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April 26, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-26

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ran ttversity. Some of them have already
interviewed employment managers in
various Ccommercial institutions. 0th-
PAPER OF' THE ers have written a great many letters
) -XICUWGAN Nili a.view to establishing' favorable
ruing except M.onday~
year by the B~oard in relations with a concern and later.
blications entering its employment.r
SConference 1'ditor'ial College -'radulates, having 'been re-
xliel mI~inded frequently and in no uncer-
is exlsaise-ti termsc that much is expected ofI
it r io ot~e-*sethen becaunse of the unusual advan-
rd the local news pub- tages which they have enjoyed, are
generally anxious to find imimediate

t _.

r~ an

ed at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, employment, to get; their taste of
n, a sseconld class matter, practical work, andl to test their abil-'
ription by carrier or mail, $3.50.
es: Ann Arbor Press Biuilding-, May: ty'. In their anxiety'to -get' work,
reet. some graduates accept the first propo-
es: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M ; 'si inta ok psal od t
nutnictions not to exceed 300 orods them. H-aing accepted a job, they
d, the =ignature 1not 1 ece~sarilv to may fined little prospect of a 'future
in Print, but as an (evidence of faith, wt h illwih1a'epoe
)ices of events will be publish'ed in wt h imwihhsepoe
ily at 0(,e i;crtion of the I-,dtor. ifj them, and-yet, if they have no abnor-
or mailed to The Daily offirce. I-n- lima tyfo er
communications will receivc no con. witl.initiative, they mysa o er
on. No manuscript will be returned wththi9 firm In 4 rut, so to speak.-
he writer encloses postage. The Daily
ot necessarily endorse the sentiments Graduates who think long n'd Vwell
c(d in the comrnun'ications. before entering any. field of endeavor
-- - - ;are taking the wisest course. They
EIDITORIAL STIAFF should be careful to choose, first ofT
IClp1Q^>tW$ >i ?1lI and 174T all1, the type of work for which they
--j are best fitted. and second, they must
MANAGING EDITOR ;be certain that their employers are
MARION B. S TAHL men of genuine business integrity,
- highly progressive, and of unquestion-
dtor...........Pahl X'atzcl
ditor..............JaesB. Young e(1 honesty. 'Lastly, graduates should1
ut ityEdtor........'X Baonrememhib that 'the job carrying the
Bo];ard Cha.irnmn......h;. R. Meciss
l~diturslargest prospect of immediate finan-
BEvers IMarry Ilocy cial reward may not be the. best,
II(,Sidodfer R, C. Mor iarty everything considered. Students of
1Donahue J. I. 1Mack. economics have frequenty 'encounter-
.Wala~el~' Elottedl the phrase "in the long run," and
i's Editor........a1rion i~och
Magazine Editor . .. .1]. :A. )onahue might do well to bear that in -mind
E~citor........ ...lIL Ailes while considering various proposi-
kdlitol..........Bu~ccley C. Robbins>
Editorial Board tions.
T.' rr '\IoYr i. ) . na

" i

( llI Q I iII (New York Tines)
Professor Bliss Perry's remaorks on
About Those ('ates decent and indecent literature before
One very helpful suggestion camxe the New Engla nd Watch and Ward
in this mnorning as to what Seniors society contain much good se~ek..
can do with their canes if they* are Everybody muxst approve the remcrly
unable to use them otherwise, There he suggests-a buyers' strike against
is no question but what they all needj bad book,, andl a. campaign in behalf
lots of practice. 1 understand that, of good books. This, perhaps, was
the chop-stick idea. is impracticai be- superfluous at that particular meet-
cause. not one Senior can afford two , ing, since righteous organizations such'
canes with the present high cost of a Professor Perry was aqer- ssinif.
O'I-enrys and Mighty-goods. Besidesl often find it necessary to,, i omxote the
you 'don't need chop-sticks to eat sale of bad books thxrough, agents
toasted rolls. Mangle writes in that Provocateuirs; 1u the principle is'
he can scratch spots onl his back with souind.
his cane, that he could never reach Yet it is5 hot altogether crtain that
before andl says that it serves equally# it would ,ton the publication of the '
:well as a billiard' cu. sort cif books that Professor Perry re-'
You Seniors, addrlxess further sug- gar is as Pernicious. Not all the men
gestions to aid your bewildered lclass- Iwhox publish them do so merely to
mates, to Toasted Rolls and we'll g~et ik money. What na ughty wvriter
them on the right track.t ever sold like Zane Grey or Harold
P. S. Dana tells me that his;cane Bell Wrigltt? And whatever the publ-
in. handy to .hold itxis winldow' open at lisher's. attitude, there is no doubt
night in spite of the Vibration pro- that some offensive hooks now current
dikced via his room-nnitte's nostrils. ar by authors who are sincere. They
* * ~ * Iwould write for the sake of self-ex-
,Jist, as WlveI, Per'lups pi'crssiou, if they knew that the sale,
Seated one day Idt my labor wouldn't moxaunt to a; hundred copies;
I fahioed ~bautfulwheze n(Ithere are publishers who would
But ye BiN~i camoe and opened the prodtce their hooaks at a sure loss.
i windlow' Further, the mere fact that it is
And, the wvheeze blew away onl the ne" ssary to call fox- a buyers' strike
breeze. ( 'S©-_N V. j .Plies that the public wantts, theseF
jwicked books . A moralist night ar--


&r Starling

raam 's
23011 Ends oef the Diagonal


" . -__. _

It's time to get the old uniform out
aind to the cleaners so that it'll pass.
inspection at the Military Ball Fri-
day evening.

Schedixle in 'Effect October x8, 192s'
Central Tite (slow 'time)
P .M. A.M. P. Nt. P. M
5:45 7.45... Adrian. ... 12:45 8:45
4:3o 6:,3o (: - liton . 1,v x-oo 8:00
5:1 9:15 .«Salie . 11 ;:157:i5
5 :5 Q a ArI n rbor Iv, b10'-45 6:45

t ..




i I

Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Tlime)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
6:00 amr., 7:00o amr., 8:oo a.m., 9:05
a.nm. and hourly to q :Qs p.m.
Jackson Express C"rrs (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)-9 :47 a.m., and
every two hours to 9:47 pmT.
Local Cars East 13ound-7 :oo a.,n.
and every two hours to g :oo p. mn.,
ri:oo 'p.mn. To Ypsilanti only--x :49i
P.1.i, r: r5 a.mn.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West JBound-7 :5o a.m.,
12:0 p.mu.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo--L~in-
ited cars 3:47, 10 :47 a~m., 12:47, 2:'47,
4:47 p.m.
To Jackson and Lansing--Liunited at.
8:47 P.m.





ue1P tlatja mafll n ofrzoneo e~tn~n-

;Ii MixwiI jiatil i'c Jermld
1Elinstein Eutgene Carmichael
Icy I1. :1; mstronig Franklin i1). hepburin
tey Bielfield Winona A. lihbard
V, Billington P1"dward J. Iiggins
C~n iBroun Kenneuth C. Kellar.
C. Clar~k ' lizabeth I~iehermlanu
CI. Co'uable Jon McGinnis
iadette Cote SaMuel -Moore
1n ..Coinghiln" 3AI. ThPyor
ph, $l"I),tein IV B.lof frty
l, hiske Robert G. Rarnsay
ter S. GoodlspkeJ oJ i. Scltnitz'
la Goulder 1Phi~i l . \V'agni,.
iali llalgrini

Tfelepholle 960

i drtiai f~. .-.... . . 11 T fT I -nel, Jr.
A tl'. i''' -. .I,-~ i 11.' If. avrot
l ....l ... l) id1 T. 1M. Park
Ciri-ra1, .,owlsend 11. Wolfe
L.Beaumont- Parks
Per . ~l 1a tin i n. ImT.Good
EueeUT~ unne Clyde TL. Hagerman
I lw C. 11 a I Ii= rlenry Freud
C. T. Putmnan Clayton Purdiy
j;. 1). Alrnantrout )I. 13. Saiizenbhachier,
William TI. Reid, JT. Clifford Mitts
Harold TI.. hale - Thoma; MrFahren
Wmn. 1). I2oesser Louis 1M. TDeter
Allan S. Morton C. Wells Christie
Tames A. D~ryer E dward B. Reidle'
Herbert WV. Cooper
ight Edito '-L_. J. HER;S~dDOBFP.
PRotation of offices which is so nec-
ess ary in Un1iversity activities where,
nu are graduating every year or ac-"
cetlingto Jhigher positions is often
conconfltanft w ith adminlistrative inlef-
ficiency m anifesting itself in th e jor e ti -le, be n a e y a f e
year by the various holders of the
sane office(. But this .is not alto-
,ethera necessary evil, and it might
bje alleviate;d somewhat if the outgoing
office hlder or organization head
woldc make out a list of the mistakes
lie had made andi his experiences

Forecasting a return. to the pdhiti-
cal idealism of the war period, Wood-
row Wlo has expressed in olptimis-
tic terns hi~ confidence of th' Amer-
ica n publi which he terms5 "essenxtial-
ly sound" in judIgment. Thus the
leading 'figuxre of the r, c.*rnt war re-
ida~ealistic ;na <l= ;'es wvhich he has
spons;ored Siln _.his initil efforts tc
esta;blish T League of~ Nations includ-
To ayoewhuo has followed the
tr(_tJd of nati onal sentiment during the
'pa-t five years, the evidence of i'n ab-
normal' amount of thought upon the
part of the average .citizen concern-
ing American participation in inter-
national affairs has been 'peculiarly
significant. The original inspiration
- of, a League of Nations was most
timhely, comcing' when human interesi
wazzs in the forefront of our national
cexistence. Later 'in the eatltation 01
victory these notions were s;hortly for-
gotten anti selfish mnotives ruled the
dicta tes of the public. Humanity rc-
ceived the consideration of a few
Wvhile the masses went oblivious to its
Now that the glamour of a con-
quering hero, has passed and all na-
tions begin to assume their proper
positions in political, activity, the im1-
portance of accomplishing the pur-
poses which wvere formulated when
the nation entered the great world
struggle bc-comes evident. The strug.
gle without the goal means nothing.
Whether it be League of Nations or a
World Court of some decidedly dif-
ferent nature, the ideals' of America
demand participation in some secure
and assuredly effective body of arbi-
-tration which will not only prevent
international dlfficulties' but promote
amicable relations and~ unlversajl un-
(ierstanding of the .varied aims and
intentions of the several niitions of
fthe earth.
America is the tuning instrument of
world harmony and without her, the
discords which penetrate the weak~
veil of temporary peace will continue
undisturbed until such a time when
the veil. give way an(.] the field 01o
Armageddon be again unfolded to
vision, alive with bloody swords ..nd
broken bodies.-

bu.~' oy IFantazius Mallare" or so solemn
Why is artificial fruit? as to take "Many Marriages" seriously
T.hat question has puzzled m e ever
Iwas beyond hore.
si c et r a iri h n w P oes rF ry as *n tn e w lamped a cluster of phoney bananas, =classes of books which juries can 'ti
-apples, oranges, plums, grapes, etc., 'reach--those "wh lich denyr, explicitl o
-reclining in a; croclkery basket in .a .or imfplicitly, that men and women
Trdspayiwiondow. u -ta atical.possess powers of control in the prey'
'I Tadiiontell ustha artficalene of temptation," and those which
'fruit was invented in the Sixteenth ; ihcyia.nssecuo h
1Century by one Amos' Apllesauce.i meaninglessness, the elpptiness,, the
SusqetyAowalotna pa- futility of life." There are sound so-
per snowstorm and no reward was of- cial. reasons for objecting to books of
fere fo hisrecver3. Ithese two classes, hut they are based
As' a public utility, artificial fruit, pr ) diny Thatste-
hsa batting average of .000. ItiIs; resents life as he sees it. He may
as useful as the iron doags that se it as meaningless and futile; lie
guarded the lawns of our best fanli-, may regardl the human will as helpless
liesin he Pushalbu peiod.Xouin the presence of external forces. Are'
ican't eat it without serious (damage we at liberty to tell him that this is-
to~~o th'et,'n o can't ferment - n't the answer in' the back of the
it. -You can't even make grape juice I-ooli? No~t at all; the most that we
of it; and even :if, you could, what can say is that his conclusion is dis-
t!good would it be? cc'aig n ethn hti uh
There may have been a. certain Al gnadw hn hti uh
t to b>e'suppressed in the interest of
Famount of utility 11b the pictutres of moas ,rfso Pry elzn
fruit that h1ung in the dlinn room t-sanr
(luring the, bicycle age. They were supress t. eiifi~ htw a'
-often usedI to cover holes in the wall Onofhsberaistug re
xpaper. But you can't hang basket in general, is misleadcing, if aplpliedl to
-4of artificial fruit on the wall. tepeetcnrvryi e ok
And, as for beauty-if artificial frutit "nesaIatota lrIe h
is °beautifunl, it mnust fllow as the State or Fed eral statutes," says Pro-
night the day, and as a sophomoire fessor Perry, "he has. nothing to fear.
an A-i, co-ed, that the real article is What writers and publishers of in-
evnrr sa dagoey tr ~ecent books are really afraid of is
M a thing of beauty and a joy forever. not inquisitors, hut the law.", That

' f
r '

1923 APRIL 1609
1 2 3 -4 6 ( 7
15 10$ 17 18 11$) 20) 11
202 -1)2t 25 24 t27 28
Big Stock Always conItMid
Save a PO~LLA~t or more at our
vWe'also (10 all kinds of Ciean..-
ing andi Reblocking of hants at
lowr prices' for 1-IGII CLASS
_ WORK--__
617 Pack~ard Street Phone 1792
Where D. U. '1 Stops at State

Chlainiiler 0 of Comerce ldg.
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays LUNCH
and hlidavs. Friday and Saturday specia'
bus for students leaves Adrian t :45, leave~,
Ann Arbor 4:4.ts
JAMEIS 11. IELLIOTT, Proorietair ;
Phone 46
!=For. Advanced :Students E
- For. appointment Phone' 161 2-R-
- Ejoithirs.

C'ars leave for rToledo 7 :14) A. M1,
3 P. 31. and 5 P. It. Excep t 5111-
(lay. Sulndays Ail S:00, 11:00 and4

f ,

Gumnshoe Gus.
The Lone; anid Short of It
A sharp retort's a ranlKling thorn,
And oft it is the wrong of wit;
With friendly words are roses born-
And, that's the 'short and long; of it.
So if I write ini rhyme or~ prose
I'll make no shari retort of, it.
The thorns shall not outvie the rose--
And that s the long and short of its.
"Philos saPhas hi I 1.agartho(),"
Said Socrates, in soing of xvit
That ended with-" Ios krateistos"
And T HAT'S the short and long
of it.
I hold you responsible for the
strange lang;uage. It's all Greek to

wh-lile performing 'the duties ,incum -
bent on Ihim for the benefit of' his suc-
This procedure mig;ht Prove espe-
cially beneficial in the case of the va-
rious sectional and extra curricular;
societies on the campus. At pres<ent
it usually takes about half of the yearl
for these organizations to sffect a
workable organization, and in the+
spring seldom is any provision made
to facilitate the work of the officers
for the succeeding- year, so that theyr
are compelled to traverse the samej
'blundering road as. their predecess-
ors. The organization of the society
does not run on smloothy from one
sear to the other, as it might were the
;'3stem prop)osed adopted.X
The situation is analogous in regard
to the U'nion, the Student council, and
the var'ious publications. The im-
portant offices; in each of these or-
ganization:- rotate yearly, and the
aspirant to a position often knows
nothingo(' the vicissitudes his prede-
cessor lh,5 (experienced. Consequentl,,


If Mr. Ford were to venture within
the precincts of Ann Arbor hie would
receive a severe shock upon discover-
ing how many five passenger vehicles
bearing his name are being usedl as
omnibuses. In fact there is quite a
-possibility that the automobile nag-j
nate would be unable to recognize
some of 'his own creations dlue to the
,jl a pidated and ema~ciated appearance
which they have assumed.
At any rate there has been of late
an increasing tendlency on the part of
student autoists to crowd their cars
far beyond capacity. A Ford of an-
dient lineage will drawv up to the
curb and from it will, pile upwards of
ten or twelve persons. This is usu-
ally in absolute violation of a law pass-'

* * *
0. 0. .-April 21
FOR SALE CHEAP-Dort car, good
condition, new tire'. One amputating
case with instruments. Call 1889W.
Gottlieb loved his wife Maria with:
a genuine fevor. It was character-!
istic of Gottlieb that he should love
his wife with genuine fervor. He did
everything with genuine fervor from
shining his shoe; and washing his
face to whisking the nlew-born po-
tato bugs from off his thriving youngI
potato plants. It was, therefore, a
great grief to Gottlieb) that he should
have a dead wife on his hands. So
Gottlieb picked her u tendlerly and
slung her across his shoulder and
tr"amped a mile and , a half to the
n earest cemetery, where weeping c o-
piously he interred her among dozens
orT now clelu it tllarias, andl not a few

in this state. It is the extremists who
aenot satisfied with the law, who
have triedl it and fouiad it wanting,
who insist on the creation of new
(-mrinmes so all-enibrecing that anybody
'may be found guilty of them. They
,are too impatient for: the cure pro-
posed by Dr. Perry, the education of '
the reading public to prefer whatso-
ever things are of good report.
(Ohio State Lantern)
It is an excellent thing to be well
horn and an indisputable adlvantage
to be0 able to point to fine parentage;
it is usually a fairly accurate index.
to a person's piotentialities. Tine was,
vnd not so far (distant in the past,
when b~irth was virtually Ithe sole
standar(l, of judgment in (lete-mini~g
a man's virtues. Butt it has been one
of the indications of the birth of a
new spirit in the word that this crn-
terion has been in the main displaced.
Latterly,, with the increase in the
world's population and the consequent
greater need for leadership, a substi-
tution lia, been imoperative. Regal.
corruption and unmistakable -signs of
inferiority, together with the rise of
the commons, have destroyed faith in
aristocracy of birth and forced a
Lincoln first gave authoritative ex-
pression to the ideal that all men are
created equal. Despite the fact that
this is only the statement of a ten-
dency and;.not at all an infallible rule,
it is the gterminal idea of a (departure
from the old aristocracy of birth. Hfis-
tory is relplete with examples of menl
who have sprung fromt app~arently.
mean birth to positions of prominence
in leadership. In this age it is insufli-

321 South Starte S'treet.

Don't s pend your noon hour

waiting for food.


at the M-L rtich is immediate


. .





lieise~a e7F' labl t c mnit heee in the city of Ann Arbor which
same blunders. This could ire obviat- probhits riding three ssnesi
Ful~ l, Ih wrIvioAAII-I tAn-UI oftha Liti tL asegr n Si

cient credential that
born;'lie is required

a _man is well
by- the demands

going office,- holder, in every case where
it would be at all necessary or bene-'
These records would be Blfed each
year and in time a, referenc . record
of zrIC~'1ff k o led-,e Wl h e iaiva~ii tihi p £. -j

the front seat. Besides, this p~ractice dead Gottlicbs. "All me." lie (leplor-
is apt to be the cause of seirious traf- ed, letting escape a strangled sob,
fic accidIents due to obstructioned vi-; "who will cook e mly daily fried eg

Since all of the sttuldent body ar~e
not fortunate enough to possess. au-

for lbrakiast." "Nobody will cook.3
your daily fried eg." replied thxe mock-
ing bird whlich% had perc~hed mocking-E

of a world in need of intelligent anld
able leadership to show a capacity for
su remacy in his work.
The aristocrat of the past has been
(cr'ated entirely at birth; the aristo-
crat of the futuire will be the mar.;

Evening Clothes
Golf Suits

f 4


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