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April 27, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-27

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i an



I. No. 149






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urton and Governor Groes-
linve No Objections to
Such Action
April 26.-Two bills in-
estrict the mill-tax reve-
University and the Michi-
ltural college to their
1 of $4,000,000 for the next
,oas are expected to pass
Le despite the determin-
n of Thomas E. Johnson,{
intendent of public in-
Fir. Johnson fears that the
ay operate to cut down
ailable for the primary

Famous Chemist
Lectures Heret
Prof. Edward C. Franklin of Leland
Stanfod universit who spoke int the
"The Ammonia System of Compounds
-Experimentally Illustrated." Pro-
fessor Fi-anklin was recently elected
predenjd~ft nf the America Ch i

E '

Des Moines, Ia., April 26 (Dy-
A. P.).-With scores of univer-
sities, colleges and high school
athletes arriving, all is ready for
the opening of the 14th annual
Drape University relay meet to-
morrow. Starting at 2 o'clock,




a l~idI Lan Coiig .^;: 33: 2? P. 7. lKelley
',ius .. Puffy lo Address



Major Mark 1,. Ireland, Roy D.
Chapin fellow in Highway
Transport, has received wsord
from the United States govern-
ment that he has been awarded
the Distinguished Service Medal .
for services rendered in France.
Major Ireland who was a colonel
in the Motor Transport division
of the A. E. F. was graduated
from M. A. C. in 1901 and during
the war was appointed a colonel
from Michigan.
No definite date has been set
for the presentation of the award
but it is likely that the formal
ceremony will take place at Fort
Wayne, Detroit.r

prelimiharies in the special -
events and the finals in the class PAJIENTS WILL SEE SPRING
B high school events will be 1 GAMES, ILLINOIS TRACK MET
run off. On Saturday afternoon
finals in the university and col- President Marion L. Burton, James
loge events will be staged. ;1 Duffy, '92L, of Bay City, and P. H.,
Atheltic director K. L. Wilson Kelley, '00L,,.of Lansing, were an-
of Drake announced tonight that :jnounced yesterday as the speakers for ,
more than 1,300 university, col- the Fathers' Day banquet whiob will
loge and high school athletes be held Saturday night May 12, in the
were competing, a new record. assembly hall of the Union. Thomas
1._Underwood,'23L, will be the toast-
ma ter for theaffair. t
Mr~i. Duffy is a member of the State
Board of Law Examiners, which is
'TWO NOMINATED appointed by the Supreme Court bench
of the state, and is also a member of,
the University Board in Control of
Athletics. He is now practicing law
at Bay City.
Kelley rominentAttorn eU.
Jack Kelly, '244, and Walter Ii S. House of Representatives for five
Scherer, '24, Nominees Vol, Ele- terms and served as lieutenant gov-
lion Next Wednesday ernor, of the state under the late;
Governor Warner. Mr. Kelley is now.



Grand March WI Start to Si
"Stars aNd Sitripes Foreve
24 Booths Provided
Red pyrotechnic flares will 1
way to the scene of one of Mi(
leading formals of the year
o'clock this evening, and at 9
huge skyrockets will proclai
formation for the grand marci
third annual Military ball
combined Waterman and E
As the three orchestras st:
"The Stars and Stripes Forev
first squad, led by Gorden M\
'231, and Mrs. Gale, willhe
march, followed by 700 couples
the tune will change to "Th
tors", the march will come
close, and the ball will hav
Preparations for the affair
been carried out lavishly in ev
tail. Beautiful decorations, f
most part military in nature
been provided, and flags of
lies will hang from every side
gold streamers will be st
across the ceiling, with large
can flags dropping down 1

up 11-0 Score in First
Frames of Eight Inning

NE L sn . of ItalN wJ will
Marquis Dominzio Torrigiana of
Five Rome, grand master of the Free Ma-
sons of Italy, now in New York, will
make a tour of the country visiting
Masonic lodges.

school fund. society.SENATE ('OMITTEE WILL one of the prominent Lansing attor- NEW P 'LyES LEAllVETERANS
Governor Groesbeck favors the pro- PASS UPON NAIES TODAY neys. Both of these men have sons; iN HEAVY BATTING ATTACK
posed limitation and PresidentMarion .-Non fin the University at the present time
L ,. Burton has let Itt be known that he Nlminatwons for the presidency o;whose guests they will be during the All predictions aboutcome of
has no objections to such an action. the Student council were made last Week end. the Michigan-Ypsilanti ball game
The University bill, introduced by night at a meeting of the council Tickets for the banquet which will came true yesterday afternoon when
Senator B. E. Brower of Jackson,f subject to approval by the Senate com- sell for $1.25 will go on sale to the the Maise and Blue overroad the col-;
would limit the University's mill-tax JImittee on the investigation of student campus on May 8'and will continue legians 11-0 in a one sided game that
fund to the $3,000,000 which it now Ugovernment. Jack Kelly, '24L, and to be sold for three days till May 10. lasted eight innings. The teachers:
annually receives for operating ex. Walter K. Scherer, '24, were athe men Tickets for the fathers will admit couldn't seem to connect with the ball
e. senatEnamed by the council, them to the Illinois track meet on and garnered a total of two hits. Af-
eemaittd mofanteaweo e asete Leland Stanford Professo l C ompde, Due to the number of men new to Saturday afternoon although students ter the Varsity had put eleven run-
easireeof hed wolpssayetefternoonand Lquid with Valer in council work that have been elected purchasing tickets must present ath- ners across the plate in the first five
n wasr ednresda .afernoon and it Speech lmee to the Student council for next year, letic coupons at the gate. innings of the contest Coach Fisher
is no bor thes pper houe. T~~~~~the present bod approved the naming B iiiiet ot ormal put in his substitutes and although
1M& A. 0. b'ltllprovides for restrcting' y appovedthe amig i
the mill-tax revenue of that institu- SOCIIl ETe hlAD of these two men because of their ex- Contrary to rumors which have :they -didn't manage to score any more,
tlon to the $1, ,ILLUSTRATES DV EXPEtfit1ENT1$S perience with council methods. boen circulated, the banquet will inotthey held the visitors mo e than even.
ceives annually at present. aing -- The action taken by the council was be formal. The fathers and sons will 'hree pitchers, Stryker, Gibson ac
assed the house, the M. A C. bill Using illustrative experiments as a based upon the canges in tie con. - come directly from the track meet to O'Mara took turns at tantalizing the
now before the senate committee on background for his speech, Prof. E. stitution approving the nomination of the dinner which will be served., at opposing batters and sixteen Michi-
C r lf.Sn;nany' man on the campus for presi- 5:30 o'clock. After the banquet the : gan players took part during the eight
the .gricultural college where the'C. Franklin of.Loiand Stanford uni- dent of the Student council. The Sen- fathers will be given an entertain- Innings of play.
senate's action on the University bill versity portrayed to his audience at ate council, however, in a provisional ment at Mimes theatre. flllman, who got his first chance
is being awaited.. ithe . Chemical amphitheater the im- clause, stated that the candidates for On Friday, May 11, the fathers will with the Varsity 'yesterday proved
Oppositln Ends .,portance of liquid ammonia. Profes- this year only should be selected from witness the Spring games. All fathers to be the best slugger on the team
Opposition of the University admin-. sor Franlklin was, recently elected! the newly elected - council members. are invited to attend tihe track rally and got three safeties out o four
istration to. such re-atrictiye .measures president of the American Chenical The Senate committee will probably which will be held that . night. - On trips to the plate, scoring two runs.
l'as now, e sed an . President Marion society and his fame as a chemist act on the matter at a special imeet Saturday morning the -sece . day N4body played- a spectacula.r game for
11. Burton is recommending a trial of was derived in a large measure from ing today, contests in the Spring games will be Michigan, but the steady work of the
the limitation plan contained in it. his exhaustive experiments with - i- Approval of a tag day on the campus seen by the visiting parents. new men who had their first game with
The mill-tax: 'funds of the two state quid ammonia and its compounds. i for the Kids' Fresh Air camp was Fraternity representatives are re- the Varsity was a warning to the old
institutions are reckoned upon the as- The comparison of water and liquid given at the meeting last night. The quested to turn in the number of fa- men who hold places on the regular
s-essed valuation of oIl taxable prop- ammonia in their reactions with other returns of the special Student coun- thers expected as visitors to their nine. Swanson, Giles, and Dillman
erty in the dtate and it is understood compounds was the basis of his lec- Icil elections Wednesday were accepted respective houses to Wallace Flower, all showed up to advantage on both
that the state board of equalization ture announced as "The Anmmonia as valid by the council and the high '24, telethone 1166. the defense and in the slugging and
declines to raise this valuation esti- Spstenv of Compounds---Experimen- candidates declared to be elected.,_ of the game. Gles, the diminutive
mate unless it has the assurance that (tally ,Illustratad". With a supply of Secretary of the Navy EdwnaDenby,y secod.baseman took every offering
the University';s revenue will, not be= liquid ammonia under pressure on the '96L, will not be able to be a speaker rouuCaZon without a falter and cracked out a
arligae,nto ther by. t reent, the!desk before himn he showed the re- at the Cap Night ceremonies it was , c/g. P' 7leani sngle to left field in his only
Univi'sptyrs "nnual $3,000.000 fund is imarkably close relation that exists announced. In his letter to the coun- __fieeturn at iat.n sh, who got the left
derived from a three-fifths mill-tax I between -water anl liquid ammonia In cil, he stated, however, that he would -elders-job in the Ohio gae last
non the state valuation of $5,000- their reactions with acids, bases and try to be present at the Militry ball Four one act plays were presented Saturday, got two putouts and hit one I
tonriget. byte"ia rdcincas last ;nge and a do~ble In four times at.
000,000 and that of the M. A. c. salts, experimentally a.s well as theo- nig by the play production class bat. n acleford o tw fties in
amrountlng to $ 1000,000 from, a one- retically. ~ ~night in University hall. Prof. R. D;. fivetripsothed plate andBlott
ifth milltax upon the same amose unt, Professor Franklinstated that more UfIl~flfll tia.I hrT-Il.li.ster.of.the.>blic .spea.ing d- vknced rp double ver te tird blse-
In case the state board should raise salts are soluble in liquid ammonia L pater of the do- kn'cked fobhi only . -
the state valuation from $5,000,000,- than in water and that the crystalli- rrM :, s d ry
000 to $7,000,000,000 as is now con- zation of these salts from- a solution TIgranm. (
of lqui-ammniaivesjus as (Continued an .age Six)
ten nlated, the University would .re- of liqd ammonia gives just as pre1 "Maniki and Minikin" by Alfred -
ceive an addition of $1,200,000 ,to its crystals as these same salts crystalliz-- - Kreymborg, the first of the plays, was
yearly revenue and the M. A. C. an ed from a solution of water. Ile also iaEionAof twoPoINEnaT rannovelrrnaresentat io of two .or'a-
addition of.$400,000 from this source. stated that ammonia is a better sol- R{ITLN ATTE) 1 l IRT nt atovl renrUs Te dol"s rr
It is at the elimination of these in- vent for organic compounds than wa- ANNUAL AFFAIR .
creases that the Brower measure is ter and that many dyestafus will dis- _an emotional dialogue as they sat N
directed. ssolve in ammonia. on the mantel piece in a .wealthy - A1flU U
The positio of the University ad- A very decided resistance to . the EM ,re than 200 prominent newspa -_
ministration was defined in .a letter pasaeo neeti urn ernmen, athrs and officials of the hoe
miis ioed in , r passage of an electric czrrent by a istate, faculty members of the Uni- The second offering, "The Work-!L LECTURES POSTPONED FROM
from President Blirton received by e small vessel of liquid ammonia was versity, Ann Arbor business men, and- - house Ward" by Lady Gregory is a YFSTERDAY DUE TO DELAY
Senator Harvey Penny of the senate- portrayed. A salt placed In the i- a small group of students will attend {IN ARRIVAL
-------------------------------- thi ,,rnlEsmall GriroN ightbtw hiIh.

Dr. Raymond Pearl to Give Lectures
Under Auspices of Zoologleal

Dr. Raymond Pearl, biologist and them.
professor of, biometry and vital sta- :Filitary Almosphere
Military atmosphere :
tistics in the school of hygiene and keynote of the ball. Al
public health at Johns Hopkins uni- j ex-service men are to
versity, will deliver a popular lec- 1 form, and a number of n
ture on the topic "The Problem of have been provided to
Population Growth," at 8 o'clock Mon- the dance. Bugle calls v
day evening in the Natural Science the various events durin
auditorium. Twenty-four booths ha
Dartmouth College Graduate .I vided as -resting room fc
He will aso iye two other talks and-these will be hinmed
of a more technical nature on the
general subject "TAe Exprimental ies, and various servi
Study of Longevity." The first of these j
dealing with the environmental fac- Dancing will be contin
dealng ith he nvirnmetal out the evening from 8:
tors involved in such a problem will o'tkTwongreta
be given at 4:15 o'clock Monday after- o'clock. Two orchestras
noon in room 214 of the Natural gymnasium and the thi
Science building. The second talk will play intermittently
will have to do with the influence of time. Entertainment wi
inheritance on longevity and will be by the orchestras and In
given at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday after- Varsity Banjo cuintette
noon in the same room. several song and novell
After graduatiig from Dartmouth+1 HIisted and Sorres
college, Dr. Pearl took up his studies Bradford, Pa., and the S
here and received his Ph.D. in 1902. tia, of Detroit, will be N
In successive years he studied at the larger building, while Bo
University of Leipzig, University col- Ann Arbor orchestra wi
lege of London, Carnegie Institute women's gymnasium.
Table of the Naples zoological sta- No Corsug'es All
tion, receiving his Sc.D. from Dart-I Refreshments will be
mouth and his LI.D. from the tni- ! three groups in Barbou
versity of Maine some years later. Holders of red tickets wi
Dr.. Pearl, who comes to thie Uni- o'clock, white at 11:55,
versity on' the zoological lecture ser- 12:30. The refreshment

mous thi
:30 unti
in Wati
rd in Bs
' the
ll .be bi
n additic
will p
ty numbl
ociety :
ooth's 10
ill play
r gymm
ll eat at
and bl
s will c

university committee Wednesday. Aft-
er giving general approval to - the
hill, the President's letter.declared:
"It is quite obvious that the mill-
tax of the University and of the Ilichi-
gan Agricultural college should not
stand in the way of the equalized
valuation of the state being placed
wherever it belongs. Moreover, if the
valuation should be raised to $7,000,-
000,000 it would bring 'us in all $4,200,-
000 annually, and we do not need this
Still BelIeves In Principle
"I want, however, to -make it per-
fectly clear that the University of,
Michigan still believes in the princi-
ple which was represented by an in-
creasing mill-tax with the growth of
the state and of the University. In
other terms, this simply means that.
from time to time. we shall have to
ask for an increase in the millatax.
(Continued on Page Two).

quid ammonia immeiately allowed j
passage, of the current showing thatj
ionizatihn took place. Water was
shown to be a better ionizing agent
than ammonia, however.#
Ammonia is not a base, according
to Professor Franklin. Ile showed
that ammonia salts in water have an
acid reaction. Ammono acids and
bases react to form salts the same
as oxygen acids and hydroxides react
to form salts.

the Gridiron Nights banquet, which1
will be held Tuesday night at the
Union under the auspices of Sigma
Delta Chi, national professional journ-
alistic fraternity.
In this "razz" fest every person
present will be "raked over the coals,"s
in a friendly spirit, and four short
skits will be given with the object
of satirizing the different guests. Dan-
quets of this nature have been given
-n many of the larger cities and uni-
versities in the country although this
- is the first time such an idea has
been attempted in Ann Arbor. The
banquet itself will be modeled after
the one held in Washington, D. C.,
by the Press club of that city.
President Marion L. Burton will be
one of the principal speakers at theI
affair. Other speakers will be an-
nounced at a later date. The com-
plete guest list for the banquet will
be in readiness at the end of this
Those who have received invitations
and have not answered them are asked'
to return them as soon as possible'
l as it is not yet too late to be included
' in the banquet list.
Caps and gowns should be ordered
from the Moe Sport Shops before to-
morrow night. After that time no de-
livery will be promised.

enaracter sketc of two oia men.
They are inmates of an Irish poor-
house, and spend their time in wran-
gling with one another although at
heart they have a strong mutual af-
fection. The Irish brogue is well
handled by the characters. j
"Tradition" by George Middleton is j
a conflict between the ambitions of anj
up-to-date daughter and the thought

Prof. Theodore de Laguna, of the
lihilosophy department of Bryn Mawr
coilege, who was scheduled to give
a lecture on "Waste in Education"
yesterday will give his address at 4:15
o'clock this afternoon in Tappan hall.
Professor de Laguna was unable to
reach Ann Arbor in time to speak

habits of an old fashioned father; The yesterday owing to a delay caused by
daughter is determined to beconme a: a railroad wreck between Philadelphia
dramatic artist while - her father b'e- and Buffalo. .
lieves his duty lies in the protection Professor de Laguna has been a pro-
of his daughter. fessor of the philosophy department
In "The Florist Shop", I-Ielen Al of Bryn Mawr College since 1907. He
lan, '23E, gave a splendid characteri- was graduated fr m the University of
zation pf a flippant working girl and California, taught school for a while
incidentally brings out the point that in the Philippines, and took his doc-
business may be furthered by mixing torate -from Cornell university. Pro-
with it sentiment. This is a well fessor de Laguna was a member of

k '
+ i

les through the efforts of that depart- of a. buffet lunch and during the r<
ment, served seven years on the facul- freshment period entertainment wi
ty here before going to the University be provided.
of Pennsylvania as professor of biol- ! Although the ball will be strictl
ogy and then to Johns Hopkins. He formal corsages will not be allowt
is considered a specialist on heredity .on the floor nor accepted in the chec
and biometry and has served as spe~ room. Non-service men will atter
cial lecturer at many universities. in customary formal attire
Conducts Researches Many distinguished guests of hono
He conducted researches with the have been invited to the dance inclue
biological survey of the Great Lakes in ebmon ivtheir nubnenc
in 1901 and 1902 and was awarded prominent m.ilitary men a w 1
grants for research on variations in Secretary of the Navy Edwin Denb
organisms from Carnegie Institute in Secrtary ogtesNayErl ien
1904 and 1905. He is a member of '96L, and Congressman Earl Michei
the executive committee and chair- er, of Adrian, representative from th
an of the agricultural committee of district. In addition President M. I
the National Research Council and in Burton, the Regents, Deans, and the
1919 became a member of the execu- wives will serve as patrons and pr
tive. board. In that year he served tronesses.
as chief statistician for the United--
States Food commission. IMarionettes Win
He has edited many biological jour-
nals and is the author of many well Favor In Playing
known scientific books. Chief among
these are, "The Biology of Death," Of"DonQuixote
"Modes of Research in Genetics," "The
Nations Food," and several works on "Don Quixote," as played by ToT
poultry. He is a member of many Sarg's Marionettes last night in Sara
national and international scientific ;Caswell Angell hall, was as entertain
soc;eties ncluding the Imperial 1tus- ing and satisfying . as is Cervante
sian society of rural agriculture. He ' famous book. The dramatic adaptio
was decorated Knight of the Crown done by Anne Stoddard and Mr. Sar
of Italy in 1920. presented the major incidents of tlI
book, well worked together by ti
WOMEN ENDORSE possibilities which marionettes offer
The dancing of Sancho Panza, pu
SUGAR BOYCOTT pet clown; the antics of Rosinant
the Don's faithful steed; and the e
-Baltimore, April 26 (By A. P,)-In- centricities of the old Don himse
a resolution adopted at their con- all went to create a pleasing and we
vention here today the Maryland fed- executed presentation. The figure
eration of women's clubs represent- while only two feet tall, were so pe
ing a membership of 15,000 women in fectly proportioned to the stage th
city and state went on record as en- they seemed life size. and the appea
dorsing a boycott of sugar until the ance of Mr. Sara on the stage at tI




Freshman teams of the Alpha Nu1
and Adelphi debating societies will
debate tonight at 8 o'clock in Uni-
versity hall for" the possession of a
silver loving cup. This cup, which
was recently donated by the Oratori-G
cal Association, will become the per-
manent property of the society which
wins four of these- annual freshman
debates out of seven.
Gail E. Dinsmore, instructor of pub-
lic speaking, will preside at the de-
bate, the subject of: which will be,
"Resolved, that a federal law requir-
'ing the nomination of presidential can-I
didates by direct primaries to be held
;nmultaneously throughout the .United
States should be adopted."" The 'pub-j

written comedy by Winifred - hawk.
ridge and was pleasingly rendered.
During intermissions a variety of
selections from the poet, Robert
Browning, were given by members of
the pulblic speaking classes.
S. B. T.

the University faculty from 1905 toj
1907, at which time lie was -assistant
professor in the School of Education.
He has done some work in philoso-
- phical writings, assisted by his wife,
who has for sonmq time conducted
philosophical research work.


The most exciting night that
we can predict at the present
time is that three or four dur-
ing Spring Week when the
folks tare all here and rooms
are, at a premium.- We have a
(prantity of modern, homelike
,, y ?,n. ',.rip . ad .ada

Say Reds Prosecute Armenians
Lausanne, April 26 (By A. P.)-
Georgian exiles outside the Near East
Peace Conference say the Red Rus-i'
sians are persecuting the Armenian1
Catholic church, holding the head of:
the organization a virtual prisoner in
is riece.

C. of C. ;Arranges Meeting Wednesday,
Through tihe efforts of the Univer-
sity Chamber of Commerce, J. F-ed
Woodruff of the Campbell-Ewald Ad-;
vertising Company and vice president
of the Ad-Craft Club of Detroit -will
speak at 7:30 next Wednesday at thei
His subject will be based on pro-'




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