TIH MICI IIGAN DAILY m le a t it Ise to advantage in a number of ways, universities may be able to rid them- Sbutt perhaps its chief value would selves of such pestiferous and bois- rest in its benefits to the extension terous forms of amusement, and get [(IAL E1SPAPER OF THE service in that it would facilitate the back to good old bridge or dominoes. IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN work of that department by cutting lhed every morning except Monday down on the expense of the lecture of Student Publicationsttours now in vogue. Not that the ra. dio would in any way usurp the work revs of Western Conference Editorial dipol naywyuuptewr :r. of the extension service, but it would , Associated Pre- .is exclusively en. certainly aid in carrying out the the use for republication of all news program of the department. Moreover, LErS DUCK es credited to it or not otherwise in this paper and the local news pub- approximately fifty thousand people, 1crei,. living in widely scattered sections of Bring Your Cane Troubles here ed at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, the United States, would have the op- This question of what to do with n, as second class matter.potntofrfingbthleuel ription by carrier or mail, $3.50. portunity of profiting by the lecture Senior canes when not abel to han- s: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- system. de them in the customary manner is rect. There may be some skepticism as, che s: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M'; Busi-my eskpics 50: E4; to the practicability of constructing becoming very acute, but ne'erthelessc a broad casting station, but this Many suggestions have been coming iunications not to exceed 300 words in for.Substitute usages. If you are d' the signature not necessarily t should be dispelled by a glance at the infr substitute uage nIfyou are in print, but as an evidence of faith, facts which reveals that there are a extremely gauche and ungainly with tices of events will be published inyourStick, and you probably are, open ily at the discr'dion of the Pd1itor. if large number of universities and yu tcadyupoal roe or mailed to The Daily office. Un small c e opern radio out your ears and you may get some val- commnnications will receive no con- .scesply. te sradio hou able ideas as to what to do with it n. No manuscript will be returned fits successfuhy. The radio haal- in the future. And if you have dis- e writer encloses postage. sentiments ready commanded so much attention, t necessarily endorse thecoveredsome private scheme of your d in the communications. that a National Conference to discuss overeomeapaent cd then send thatquws;onaksaecntly eldni the question was recently held iit in to help out your befuddled and EDITORIAL STAFF Washington at the invitation of Sec- . . o perspiring class-mates. elephones 2114 and 176-31 retary of Commerce Hoover. In view "I give up. After a futile attempt of these facts the officials who are em- MANAGNG EITORto show off _before the one and only MANAGING EDITOR powered to release finances for Uni- I in which I suffered a badly twisted MARION B. STAHL versity improvements should be fars.h sighted enough to see that Michigan, I have decided dior .................Pa~tt Watzeill b e eatly handicapped to bore holes in my cane and play 'it ditor ..............James B. Young like a flute." 'hdax.s it City Editor........J. A. Bacon does not possess her own broad-cast-lafu". al Board Chairman ......E. R. "eiss"My room-mate tripped himself the1 iors-ing station other day and sprained his ankle.j SByers Harry Hoey Now he's got a real use for the dogI HJershdorfer R. C. Moriarty ROYALTY STILL RESPECTED that bit him." Denny. Donahue J. E. Mack Last Thursday in England midst a '."I'm going to buy another one, let1 t~'i~........ala~ F Elittconsiderable amoaunt of otn ot 's Editor.............Marion Koc s rn o te ttious a steam roller run over them and Magazine Editor ....1H. A. Donahue display and ceremony, Albert, Duke use'm for skiis next winter." Editor.................E. H. Ailes !?ditor...........Buckley C. Robbins of York and second soi of the king!Squat. Editorial Board and queen, was married to Lady Eliz- * * * Kerr Maurice Bermanel abeth Bowes-Lyon. Perhaps the most DEIR POT AssistaEugnt e Carmchael i significant incident concerning the af- * Assistants fair from1theJpo nt of iew I grabbed a good seat in the bleacher.; If. Armstrong Frank in 1. Hepburr fair from the point of vew of an A cozy yet hard little spot Eielfield Winona A. Hibbard American is that thousands of Brit-- . .les T 1 h hotk CAMPUS OPINION Editor, The Michigan Daily: Your comments regarding the ap- pearance of Ann Arbor and that the' citizens here should keep upwith the mprovements of the University are pertinent, but with the attitude of the average university students the beau- tifying of the grounds, keeping up lawns, etc., is a discouraging im- possibility. They play ball, tramp over lawns and shrubbery so as to4 discourage us from any attempt at beautifying our homes. It would seem that young men from 19 to 25 years of age would have some con- sideration for the rights of others, but they do not. Devote some of your space to inculcating decency in that regard into the minds of the students, and the people here will gladly keep up their. grounds and premises. Regarding the unpainted houses around the campus and the poor ap- pearance of many ;of them, most of those houses are the property of the University. Very few cities keep up the appearance of their homes better than does Ann Arbor. AN OWNER OF A HOME NEAR THE CAMPUS. 1EDITORIAL COMMENT The popular song hit was a bit premature. made its debut with craze. "Daning Fool" It should have the endurance' THE ONLY FOUNTIAN PEN FOR STUDENTS AND :BUSINESS 71EN IS ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS Schedule in Effect October zZ, 2ga Central Time (Slow Time) P. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 3:.45 7:45 ... Adrian .,.. 3:45 8:45 4.15 8s ...Tecumseh ... 12:15 8:1s. 4:39 8:30 ... Clinton .... tz:oo 8:00 5:15 9:15 .. Saline ... 33:5 7:15 E 5:45 9:454 Arnn ArborLv. 10:45 6:45 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays and Holidays. F'riday and Saturday special bus for students leaves Adrian :4 . leaves Atn Arbor 4:45. JAMES H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor Phone 46 DETROIT UNITED L.INE$ Ann Arbor and Jackson TIME TABL5 (Eastern Standard Time){ Detroit Limited and Express Cars- 6:00 a.m., 7:0o a.m., 8:oo a.m., 9:05 a.m. and hourly to 9 :O p.m. Jackson Express Crrs (local stops west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m., and every two hours to 9:47 p.m. , Local Cars East Bound-7:00 a.n. and every two hours to 9:00 p. i., :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-l:40 p.m., 1:13 a.m. To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-7 :50 a.m., TZ.18P.M To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lirr- ited cars 3:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 p.m. To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at 8:47 p.m. A REAL FOUNTAIN PEN THE ONLYPENSOLD IN ANN- ARIBOR WHICH IS LA4CKED BY A C TORY SE RVICE RIDERS PEN SHOP 308 S. State St. y N I CORNWELL COAL Kentucky Egg and Lump West Va. Egg and Lump Pocalontas and Coke IVNEDIATE DELIVERY T(- I COMMON AND FACE BRICK CORN WELL COAL PHONES 81-F1 and 2207 Office - Cornwell Block. it lIh A nets ay ell / ERSO LTY AND SCHOLARSHIP (The Daily Iowan) Whether it is better to be a social lion than a good student is admittedly' a perplexing question and one which will likely lye no nearer a solution 1923 APRIL 1923 3 1 . 6' 7 8 9 10 11 12 :3 14 1 16 17 i18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29) 10 vn :. er a JBillimgton Edward J. Hllggins lBro nl Kenneth C. K{elar Clark Elizabeth lieberaun Connable John McGinnis ctte cote Samuel Moore 1. Coughlin M. It. Pryor 1"pstein - W. B. Rafferty Fiske -- Robert G. Ramsay Garlinghlctnse 1. W. P-witch S. Goodspeed Soll J. Schnitz Goulder Philip M. Wagnes 1id Ifalgrim- - BUSIYE$S STAFF Telone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER ALBERT J. PARKER :tisi.... ...Jbhn J. Iamel, Jr. rti -itt .g..... aWalter K. Scherer i:rtiIiug ... .Lawrence 1H. Favrot. 'catin ... . Edward F. Conlin ~%rtn ......David J. TM. Parki eao .....Townsend H.. Wolfe units ..............L. Beaumont Packs Assistant, , M. Hayden Wm. I. Good cne L. Dunne , Clyde L. 1lagerman C. Ta'ji1 tHenry Freud L. Putman ClaytonaPurdy D,. Arniantrout J, 13. San zenbachier am H. Reid, Jr. Clifford Mitts >ld t. Wale Thoma, M achren .. Roesser Louis M. Dexter n S. Morton C. Wells Christie s A. .Dryer Edward B. Reidle, Bert W. Cooper ons stayed up most of the night before in rainy weather in order to.gain a place of vantage from which to see the royal couple in the morning. And this in spite of the fact that the radical press and labor leaders sought to turn the minds of the peo- ple against the wedding through hurling invectives at the expense it involved. Perhaps, the king did spend too much money in his efforts to see to it that his son was tendered a mar- riage ceremony befitting his station. For centuries the propensities, of English sovereigns havetended to- wards royal display, and it is difficult to wipe out such a backgrpund even though the economic conditions of tle time do call for moderation and econ- omy. But the fact remains that in re- iainiug obdurate to the distressing pleas of the radicals the English pco- pie again showed their inherent re- spect for royalty and their love for the king. Even in the crisis which resulted in the execution of Charles the first, when England was suffering# keenly under the yoke of more thanI a century of despotism, it took all of the subterfuge of the most competent men of the time to suppress all dan-J gerous outward manifestation of re, gard on the part of the people for tjieir king. That this spirit of re-' spect for rank should still be no- ticeable at a time when the democrat- ic ideal is at its height is significant, if not praiseworthy. It is not our province to attempt to discredit any of the statements made by English radicals in their denun- ciations of the gross extravagance1 'iesun was snure snni mmg y And it shone right through my pot. twenty years hence than tokry. It re- A mains true, however, that college men In the winter when winds are whiz-iimmemorial have uncon- isciously set about acquiring the trap- ziM l.'ngs of the elite without troubling ,My head was cold-I needed a shot. You can't cover a ten by five dormi their minds as to which is the proper ' tory' ourse. WitoryTheir action is now in a degree sup- With a thim grey six by three pot. ported by authority. Prof. Adelbert It/s~art of the good l' existence Ford of the University of :Michigan{ Itside witht thetsociald graces, Ills. . Through wlhch a frosh must trot. sides with the social graces, His .ip- But, Gosh! Bunk, on the 19th of May 'restigations prove conclusively that My days 4."^ through warming this with business men, at any rate, social pot. prominence while in college rather, than a Magna Gum Laurie on the col- lege te school counts for more. Prom- The good little pot o o r .t1eco The dear little pot inence in social affairs on the college In heaven you'll be worn by your campus is one of the most successful sire. job-getters for positions wlilch re-' But be strong little pot quire personal contact. Business men who come to Ann For you're sure to be shot Into the blaziig ree hot Cap Night Arbor in the spring in search of suit- fire. ' IAGSHANN IN. ablI college trained material for busi- . .AGH N .nss situations invariably prefer the man who has proved his ability to get tihbi 4pilled the Bemis E o e . . on well with people without paying The Relief expeditioners i their Iuch attention to whether he has at- trusty airplane a mile high circled t d over the Island of starvation. nt. With willing hands they dumped a n1t However, while social polish wins sack of beans over the side. Owing to in the case ofa man who intends to the force of Gravity, the sack de- . wng6te ae-ac go into business. it does not in the scended. Owing to the same Force, case of his academic sister, the co-ed. the sack burst op an sille the Business men are not desirous of em- k "o,,tfa and id e over tand. ploying a woman whose social stand- ow, they said, "ithe iabita ards are very high for the simple can- only -hold out tli next August1 reason that she is unlikely to fit into thie en '' the business-like, matter-of-fact at- have plenty." mosphere of the ofiee. The prime at-: Whereupon.ent away from tributes for a college woman who there. Just Jake.. 7 1n ^ rf i ntv iii. +.- -r7, E VWE IaCTOR',' MFR. SHats. Big Stock Always oi Iand LARGE SIZES A SPECIALTY save a DOLLAR or more at our Factory MR. STEWARD-Do You Want the Best? The best ingredients often 'make a difference in the quality and taste of food. By buying im medium large quantities you will find the best to be the cheaepst. We especially recommend,' for general, all round purposes- H: I Roller King '1_ We also do all kminds of Clean- ing and -Reblocking of .Hats at low prices for HIGH CLASS WORK - FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street Phone 1792 Where D. U. R. Stops at State TOL DEO-ANN AIRBOR PJs-' Cars leave for Toledo 7:10 A. .,' 2 3- 1. aid 5 P. M. Except Sun. day. Sundays at 8:00, 11:00 and S «l34). Or the most suitable flour- for Pastry Baking- limico Pastry You Will Find That Our All Purpose Flours are unequalled in Ann Arbor direct to you. for purity and excellence. Made right here You will find our mills handy for delivery i THE MICHIGAN MILLING CO. ANN ARBOR f ., pportunity to witness two of her Dlw 10 GRLA/;NAN CUSTOM TAILOR involved in the royal wedding, Ln doubtedly their position was justified by the economic depravity of the time. But for the majority of the people to turn a deaf ear to the co- gent prognostigations of the entire liberal element that famine or revo- lution would result if the wedding were not shorn of all of the elaborate display which actually characterized it, is a pretty good sign that King George is firmly seated on his throne, and that conditions in England will be a great deal -blacker than they are now before his position will be in any danger. Try Tlils on the Vietrola or Run It Througli tle Washing Maichine There's v. faulty law that does forbid The passing out of sheba and kid- From a dancehall that they may be. hid From thegaze of public scrutiny. Now possibly the orchestra takes a rest And feeling your style is not its best1 You seek opportunity to better it plans to go into the commlercial world appear to be an ability to concentrate anil attend to details painstakingly and carefully. The ideal Ofiice combination as it appears from Preressor Ford's in- vestigations consists of social heroes and intellectual heroines. PR OYING ITSELF (Detroit Times) Air engineering, moving forward by leans and bounds, is in rather an anomalous position at the moment. Tuxedos Evening Clothes Gol Suits SATISFACT iON Perhaps by sitting outside a bit. . No enthusiast is reckless enough to A____claim the air is entirely safe. Sever- You're- heartlessly stopped as you al tragic incidents have been written pass out the door into air history as lately as during And told that it isn't done any more the past month. But at the same time So you flare right up and ask tlj'em, we are suddenly made aware again Nickels Arcade '1 IF >st phenomenal stars in recent SIGNS OF TIE TIMEj ars perform in Philadelphia today. "Vanity of vanities; all is vanity." ny others farther west can witness So said Ecclesiastes thousands of- e reniainder of the team at the years ago. And late developments inE ake meet, thus spreading the ath- collegiate circles seem to prove that ic competition in two opposite -di- he was right.} ctions. An announcement that a beaufy con-E "what?" But are only glared at and answered not. You drag her back as the music starts With your dreams broken into a mil-', lion Darts For you (lid so want to review tdO of the fact that 'the plane is an ideal instrument in services of safety and rescue missions to obscure places where emergencies are not to be met by ordinary means of transportation. Within a week it has been demon- strated that if a band of starving persons had been on Fox Island in . ________ _ ._ .,..__.___.___._._ __ .__._ _. ._.. . _ Now chat the impetus has been. iven for greater expansion in1 +ll sportsmanlike competition, the1 taunch supporters of Michigan look, forward to the steady increase of par- icipation in eastern affairs that this ['niversity can be fairly judged in, athletic hierit by the individuals who; tre reluctant to accede the 'West the; r:ecognition in any sport. A RA:I)O FOR MICHIGAN The radio situation at Michigan re- mains unchanged. While other uni- versities are making decided ad- vances in this field, no action has as yet been taken by the Board of Re- rents towards the release of theI test for men being conducted at the her University of Oklahoma is being en-,A story that wouldn't be ne thusiastically supported comes right with gestures. on the heels of the published fact that at a certain neighbor university, But don't give up; whilet where an investigation was conduct- I there's hope ed,. men were found to be large con- And you haven't reached t sumers of beauty clays, cold creams, your rope. and complexion powders. If you want to pass out an At the university where the beauty some gin contest is being conducted, the man Just assimilate some and declared the best looking is to re- out IN. L ceive a mirror autographed by Ru- dolph Valentino. Such a prize will Dear Lammer,- indeed be a treasure worth owning. It's a little too clean for In fact the winner of the mirror in ing machine so I thought all probability would refuse to trade through the column. The it for a Varsity letter. bursted. icebound Lake Michigan, as had been w to her- reported, airmen would have saved their lives. It is announced now at - Selfridge Field that army aviators are boats! o ats! there's life the end of 1 you have you'll pass AMMER. the wash- preparing to rescue shipwrecked mar- iners in the Great Lakes during the coning summer. Two air yachts, hy- droplanes of tested capability and a capacity of five passengers apiece, are to be held in readiness for instiutane-; ous embarkation on errands of mercy. Fuel stations will be established at various.points around the lakes. No army service is in a better po- sition just now to justify its exist- You'll not be ashatied o coatless if you send your laundry here "Put your duds in our suds~ I'd run it ence than its air division. Ordinary victrola's I human reasons make peyple reluct- ant to invest heavily in research ' nrtm 1 :