THE MICHIGAN DAILYJ .. I THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P,.m. 'ERTI 'he following Box Replies are at tihe AILY OFICE-Jake, JSC, DAC, DM, PDU, BA, BC, 12, 10, 18. LIE CLASSIFIED columnn will colpe Classified Ra~tes. Two cents a wordf a clay, paid" in advance. Miniumn charge for fir'st day, 25c. Mi1nimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word per day if ch~arged. White space cha~rged for at rate' of five cents per agate line. Class ifieds, charged only to those having phones. DON'T FORGET. Smith Tire Repair Oldest and most reliable place' to buy tires. Kelly Springfield Diamond* Tires 128c-ti' NOTICE~-If the person who took top <°oat from Lane Hall will return it ~t once, they, will avoid further tre.pi2 ' FOR ROCK BOT~TOAT PRICES on gr1- ceries, see Pierce's ad in the 'Wed- nesday issue of The Daily. 125c-t WIL PERSON who exchanged violins at the Campus Lunch Saturday night call Peterson at 753. 148p-21 SEND that suit to the White Swan Cleaners. 12 hour service, if de- sired., Phone 165. 145c-6 SFOR SA~E FRSALE-A wonderfully ,built tenl room house locatedl convenient toI campus and Main Street, All mod- ern andt fine for ho]me and income. t~all MRS. GUSTINII, 835-F-i, eve- nings 2738. 150c FOR SALE-Airdaie puppies froth registered parents. 'Phone 197-F-22, Ealine. Fred Kleinschmidt. 145p-33 BOOT{ LOTERS A new set of Har~vard Classics, very reasonable. Call Newell, 2174-R after 7 p. m. 150p-2 PIAN~O-Haynes Bros., sweet toned piano. Must sell immediately. Cheap. 508 E. Ann St., 2450-J. 147p-21 $40.00 will buy an Old Town. Canoe, victrola, paddles and, equipment.I This is a real bargain.., 2902-M. A 147P-21 FOR, SAL1E-Cornet-truimpet model. 1 Good condition. A bargain. Apply 210 S. Thayer. Phone 3083-.. 1 50p=3 FOR SALE-Frosh Frolic ticket, Box D . .C. care of Michigan Daily. " / ldn.. ; 1 WANTED iW ANTED-Position in fraternity, sor-j orit-Y, hotel, cafeteria, or restaurant by man and wife. Wife first class cook and good manager; husband will do anything. Best of Ann Ar- bor references. Write Box M. C. Daily. 14';p -4 WANTED-Young U'niversity woman' Ito care for two small boys, at Wal- loon Lake, Mich., from about June 15 to Sept. 15., Address X, care ad- vertising mgr. of the Daily' 144-21f WANTED-Student washing and iron- ing, also mending, work guaranteed. Mrs. Pemburton, 540 Detroit St. Phone 3105-M. 350-3 STUDENTS WANTED-To canvass auto owners. Something new.' Good commission. Apply 207 N. State. 156p-2, WANTED--A small furnished apart- metfor student and wife for occup- ancy June 15. Reply, J. S. C. 140p-3 IW A N T E D-Family and students'- washing. .Telephone- 2873-M.. 150-2 USEI) AIS C lassifeds-Cfont. BUJSMNSS OPPORTUNITY only SIX MORE IWEEKS of_ SCHOOL Have you made your plans for summer? : Do not wait until It is too late toj sign for territory. Students from IMichigan averaged five hundred dollars clear for summer work. Come in and look over their. re- ports and reserve your territory. H. J. LEADER~ Tel. 3221-- 622 E. Liberty Across frorm Speddings SELINGPOSITIONS OPEN Insurance Agent Will1 Hold Third Con- sultation John C.. B. Parker, '17, of the Na-J tignal life insurance company of Chi-.I cago, who Was. in the office of the Dean of Students yesterday interview- Ing students, will hold a third con- sultation at 10 o'clock this morning. It was Mr. Parker's aim to see. allt those students who might, be int(!rest- ed in. selling positions and break them in on the large field work of the or- ganization which he represents.;. It will be an opportunity for all those who are vitally interested in the, in- surance business to gain experiepice. Both undergraduates and4 members of the 1923 graduating classes are in- vited to see Mr. Parker.' Yost Rcturns From Chicago Tod ly Coach Fielding H ,-Yost will return from Chicago today where he has been attending a meeting of the Conference athletic directors. The coach left i JST TRECEIVED 149c-1T WE OFFER you proritable employ- mient for summer right, near your home. Have you heard about the real proposition we have for college men? See Mr. Burby of Fuller Brush Co., today only at Michigan Union, Room 304. 1501 BAGGAGEC 100 TENNIS R.ACKETS LEE'S SLOTTED THROAT, WRIGHT & DITSON, and SPAU) EVEEMY ONE CUARANTEED BoOKESt' I~OWi~ilifFUR STORAGE? rs _ 9. + 1 T IET FS STORE. YOUR FURS RHONE 2700, PACKAGE AND BAG- yesterday for the meeting which was I GAGE E XPRESS. 100c-21 cle o h purpose of making ar- rangements for the Conference track meet to be held June .1 and 2 at Ferry England Open to Irish, Leader i field. Lond on, April 27. -T By A. P.) -_________ James Larkin, Irish labor leader, is Swiss Gofernment,lays IU. S. free to live in. England. B ierne, April 27.-(By Ai. P.)-- Th~ej Swiss governmlent has repaid the Unit-k The best TAILORED SUIT in the ed States $10,000,000 in the last year' city, at Kyer's. See for yourself.-- on loans floated in 41919 and 1920, at :Adv. 8 per cent. . No Woman's Wardrobe Is Complete Without Summer Furs. of Quality HERE YOU CAN BUY Ax CHOKER AS LOW AS $5 '' Price Concessions over the 'Summer Months PREVAIL NOW ON FURS MADE TO. YOUR ORDER AND REMODEI.4ING AND REPAIRING U7SED CAR BARGAINS Dort Touring car.... ...74.00 Chevrolet Sedan......... $.0 D~dge Roadster .. .......175.00 Maxwell Touring .......... $150.00 Staebler's Garage 211 S. Ashley 148c-3 CHEVROLET U tility Coupe, out seven months, hardly run enough to loosen it up. straight side cords, spot- I light, heater, and license. Not a flaw in it. Baked enamel. fi Rish. Must be sold this week. Bargain for quick sale. Cash or terms. Phone 2951-Wi for appointmnent. 11'21. CHURCH ST. 154c USED FORDS $50 up Phone 426, 115 W. Liberty. 150c FOD1' RENT FOR RENT-Apartlpent, furnished or, unfurnished, two ,blocks from cam- pus. Vacant May 1st. Two rooms~ and private bath, separate entrance, continuous hot, soft water, large closet. No housekeeping facilities. Business or professional woman preferred. Phone 2227-W. 150p-2 FcOR.RENT-Bloise near campnus suit- able for fraternity. Will vcc(,mIimo- date 20 to 25 studcents. Setond and' third floors fuirnished. Cail W1igle, 902-R between 9 and 11 a. m. 150p ' 'OARD For Suiappy Service at breakfast or any other time, try ,RE X ' S CLU13 LUNCH, where Toasted Rloils orig- Xnated,. . Pay Less Here ZWERP-.LING BLG. ANN ARE3RM ICH1. WvlyfPay COME TO THE UNION )Iore? SAFE STORAGE SATUR DAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 28 to the dance given. by the Veterans' Hlusted Sorrestino Orchestra. $.00 2:30 - 5:00 tweedf Knikers, $4.98 _. A arge asortiment of materials in both ladies and men's breeches or' knickers. GOLF HOSIERY ehave secured afind LISLE GOLF wrSoE Wo"0'1 o1p Hiking S~hoes High-Tops, Packs, Army and Dress Shoes, Leather arid Wrap Puttee Outing Shirts i n Khaki, Serg, Poplin, Plaid Wool, etc. SweaersSport Coats, U4Jnderwear, and Hosiery Cravee'tesarnd Topcoats Price,$15 and tp of Priced at $1.50 14yp-L FOR SALE---18 ft. Old Town Canoe in good, condition. Phone 2635-W aft- er 7:30 P-12. 149p-3 FO'R'D- SALE-Bicycle, $10. Phone 8mfth at University 123. 150p-2 FOR SALE-Oak library table, $15.'' Phone 2347-M. 150-2 "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything quickly. =Adv. TH9SE WILL NOT LAST LONG' BETTER -lOCW would you like to eat at a soror- ity house for the rest of the year? Good food. Call i 65-W. 150p-2 CLEANERS AM) PRESSEJIS 12 hour service, if desired, at the White Swan Cleaners. Phone 165 and let. us call for that suit or dress to be cleaned. 145c-G 'A stitch in time saves nine. We mend fand repair every suit sent here tc be cleaned and pressed. White Swar Cleaners, Phone 165. 139c-12 CLEANING, $125-Pressing, 35 cents, CET YOURS EARLY' Rai'n o $ ,,50up WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT e- TINKER & .COMPANY LOST SurlusSupplies Store,213 N.4th Ave. LE~T-AlondaY, man's: gold open face' Watch, around State and Main busi- Aess sections~. Reward. Box E. P. S. STATE ST. at! WILLIAM ST. "It Pasto Wlk a F'., locl~s ;L lam; 143p-3 T-,et Sigma: Pi pin betweeni lon and Packard on, State uSt., iesday. Phone Becker, 1680-1t. 15f! LOST-Pink 'coral set between Chubb's -ince April 1. Please call Helen' ST-Pair shell rimmed spectacles, ear Nickels Arcade. Phone 1216-R. 149-2 ST-M4ink choker at the baseball ai-e Saturday. Call 2949. Reward. 149p-3. LST-Corbin auto wheel lock. Re- ard. Call Giddings,. 110-R. 149p-2 ST - Tortoise shell glasses last eek. Call 3085-M. 149p-2 F'OUND UJND-A safe jplace, to leave my urs, where tbey are insured against 11 losses at Zwerdling's Fur Shop. w, 150-3 REAL ESTATE CAVANALIGI LAKiE COTTAGE N w and pretty, large screened porch, Me lake front. and view, good bath- ing beach. Only $2,300. Terms if ou .want them. E. Roy Holmes, 13 S. Main. 147-5 Laundry Agency. L. 0. Clapp, 1119I kF kS. University. 121c-21 ~I1S4ELIL.4JNE US ±11 : 1111Ii 11111111N~1111111 I N iili 11111111111111111 11111111ii1N1111111 l11111[1111111111 1111II111 i1111l111111111111i 11111t1111 111111111111 1111 IIIltl 1111 mill two blirds with one stone. Send Fyour laundry as well as your clean-; Ing and pressing. ($1.25 per suit) Iat the same time to the, White Swan =- *Cleaners. Phone 165. 139c-12 trunk keys. Lawmxowers sharpen- t a i nr i h uc ed. Phone 2498, Keeler. 1136 W. Huron. _1_0_-_1_ THAT "WILL MAKE A HIT WITH YOU] RUGS SHAMPOOED or Dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. - Phone 50. 135c~tf, TYPEWRITING YOU GET ,PROMPT AND ACCURATE # service when your MANUSCRIPTS B S e are TYPED by EXPERTS. at,'BID- DLEiS BOOK STORE. 11 Nickels STATE STREET' Arcade. lllc-tf ; TYPEWRITING & MIMEOGRAPHING a dig ~S promptly and neatly done. 0. D. MORRILL, 17" Nickle's Arcade. 146c-6 ~ ~Srw er TYPE WRITE"IW EXPERT Typewriter Repairing, allI h rt a e-. makes. Ann Arbor Typewriter Ex- change. Phone 866. 9 Savings Bank Block.. 123c-tfWHo W afe USICw ,WHEN 'YOU want the best Recor ds Salads you will turn invariably to Victor , = OPEN 8:30 A. M. TO 11:00 P. M. Records. Large and comiplete stock at Schaeberle & Son, Music HouseI Service You Will Appreciate GOWTTNS0 Les Ice Cream R FRIENDS Betsy Rs NICKEL'S ARCADE Light Lunches Cold refreshents Ca- di~s without an equail' K(ODAK FINISHING {