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April 29, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-29

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-~ -._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

ssociation Wants All
s To Take The Aluimus

,Com encement less tlia two i -i.; planx to
off, when anocther class. of senior class 100

sublscribe this year's
perceont. Wilfred T3.I

MjM[S~L~gW D Mimhes:Will Give
MI Ii WIL A~AROVaudevile
VI ~ o innr g ndevxlle Toyurxies Will
o l 0)sIlies E

j oncrnel for Meritorious Service Ic
' dci ed in IFrane.- wit Field
I ~Artillery
I IL 0. Te. C. C%))IMAN DAN,\T IS

1Guests To "6
L ridiron night Nwill1
augtrated at the Utniv
night in the Assembl
nI~n ion, under the au~s:
Delta Chi, national prof
alistic fraternity. An
quet will mark the o+
,new annual event at

w -ill become a part of M ichi-
alumni body, preparations are!t
made by the class of 1923 to
sh niow a contact Wizth the Uni-
which will exist after its

Shaw ,se:cretary of the Alumni asso-
ciatiQe1, is receiving these subscrip-
tion which 'may lbe mailed to thea-
sociation offices in Alumni Memorial

members .havv become scattered overi W ants To l ve I .-I _ I - Th" le banquet will be
the "wide, xwide world." To accomn- Ilie c;~ During the banquet eni4
° 1tisacmpini bigstre: Inners mi taC ieMme: vaudevile Major Robrt Arthur, head of the stunts will be offered,
plsati ,cmag sbigsatditourney that will be held on Wednes-+ miit ary ;science department, has re- throughout the entir
to hnvoe every mean who graduates sub- ady and Thursday, April 9 and 10, will than 20 guest aree
saibec to the Michigan Alumnus. ;., e awa rded the regular Mimes cup as cie odrmtewrdprmn tend, among them ben
'liis magazin e which is the largest apr'ie~ ossinacrigt that he has been awarded the Dis- bro eerte fn
published by any °college Alumni as-°last}night b tinguished Service medal for excep-Unvriy.Stil
soclation In America, goes weekly into i k r an..atioaunandemeritoriustservicebper-tres, pantomines, and
h goe fmr hn800Mci James lnresbach, '24, <carman on the t 1will be presented by
Sgraduates, carrying with it thle t ...*.... committee in chag of the a- Iformed n France when in command
aetdceo en.andnw oftejfair. It has been the custom estab- of 121st Field Artillery. ilb gvn"h
lniesiIt eie evean ythiwof shd inthell11bournyitogivethee
niest.I ie( viyhngo iteintefltoretogvth Major Arthur was graduated from throughout the entirea
Importance in brief, concise form so l :;;'"*: cup permanently to the winners of West Pint in te class of 1907 and ing excepted.
that an alu mnsus reading it, can keep i. ~ ~ . two tourniaments. later fromn the coast artillery chool W~il Present
jwith the events happening at his ~ h iigo u oewnig wiith distinction. During the late wvar The satirical skits
Alma Mlater. ; roup in the tournaments that will be3MjrAtu wa fis conte gvnhvebn it
'resident Marion LBurton's state-! held each spring and fall will notMjrArhrwajistcne me ien aerso bteen wtrt
an:,;.. oiy enorae oer with the 57th field artillery brigade mmeso h rt
mes?.... t. as brigae-major but later was put in laborated with faculty
rand to the Alumhnus is as fol~ows: , .amngtp fatrntns fk frnsh.1 the skits, in oder ta
°x, e:-upusis"rncesityfo>evrythlagr numbers of contestants, but imtes Vau, dele Cup ommad of the 121st field artillery ot
grauat orforer tudnt ho imswill make it especially desirable for Nimes will present tis cup as a' the 32nd division which he command- potayte dite
to bave a real understanding ofhs ~s%;independent groups to enter competi-! permanent possession to -the winer ed from Tne 8, 1.98, until his return allmesseonte ictims
U ieriy Ra' heAumu.Yo ion t is hoped that this wlreul of the vaudeville tourney that will be ! to the Uinited States. 'While he was I
'will find there each week the solid i through the abiity of ind~endent held in the Mimes theater onMay 9 'i indommlXad( of the 121st regiment it hoee.xcrt~
facts upon which your loyalty dP-' grust;i nyoetunmn nd1.Faente n need a sent through the Muse-Argonne } quet will be one of th
pd." becuse of the limited field of individ- ±eit groups are eligible to erter in thei and i der--,r endee" d such exceptional e ecorated in the fa
hebleofteAunasoi-ua actig;, competitio 1 service that it was several timges cit- officewch ilpr
tjoa .is that today there is a greet Preliziary tryouts for entry in the 1 el by the French high command. mirable background f(
n~oeet4nn lmio l dc-tourney will be held at the Mimes A O PPpJE On his return to the United States ,eofrd
tiovial iastitutions for support of these; theater on Monday, May 7. A com- . An July he wtis placed ain charge of Gridiron nright cel
institutions and vital interest in th em.I ntfttee from Mimes will judge the acts( EDITOR OF CHIMES1 the R. . T. C. unit at Michigan. He annnuaily at other niv
'the alumni of Michigan have given i Majr Xai 1t. Mdregor as presented and will select severali expects that this will 1 e the last year lees where there a
more than, one third of the propertyz Major Frank IT. McGregor, of plan- to be presented on the nights of the !t ta ewl ei omn fteISga et hO
qtwi~ed "b1y the University, a record }guma, kla., chzarman of the American- performance. Tesse fjudging. on..ijcn,'4 wsapont ctal n t he w i lyhain command fheSimastiDeltsCive Of
greter than .t at. of any other stateI is an co tpz ittee of the Oklahoma ode-i used last fal in allowing the audience mainaging editor of Chimes, for thebetn*frdinDcm rofhsatWhngn,. ,
usiiershy, and it is lanned to fit the,,ar :unaent of the> American Legion, is to vote for the choices will again be school year, 1923-24, at a meetig o alnto.Ft inoeliely that whe will an os theiimresivn
ye't or ore Vrii here orsHipofteid iro2
senior classes to become a part of thisj leading in a campaign to reduce ilit- used the Board in Control of Student Pub- he will take a post graduate course. iitn eei sc
great organization by first establish- racy int that state. Word has been sent to the f ater- lctas held yeterda afternoon in ! The time or place for the formalI pally of Washington
Ing thteml; as graduiAtes,, interested inUnder the plane now in operation! uties and independent groups of the rlicenationoheaar ayntan ornlst h
and loyal to their University. I by the Legion, principals of schools tournament and already -a large num- the Press building. Bacon lhas been a rsnaino h r as notadthorn yasswo
he ae signified their intention to cotiut!t he m gzn" drn been set but it is likely that it -w ill ida tee y rs go
An.sother pint brought out by the will visit all illiterates in their bernrbuo havemaain urn tae place at Tort Wayne, Detroit, in affair is being patter
Alumni association is that the future district, endeavoring to bring agout, eter. As a still larger number aret the past year and succ eds Edard t narfutre ter the one in Was.
of the .cass organization also de-i a sympathetic understanding of theI expected to report, all groups who iii-b'L io f h asig
ped pnte ubro en who I -gion'a purpose in aiding them. I+ol tend entbring :men are .requested to '25L. dmands the presenc
th or lodcddt lc diinstetake the alumni paper. Three pages lowing this, visit each school teacher' ive notice of their entries to John Thor lo~e~~opc dent of the United Sta
ech week are given tpersnls ndd ver e'hg cholCenorwil Bromley, 25, at the Mimes theater be- the Students direct.oy under tii h ainton ri
class activities and it is through this. adop ta. person to be° taught how to tweeni 4 and 6 o'clock any dlay of next ,inngn~to h ici;nnin TCSS OJIR.FRcas
mneanis that members of a class ,keep ,,peal w.rl'i :.wi the IEnglish lang 'age. ek, imy R100IDEnR'saS:wlltkeBrtn
in touch with one another. and the study of American history. t.syonel Aymes, 24, winner of the fall care of the businessVICE department{hiof
The price of the Michigan Alumnus r-- -- tournament, will be allowed to beep the Directory, and the editorial staff bring T. VItoSg eltar Chieo
is X3.120. A special rate of $2,.0 , is I3 ir ; s isig nFg the cupe that le wn according to the dil d all editorial v.'erk. professional Michigan
offered seniors. This fee also en-; snbr, .I. pi 2.(yAifew arrangement, although he was
titles the senior to the alumni bu-.IOgesuN..,Ail8-By. given the cup under the agreement_
tnadmkshmatmtclyaP)--The ferry b oat, Miss Ban donburg;, that he would e required to win it u
meomber of the Alumni 'association. rnin ewenheead r"ctonemre before it became his per-
ember________________ noni. tihe St. Louis river has beefn anent possession.
missing since 6 o'clocki tonight. 'T'e ' -_________
EDU AT R O''LL j oat left this prt with 14 passengers; "Rolling stones gather no moss,"
OF MO VUNTAI1NEERS abroad. A dense fogs covered the but unused fur iiture gathers dust. i!r
river. al 960. -Adv. /
T: I, Adams, president of the kfigIS111is11111I11i111iiii11Sii1ii11111III1111i[Il 11N11i1 r7
Creeks institute of I~enucky, ijI give lli Ic lfIiIiiai (dll!IIII iIT J6 IIiIJtilIJlhIIIx:hI r7iI OD Y rRI.T T..ES A
an illustrated talk at 6:301 o'cloc k to--N 1 -PRCES -
night in the parlors of the Tnitaiau -i..,
church. His subject will 1be "the n and F* ~ o-
ALL WEE Sat~~~;e. Mat, 5ce to $,0A O -fo M
One of the pioneers in the ed ucation r_.
of the people of the mcunt~ains o'1
Kfentuckiy, Mr. Adams was forced to --. 1.G ~ INc~~i.
endure many difficulties wit' ADzzig iuiit Ys.dyo outh, Itomnance ad Pretty. irls mpil oetbihashoki,:
finally he and his small staff of teach- AND
os sitceeded in putting the non-de-I A W M NS C NNG VERSUS AA 'S OW
nominational Big Creek institute on - A ' O
a. firm foundation. This school is (lo-.
Inn' much tp educate antd bring joy _
Into ,the lives of the people of= Clay 'Vr-rC' I
county., .,-
Mr d m sn w o o ro country in an effort to interest per- '
pie in the institute and his work I ~ PRESENTS
among the nmountaine~ers of Kqtucky. ! , AIN Y
-110 1 1 - I L R.J ~ -N T -4Author of T N T L Z N
wr , 4Uz^ a~a ", "TAK E I l i
MeuWith WIe Foloiwing Mical Comuedy Lighfs:
-G (ert rude O'Connor *ane Victors~
.rSoup Cmlsi1iiisJitie~Doo1.y Curtk A
Creamarlsole Asusaraguse Gay interFoster
W-Cemo ar gus Arnold Giec'D'Andrea and 1W alt i r4Thlbnr Mason
Olives° Celery Radishes JakShea
and The~ Relt isttt TitQ
SPrime Rib Roast Beef au jus j -ShWaAPrsnrI
Roast Young I akhTe Dsprat
= with Dressing Ma3vnThuhI
;MCut Wax Beans -MTat Senhaoedher?1
I~iased PoatoesA )Man's Life In The
Rolls-Sal.:ad . Tiny Kingdom Rested
-4 Head Lettuce",and _ Avenure
Sliced Tomatoes",.
";Dessert -. ' .
Home Made Apple Pie --
: Straw~berry Shortcake J(/1e- I' J-D I

*-Whipped Cream -
Strawberry ;Sundae
. Vanilla Ice Cream
Tea Coffee Milk
Sto 2P. M. Price $1.00 C 'OH I.A" , {
w v+- -r
-l - -
M -w aN
- - -
Phne17 01 SSat ...; >
f~mn1111m1fi 1 -111a1m - i -1
! uWM3.RJ 9.
u j.
The Sunday-
A bee Suspense, Surprise, Thrills and Roma
- '~Cowded Into An Hour of Delightful ;En
look .ing for,-t. tanmen That Carries You' Away r
Humdrum Lie T0A Land of Advent
-7~1 '-.W13^7.01t7 N}. 7 4T7 AT , YST' ° G

-et The Merry Razz"
At Gridiron Barnqu~et Tue~sday
be formally in- gan and the state of Mlichigan's news-
cersity Tuesday' paper men and writers. President
)Iy hall of th e Marion L. Burton will be among the
pice of igmaevening's speakers. Other speakers
>pics o Sims.of the evening will be ann-3miced' at
)fessional journ- the time of the occasion. Many inei-
auspicious ban-; bers of the Board of Regents w";ill be
uccasion- of thisI present -at this affair. Reben~ts Junius
Michigan. ' E. Beal and Walter Sawyer have sig-
; In at 7 o'clock.! nified their intention of being prei:t
;ertaiiiment and at the celebration. The mianaging e'di-
,which will last tors of Detroit newspapers will b~e
eaffair. Morel present. More than 50 students haXve
erpected to at-I been invited to attend t-he celebra.-
.g quite a num- tion.
ation, state, and F"acuilty Ven to ttetrnd
skits, carica-1 Heading the list of guests wvho hiavo
novelty stunts responded ar : Chnarles H1. VWarren of
rthe talented Detroit, formier United States aims,
ity. The guests sadlor to Japan; President-Emeritus
merry razz" IH. B. Hutchins; Dean Hugh Cabot,
affair, none be-! Joseph E. B3ursley, William R. Hunph-
ries, E. H. Kras, AMortimier E. Codl cy
SSkits and Allen S. Whitney, Field:ing II,
which will be Yost, George Little, Ray Fisher, Elmer
tten by student D. Mitchell, 'F. E. Van Fleet, miaa -
nnity, who .:7G1-! ing editor Lansing State Journal; L2ee
rmen in writing White an4 Floyd J. Miller Detri'bt
Lt they may best News; E. 3. Ottaway, publisher of
and the weak- -fort Huron Timnes Heraldl; Marls P.
present. It is I-Haines, A. C. Sleightt, and W. A. Cal~in
riendly manner, of the Sturgis Journal; Wilbur D.
is for -the bain-- Elliott, dist~ributing man !ger of thie
ie biggest novel- Paige Mlot-or Company; SennHos sick,
a-mbly hall is to publicity manager, Paige :Motor Cpnm-
Fshion of a news 'pany; Walter K. Towers, advertising
)e to be an ad- manager, The American Boy; E. P.
'or the slits to; Brierson, business mniuager, The Am-
erican Boy; and Walter P. Staebler,
[brations occmnr John Thomas, Walter Mack, Georgo
mrs$it~C iesad co&-. . urke and Postmaster Horatio J.
?re chapters of Abbott, all of Ann Arbor.
these the larger' - -
is held annually ; ,"Jimmie the adtaker," the swift
uender the spo,-; salesman.-Av
m. club of Wash---
!omposed prinol- , W
newspaper me.-l - FR SL
toriginated trip O SL
The Michigan 12 room house on Hill Street;
ned directly vaf-' L.arge lot, suitable for 20 boys.
hington. Tradi- Easy terms.
gton celebration 14 room fraternity house south/
,e of the Pr psi o i campus. Terms.
ates. members of1 12 room furnished house block
ninent state of- fromcapsMihret
f Micig,,an weill , 7 Sai-ings Bamnk Bldg.
Utive Michigan, hone 866 or 307
istudent rTci -___________________

f 1
. '
t , . , I
t_ 1
't ; f '
,,1 ..I1





llt imee-
Seats......*3 5 c

4 r


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