EATH-ER CWARMERR DAY a It~r %Pewtl ISecti 1 On Ill. No. 151. TWENT'YPAGES ANN r-aBOR MICHIGAN' SU=NDAY, APRIL 29, 1920- TWENTY PAGES. PRICE~ .. ._ SAN BATMEN VIISGONSIN 11-3 YICTORY Whimsies Souvenir :issue To Appear SNATOR NELSON Whiis es' special souvenir issue O MIN EST will be out Wednesday. It is an all MINNE'T poetry number made up of~ the bestni poems subwitted in th~e contt just i.SO RI held. The names of the winners will be published in The Daily as soon 'N'H1 ano HIP ,Rrno illd A nn A 0 Ia4L ~b 1AthLAir IP4 EERN SUCMB UDEL --7- IT'NIVERSITY FLAG~POLE ( MUST BIE LOWVERED 800' MICHI'GAN TEAMS SCIRE AT- DRAKE AND PEI i ti E F 1 The campus flag pole0 will be talten' down in the near future, as April winds have succeeded in blowing (lown the ball from the tope of the p~ole andl there is no other way to rcplaCe it, ac- cording to officials of the build- ings and grounds department. It is estimated that the .cost. of RELAYS; HUBBRD IS STARH WITHlTWO FII a ON~E RUN; TS FOR 3 tILL sx in I JOHNSON ALLOWS 10 HITS IN SIX- INNING S Liverance Strikes Out 7; Walks JTohnIson Walks 7, Fans 3; Each Teant .1fakes 3 Errors 3, 1 sions, and will be officially announced ATRLO iA!)VRE in the May issue. AFE CWAND TRIE About 70 poems were submitted, CRE varying from a" few lines in length to several pages, and, from imitations STATESMAN HAD SFRtVPD I of classic Style., to, free verse. Both.! IN S E N A T E SINGE 1893 fantasy and realism are represented. New contributors are numerous. Imigranit, Soldier, Laiwyer, Politi- All-poetry numbers which have Wan Dies at Age of been issued in the past have been so Eighty well received that it was decided that another wtas warranted. Ti1s Philadelphia April 28 (lay A. P.)--- year, however, it does not take the Thle Pennsylvania railroad reported place of a regular prose-and-poetry that Senator Knute Nelson of MVinne-: number, but is an extr'a, comnplimen-l sota, idsuenyonatinuto terry, edition, presented gratis to all Blioetngt Whimies ubscibes, ad sod t According to the railroad company'I others at the reducd pie f1 the senator was found dead on, the canenos15 train which left Washington at. G w llnt ou o'clock last night. The company ar- *The regular May issue ilb'atI;tnged to have the botly taken froma late in he mnth the train at .Harrisburg. :i y ffI I I . , i i i I f t Making every hit count and taking advantage of each opportunity passed out, largely th~rough the generosity of Johnson, Wisconsin pitcher, Michi- gan trounced the Badgers' crack bash- ball team umercifully yesterday af- tern oon -on Ferry fild~ and walked away with an easy 11 to 3 victory, taking at the same time a strangle hold among the leaders of the Big Ten baseball race. Michigan's batting offensive had the biggest sort of a day, a total of 10 hits being concentrated on the first, second, and sixth innings. Of this vssemblage of clouts, all of them good,; clean hits, George Haggerty, who started at second contrary to Coachf Fisher's original plan of giving the sophomo~re star a rest and substitut- ig Dillman, ma~de a trio in four timges at bat, two of th~em being infield sin- fles and one a neat bingle to right. The heavy firing was done by Shack- leford and Captain Uterltz,. Shack tripling in the fir'st and swiping out' one for two b~ase~s in thie sixth, with Ultz collaborating in the latter inning with a terrific smash for the circuit. Ash, th,^ swift mor4ing, dusky left fielder, is credited on the books with a single and a. double, the former be- ing a drive between second and short' and the latter a long smite which Servatius, Badger left fielder, was just able to touch. It might have' been either a. hit, or an error on the part of the Wisconsin nia~n, but it was a beatitful dtlve and the colored star gets credit for two Sachs. Rob Rnode and Kiplce also furnishied sin- fies. Liverance's work did not equal his stellar in the opening contest with. Ohio because there was no necessity for it. When Livvy ;got' in a hole lie proceeded to tighten up, a stunt which i~e did so effectively that seven Cardinal batsmnen whiffed, (Continued on Page Six) SPECIAL CARS TO LFEAVE. HILL AUDITORIIM .1SI N G Special limited car' service has been started by the Detroit, Jackson and Chicago electric railway for tome con- 'venience of students whlo spend wseek ends in Detroit. Great strength-physicial and men- tal --was the first thing that impressed one in meeting Knute Nelson, long s ~"Grand Old Man" of Minnesota. In dealing with legislative ques- tions lie was thoroughly. fearles s in TOSPAKTOAY his public utterances and, inprvt Herbert 11. Hi1l1, Viee-Pres'Ideint of conferences with members of his con-" :lotor. Car Conilmiy, Will Talk ! tituency, was outspoken. One of the UponBusiness I many lw passed largely because o hia initiative and aggressiveness was UNIO D ~rLR FIT s'f}NS(}l.S the bankruptcy law, which, from hisji cteUNONDAY AFTENTOON CTRs active and ~successful connection withj1 SUNDAYAFT1~N0itL TasEknown. as the "nelson (Gure.' Born. in Voss, Norway, on lFebru- Herbert H-. Hills, ,vice-president of j ary 2, 1843, Knute Nelson carne to distribution ;of,the. Pacl~ard motor the United States, with his widowed Car ;company, will s.: eak on "Business mother, when he was six years old,I1 Methods and Principles" at 2:30; andi they found their first American o'clock thiis 'afternoop in the Union hopie in Chicago. assembly room,' under the auspicols .I1Mr. Nelson was' elected to, the of the Union recreation department. I House of Representatives in 2883k af- The lecture that Mr,,,Hills will de- ter lie had served terms in legisla- liver will be of special interests to any ture of both Minnesota and W iscon- students who plan to enter the auto- I sin i.#s state senator. After six years mobile busliness. Hlew ill not limit in the lower house of Congress. he hlmelfto hisfildhowver bu 1retired and resumnec his law practice.1 will talk in, qucli a miannier that hisH a lce ovyo fMne CI sota in 1892 and was re-elected two lecture will be instructing in man brnhso h uiesrd yI years later Ut resigned in 1895 to : Trnheprsofebpsiinethat r.lls beceo eUnited States Senator to ) The resnt psiton tat r.. i wh*.ich office be was re-elected in j holds with the Packard Motor ctni- 11901-07,213-19, the last terms to extend nany gives himn charge of the sales, to March 3, 1925. lie was a Republi-j service, advertising, and braniches. :can. Dlue to tha enormous amount of buss- IAMr. Nelson served as regent of the j ness that the Packard company trans- University of Minnesota in 1892-9. acts along these lines he is in inti-! mlate touch with all business con-; ditions, not only in the automobile I[ field, but in all, of the various lines of}c IMr. Hills became sales manager of I( the Packard Motor company in 1909 ; was promoted to the position of as- ;-- sistnt general >a. nager in 1916 and in ' Stutdent Voverunient, Altltc, iiii.I 1919 hiewas mrade vice-president of IPubiiation'.; Discuxssed hti the company. Ile lhas held this posi-j Coiference tion since that time. Ir STA 1dl1, 'D i IN AIIUE ATEi iF ) } m ~~AS UNIVERSITY l)E Li.14.t..rES tween $50 and $20. ,I Besides the expense of such re-I I WEATHIER CODlTION7SLO1W U pairs to the pole, the flags them- j ATHLEES; IHUBBARD HELD BY jselves cost the University more I VWET iEld) j than a dollar a week, as the av- erage life of a flag;, which costs (it OXFORD FAILS TO TAKE $10.23, is 10 weeks. TW1+O MILE RACE AT PENN Brooker Ties Wfttls Owes of Penn. Pl E RL W ill TALK slvi .111PPoe nu at .iladelphia, April 29 (By A. P.)- England, represented by Oxford IUni- TOMO ROW I~hTveiiy failed today in a gallant at- ftempt to capture for a second time E:ntineni Bio3ilogist and Sat)stian the two mile college relay champion- Will Speak on "IThe Problemn of i ship when Penn State wn this event. P'oparlaztiosi Growthil" I It was the outstanding event. of the _______! closing (day's part of the twenty- ninth annual PennRea crnvl WI L l)LIVR TO OhERWeather conditions handicapped" LECTURES ON "LONGlE71ITY"1 Delart 1-ubbard, Michigan's great negro athlete in his attempt to break 'The Problem of "Population! the broad jump mtark'but the west- Crowth" i ill be the topic of a pop- erner easily won first place with a leap of 23 feet 10 1-4 inches. ular lecc.ure to be delivered by Dr. Brooker of Michigan and Owens of Raymond Pearl, biolologist and pro- Pennsylvania tied for first- place in fessor of biometry and vital statistics j the pole vault at 12 feet A inche, in the school of hygiene and public th atrwnigo os hoalth at Johns Hopkins university, at iann Summaries 8 o'clock to morrow night in the Nat I Javelin throw: won by Storrs, Yale, ural Science auiorI.1,19 feet 4 and one-half inches; see- During hris visit at the University ond, Crews, Princeton, 175 feet 4 in-I chzes; third, Hammer, Penn, 169 feet' he will deliver two other talks, Some1-14 inches; fourth Greenbridge, lar- what more technical in subject mat- ard, 166 feet 10 inches; fifth, Gray of ter but which will be open to theI Princeton'. 165 feet 11 inches. publc, n th geeralsubect The Pole vault: Brooker, Michigan, and publi , on the ener l obj e t"he IOwens, Pen nsylvania, tied for first, Experimental Study of 12fee 9 ncesOwes on n tss The first of these will be given at jI2 et9iceOeswno os 4:15o'cocktomrrowaftrnon nthird, Gartley,'Virginia, Schlopt, Yale, room214 f th ,atural ,Science j herri, Penn; Goiluck, Cornell, room214of t~ Itied :at 12 feet G inches, Gartley won building. At this time hie will take up thrd1 on toss. the environmental factors involved in {-0I1o, put won by Hills, Princeton, such a study and will disenas' the in-1 46 feet1 and bre-half inches; second fluence of inheritance' ii longevity eers, Maryland university, 42 feet the followinug afternon in the sanme 6 1-2,inches;,third Eastman, Harvard; roon. ~2 feet 3 1-2 inches; fourth, Jordan, Dr. Pearl, who comes to tle Un-1 Yale, 41 feet 6 1-2 inhes; fifth, Bigg, versity on the Zoological lecture se- Syracuse, 41 feet 2 3-4 Inhes. ries, has been considered "for sonei High jump: Norton, Kansas and time the greatest authority on long- P rowna, Dartmouth tied for first at 6 evity as well as a, specialist in lhe- i feet 3 3- inches, Norton won first reality and biometry. E on toss; Weathierton, N. Y. univer- Hie is a graduate of Dartmouth col- r sity, and Needs, Penn tied for third, lege although he received his Ph.D. Needs wion toss for third. here and later served for seven years Ibroad jump i: won by Hubbard, as 'mmbe ofthefaclty Ils fii' Michigan, 23 feet 10 1-4 inches; se- tier studies were carried on at the Eand Rose, Penn, 21 feet 10 1-4 inches; Univrsit or eipig, nivesitycol third, Reed, Brown, and Courtois, N.y Y. university, tied for third at 21 feet lege of Lsondon._ Carnegie institute and 7 inches. at the university of Maine. He sere- Hg ude:Wnb orPn ed for several years on the fa'e.ulty of .tate; rickmnan, Chicago; third. the 3lniversity of Pennsylvania before i remnai Cornell; fourth, I~aaufman, accepting a permanent postion at' Penn State; fifth Thomson, Prince-I Johns Hopkins university. a.n; timge 15 2-5. As a member of the biological sur' 100 yard dash: won by lAconey, vey of the Great Lakes in 1902 Dr. f aFayette; second, Fisher, Kansas;f Pearl's work on variation in fishes third, Clark, Johns Hopkins; fourth, was lpraised highly. lie later was Marrell, Fordham; time 10 seconds. awarded grants for research in vaia-i One inile college relay: won by dion in organisms from the Carnegie Syracuse; second Virginia; third,; institute. He has hadl the distinction Georgetown ;fourth, Chicago; fifth,; or holding the position of special lec- Corel; tie 3 22 1-5. tarer at inane of our leading colleges Two muile college relay: wvon by and universities. 1 Penn State; second, Oxford; third, Dr. Pearl became a member of the Georgetown; fourth, Boston college; executive committee and chairman of, time 7 48 4-5. theagrculura comitee f ~ Half mile relay: won by Lafaytte;I scnChic;avo mmitiversty; 9tid, Naitlon iI Research Council in 1916 and { Penn; fourtNv;ie1:9-5 lat~ir was admittod to the executve _______ board. In 1919 he served as chief sta- tistician for the United States .Food II Blesid es contributing frequenatlytoRCnyblgiajurlsehsed- ed such periodicals as The Journal liiB I I U1 of Agricural Research and 7oologish- FOURII U -I I LHEW Cher Jab~resbericht.' He is also th wutorsofnmbioogicaltho ais. o pae atr KiS clred14 autorsofnmbe of thortative To'e NomiWaltion i.s Dclaered, # I (' ancelled ii Ii{ VARSITY DUNNERS WIN DRAKE TWO MILE. Adds One. More Scalp To Bieltj 111L11NOIS RELAY TEAS THRE E OF FIVE RACE: ONE WORLD'S RE(+ MANY RECORDS BI IAT DRAKE CA] Prosser, Van Orden Comec in Pole Vault and' Putt Des Moines, Iowa, (By A American records were sli w:orld's record was smashe Ieral Drake records were broken today in the four nual Drake relay carnival tracted more than 1,300 field stars, the greatest ei the history of the evien 1weather with a warm, sun ning f'ast trackr made cone orable for the wholesaleI Steve Farrell Famous Michigan track coach who records. added one more scalp to his belt. as Michigan triumphed in the his proteges wvin honors in. Drake; andPen reays mile relay, chiefly because of thrilling race. of Charles Reinke the last lap. Michigan's fourr, Ifearn placed third following close VARSITY ,NET TE M the heels of Illinois and Wiscon i Iln the special events VanOrden Sto Hartman of Nebraska in the put and Prosser placed second Brownell of Illinois in the pole va Dickson of Chicago and Turner laie and BluIe 'l'emmmis Men D uplicaxtei Nebrasko for second. Poor of K 1.A. C..Victory by 'Taking sas winning the event with a leal - e2h1Y Set 6 feet 4 inches. Landowski and Ellven failed to place. MERI(11E D IEFEA TS SCfIEEGLER. The Illinois 440-yard relay ti lSAf.iNAW 4VALLEY CHAMIPIO}\N smashed the world's record in _ event turning in a time of 42.3 (By Daly SaffCorespoden) Ionds a tenth of. a second bettert SBanaich.Stf Apr28-spond at-the distance has ever been cove ain w tcMltictory vril2 thDpeatic- before. An American record in ingitseoj lAevicoryovr te Miel-javelin was established4 when'Mil igan Aggies yesterday, The Maize and! Angier of Illinois 'heaved the sl Blue racquet men won a' nine to noth- 1203' feet 9 and one-half inches, bre ing 'victory over thme Saginaw Canoe; ing his own record by a foot. club. here today. Not a single set was iOnmieclgeraywnb lost. 1 ler: second Wabash; third Wesi In the singles matches Charles Mer- ISaeNra Klmzo. ' kel pounded his way to a win over j13:24 1-10. 'Schwegler, twice, Saginaw valley, champion 6-3, 6-1. Captain Rorich Broad jump won by Graham, K was oo acurae fr Clrk, hewas, 22 feet 7 inches; Blanchard, W, IWolverine winning 6-2, 6-2. A.ngouivrty22fe01-ic Cook gave Sanchez a hard battle, but} third Hlatchl, Nebraska, 22 feet lost. 0-4,; 9-7., Zemon took, an easy inches; fourth Sweeney, Illinois, match from Beckrow 6-0, 6-1. Kline feet 3 Inzches. whipped Tugenhat by a similar score.i Discus throw won by Platt, Den I Jerome took' over Hoff 6-3, 6-3., university, 138 feet 6 1-2 inches; Merkel and Rorich vanquished Cook Lold Mcelalion, Marquette univer and Cook '6-3, 6-2 in the numbzer one 135 feet 1 1-4 inches; th ird Az j uomuaZ iIIA& paypuIzagopS ' olgqnop Haskell, 132 feet 4 1-2 inches; fot to defeat Goodsell and Macomzber 6-4, Schildhau'er, lhinoi~s, 1299 feet 6-2, and Kline and Jerome overcame. inches. Emery and Symons 6-2, 6-2. Doctor~ Four mile relay won by Univer Lee and Paul Leidy who accompanied t of Illinois; second Wisconsin;t the team Won two singles and one ' Iichigan. Time 18 minutes 11) double exhibition matches. seconds5. ___________________________ Shot pu4t won by .Hartm an, jnnn 'nn bni sha. 41 feet 11. inales; Tian ECLIOMIS rv~u uri den, Mlichigan, 41 feet 10 inchs; t ii 1 + Ilatt, 'Den'ver university 40 feel nir~ RI fllft~f fl~f f 10 nche; fourth Griggs, Butler, 39 WL~ I~ 1rUU~ W W i 10 1-2 inches. L~ Half mnile University melay woz I Prof, II. N. Sellit t on Le iieof Illinois; sec'ond Iowa; third NO) 1A bsene at 1,11 0 f ka. Tim e 1. Piin ute 27 1-2 'seco ndDa hP I a l o y B o n lld -- nois, 12 feet 10 inche s; second p Word was received yeste~rdlay rifl er , Michigayn, 12 feet 6 inches; n oon of the death of Prof. Ilcrbert Rogcrs, K ansas, 12 feet 3 inches. SN. 'Schmitt; of the economics depart- I Ti. i : o yPoIa went, yesterday in Grand Rapids. (; feet 4 inches; second Dick IOn leave of absence for this year. Drake, Smith. Michigan, and Tur IProf. Schmitt had expected to ro,:ume Neb;raska tied 6 feet 2 inches. his duties here, in the fall.,I1: NVIwas J velin won by Angier, Illinois, engaged in special accounting wiorl{.feet .9 1-2 inches: second -Lingenfcl in Grand Rapids,. Drake, 180' fet 7 1-2 lnc".he~; 1 i h~g i olaushr Chicago, 178 1-2 inches; Oberst,N that Prof. Schmitt had been ill for Dm,15fe nhs sonme time, it was supplosed thait tho e~ e 7 fe nhs illness was ,not serious and that he l 0 adds o yIwn i ~ss ggiesQ; second Ayers, Il1Th was on the road ,to recovery. Nw third Wvilliamns, Kansas Statel ( of his death camen as a distinct shack both to members of the faculty I;nmal; fourth Purdue. Time 9 4-5 I and of the student body. No (Ietailsods are available. Two mile universityv relay won - Michigan; second Northwestern;t l olIncalre to Get Neir FEast Ilev4rf 1 Oreg9on A ggs. Time 7 minute Lausanne, April 28 (-By A. P.)-, seconzds. Premier Poincaire of France wrill be l 120 yard high hurdle won by given a complete report on the Near I ler, Minnesota; second Crawl East conference tomorrow by 'Con..; Iowa; third Frazier, Baylor. Tim THE CAMPUS BALLOT 1Fohlowlnpr i4 11eowy of the All-+campus ballot as It will appear Wedl aff whlen slidenits will ,elect leaders i ACUtites for thec coinIng year. STIUDENT COUNCIL (All men vote}~ 1VRESID)ENT Jack Kelly James A. Ric (All mel Tvole) I, Perlidus Bull La'wvrence E. Doogo Jatme; E. Puffy John P. La wtonl Thomnas J. Lynrli RA"C(RflIYLGSECRETARY Tlsomias Cavanau ;gl. 1111141111BIL Ialley Etlwv ad C. Memder Ifenry IH. Hubbard (V I'tIc for l our departmnt. only) lIIERARYIll VIE PRESIDE\'T Harry C. -Clark Jamles flresbaet Vdivard C'. Stark Dionald 11. Steketce E"N(ALNEE I G, VICE PRIESIDIENT C,. A. Campbell W,1lliam C. Kratz' LAW VICE' PRESIDENT Steward 11. Boyer Bowmen E. Schumiacher ME11DIC ITICE; PRESIDEN;T Mowa rd 13. 11o ff ain CaIrletou B. Pierce SECRETARY Nornwn Bt . John'son Ro ert Straul, OIIATORICA A SSOCIATIION (Entire erampwi vote) PRESID)ENT IDotid0. Cook K. V.Cla rdy (DBy a) Daily Staff Correspondent) 'Philadelphia, April 28.-.--Del.egates from 33~ colleges and universities lies-! througlOut time cast and fromh three of F the nmiddle western universities (clos-x ed a three lay intercollegiate confer- ence here today with a general as- henibly in Houston hall. The conference was dlivided into three harts: namely, studlent govern- m';nent, athletics, andl pubications. All # three mecetings were heldl sinmultane- ously. rPhle threce western delegation's, from Mfichigan, Wisconsin and Ohio I State were particularly interestedlate - the system of. student governmhent and publicrations management. Both Michiga:-m delegates: Mla ron ft. Sta.1, '2541.0, and H'owardl A. Donahtue. 'ftA, figuzred l~roinently in both of these divisions. They were. invited to explain the det'ails of the systems they r'QJ)1 esented hii1(l 51)oke of th~e Consttitution of the Student council at Michigan before the mneetin g of those4. 1 ( t VICE PRESIDENT. Lyman J. .Ola'sgow Norman R. Johnson SECRETARY FreiedaDieldiolT Ialminclie Kym st - 'TlR.EANURERt Frank H. Baekstroi Ed'wiard ,C. Prophet rrmiinn nil iMaAKIVP interested in student government. . )Hh Ifl DALI DIIIVR -Samples of Mlichigan pubilication; vere ey~plained before the meeting O" n -0TM RO publication managemient. I MA BEHDIM H II1 E A videly contrasting number oft 1O0RDYIN CONTROL ;OF ~sens Were presented before the ATHLE;TICS meeting on student government. It (Vote for oxautly three. 1;tit'ampu appeared that the western institu-j Tote) .. ;ii tions were confronted with no greater F~lrlert t. Ibelldifficulties than those before the EgbRtmondIAsbelieastern colleges.' l Siyiod ridt Delegates to the conference at- M. 1. Stihiltended the Penn relay carnival on Fri-i Willam H 31erszr -day afternoon, went to the Mask andI StennthB Koerr Wig play on Friday evening, and Kennth Krr aain attended the relays on Satur- - More than 400 applications for the I seior ball have already been turned in to the committee. Thisi, an innov- i L ion in campus social events, is open to seniors of all the schools and col- leges who arfe now in their fourth year on the campus. Another chanice to snake applicationf will be given to those who have not as yet secured blanks. Application blanks 'will be given out tomorrow afternoon at the ticket desk in the Union lobby. They should be filled out immnediately CA DIDATEFS FOR OFFICE IC'T IB.EFROII {'WME1IWII{S James A., Rice, '24, will take the place of* Walter K.-Scherer, '24, a> candidate for the presidency of the I Student council in Wednesday's sele-' tion. The council, AIn nominating Scherer, acted under a misinterpreta-I tion of the special provision for timeJ nomination of next year's president.' The method of nomination, as fi- pally adopted, provides that the can- diliates for president of next year':' c'ouncil shall be chosen from the newv-I fly elected members of the council, and that a final method shmall be de-' } cided on by next year's council.1 Scherer', was not re-elected in the all-campus vote of last W ednesda-y and is therefore not eligible to run.l SVellc., I Al' PENN E 7:48 4-5 3:22 1-5 1-5 secondls. How They Compare R.OAr1RD IN CO'NIT{QL OF STU'GDENT PULBLICATIONS (Vote for exactly three. Entire canmpus ( lay. At the closing session, the Confer- e'nce w-as" amPo'ved as a inetiiumii of exchange of ideas. The next confer- iEENTS Two mile relay Ouene ~le relay, AT