4 T IHEMICHIGAN DAILY__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEUES SlTART I TURIMENT ie+ . .., . PUBLIC RUMMACE SALE WILL BENEFIT LEAU The sale is fun charge of a corm- MARTHA Washington Candies, fresh inittee headed by P'arnel Brown, '24 every, Friday. Tice's, 113IatLb Mrs. C. L. Washburn 7has been of! erty. adv.: great 'assistance to the committee. Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. M ' Let "Jimmie the adtakcr" find it? -Ad v. Senior Girls' play cast will rehearse AT PAL.i at 9 o'clock tomorrow in Sarah Ctas- f yWell Angell hall. Baseball will be played by the var- ius sororities, dormitories, and league 'ouses in the opening games of -the nnual tournament today and tomnor- ,w at Palmner field. Twenty-one -ouses are entered this year and none ,.ill be eliminated until two gamnes .ave been lost. The schedule for today is as fol- lws: at 4 o'clock, K~appa. Kappa Oamuia vs. Austin house, on one of Oie baseball diamonds at "Palmer field; At the same'time on the other dia- rond; Martha Cook vs. Kappa Delta;* t 5 o'clockl, -Zeta Taui Alpha vs. Chi me a; - also at r o'clock, Adelia Che - r vs. Alpha Epsilon Phzi. tOn Satutrday the following schedul ,(ill 1 e used1: at 9 o'clock, Kappa Alpha. Theta vs. Gamma Phi Beta; at 9 cW4Iock, Collegiate Sorosis vs. Beta Phi;'of 10 o'clock, New berry vs. Alpha Omcrn Pi; at 10 o'clock, D3elta Zeta vs. Alplha Phi; at 11 o'clock, Delta Gammia v s. Betsy Barbour; at 11 o'clock, Alpha Gamma Delta vs. the winner of the Kappa Kappa Gam-ma houe gaine; at 12:30 o'clocK, Delta Delt. Delta vs. Westininster Hall. All teams are requested to appear prompt- ly for their games. All women interested in entering the spring tennis tournament must sign up by this noon in Barbour gymnas- ium. No entries will be received aft- er this time. The first round must be played off by May 8. Chaperones for the dances this week end are as follows: Union, Friday, Mrs. Phillip Reynolds, Saturday, Mrs. M. Cake; Armory, Friday, Mrs. Yates Adams, Saturday, Miss :Martha Hills.. A sale prior to the second annual _________________________ rummage sale for the benefit of the Women's League and open to Uni- 4 versity women only was held yester- S F~fV day in the basement of Helen New- L" ' berry Residence from 4 to 5 o'clock. The public sale will start this morn-= To sell Abbott. Coin Counting } ing at 10 o'clock at the City Y. W. C.r Machines to Bank,, and others., A. on Fourth Avenue. The clothes that have been donated N ape ecsrQikK by the women of the ;University and seller. Liberal commission. Ab- by faculty women include 'a-great otCi outrCmay Svariety of dresses, wraps, hats, shoes. bt.on one Cmay and other garments. The clothes are ' 143rd Street' and W~ales Ave- . - for summer as well as :winter wear 2 nue, New Yorli City. and are of all materials and colors. il111 i ll!11 111 i 9~94 Q~w sSENIORS! Now isthe time to place your order for CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED OR PRINTD We can also furnish you with ANNOUNCEMENTS EITHER ENGRAVED OR ~PmmRID THIE MAYER -SCH4AIRER COMPANY Let Your Wife's; Talcum Powder AloneI FOR. }IEN Finally, after all the years, thie "shoe is on the othier foot." Instead of men having to usfe talcums or face powders Lhis morning withoutI my Dixon's Eldorado !", 17 leds-all dealers . mterdimiapeiwd" RII Stationers; Printers, Binders and Engravers 112 S. MAIN. ST. PHONE 1404 I Rd eiw Feature vprin1lo Fashions late clusi nesd Conn -The o f 11 -: ele ser'v tribe Th by the Fork t o -v AlM tem : of i; versi the party these well, COME to th and the fort Turing the approved mod pring -and early summer University women appea in a fashion revue giv ly for University womer afternoon in the audi ted with the Mack and Co an usually paid for the si Ielso, and also the fee pz ~Newberry orchestra fox s, a total of $90, wiill b 'd to the campaign fund ;an League. apparel display e( was si zabeth Malloy, '25,- whlo mire spring vacation it choo sing frocks and other :r articles for college gi sMalloy has charge of t: en sdb ~c uing 'League receipts t( rwomen who make purch, Cady-to-wear and milling Brts, the purpose being t receipts filed with Neva 22, chairm'an of the cal, tee,- who will turn ther store at the end of each ceive in return '10 pert rchase made by the cus Mchign League fund. i, Tetals to tbe Discoam kly recitals given by the a dents of the University Sc will be discontinuedf t year. Yesterday's recit ned because several of ti were unable to play. I hool of Music decides V t recital, it will take plac sday. annual recital of the was to have been heard mmur is also postponed. Sthe classifieds. You mz lng for sale that you no( des for rwear, red as men ex- n Wied- tori-u . store. ;e r vies aid tale r their he con- of the ;elected Sspent n New~ rready iris. h~e sryp- Than 1e1Ol 4acu~ Fk,9 Gage Hats Lovelp shapes for sports a44 dress, ine all the rnemy colors for spring and 'e rly summer. Tailored or smartly trimmed. Goodyear ' 124 ')U T1I MAI.N 1! I TODAY AND TO-MORROW II f^ j4 1 1 fI / A'! 'e L'V-l t> A RUDE RT HUGHES J PICTU E Laugh and G'row Thin! -Oh, how she lov~ed fog..''- cry tiune she stepp d onn 0 ..,scale it registered another P pound. But a strange, to ving man took it upon him: elf to --' cure her and she turned out tobe a Venus de M1/ilo..R -Her'e's a side-splitting comedy of food, fun and fat folks. It's, great! / Food! Food! Food !--the greatest temnptatiox, w~om~an ktnows and one that she can zre is- e lrything else buit. ,. ~An irresistibly, funny picture that will ni kl~ fat folkts thin and thin folks fat with laughing, ; . ,y n . } ' ,. ind Co., originally made for women's use, ;d Uni- women now find ",Buddy Brooks" far ases in sup erior to any of themi own powders. ,de- And "Buddy Brooks" is a 'Man's toryv Powder, made with no other thought in Lo have mind than to give-a perfect after shav- Lv-ing powder. nipaign Ordinary talcum was too slick'' and rn over "shiny." Women's, face powders were month, too -hieavy"~ and "sticky." "Buddy ent of Brooks" is just right and will improve stomour, both your appearance andl your. dis- Position.ra It contains no sickening perfume to{ ,itbined sour anzd become irritating. "Buddy"' + !Brooks" is highly: antiseptic and heal-; uvanc- mug. Rube it into any small cut or skin; School irritation, or' sprinkle it on the tenderE for the skin of a tiny baby. Every flake of; al was "Buddy Brooks" is pure and contains le stu- nothing to irritate. In case~ Any druggist will supply you with a ,b have can of "Buddy Brooks." ce next Sold and recommended from exper- school !ocIC y in Hill aknFlterIrg o. 4S NtateSt.,1. & S. University Avenues, &State &packard sts., and C'ripp ens D~rug Stores , 21,I S. -)air St.. and 217 ay find I No. MainfSt, a1:d 4 eey other good ed. a rugq store and toffet goods counter i1. -A-viv. JAun Arbor. (8g L4 ~ JOE IROCK( - in WIJER TII ORCHTESTRA NICHOLAS FAICOiN ,, Director p __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___MEN __ COMAING ELMER CIFONS DOWN 'TO THESEA, INSSHIPS"1 .. _ _ _ ed s' ofM press posta dtent, the thae I NOW r-''"LOVE, OLUGHIAND DYNAMITE" "IH ANLh DIZZY "A. I2QI'S LIFE " "NEVER WEAKEN" "SHOULDER ARMS" "GRANDMA'S BOY" "DR*; JACK"! x6"THE KID" TODAY AND~ SATURDAY ONLY siol o' . 0. 'o, I OR ANY OTHER, SCREE N COMEDY YOU CAN REEMBER Better Than Any .Comedy Chaplin, Keaton,' Semon EVER Made! THIS DESCRIBES .- O .. 1 e, WM. DE MILLE presents the world-f 1ml4u$ stage sn els by horace Hodges and T. lgney Pereyval 6 orh60O U ...LOIVE. }r xt?~O mi CRA WFORD SHOES AND OXFORDS THAT HAVE PUT D AVI S TOGGERY.. SHOP ON THE MAP W IT H COLLEGE BOYS. Friday and Saturday of this week "only we are going to give special prices on broken lots. IIEODORE R~OBERTS, MAY McA)/OY and SQNRAP NAGEL Gronuciy; lovabole,, wise Grumpy-see him solve ans>enthralling mytstery and save two young lovers from disgrace.- From- the sensational stage success that New- York and London couldn't' see "enough of.- -ADDED "Exta! Extra I Extra !'- s$'. 50 and $10.0 SEVEN G~REAT SMASHING RELS' 0CRAlM-FE-LL OF iACTiION, SHIVERY THlllFr S, DEATH -DEFYING STUNTS AM? UPY ROAR -. hOUTS, S('IEA tINA'M31R h. THAT' YO 'LL SWVEAR'<'!i-,"' VS ONLY FOUR REELS INSTEAD OF SEVEN. We can honestly, state tatb "Safety JLast" F4Is positively Ike greatest super-comedy in screedn history. MATINFE EVEN'ING Al Seats All1 Seats 25C 3eic' Riddies KiddiesI loc l~c 3 k'ORI S FOR IMATINEF S Banlcony . ..22e 31. L. Floor ...,Me31 FEEI G S All sea n... 45 War Tax .... 05c 2:. ! SHOWS 7:00 f I 8:30 1 ~4:i~i I With twenty roond 1auerhsand as man-y roars