TI IE MICHIGAN DAHA _____ AlLY OFFICIAL BLEI Akie tton In the Milli~n itoq.omtrutU,. notice tO all membrs of Uairrlty. Copy reeived until 3.-30 xv. im. (11:80_ s. uM. 8urh.) 1tMJft 3 IWEDT ESDA1V, APRIL 25), 1eJ 1i.[4mber 147. iere will be a coniercnce of the Deans on W edneedlay, April 29, at ra.M. L. B3URTON. r6ltIsrr Theodore de Laguiw. P rofssor of Philosophy at Bryn Mws ;e, forinorly of the FRculty of tiU Uni'versity, will speak on the sub - Wu~rato in Ed catioan" Thursaday, April 26i, at 4:15 p.:im. In the lirgie e roorn, second floor, Tapp~aa Hall. The public is iuyited. F. TE. ROBBIN . y, College~ of Littreture, 8eleucee, and the Arta: ldsemester reports, in order t o be taken into account, must reachi ft" during the present week. W. R. 1H1JIHRI1ETS. T.~ CT he cerelnoay for today will be battallon parade followed by inspection. en are~e~gpected to be present, with lntsigni.a properly sewed on. All offiers will be prepared to bhandle a company both during the paradt, wrirng the company drill which 'will follow.' JOtHN. A. BROOMS, JR., I~lajor, Ordnance Dept. andl 14 suinable to niet my ec ss6~ on Wednewday. .MM. AY. Flnubic 1peal~ig for Er;iaccr : ! Thae following m~en speak, at the Brads-, Halley, Heah, Baslaur,J ri r {al chthaler. Freshitman Glee, Club: Rehearsal ad final tryouit foi, the the Upper Reading Room, at the Unio Members are requested to bring their ~WHAT'S GOING 0ON j NOTICE--Copy frtisci hnnsould IV* subuflted by), : o'clock .of the city before, publication, IVE NI1) DA Y 112 ii ,--MathexnAtivs faculty Iuh ill mala, dining room of the Uio. 4:00--k-0. T. C;, band lara etis z)in Newberry hall. jie~yseii on mite et in room 204, Unriversity 4:15---Organ r 'clt tlIin Hilaa ditor- Ini 4 15-.--liltary bail committee mueetsI Ein room 302 of the Union. 4 :1 -4 xecuthre comimittee awl char-. men and vice-chairmen of other Uin-C ion committees imeet in room 302 of the Union. 6; i5- -Congr; ga tional cl:oir a~uijper as Con.gregational church. r7:00a-l'resiattnrb and iniett+. in roost { 318 0" the Union. S7*---rshnaan(Gee elut Meets in upper readting iaoom of the Unaion.. l a5-- Yetfrrans oai1Foreign W ars eet in as~emnbly hall of the U~nionz. I 7 :15--QarT-rdeck ineets in room 32i ~of the Union.j 7:45--oard of directors of Jewish Stutdent. conigregaition rrncets in Lanei I rall., 17:$0 -* YOunAl4town 31 iehigaau crib meet's in room 325 of the 'Union. 7 :0~-11'0and 'Flan e vmeets fit roost room '304 of the "1nionz. 17:30--Order of Dte olaaiy meets hInlEar' ris hail. 7:' We1Vsterners,' club mipts in Lane h1all., ? i8 + ---bt~tnndPearl. Ieeuor"s in tai -k ! tura1'Sence auditorium.' 1 :00---Dodlo perfioruanacre it )olo0laiy * IThURISDAY {i~:ltr .Deit~i £cemtiy lti ch in privateF dining room ,of the Union. x :00- Yo~Prriut .oiittee ineefs in room 302 of the Unin.i # .50----'ecodoro dcifLaguna :,qwakh-s lw< fore assemibly of :School of Educa-' s. tion in room 203, Tappan hlail. 1 4:15--Cn~uvei'.;iy lecture !it Natnral, 'Science auditorium. z :-0 ozila litcrtiry society dinnier inI ?room 318 of the Union. Thurstlav nialit assenib~y: A1u~in, A. PI1t YN I, Chairmn -OIE Seh l hg, rchiect inarchlitectura l Presbman Glee 01-1) will lbe Il corr idor case. on Wednesday ee iat 7 o clock. tljay~ po~iu ilb iti butedand boths xNvill be assignied ?t'[ Gi anSoAR ;,o:,:,Dretr.1:",o to - o'clock this after- OI GI,, Onoon"inl the lobby of the Unilon. ~ :i1 'hnce n ~e FroI' rolic tickets 7j:34--i~i~und llBla7Wmelv- in room If1om~ 9 to I2_'(clodk this morning 304 octhie Union. is the('lobbty of thle Union. 7 :00-h re' i n~ ;4 f- -_________ the Union. 11I(' D Y 1S "A"I"DA . t a D~I ;I Sa.vi by Trading Here I SNow is the time to place your order for CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED 0OR PRtINTE D We canp also fur-nishl you with SI" ui R NGRA VED ORPIN ) 11 II Our New Baker weavc're run n i ng d and ight in order to mleet the dle mand ftor the goods. G)ing' lik. .wild fire. IQuality ,ind Lowest Prices I Is Our Motto' Wlio ar'e liti$ed to leave June 2 for th.e first sion at Camp 1DFv* ould1 cal t the Secretary's office, Room 263 Engineering Building, befors y 1 and report the name of so~h instrnetor on their Present schedule. LOUIS A.' HOPKINS, S'ecretsary.. I will, be at ay office, Rom. 449 Natural" Science Building, Tu., Th., 11- and 1-4, ~to rceve registrations for the coming session of the Bilc~glea) atiou. Tbose interested should register at once in order to insure ret3- ratipo% of 8payc0. _en or women who will have sath1factoriy comiplete3 -ology 41and fBotany 1 are eligible. GEORG1E TR.LARUEi, Director. All mem'bers1 of the cla~ss. will take" cxau 1nation at the . srauie hour, tursday, April 26, at 9 ca.. im. Members of the Monday and Wedesday ction will mee in the Natural Sciqude Lecture Room. of the Tuesday d Ti,, :rc dy eeton, those assigned to seats in rows A.to I. inclusive, will to 4wo..;u 11, Law Buillding;thawe assign~ed to rows M to V, inclusive, will to Weit' Gallery, Alum~ni Memorial tHfl. A. FR1ANKLIN SIULL. Make-up exanatfon Thu'rsdaay, rat 4 o'clocli, Iaonomies Libraary. A.E. WOOD. m40Rts avaferoo at 4:153 the follo~ing, programWil be given S~loo-u -tfiSc Auditorium by the advancedI students of the University Prelu~de G minor (1achmann i') Robert itenderson; 'My Hear t is eery (Goring Thomas) Genevieve Peoples; concerto., D Mai&r (Mozart) weld lFbrlich; Three Preludes (Sebriabin) por iz Schmxidt; To ,tfie Sun ur ran) RanOonnais tom le pays (Thomnas) 4Iarguerite, Brags; Concerto Majr (lo2 iri) Florence Welblen; Q del Imio dolce ardor '(Glucki), Night May (flrabarns), The Nightngale lids a Lyre of Gold. (Whelpley) IDor- w ( a.4; iandon (MeDo-wcell, XnvWton to the Trepak; (Tsehail 6w- i 'THE AYER -SCHAIRER COM.PANY Stationers, Printers, Bindcrs ltaid Enlgravers 112 S. MAIN ST. PHONE 1404 11 TNY .13s .J::.i:. ".n K1. C:li 6 R.L.-J IlL 12c Large Loaves B reaid ". ".".".". 4 .* . . "}" . .> s. loc MARION ETTES "DO N IIIi QLJ xr OTE 9 "For Kids from six -to sixty ' ThrdyArl26thn. And 8.P.1. Sarah Caswell Angell. Hall rjCICETS $i° .AT BOOK. $STORES Arid W O IEN'S. LEAGUE BOOTH I iftl JU iOdMfC i l sla;i C ' T 2. L ". _ j TE1T f. ® if {}P: JUST E cEI VE -' I II Accompaniments will b~e played by.ForncG(ingrich,,, Max .erite CHARL SA. SINK, SLcea~ f rod Ue$JOn Plays:'.g. The third4 progriam of the series of play* pre~entocl by. the C'lase in . rouctipu will be given on Thursday evening, Apri1 26, qt 8 o'cioeck dniversly'-Hall, Fur on0~act play 6 will. be Ryoduce4d. An adiis sign R. D. T.I[OLLIS 1ER. :heurs4tl Wedwnesay 'nigh t i t iversity Hall. -WILYFRTD WSIL.SON ir~ietor. 100 _TENNS RA K T LEE'S SLOTTED THROAT, WRIGHT &rc IT 41v, tdSPAULDING'S EVE RY ONE QUA 4"FEE D sold over 1500 ov Satulrday. Try Our C1inoronRolis. The best in Town. Pis, Cakesfand Cookiles (Home Made Receit s) FREE SAMPE OF OU All Thi*.s Weekiat Our Ma In Stree- t Store Lowest Prices on Groceries 100 lbs. Cane0 0 Less Than Wholesale -- A Car Just Received 35c Red (Delmonta Brand) Strictly Fresh E g s..... i"i . aoP. .. ., SticlyFresh 45c Coffee 3 (Ann Arbor's Largest Seller) 815' New English Walnut iM eats, only ...a** ..... 35c Calumet Bakingwi 10P Pakage A. &H.05 II Em fit Em :Don't let your college friendshisdie 'at gad nation time. Perpetuate them with pghotographs WILLI Sulu with extra Trousers I HO RACE CLAYEAU .oItae It -a IT COS'?S NO )YORE FOR RI DE ' 5' ~f1 PLIV LNsLRPviC Important To 'You What Goes into a Can of Paint. or What Comes, ut of It? I' , "No muatter bow you Scrub and scour Refreshmnt conies lfelneatli the sliowcr." Mi ztjick Txchan Ji, M r 1 ery friend before labin~m schoci Thle t 1 lll 41 n ! § kg1J F. pR iPA lr 7 s '4 expense is small. Telephn, 604-k early for appointment Your. Bath is. Not Complte portrits, .without a: shower. WIll you get tired experimenti7 with little rubber hose toy have us put in a man- siz shower up for you. ten ng Ys, ed A long time .ago, Lowe Brothers found out that six different ingredients had to be used in making High Standard Paint, if their customers were to get the satisfaction and lastingness out of every can that they had a right to expect. They found out,.alo, that a different mixing a n1 d grinding process had to be employed. You're not particularly interested in the manufac- turing details, but you do want satisfaction and last- ingness in paint. That i s what Lowe Broth- er, put into every can of High. Sit andard. It is what you a1 Lays get out of every can. Comne in and ,ask for free litea ture. 40c New Mlichigyan M~aple . '6',P7 5 c OUR DELIVERIES Leave at-,, 8-1O2-40'clock OsWAI JR 61 ut Liberty §t ev' 11 112 W. XWashingtorn Phone 353 F-i '2 'N A'>' I 2 i W