad sistant {chemannualesperind a m e D.will m eet erg Mhi ufan thins, ote yth ndtdan il refoc e ctd wtrcol f ums d lg ive a ;YSht OaK, EiThO i' drte boandertmety haes lttH een ,4olckthUieraftrnooninste Wate eral campspirit wil prevailtinwaston-ofotheesate'sSfelowstwhileatbtestsvetilastsnghtminhthhanionebt -iforma ingthWhimeidet. Ourlot aaist ooleger insoialan0ofc-etnetsIjurndit aret. Pdctctthefomaladptin ftterule wll and fis ond cto nsrednoteor caltciresthcnessnexvrfeYorkHrl as Ew r E docnd,. '24, duriSimtrai-Al oeldvhouhave atededncmps i chigan.orthis afternoon. ai t Th aiy td .Theodasy.w xpai hep es- e Sharfman, th f teoon omc~s get.olo n elate helec ig othe f.npe i~thlWt iedons________Dr___o l empac se til1 ed- u ) Lyena, k'SIll. C L ICnaps Lthe a and prominent of sue s the one held annuall gton, D. C., under thled the Press Club of that tival at Washington. is us ed entirely of local newsl id journalists. It was e. event was originated go. Tradition oQf thie Was. Or demands the prkeence lit of the United States, cials, both state and n. chgan Gridiron night is1 ed after the Washingtor dent Marion . Burton nt-E~meritus Harry B. H be amiong the evening's sl 'any members of the Boa' swill be among the g ,Regents Junius P. Beal, vyer, and. James Murfin ;nifled their intentions o the banquet. *Malcblr managing editor of the ews and A. E. Nimmo, in, itor of the Detroit Sati re among the prominent:j ien and journalists of the [11 be present. Satire to lie Thiipanf flavored with satire and student and faculty meri is Delta Chi wvill be pross will bring out the ftaults asses of many of the ent guests presenlt. More aphs will be read, in ual weaknesses will be e, H-. Warren, of Detroit n1ited States ambassado. who was to have beeni o ests, an1nounced that he I able to attend because ca:ll from Washington, Guest List~ is Uuual ng the guests who aire tare: President M4ani President-Emeritus - -ar ns, Dean Hugh Cabot. E Bursely, Dean Willh ries, Dean Fi. H. Kraus. er E. Cooley, Dean Al' 'y, Coach Fielding H. George E. Little, Coach Elmer D. Mitchell, F, IJ managing editor Lansing I ; Lee White and Floyd J1 troit News; E. J. Ottaway of Port Huron Timnes H P. Haines, A, C. Sleight, a: in of the Sturgis Journal; Elliott, distributing ma Paige Motor Company;: wera and' Fenn.Hossick c M~otor Company; Walter I and E. P. Grierson oi an Boy; Len Shaw, 'of tU 'roe Press, and Russell- Detroit News. ng those from Ann Arboi end are May)or George E~.1 'J. Burke, Walter P. Sta Mack, John Thomas, and Hloratio J. Abbott. guests are requested to attire. in the campus - electil'