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April 26, 1923 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-26

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'OOL 1





If. NO










$35 0 ,

i . - ,



New Head Of Jai
House Of Pe ers



Camp Davis men will construct a
Douglas lake annex. to the Union as
Spart of their recreation at the camp',
aailabl forte pipose of mtel I
for a,.much-needed clubhouse. Pres-
ent plans call for a. building 30 by fetisdmaur en.Guip-IFarrell Will 'alT' o and Four 111c
inent will include a fireplace, chairs ; lt em.Fv il fu
and tables, reading; matter, and a radio
receiving outfit with a large sound
L-nipersity: construction at the s"'"-J WILL ENTER FIVE EVENTS'
mer suirveyring, and civl engineering
camp which is contemplated will re- TmPE 'R O e
pace the mess tents with perman1ent.ETW IL NAE
installed to improve the water supply. PHILADIELPIIa

' T
x i
h I I.
' rt,[[

Syracuse,, N. Y.. April 25 (By
A. P.)-Chancellor C. Wesley
Flint, of Syracuse University to-'
led in Syracuse university hence-
forth will. be accepted 'as with-
drawal from the university."
The ban was issued, said the
chancellor, "in keeping with
similar move~s taken by tler
leading universities." At a meet-
ing of the. deans of the various
colleges- the, general opinion was
that student marriages are dis-!
1 uptlve of 'academic activities.

Veterans Of. Gray
Name Cominiander



1Provides $x2,300,000 for
$+1,200,000 for 3Med1(

Relly, Stelketec, Duffld, McCabe,
Ricci and-Hoffmtan Elected Sen. I
ior Councilmen


>se voting featured the Stud(
ciI special election which N
yesterday from 8:45 to 4:
ck on the campus. Afore tb
students designated thieir -pr
e for council men throughout t

From the twelve wen nominated 1
senior councilmen, the six who V
elected are Jack Kelly, '24L, Dour
Steketoe, '24. Hugh K. Duffield. :
Donald McCabe, '24, James. A. Rb
24, and Howard Hoffman, '25m. T
junlior councilmen elected are Edvf
NT. Fox, '25E, Robert A. Hummer,
and Alfred B. Connabl'e, Jr., ')25.
Belly Leads
The vote cast for the candidates w
as follows: John A. Bacon, '24,,69
Calvin A. Campbell, '24E, 681; Hu1ft
N. Duffield, '24, 845, Howard Ho
man, 25M, 722, Jack Kelly, '24L, 1,10
Richard H, Krause '24, 544,.Dona
McCabe, '24, 738, William H-. Merm
24, 567, John Polhamus, '24E, 56
Scherer, '24, 700, and onald Steket(
24, 934, for senior councilmen. F
junior councilmien, the vote was: R
A. Billington, '25, 551; Alfred B3. Co
nable, '25, 661; Irwin Deister, '25, 54
Pranlalin Dickman, '25E, 488; Edwa
M. Fox,'25F, 754; John Garlinghou,
'2.). 473, and Robert A. Hummier, ''
Bold Count at Uion 1
The ballots were kept under to
by the election committee of the cou
cil who, also counted the ballots la
night at the Union. All the detai
of the election were in . the hands'
this committee which is', composed
Burton Dunlop, '23, chairman; Robe
E. Adams, '23, Jamies Hume, '23,,E
w r Ha g '2 E Ed a d L nbrc'23. and Harold Hunt, '23Ed. They wi
also take charge of the regular car
pus election to be held next Wfledne
. The Student council will meet
niglit to select two candidates fro
the newly elected mnembers of ne
year's council to be placed on the al
( amnpls b.,llot - for president of t)
Mid- scuestera cards have born sei
to all 41structors of the literary co
Icge and ar'e beginning to be return(
to the office of Prof. W. R. Iumpl
reys, assistant dean of that college.
These cards are sent out at th
lime to the professdrs with the r,
Quest' that they be returnecl as soc
as possible with the record of '
students whose work for the past h s(nc~e rs fle eo h
grade. W'hile primarily the repo~r
ask for the mid-semester grade, ii
formation reg arding the work cove.
ed tip'to this time in the course
ral:o appreciated on the cards.
Wheon all of the reports are in, ni
tices to all the studenits designate
on them ill e sent out imme iatel
Totose who are low n 'one sul
ect, just a warning of the fact wv

1 ;*,t f .Baldn
Tent This afternoon the Wolverine "won- fLni i 51
w aN De te a m " w ill s p lit its fo r c e s b e -L a n si , R ilm25 . Th n iv e
:15 C tween the 14th annual Drake Univer- H uligpormrcie i
han fsity relay meet at Des Moines, Ia., and biligpora eevdat
ref-f Penn relays in Philadelphia. Coacht, dous impetus when 'the house,
the Farrell will send two moin east andjI vote of 84. to 1, passed the U
takes thirteen men with him to Des I TH B 1 '
for President Kasuya 9 S LT A Moines. Although there will be naiOnro sl~ B adma wichyhadpbeeriaion bl to a$ ,
are official winners at either one of the leca ila .Riea wihhdbe dacdt
!ald M. Kasuya, one of Japan's most famn- Pronouncemenst on American N ember- relay meets it is expected that Coach[ Three Orchestras, Aided by arsty General William B. Haldeman was reading at the Tuesday night se
'24, ous statesmen, 'eas just been elected! sil in'World Court fleets F arret will wipe away a poor record( Banjo ountette, to Play at j elected commander of the United Con- of the leislture
ice, president of the Japanese House of Opposition, in the past at the Drake meet an' .Frm Afr. erte eeasattirNw r
hW eems in Tokia. Wl lod ela h enrlas en ovninrcnl.Following closepon the rele
arAFLlTESY AKRS - Wl ae2 olgsDEIBY CBUanscovenUTnCreentl-.$1,327,000 from the 122 appr
'2e, EE T AEUADBNS Mhiaw i c 9clgswihAEGET FHNRtions by the-°state administtiv
2, will enter 17mninwiltlrkfr h opeto fth e i
W ash in gto , A pril 25- ( B y A . P ) a on g w hich w ill be ro an Y of th e b ui di g , th s cti n ro d
was Il The reficx upon Republican leaders country's best in spite of the divis Playng itrmittently from 8:30 un~ 000 for the finishing and equipp
f4 ; - a h n t n o P e i e t H r i g s o f t h e a th le t e s , s o m e in t h o e a s t a n d j t i t 2 :20 o lo c k , th r e e -o r h e s t r a s a id e d ] t h e . U n iv e r s ity ; h o s p ita l n d $ 1 ,2iTeI NwY o kr n u c mt o n Ar - 61EE
gh Nt Y'veroouceonly Aer- omnint e s.TeW eie yte ast aj unetwill forthe construction obf a new m
ff- c- ebrh ntewol or ave on y wooowest.relay in therpast furnish contiuus nm uic t,te ii..- ' .1building an the enlargement u
00;BRN AWRPRFESOR, OIIE bcame clearly noticeable today soon sptitsadre efariwhiahtwoa ndte a.rk i'1 tomorrow night when the EANS BILL. SET LIITbatngONnt
ald U VEST AUT Asrnsanaretengawonda Cotes to Seate
er ETRSTDYsterte xu e! rtunno hefour mile team this year. combined Waterman and Barbour; TAXES S PASSED, atrteeeuv~ eunt h Attentin was trasferred t
63; caia.I agd rmoe po Farrell Confident .(gym nasiums are thrown open for the MT senateti feno hr h
eo PIf hooedeLgno if tadvocacyof thie courta membership i einkteHt tt ndoarReser alanti' b ths. tn piece Ann Arbor orbes.1 Lansing, April 25 (By A. P.)-Fol-tasgeo r t egde
For philosophy department of Bryn Mawr was continued to whole hearted ap- Cushing who will form one of the tra will playn Barbour gymnasium. towing -the passage by the House to- lie'nd s theUisesit d)
tay college, formerly of the faculty of ' proval andlendorsement- strongest teams that Michigan has This group .iccompaned the Varsity ay of appropriation bills calling for increase the p ori Lion to$
ou- hs Um rs y, wl gie a U Iver Off ica s' &"tsfied ever entered in a relay. Steve Fr - Glee cub on 'its recent trip. Theyi an outlay of $10,000,000 the aggregate , . e ains r o uld ,.In fs me
4 hsUieriy6il:iea lie Administration' officials generally! rell says that it will be a miracle if l will bring several song numbers ih of appropriation bills that have passed Oa oi, uliggsne
46. ithy lectu re at 4:S o'clock this after-J seem to be satisfied witih the recep- this team d oes not easily take first them..::iat ]east one house of tne legislature sorely-needed iter s strIckeOn fo
,se, noun in the largelecture room; on the tion accorded the address but the, place. N lebrask, Minnesota and ibis- o.itrduce' ovltes t tonight at $34,145,000. This is U esiy russ..T.,re
25second floor of Tappan hall. The sub-+ President himself was said to be a! consul will be the-only rivals and the Holdnga sway in the larger build- la Little more than half of the biennial belief that foes of te.nirsii
'ject'of Professor de, Laguna's addriess little disturbed by the opposition. Thisi time that Nebraska won this event ing wil: be °Hsted and Sorrestino'sa appropriation of the 1921 legislature, mnistration miigt seek to enct
is "Waste in Education". anxiety, some White House visitors in the recent Kansas meet was comn-( from Bradford, .Pa.; and the Society which was $58000,000 the measure with a rcdr.eqrli
ckj Professor. de Laguna, who is a grad- said, seemed to be so Msrongly taken rcetao"Dtot acn nsderably slower than te time these1 cetaofDtot Dnigi Tax Ilimtation 'discussion featured re-establishmrent Of a separat'
an- uate of the Universi'y of=California, by Mr. Harding as to possibly bring ;half inilers did together in the trials Waterian gymnasium will ,be on- much f toda's session. The Evans oeopathic meical shool, fail
ast and holds his doctorate from Cornell about the cancelling of lens for his in which they did close to the Drake tnuous throughout the evening. The' bill, which would allow gveing materialize. .
ils university, was a member of the Unl- western speakirg trip.reyrcodRekesthbstan Varsity .Banjo quintette will introd odi est lv txseqa t hea-E ,t.posto
of varsity faculty from 1906 to 10'7, at A statement issued by Senator La( of the four and can do 1 minute 56 dseveral novelty features at intervalsI gregate amount to the 1922 level plus Senatorial opposition to the fei
ofwihtm h a sitatpoesr olte epbia rm icniiseconds."" during the corse of the dance. two percent each year to take care of the house hill which gve
er nth col fEuato.H hsdclrdi "qal snse adsb(Continued on Page 6) The rand mrarch is scheduled to ofgrwws passed 62 to 2. Regents supreme athority.in of
d- eena pofesorof he hilsopy d- vrsie t th bet iterstsof he! start at 9 o'clock Led by Gordon T Evans bill appoition centered istering the lump sumn u $1,200,
hpartment of Bryn Mawr college since American, people." Gl,'3,Acmaidb r.Glpinted oyuttha Detrotpoation. rgre sacrany o
IE[f ill 1907. Professor de Laguna is a Opposes Plan P I and by members o the executive come- has doubled in the past decade ani Groesbek is known to.bjct
rm- member of the American, Philosophi-i "In Its first aspect," said -eao mittes, the entire 700 couples will {itslgtmt a ed aegn privn- the state addmtnist
as- cat association. La Follette, "this is a part c the; ringit iei elmltr ah up threefold.barfwhhhes hra,
Ile is'thxe author of many books, clevery conceived plan of the inter-tall! SI A, I Ion tth oclsI o h r-The bill of Rep. M. C. Eairan of FN t wihweewrtetwt teasit nryalbnkr o nanlutetihya lslihrpcueifthtyst Ott 't cnoldtdal" onhirects RgntJms , tr
jm ante of his wife who has done a large United States in the affairs of Eu- Twoptitosfor the Studen Chribe]tak i en dteA rcai elections and have the voting done at .erihwvr otnsta
xt amount of philosophical research rope sp that American wealth, sold- w e n 1teSuetCrs Mieadbu n h mrcnthe November election failed of pas- pwro h ei'auesol
itI- doksSm ftebosPoesrir n hp a eue osf-tan Association offices were rejected! colrs will predomnate, interspersed sag with 'the ranting of he 'funds
dee lagu1na has w ritten are: "Dogma- guard their investments fn the bandsbytecbn.KnntR.Kr,'. in grh Vrda B tt hrusisetitrsdi
tismn and Evolution" and "Introduction and enterprises of the tottering na and Hugh K. 'Duffield, '24, who pet- ing harmoniously with these the army 3Qnoaeonom
Jo Science and Ethles". He has also tions of Europe." tioned for president failed to obtainikhaki and navy blue will add mil--
had many articles cone wing phi- the sanction of the nominating com- Cary atmosphere to the affair. "D n Quixote" od y mQ41d h
losophy published in some of the crittee because they had not done suf- . Denby to be Present -- versitys sstahlfft<
leading perifodicals and magazines. ficient work to warrant their holding .Several distinguished mea hve ac-! Many of the costumes used in Tony 277000 origally sought, it ,
P I PHSINT this office. Normnan B. Johnson, '25, cepted the invitation of the Military, Sargsmarionette play "Dzn Quixote," teless, larger brportohately
+ was noimnated by the committee 111 Ball committee to- act as patrons for which will be presented at 4 o'clock the mount granted other stat
1 BusTWO STUDNTS P U , lace of Alfred B. Cannabs, Jr.,wlothe event. Included among these is this afternoon and at eight o'clock this utions. The budget, as it cane 1
nt as itdran hs ameas cndi Serearyof heNav EdinDenby, !evening in Sarah Caswell Angell hal, the house consists of the bill
ol-;j1 date for recording secretary of the'6L, aid Congressman Eurl Michele,, are of Spanish and Italian origin and fo y nesty, oo fr te s
edl C-HMS S1K O I I! Players club .will offer two arig- !S C. A of Adrian, representative at Washing- are of considerable value as curios o nvriy n o h
h- anal one act plays at 3 o'clock Wed- Ki!F Cead, ',,ws oiae ton for this district. Other guests of and museum pieces. Silk handmade aArcutr clean
.. Pof.Edwad C Frakli, -nwlynesday night, May 2, in Sarah Cas-oyratialso ciartion.reshde asy J.f thono re President Marion L. Bu- sawls, saddles and even some of the 5sssnle t
isitrclasoto.Ts elce Jeien-fth mria el nel al.IH, President-Emeritus Harry B.:little figures ame from Europe. l i
e-eece peidn o heAercn el nel al-Lynch, '25L, . was nominated by pet , Hutchins, the Regents, Deans, and ! Sarg came into possession of these S ahOnibi BIll
-n Chemical society, will spook on The "The Falling Star," by Max Ewing, t.ion for president, Harry C. Clark,; their wives. articles through, the inability' of the In all, more than $13,000 0001
allpei enaly I stat~omoundsl e '2, s bingdiectd b Rber He- 24, for literary vice president, and';hosts for;- the Vtrn of Foreignoriginal importers to pay the customs slashed from the total us
alf peigmen thIlChred,"calmthetr. ero'c'lanocsk's iclde mnylenryI-. lHubbard, 24E, for recrd- wars are Dr. oi . a ,f h uie tteNew York Custom housequested, of which the Onb
C Te lctue wll e f epecal ntei ig ocietay o t nin.Dental epilege, and Carl H. Smith,' A number of the figures for the play, u iered most heavily, being re
CTs ecturcemisltbe fnd pcical inte- prominent campus actors. Catherine' ---2415 tomnde omander of the local post. to be shown were procurred from from $10,288,47 to $1,856637.
it- 4es. oceit n hmclog Greenough, 23, plays the leading role From the R. 0. "T. C. Major Robertr the Palazzo Car minati at' Venice. revised measure assures to ,M.
i- ;Perofss. rnki' vs toA as 'the falling star.' The plot centers ;Arthur,,professor of mniltary science, The lighting effects are said to be $400000 for a hortiultural boil
is Arbor Is in conjunction with the na- about her, as an actress who is de- I and tactics, and Major Willis Ship-; unusual, for a marionette production. a)nd $370,000 for a power plan
lion wides tour that he is making fromn teriorating physically and artistically.I! pan, assistat professor in the same They have been used by Sarg to give several smaller buildings. The
o- California. Hle intends to visit each It concerns itself with her attempt ; department, will act, as hosts. the play the appearance of genune of $160,000 for a new. stadhiim'
'd$l of the 30 sections of the American ta. regain her fame by some sensation-j During the serving of refreshments, dramatic presentation. The play lends A. C. which was sought by thati
Chemical society before returning. (it stories in the press, which will consist of a light buffet itself to marionette presentation. much tution aroused a spirited contro
y.He is a graduate of Kansas Unl- Supporting her are John Hassberger i rf ila .Hbso h el lunch, entertainment will, be- furnish- "more readily 'than it would to the but the measure was finally ad
b-I versity and is now a professor in Le-i'23, Louis Graham, '23, Gordon Wier ,'24' ogy department, :returned yesterday!d, thedaners. .The serving will be1 regular stage, as the numerous ania ie( o a.hird reaing alny 1t
il iadSafr nvriy heeh lodFyil,35 r ma cn-atr nasne indyspntn carried out in. three shifts, those hav- characters in the story. au easily be appropriations ln tnoduiestweeh lodIafed a omnM~d fe nasneo iedy pn n{measures
or has been located for ainy years. d,'4L.JE'as'4,Mrn ilWsh t Pide h ng red.ckets gating'at 11:15 o'clock,! taken care of by puppets.
n- -- '24, Lawrence Mack, 24 and Dorothy aigo n i r those with white at 11: 55, and those Tickets, for the two performances
be !PLAY PRODUCTION CLASS Bolton, '24.i he attended mieetngs of various sien with blue. at .12:30. Refreshments are on sale at the bookstores. The[O
TO IV TIRDPRGR31 ilia P.Capbll '2Ewil d- ifc scItFs.will be served in Ba'rbour gymnasium.!marionette show is here under tre
rec hi ply,"BeareofBrekfat-At the Council mteting of the Geo-I Twenty-four booths lining Water- auspices of La. Sociedad Hlispanica
refhspaBwr fBekat!Prof. R. D. T. Hollister's classes in ing."'Tits is a light comedy of the; logical Society of America, 'aid I'n man gymnasium andi :separated by - -
JTd5h s''4"'e*1' f Gmeias325,l1o a shngt n prl 19 Proeso i hte coums and buntngwl + {s I S R NC A
ont er sre . f pa s a diC als D iigt n ,'5 w o r -H bsrecitals at 8 o'clock tonight in Univer- Gently starred in Comedy clubs p e dent of that organization for the com- In each bothit there awillbaconmmittemi-t O FFE R S P O SIT IO N SMa in B Sa 2 ,a <
sity Hall. Four one-act plays will bei sensation of "Mr. Pim Passes By" igya.O rdy pi 0 eA. Donahue, ta4 left yesterda
presented by the members of the As peaigi tepajaeEte read a paper in Philadelphia on "The act as host to the group. JnC.BPae,'7,fthNtin iladelpii where they will v
css.Wey,' f .fM.an LuieRate of Movement in Vertical Eartha LfIsrnecmay' Ci- sent the student body of the Un
"aknanMnkn"yAfrd'Welty, '28. Adjiustmnents Connected with the; SENIOR BALL APPLICATIONS Allilb i n ro tmro iy at the second biennial :int<
Kreymborg, "The Workhouse Ward" -t fMonan,- eoete WILL BE GIVE OUT TODAY and Saturday for the purpose of in- lgiate conference on udr a
by Lady Gregory, "Tradition"' by hnaat S nWrd ur American Philosophical Society, of te'iwn negautsadmm activities, April 2, 27, and 28.
''George Middleton, and "The Florist) Hongkong, April 25-(By A. P.)--At this metimg, Dr William W.' Ticket Applications for the Senior hers of the graduating class who arete s t 1 tt
Stop" by Winifred Hawkridge'are the' Wang Chunghui, once Chinese Pre-, Camlpbell, 8E h a eetybe ball will again be given out today at desirous of taking work in the bel entiynystudetis of' the ar l P

be sent.

In ,some cases warning
is incted out or contli

lied. in no cases will the Student
s;.nt home at this time.

Sporting goods of all kincts
are at a premium. We h'ave
calls every day for everything
from golf clubs to roller skates.
nand and need ash or f cysou
have the cash and need a new

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