so Veanh hihaot i-,News Fo The Other CoI IN ST er ignore and the ecstatic "Thou Art- I.L~i3My Wlorious Queen" aWith its entranc- ing repetitions of the word "wonder-l Statle ('dre~gc",f the legal pen-, tattered clothies thati f:,." ,, « s ,.. n ,,, -, ,I ls vfor' cursingr were a mntthwashing Prizes will be ~aard A = 3ba. (lemuR'Forrl R~elttl ~sincit.Wecaie s a enorefo- with soap and water, the university 'those who have heard O-ssip Ga,- 'lowing t he last group and, elicited a would consume the entire output of brilowitsch's wilghly performance of wamrspne the Proctor and Gamble Soap con-! that greatest of all piano concertos, ro ra: nt al Bahm pany," states an editorial in the Penna the Brahms in B-slat, or hearts hemn weend : w rop State Collegian, unravel the mtanifoldl beauties of th1e Saninavrianu songs with which it lofty Symnphonyyiu C m~inor, will readt- Stanford--Every description of noise' opened, m1any burled treasures were ily concur in the¢ opinion th1at he is thle' dis doscd. The "N ight", "Twilight" making contrivance, except firearam rsupreme Brahms interpreter of t his °ad"an"o ueIn~tt r will be permitted at the monster trackt generation. Monday night his gifted ad"an fTr agto r rally which' will be held in the as- 'wife, Madamie Clara Glens, rivalledc strikingly individual, and strongly seinJbly hall previous to the Stanford, thspwr1 h oit ocr fnorthern in their plaintive sweetness, 'California track meet., her J~±storie song cycle in P'attengill wIhile ithe Cradle Soing and "A Secret" I '~a~ - -'mlio- olar"r"i padr~niumytosog of the -great Ger- are equally interesting., Nor can we the university memorial campaign has ma mruiasytr Ue.Clmes os t omit reference to the distinctive bee n reached. Freshmen and new stu- t unprecedeztt~edheights of musical elo- ca wih hchMdm Clendents pledged the last- $150,000 in an quece;andsan- Jemoal~y i evr~lbreathed tlu4 ethereal phrases of eleventl~ hour final, cleanutp cainpalgii. ntene, adt 4 th memraby rdevryGrieg's "The...Swant" and "Thel tene o th wad.Dream", both exquisitely interpreted. Staite College, Pz.--'ihe annual Pov- There is nothing new to be said F...A rydy ilb bevd ytefeh about Madame Clemens art save that E._____ HA. m e rt a;vl e be rvteypdeth rough it then seemed more poignantly, e eewe hyprd hog beautiful than ever before. H~er voice1 TODAY IS "1 DAY. the campus iin the oldest and ms has certainly never sounded, richer 'or'________ more vitally comnpellig than' on this oci~asion- and in every respect, 'herj sin giug wa ; t':,e igh water inark of thie cycle. t ". u ence though not as i': large its sua}.l, was keenly sympathet- Y uw lE o rL hc e -is and greeted the singer with many -ronds of applause. Everything wasPlsatSro dig sun- in a distinguished style, with ad- ? ma-rable enunc1ition, finely expressed Excellent Food : tE phrasing and perfect fidelity in ndir- poring the various emotions evoked by the music. The ineff ably beautiful "Sapphic Ode" andi "Ever Lighter Grows My r luwbler"" are perennial favorites as;,i. they w~ll doubtles8 continue to be so !ute J~lCiR o I long a-s there extst such artists as Xadaaw, Clemcn-, to sing them. Their 3 38 Maynard St. South of Majestc intensely appealing, nostalgic poetry! ' and eluaive sunset- glow were Marvel- I-ously reflected while their legato style is a' particularly fortunate one Yfor the sitngeT's voce. Almnost ias wel- ! ___________________ stricken 'Caro. carriers, borrowed ari trucks, in addtion to fly are required to deliver ber' of special, deitery ages and Bowners that 1 poa~toffice here, to the w In three uionths the 1ley re'ceived 84 speci in tie sait* eierodtl d* enits receivcd a total of 14.844. Only runining on the relay team. have re- !j rhklis nto Addre" CbE leges 1 halr of the letters are answe redl for iivecd the old ci storzz of representing' Dr. F. C.- F~ranljin, preei4c there, areh 16,000 letters each month a fvorite dormitory oar sorority house . American Chemical society, ~comue to the town while only about' in their races. All cups and prizes o7 "The Ammronia y - ez they po5'ssss.8,00 are sent out of the town. In1 won by tho team axe prews-entecd to the pounds- - Eper-imentalIIIl to thoQSe scar-'the poastoffice there is a special corn-. house under 'whoee ca1oars the tease at 8 O'clock. tomorrow evens partinent for mail to Princeton which rama, Chemaiial ampitheuater. is generally paickibd full. - smal~l army of iMInuW$0t&a-(fn account of limited. PreC. (ymmutu f~uor Mai fly automlobilel Sb iditrd-A modern concrete oil space, co-eels have been barred fromj Gymnasim Activities in ze regular staff, an gasoline station has been purchas-,;soveral performnxces of the university gymnasium have been susp the vast nium- ed by the university and will soon bre band recently. On the last occasion, the last few dayH is prepai letters, lick- moedtothe cmufothcnv- ewomen raised such a vehement the Military ball- Friday n food thre 'small fence of the student motorists, protest that the director was forced to entire housecleaninig is be loen students. promise his ia*lluence toward remnov- the building before the decor town of Wel- Iilino4N-" Knighthood is again flo-,isn the ban on their a ttendancte. i w oved in. Ale, 'while cdar- ering at Illinois,". says a dispatch be womuen stu- from that institution. The 'four men "DIAY 1S 9110A.' ITODAY IS V1 DAYT. .. .... . - - - - - t . t r I -- = of ;' s f ., ' ; e % i 1 : I G} ., i ;, } -j ' I ( :; Newest Shirts $2 $X3.50 I'. AT T1~THIA IRS *~reeR-'[Eo4lay *Arcade - Theodore Robeits in ' Grumpy"; Lloyd Hlamilton in "Extra Extra!." Mlajestic --- "Safety Last," with Hiarold LUoyd; ouanxal picture, "Man Versus B~east"; "Mrs. Hlippo." fr b t . ' ! .A 4 jA I. ~: iI E ; Orplieum 7- "Doni't Doubt Your W~ife"; Pearl White in "Plund- e-r"; eComedy.. Cuerth --D. WV. Griffith pro(lmc- *ion; "Once E-citing Night," wvith Carol Demp,,ter and iHen- ry Hull; also stage attraction,k Sir Larel in "The Noon W histle-." - .. I' .1 ft { iI. i Jr I ' c ,} I1- ; o s ottles Wherever you are, hom'e, camap or outing trips --a Thermos is always a great. convenience.. m Out big Stock offers best selections. The Eberbach & Son Co. 200-204 EasT LIBERTY STREET NATIONAL* BANK 0RG ANIZED1 8E3 ~~::OLDEST BANK IN ANN ARBOR :: ,OLDEST .NATIONAL BANK IN 'MICHIGAN ~, C z + 't ": i~ht St~lr ~Marx,~ t:HI RTSwithoit collars aad t shuxts wvith collars attached are amiong the latest arrivals. Manhattan and other :, fon mnakes. Absolutely' correct. $2to $3.50. Smnart Hats. H g'tkEYou'l see the bt IIhat shapes for spring and mlxy sumer.' Grays, tans- and other, light shades are smrartest. They're priced as low as $3.50;~ others to -$5.- *11 Quoal ty is easily apparent ii 1 Hart Schaffner &c Marx Stage-Thi -Week Cat'Uick.- " WaIter JJanip(en in "The Ring ot Truth," Sundjay; Monday, "THmlet"~; Tuesday, "fA New' Way to Pay Old4 I~b~ ensa,"tel" Thursday, Friday and Satur- ' day; '"The Black Fla.g"; Wed- nesday matinee, "The Ring Of Spring Suits - - LL the c vstyles are incl,uded inthse * .llart Schaff ner'& Marx modelis Nor' folk81sprtVsit's,3and utnscs Theyre experdtly aiored of the tinst fab"! Saics.'Lo :gwear and complete, satisfaction result.:, If you don't think so - money back! ht }ie't - M1ichigan' -- . 'econcl'$ wveek's sliowIing of "Take It Fro ln me," 13y Joseph AT. Cantes. Silk Hose 85c- -$1.50 - -' I~f1 $37.50 - $45.00 Othergood makes 'as lo as $25 - N <- EARLY everyman, pre- - - - .~ fers silk hose for spring and summer.'; They'rt .cooer,: better looking, more comfort- able. In all the desirable col- ors.85c o $50 a pir. New Cads at pWEEDS and overplaids 1.are featu~red in the caps fore spring and summnner. Any numrber of colors and varied, original patterns. You can b~uy them for $1 to.$3: ..I I. ,, Sprnodsta empt your, appetite, 'that im- prove health and dispo- TOpcoatso, $25-$45, Usfu ~ ManyMonts' r , Goodfpr,,mnany seasons,; too 'QOL' summer days and evenings make a topcoait 'onle '.'of the most worth while of clothing purchases. These emphasize the new mixtures and, overpi aids 'and are cut along. smart English, lines.{ Box-backed, most of them; .some are belted loosely. Rag- an..n sleeves ; predomin ate. Soft, pliable fabrics ; superb tail-; horing; modest prices. sitI6n t ey'r e served 1, he re daily at low prices : . The-, Reule Conlin Light Undetwear .. LNTYof lightweght LneTYar --that's -what every man needs, for' 'warm II Company .. I t1 I Is