THE_ MICHIGAN DAILY News From The Other Colleges. Texas--Since the official ban on shu- fortthe Daily Illini yester day. "By dent motor cars --omne time ago, the far thlf ,rger percent of women in university authorities have been the, the univer~ity look down on the girl gbutt of unceasing petitions, attac .s, sm iolccr," the investigator said," 'w hilean pr t s . As a e ul th eg a- n a y to r te b t d n t a mi e t " tion was repealed a few days ago. The Appa:rently many women who smok- hundreds of car:; wWich were hurried-, cal(did not enjoy the practice but did ly disposed of at as low1 as $15 apicce so for othier, reasons, according toi when the rule went into effect, a few olbservatidnu. months ago, were bringing fabulous prices yesterday, according to a dis- flRI~aoila-To settle the questioni of patch. whether women can put out a complete Iperwithout the assistance of' men, SOr,-gou-,-AMany alumni and Ftidents the Oklahoma Daily will put" tomor- SHave directed indignant criticisms at row's issue in the hands of a staff the Oregon Daily Emerald for its al- 1 comnposed entirely of women. They. leged publication of confidential mat- Will be the members of the Theta Sig- ter recently. The dispute has arisen ma Phi sorority. over the printing of a list of studentsl who have overdrawn accounts at the+ Noriliwester- The average co-ed local banks. here, having unbobbed hair, spends about 45 minutes daily "doing' her ioiiat-Two hundred and fifty, stu- hair." It has been calculated that dents registered 'for a short course in the bobbed hair women, needing far radio construction and operation this' less time for this operation, save many scemester. The course includes 'nlo- *wholec years of time. Teach Mah-Jong At Cinese Tea House Special instruction is being given in the popular Chinese card game; Mah-Jong, at the Mandarin tea house which members of Collegiate Sorosis. are conducting at 1501 Waslitenaw ave- nue for the benefit of the University of Michigan League fund. This after- noon is the last time to take advant- age of this unique opportunity to learn the game. Tickets for the dance the sorority isI giving this evening for the benefit of ti4~ league fund, may be obtained{ from any of its members. SEVEN OMEN' TO ATTEAI) MID-WESTERN CONFERENCE Delegates from Ann arbor will leave the first week of May to attend the mid-west conference of the Women's Self-Governing assoiation at Colum- bus, Ohio. The conference will be held ._._..._..... " r. ....... I 1 '24, as the worthless husband, portray- ed some good facial exp ressions, and her acting was good. Ruth Christian- } x r R : , , ' -, r r tion pictures of various phases of rad- io work and actual demonstrations with broadcasting and receiving sets. At an open mneeting of the class lastl AMonday mor e (han 600 radio fans list-! ened to the lecture by C. M. Jauisky, Jr., a member of Secretary Hoover's conference on radio legislation. Miniesota-Already this year, 445 students have borrowed a total of4 $34.600 from the university aid fundl. The onliy security given in, every case -was the word of honor .of the borrow.-, e:. ll1ieils-Opinion among the women students themselves concerning the: use et tobacco by their sex was re- vealed by the questions of a reporter; FIE EXTENSION TA9LKS University Extension lectures sched- uled to be delivered by the 'faculty this week wvill consist of five lectures in- eluding two on health subjects. On Wednesday the Women's Comnmunit:y club at Pinconning will hear Dr. Wil- j bert B. Hinsdale, of the Medical school, ,cn the subject "Michigan Antiquities."' On the same dlay Prof. William D.j llenderson, of the Extension division, will speak at the Consolidated school ait Swarty Creek. The lectures for Thursday and Fri- day include George S. Laslier, Of thetl rhetoric department, who will addressj the Women's Literary Art club. at Or- leans, talking on "Living, or- Merely l Making a Living," and the two health lectures. Dr. U. Garfield Rickert will! address both the Parent-Teacher's- association and the Chamber: of Con- nerce of La peer on "Truth. About l Teeth." A TURF~ THEATERS II Screen-Today Arcade- Theodore Roberts in "Grumpy"; Lloyd Hamilton in "1Extra Extra! ." Majestic _, "Safety Last," with Harold Lloyd; animal picture, "M.1an Versus Beast"; "Mrs. Hippio." Orpheum -- William Russell in "The Great Night"; Leather Pushers' comedy. Wuerth-Colleen More and An- tonio Moreno in "Look Your Best"; comedy and news. IULAl Ma4y G LO 0~. ' I1llU aelegate 111t be Francis Ames, '23, the present' president of the league; Helen Del- bridge, '24, and Frieda Diekhoff, '24,i the newly elected president and vice-t president of the league. There will be four delegates from the'-dormitories- Betsy .Barbour, Adel a Cheever, New- berry and Martha Cook each sending one Biel )gate. Announce IMm'riage ; Announcement has been made of the} marriage of Ethel Williams, '22 andI William J. McGill, '19, which took place on April 7 at Fremont, Ohio. The bride is a member, of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority and McGill, who is an instructor in the pharmacy d e- partment, is a member of the AlphaI Chii Sigma fraternity. The McGills aret living at 927 Cornwall place., Remember "Jimmie the adtaker's" number-960.--Adv. _____________ple, Jimmy, gave an excellent imper- E sonatlon. Both plays showed carefulI {Senior Girls' play cast willrehearse ,att'ention to details, and good director- at 9"o'clock this morning in Sarah Cas- rship. Iwell Angell hall. E Chaperones for the dances tonight 111111l1lIII11111#1111111111111111111111111i~ll.:. are as follows : Union, Mrs. M.' Cake; I ,ArmoryBMiss Martha Hills. siI~,Rn p The schedule for the spring tennis;5 tournament has been posted in Bar- h our gymnasium. The first round must Mend ,;il Ime played off by May 8. -i --- Soup ofMichigan Dames will hold election= Cream,' of Asparagus - fofficers at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening = Oive Wafers at Helen Newberry residence. Every Olve Celery Radishes one is urged to. attend. Prime Rib Roast Beef au jus *Roast Young Chicken- lM asq ues' Plays =w°ith Dressing:5 Well CliWaxBeans W~ell' Received ? - Mashed Potatoes Rolls -Salad !p~ay, pieentedbyllead lettuce and Two one-act ISry, rsntdb Sliced Tomatoes tMasques, were the feature of the Wo- mens league party yesterday after- j Dessert noon. "The Person in the Chair," an } H-ome'Made Apple Pie. intensely interesting play,- directed by g E Strawberry Shortcake Velma Leigh Carter, '24, held *the at- !=- Whipped Cream 5 tenionof he udenc thougout-=Strawberry Sundae tent on f t e a dien e t rou hou .,=Vanilla Ice Cream Garibel Schmidt, '23, portrayed vividlyj Tea Coiffee. Milkle the part of the Woman, who, because z of an unhappy past, could never keep the love of the Person in the Chair. T riate Banquet Haltl == Her voice' is low and full, and' seemed? 12 to 2 P. Mv. Price $1,00 peculiarly fitted to her part.., Dorothy 5= Rockwell, '24, as the diebutante, and = Nellie Rittenhouse, '25, as the friend,! Iu u*."u~ were exceedingly good in their parts. I L L ITS. On the whole, the play was well acted. ,.. .. "Mrs. Pat and the'Law" was directed Phone 17 3 315 S. State by Theadore Burton, ,'23, and 'was ex- iiiiiiiiiuuiiniiiiuii, cellent in detail. Mary Wiley's, '24,X11#1111t1131.I11Ni11}111. characterization of an Irish mother, with a no-account husband and a crip- Ii pled son, was splendid,.fRea Schilaak, I ' Graduatdon Approaches FOR SEE trtr#iup r raz#, CA R L F.,BA Y - ARCADE JEWELER- Mump! Epidemic Low Among S tudoliits' and four of them last weeh,1 Despite a light epidemic of Ilmmpis reported. This. is consideri which is Prevalent in the city, there celPtionally low mark by H~e, are at present but four student cases.'ice authorities. D . Fl y M . A l n of t c Un v r i y - --lic a th service, sai dl y esterd ay ;.tSin c $8.5 a n d $10.00 C ra w fo rd s thne opening of school last fall, ut cia at $5.00 Saturday. D ten cases of mumIps amiong students, fiery Shop, 119 S. Mai stage--Tis Week i ! f f ih Caick --- Walter Hamapden In 'rheofRing of Truth," Sunday; Monday, "Hamlet"; Tuesday, "A New Way to Pay Old Debts"; Wednesday, "Othello" Thursday, Friday and Satur-, day, "The Black Fiag" Wed- nesday matinee, "The Ring of Truth." SW'f j'HOW AM MO)NTAGUS r I- ' Shubert - Michigan - Second week's showing of "Take It Prom Me," by JosephM. Gantes. SUITS, $55, EXTRA TROUSERS, $11. Made for you at Kyer's.--Adv. FREE H ere is a real paint- II s" '; t 1i " '1 (^ ir Sf Cf. S L" I A ST Miontague Glass is aiwfays amius- ing. Perhaps it's "because he gets as big a. laugh Writing his mna- ter'ial as you do readin.g it. You'll enjoy. Potash and Perl- mutter in.. this newst Glass toryette.. ReJ i1 4 Lows ]Brothers HIgh. Standard 3a a better paint than you have e'rer, used before. Better bece it lasts longer and looks bat- teris long Si t lasts. Bad of anl while it costa or. CO it 008 for. ffore it always costs less p square yard applied. High Standard has be made for 60 years-of not lug but the best and pyre materials obtainable. We want you to try it", your next painting job. Y, will never again use any oth brand. Ash for booklet ad eQ m it. Both ae trw TIME TODAY aI WILLIAM RUSSELL "THE GREAT NIGHT" REGINALD DENNY "The Leather Pushers" With Our Complimeonts OSWAILD HERZ 1112 W.; Washington Phone, 353 F I J* ,FWLIERTH CO. 29 faint Fashion Ptrk Clothiers. 11 - ., l- i , , . : .. l t For MC.n of Action 14 WHO TACKLE STUDY AND PLAY WITH DASH AND DARING. ' ' . J ,' t i F . {i r . . # -j A A- /y I' THES SATISFYING, TASTY 'CHOCOLATE MALTED. BEVERAGE THAT SELLS FOR 1 / 40/ j / sf- .- 91 A _'N ,&%L' Fr **qI~ J sp V , ,N. . . N:: Y di mIr" YIA7 rlmmTr'%m-xmA X7 -