THE MTlCHT1GAN ,DAILY .,..4 .Y.M..,. Force] -n {I Atftorne12y John H. drs ihn H. Edwards, new solicitor gem-l for the department of the interior, ierly set an enviable record in tl~m e position. of the post~ofilce deriart:- t. He is an Indiana lawyer oil E K S T O I N U R posed O d n n e W u g I c e s JP a s s e n ~g e r I s r ate n )river's bond ,L1CTE1) IATA S110OWSIF 3E t'p! HHQVO S ST FOR- HOD RHP H I PRI.ZE BI)ISCAP TY W E R T N (ContN iur 'from Page One) /Cn l il won the Lame 12 to 0, but the wrthy paper .and envelopes, Px n ation r, - ~(~aewotyo ou red v ('T 6 sictr a otteB gr la f b'p.Provide yourself with cr iy i a re oegn at:z o in(: tl e WiiMs out c f the game a box. of ours and every note, monninro 0o h le r rl Yu write Will bear the air of bufl ng7hec, 1of10I edist n( ion and quality All awardedn to the first ycar stun n fth i s rod fteccloirs and all prices. the College of I'lrinn is ] ea ;onu]] expected to be on best~~i solti codb hn i atno i the;weathler 0. I), rORRILL examinaion and UPO) ti C )l.-y i'(7 T . 'ente heae- 7Nickes Arcade. mar' Te eamiatin 1 1 eJ~Mclods lat Sturday failed to qstions con ;tenraX31 i fo . .(:h e flly 7t,00COO-,rsons away from [i~pir~r&Sainr tr well as those on] s jcece. isi otI Oogue and today at least the eonijpetition ~ill be 1 ad!e hnowfln c0 i)Ocare expect ed to put ian jlt is nex)l)pparance. type)A next_______________________________________ _______________________________________________ er I111111n . er in . expel s r~a B. E. Thrifty sayss Saving that f w COM TO THE UNI N costs a mran's self-respect is mig}hty bl poor economV1 . rleftpas SATURDAY AFTERNONAPIL28pss t thianegicnb teVetera &hs taste 1-1 When yol lI nb ladyo-or oil on you're O Socrrestino Orchestra. newr odes lae n ocdtee bon j$1.09 2:30 -5:009 -PU sT or a.. Th1ere7's no encational n- f stitution endowed fo-r the purpose of fitting men for executive :e~ponsiil:- ities, invites you to send for the book, "Train-ing and Business Lead- ersh.ip." Write today. -No obaligation. ;abson5Institute] Wellasley W'11,it 3s, S f ) MafSS. P j I ;3 ":Y°';!"1?' L':P '691'tStd' F1 2A# R 11.*7RUd<'R r"t 'P ,l: .tsA'"° +"'".fr".",. i' "#t"" +P, "f" y°° '°S3'' "'y?.i W"E+"' 3';:'i'S°w4 1T1 ".1R7Rt liri a .I'Kr Y . C , t nuwsaLttGrir'r.L._...- t t tay a:a r mixes ....,. :,a &ww %N26 m rams BLAST IM1 TONIGHT Whe SoppigDwtowin Students when shopping downitowvn have found the food at the Xarolyn Kitchen delicious anid satisfying. in the hot, weather of summer you will find that cooling salads3 and 4dainty ;andwicehs secured heire are just the food you require. A trial will convince you. ;' a i y , I YOZIR I i From the World-faiaous Stage Sut- cess ty Horace Hodges and T. W. Per- STARRING- l'1ax Here or ,T4k Hoirk"' eyvale A-TO,'-47VI THEODORE t,.ROBIERTS In his greatest of all roles : --' "% : .,. ' ._,. ITO s ff; Ej -,ALSO - MAY McAVOY and CONRAD N.AGEL rgreat* Paruanmint Cast KAROLYN ITICITC'HEN -4 S fi" -Y TOO Liss lacDonad will be seen in a r ole ulever be- fare attemipted and wtill' instanrtly -vini your ap- proval. BE SlRE TO' SEE TIS UNITSITA;L }~ROTWC lON . m WW1 1 S t i 4., S~ t ~ ~. 49~ 4 x ., , ;, ,.. is h Fgwf ILVIO II 11