THE MICIGAN DAILY , i , , 1 11 . I I i , I "! . ..... .. mqlmpolwl SI FIE THIS COLUMN CLOSES IAT "PAM Classi fied&-ot 11a US V[ESS'! 4W1"PRTUM TY i F 1fM NTE~A MS representative in the gathering. FR S MNTO HOLD DEBATE, ored by thoe executive committee ofhtnI -)(-'C ons~s for that body at the next ' Freshman teamxs of t.he jAdophi and meeting of the British Societyfr Pure I Alpha Nu debating societies will hold nlih d¢ ._. that will be left vacant by the gradu- i:n- wit 1 ating seniors. -Members of Cmd iir club will act as judges. Anyone in the University is eligibi& Get g to tryout. All people competiJng are. aske to ringwith thlen Som~e reed0- DVETI IN The follow~ing Box Replies'are at the DAILY office: 12, 18, 10, X, DM, PDU, BA BC, JSC, JAKE-I. -MICHIGQAN DAILY' CLASSIFIED.. RATES ,F Clasifed Rates. Two cents~ a wordf 4,dy, pa~Uidi advance. Minimum bhx'ge for first day, 25c. Minimum threafter, 2,0c. Three cents per word ,per day if charged. White space charged for at rate o f five cents per agate line. Classifieds, charged onlyl How mch rone:their annual debate -it S o'clock Fr CJH) U iL 101 F~il SAE did ou earnspringday night in University hall. The, hY STIR1A FUME OAKdinig st an phoo--vacation? Ask your question whch will be debated is: Ike- PUIO OKdnngst-(,dpibo"ifriends that sold solved, That a Federal law requiring Coeycu ilhdit.srn graph, kitchen cabinet, bedsi, sanitary for Leader what profit they made last thCoiaino rsdnilcni routsdfromub wil2olock tusriay cot, electeric sweeper, rig. uO7 N. w, 'v fr til~n *. n A 1ititenmntino rsdnilcnd-tyusfo o 2ocokS+ta Try Our Busiess llcn's Lunch JOE PARKER'S SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER .Kil edy's Orciiest a 11:30- 4-00 DOR cli 1= 646 I's i Uours, I- Fourth Ave. Phone 454. 14- FOR SAL E-Bicycle, new last su- mer. In excellent condition. Phone Heyl, 1349-W, before 7 a.m. or af- ter 7 p.m. 147-2 FOR SALE-Airdlale puppies from registered parents. Phone 197-F-22, Saline. Fred Kleinschmidt. to tose naving phiones, 145p-33 Phoe 90* ________$40.00 will buy an Old? Town Cauo, TYPEWRITER SALE victrolq, paddles and equipment.. Soine factory rebuilt; others used, This is a real bargain. 2002-11. muachines; fully guaranteed. All 147p-21. mankes $- up. Installments as low -as $5 a month. All mnales rented, 1,QR SALE -Canoe with eqluipment, sold, repaired, exchanged, bought. $25 Also steel gutitar, $12. Call O . D. Al1RRILL,I. 410-R after 6 1P. N. 14GpI3 17, Nickle's Arcade. Phone 1718FOR S ALE--Paige Touring,mol ''Dealer': L. G. Smith & Corona type- 6-51. C heap. Phone 3230-M for de- Swriters. i4Gc- monstration. 146-3 DON'T FORGET 'zii rt earTENOR BA'.NjOS-1Bacon, Veg. nd Oldest 'and most reliable place, oawfiUoo puTr aaS -50)Jl'UI IunoldJO0 to buy tires. them at SchaQIherlo, & San's. 1-.8c Kelly Springfield Diamlond tires FOR SALE-Mandolin-.banjo in good ____________________________ 1 condition. Bargain at$1. Cl "LOVE AND THE MOON" and "WON-i Pollen 634-J after 6 p. in. l481) IDERFUL YOU" by Joseph C. Smith - rind 4His Orchestra. Stcfilet Pbonoi FOR SALE-Sn ail Victrola in good ShosNikel Acae ad 10E. condition. CCall 83 after 7. 148p WVasblington., 148c ii1 AEOn ntr Ball ticket. N ;K . : . Jiic uSI up t1J 1e a dates by direct primaries- to be held; morning in University Ha.L At this m~ howyouthereprtsof he nnsimultaneously throughout the Unit-; time several students Will be picked3 Arbor men that made from forty to; ninety dollars in five days.i ed States should be adopted. 'fo membership. to fill the 'placesi II. J. LEADER The debaters, -who have been. train- - Tel. 3221-J 622 E. Liberty, ed by their respective organizations,'j Across from Spedding's are Adeiphi, affirmative; Albert M.! SA;NIOR1S OFFERED{ LASF1T$l f -------ND-'RSS]I Holmes, '20; and C. F. White, '26 ,al- 12-OSen 2;W .Dxn 2;Jh . (INErnCP,4O~ I_________________ ternate. Alpha. Nu,. negative:; Fred I, Seniors who have not yet or- 12 hour service,'if desired, at the White' Cuthbert, '26; Griffith' Herold, '26; J. dered their caps and gowns may Swan Cleaners. Phone 165r and let. J. Dunn, '26; and John S. Di~khoff, do so by appaearing for measr- Ius call for that suit 'or dress to be '26, alternate. ment before Th.luraday night a~tI cleaned. 145c-6 f George Moe's sport shcp,. 711 A_ stthi- iesvsnn.Wemn O A T North University avenue. An A sttchin imesavs nne .Weme))(I C . T T AT END ! iextention of the time limit -has and repair every suit sent here to WVORLD CONFERENCE I been given by the manufactur-I be cleaned and pressed. White Swar ors. The final =order will' bej Clearers, Phone 165. 139c-12 Fe .Sot edo h e wired in' Thursday night so th'at -----A--NProf, FredrN. cott, heaceotsherde-!the gowns will arrive with the s CLEAING, 1.25-Cess p, 5 1e1t partment of rhetoric and Journalism, J others which were ordered he- 1Laundry Agency. I1. C0.' lp, w19ttill rep resent th~e University at a fore spring vacation. No further S. University. 121c-21 conference on extra-mnural teaching 'I orders will be taken after Thurs- I LINTl STUDENTS-Heated sedan which, will be held July G5 to 10 at Idcay night as it will be a physi- leaves Friday "nights returning Sun- Cambridge university, England. All1 cal impossibility to. get -the day .night. Railroad rates. Phone ' the leading universities of they world' gowns in time for Swing ouit 1394-J. 97c-21 will send delegates to this conference.I and other events after this final1$ Professor Scott was chosen by Pres- date. TYPEWRITING ident Marion L. Burton as Michigan's 1 _________________ 'YOU GET PROMPT AND ACCURATE i service when your. MANUSCRIPTS arc, TYP.ED by ExPERT51 at BID- DlSBOOK STORE. 11 Nickels 9 Arcadle. ilic-tf StudWe nts Supply Stor 11 11 South University Ave. Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies; Laundry ,agency, Tobaccos "WILD FOP, ROCK BOTTOM PR CES' on gro- ceries, see Pierce's ad in the WedI- nesday issue of The Daily. .125c-tf SEIND that suit to the White Swan] ,,Clean-ers. 12 hour service, if de-I sired. Phone 165." 145c-6 W~ILL PERSON who exchanged violins -,at the Campus Lunch Saturday n ight call Peterson at 753. 148p-21 -- REALESTATl 6 ROOM HOUSE, price $8,500, good terms. Large living room with fire- place, dining room, kitchen, centerj hall, all oak finish on first floor, 3 large bedrooms and bath, linen 6 closet on second, full ,attic. Stone porch, good lot. Mrs. Gustine, 1 "835-F-i. 1 48c Call 1569-f. 146-3 t FO.JI SALE'-Slighitly used tenor ban- jo. Bargain at $ 2r). 435-R. 147p-2 [WANTED-Rooms for light, house- keeping for student and wife, pre- ferably unfurnished. Near campus. will stay two years if satisfied. Start July1. Call Ypsilanti 107-f after 6. _1481-2 WANTED-Young University woman to care for two small boys at Wal- Sloon Lake, Mici.,' from about Junte 15 to Sept. 15. Address X, care ad- vertisiing ingr. of the Daily. 144-21j WATDSuetwsigadi n ing, also mending, work guaranteed.I Mrs. Pemburtdn, r;40 Detroit St.,r Phone 3105-M. 147-3I t "I YPEW RITINQ & lv! 11MEIOGRAPH ING promptly and .neatly done. 0. D. MORRIL[L, 17 Nickle's Arcade. 146c-G Have, your theses typed by an ex- pert-0c per page. All work guar- anteed. Call 989-R. 147p-21s BAGGAGE P1IONK) 2700, PACKAGE AND RAGi GAGL-I EXPRESS. 100c-21 GOWN S GOWNS for Afternoon and Evening W ear? Negligees and Netheralls 1 THE GOWN SHOPj 719 E. University ,l 46p-12 .Intramural Items i MARION ETTES it DON in QUI XOTE "For Kids from S" o lx~ A Brilliant, Drarnritc Prod uctio n of, Cervante's m~ost delightful literary -work. N, Ai OD Y AF TERNOON 4 P.M. EVENING ..8 P.M. SarhCselAngell Hall . FRATERNITIES-SORORITIES We have homes for you that can be handled on very easy terms., A. H., Paton Co.; 412-13 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Patn Phone 40 Duncanson 145c-21 , ; ,, WANTED-One or two room, student and wife May 1 through1 l#commencement. Call 241-J betvveei- 11 and 1. 147p-2 WANTED--A small furnished apart- ment for student and wife for occup- ancy June 15. Reply J. S'. C. 140p-1 WANTED-A porter to work at fra- ternity house. Phone 1057 and askI for house manager. 147-2f IVANTD-rmnto, . ni , '° The following teams will lineup to- day, April 26, at 4 o'clock: diamond 1, Delta Chi vs. Delta Theta Phi: dia-- mend 2, Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Acacia, diamond 3, Phi Mu Alpha vs. Cygnus,'- diamond 4, Phi Delta Theta vs. Sigma Chdiamond 5, Phi Kappa Tau vs.' KpaSigma;; diamond 6, Alpha Sig-1 Cma Phi vs. Phi Sigma Delta; B o'clock, diamond 1, Chi P si vs. Delta Tau Delta, diamond 2, Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Talin TICKEYS 1°° AT BOOK STORES And OGMENS LEA\GUE BOOTH'1-1 r". - Y I.'t :" SHIRTS AND SCARFS FOR SPRING Shiurts that fit perf'ectlyv at the nek anti sleeves; tailored with that attention to minute detail that guar- antees long and. smart service; you caln get them jrn poplin, MVomiae, and Oxford cloths, of whiite, light blue, and light tan.' $2.50 ard upward Neckwear in a variety of materials ani; patterns, with the popular foulards 1prdoihina ~tig; these ties are Made to hold their shape andi style. $t to?.. 4d F ' CAVAN1AIJLHlLA1(ECOTTAGE New and pretty, large screened porch, 'fine lake front and view, good bath- ing beach. Only $2,300. Terms if *you want= them. F.. Roy Holmes, 113 S. Main. 147-5 LOST LOST-20-inch slide rule in black case, Return to Michigan Technic. ateward for. any information lead- ig to recovery. Call 2698-W. LOST--Monday, man's gold open face _-0atch, around State and Main busi-I :ess sections. Reward. Box E. P.. 148p-3 LST--Gold wrist watch.4 :Initials, E. a D. on back. Reward. Phone 410.147p-2 $jST-A gold Eversharp pencil, with :itlals, C. K. Call C. Kellogg,j X401-M. 47-2 US-Black leather ;noteb~ook Sat. alduable notes. Name stamxped o n feer.. Reward. Phone 4$-M. 146-p3 LOST-Saturday evening a small gold :atch with initials G. V. C. Calls 4754-R. 148 ' "ll I typing,fneat wor, 112c appage Call Esl s. Deltadimn Sigma Delta, dia- c>-d 147-2 psiln mond 4, Delta Alpha Epsilon vs. Theta WANTED--Garage in vicinity of Foar- j 'Chii," diamond 5, Lambda Chi Alpha vs. est Ave. Call 1452R. I48p Delta Sigma Pi, diamond 6, Zeta Beta 'Tan vs. Phi Sigma Kappa. WANTED- Ticket to the Arcliiitects I The last 'games of this week will; Party. Call Weaver, 2747. 1460-3 be played Friday, April 27. The sche- TYPEWRITRS dule is as follows: 4 o'9clock, diamond g j1, Phi Gamma Delta vs. Psi Upsilon, TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED ;diamond 2, Phi Beta Delta vs. Tau Telehone1718Epsilon Phi, diamond 3, Chii Psi 'Vs. 1 Typewriter and typewriting sup- Cygnusl Ph, diamond , ,etaPheltav., plies; ribbons, carbon paper, second Cgudaod5 eaPiDla shees, il cnsbrusesetcvs. Phi Delta Theta, diamond 6, Phi sheoi as buhs ec5I0. D. MORRILL - Kappa Psi vs. Phi; Kappa Tau;5 17 Nickel's Arcade Established 1908 o'clock, diamond 1, Phi Omega vs. 146c-3 Sigma Phi, diamond 2, Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Phi Alpha Delta, diamonds 3,1 TYPEWRITER$ FOR SALE Kappa Beta Psi vs. Xi Psi Phi,. dia- For quick sale these are priced low. mond 4, Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Delta 1 Roal N. 10$40.Tau Upsilon, diamond 5, Sigma Phi 1 Royal No.,- 5-$30. [Epsilon vs. Alpha Chi Mho, diamond 6, 1 Underwood No. 5-$60. Delta ;Alpha Epsilon vs. Theta Xi. Royal' Typewriter Sales and Service ___ 308 S. State St. 146-3 in horseshoe competition for today. IIXPERT Typewriter repairing, all { They are as follows, 3 o'clock: Phi makes. Ann ~Arbor Tywar.~vier E- ,Delta Theta vs. 'Phi Beta Delta, Tau rI ire, Now ovated t HAB ERDA SHERS TO 1'dicHIGAN MEN 113 t II r r 0 FE~I . Orte- aEdf Block Fr m aim S. ,. . . ; . a ST-The press in my trousers. ound at Greene's. Call 1449-M. - 121c-30 I I T--An A. R. Phi pin. Reward. 18 S. U. Phone 1456-R. 148 'FOR REN YNMS for rent-Wanted young mnar d ecouple for unfurniishiedl flat, 3 rge light rooms, with light, 'heat, ater and gas range and garage rnished, $40 a 'month. 1959-R. 148 change. Phone 866. 9 Savings Bank! Block. 1 3c-ti TIYPEWRiTERS RENTEhD. Three 'monthis for $6 up; Reining- tonls, Royals, Underwoods, L. C. 'Smiths, Coronas, etc. Ribbons, re- -Fairs free fwhile rented. Telephone 1718, 0. D,. MORRJLL, 17 Nickle's 'Arcade.I 146c-3 USED CARlSI Delta Phi vs. Phi Kappa Sigma, Aca- cia vs. Delta Chi, Tau Epsilon Phi vs. Phi Epsilon Pi, Sigma Nut vs. Sigma Chii; 4:30 o'clock: Phi Nu Alpha vs. Phi Kappa Tau, Peers vs.j Trigon, Psi Upsilon vs:7 Phi Kappa Psi, .Beta Phi Delta '4vs. ;Cygnlus, Delta 'Alpha ,Epslon. vs. Phi Delta Clii; 7 o'clock: Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Nu Sigma Nu ,Delta' Sigma Phi vs. Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Kappa Kappa vs. Alpha Tau Omega, Theta Delta Chii vs. Alpha Chi Rho, Phi Delta Phi vs. E Delta Sigma Delta. VARSITY FACES YPSILANTI IN PRACTICE GAME TOIDAY1 pG 1 '1 C E. // ONCE= /1 I- I 'The~je tt FOR 1I You have been waiting for, real 'talking a opportunity to get a genuine Victor USED CAR BARGAINS RjENT-' An upright Mahogany ;i nnn t~i f~i $5nor month. Tel. t 3-V. 432 Maynard. *.14Gp-3 ZRENT-Garage at 905 Chutrch. 6-M. 47c tRENT-Garage at 905 Church. 6-M - 148c MINCEDLA]NROUI two birds with one st-e Send ur laundry as well as your clean-' g and pressing. ($1.25 per suit) tie semQtime to theWh ite Swar eaners. Phone 165. 139c-12 I'S SHAMPOOED or. Dust cleaned. an Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works, hone 50.' 135c-tf, ?LO WERlS choice cut-flowers and plants go Dort Touring car......... $74.00 Chevrolet :Sedan... ..$325.00 Dodge Roadster........$17500 Maxwell, Touring.... ..... $150.00 Staebler's Garage 211 S. Ashley 148c-3 1920 Buick Touring 1917 Ford Touring 1917 Chalmers Touring Grostic Motor Sales 209 N. Fifth Ave. Phone 27-70-M 147c=2 $88:" ' Ford' roadster: 1913; motor, transmission, and rear. end com- pletely overhauled. Excellent con- dition. Four new tires. Call M-ess, 2044-R after 5 o'clock. 147-2# Lexington Minute Man Car, $250.00. Hudson. 640, $250. Waslitenaw Motor Co. (Continued from Page Six) qcm record of 202 feet 9 1-2 inches in! the javelin throw, should win this event without apparent effort. The Illinois star" hurled the shaft;.193 feet 5' inches last Saturday but should im- prove this mark with another week's practice. Illinois and Iowa are hoping to re-! pcktt their win in the four and twoj mile relays respectively at Dest {Moines, but will receive some strong opposition, from Michigan's entries in both these events. Nebraska -will make a determined effort in the two smile along with the Maise and. Blue. Following this week's competition,. athletes will be pointed for the sec-; tional Inlercollegiates held ton the j I lci-0-nhira~v i tr v ~-and ho firsct I . ' I There can be no doubt about the worth of picturized advertising. The world's greatest merchandisers have done the prospecting and found rich rewards. Today, the pages of every newspaper, e-very magazine and every care- fully planned catalog proclaimn the sales value of pictures. You do not need to experiment. The pull- ing power of pictures will be evident from the beginning if you will let Crescent ,cooperate with you.. Iin pctu"'9 lfQi 9tSno- 'thlir thi ibid IT tS, for.00t gmachine value' so here is your Victrola, at such a remarkably low price. I lmmu _._: a,,,t.. llit°_w sa t rte. .