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April 25, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-25

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VY A rl. C~- *..




OL -.0mommoulb,



No. 147





I II / . $ IYIb FYI M b A









Piaper Leads in Slugging With Four
Safeties Out of Six; Stryker
Declared Eligible-
By IV. F. Elliott
East Lansing, Mich., April 24'
MVichigan Agie field was the scene
of the most fearful baseball carnageI
in its entire history here today when
the university of twichigani nine
crushed the Farmer defense under one
of the greatest slugging offenses It
has ever displayed winning' the. con-
test, which wa.s literally a farce from
its. very ,outset, by the score of 21 to 0.
Twenty Wolverine hits combined,
wvith six Aggie errors to rouite 'the
(green and White completely while
Coach Ray Fisher uncovereda pitch-'
ing star whose future work, if his
twvirling against the Farmers can be
any forecast, will place the Maize,
and Blue hurlinig corps among the
front rankers of the Big Ten. Noon-
an, pitching his first ga~me for -Michli-
;an, allowed tho reputed powerful
Aggie shock troops -but four measly,
scattered hits, two of thiem question-
able and the other pair of anything
but .a certain nature, all four of them
comrig each in a different innings.
In additioni to holding~ downi the slug-
ging Farmer's who beat Chicago 9 toj
o and cro i the famed Castner from~
the box in the Notre Dam~e %atethe
litle Wolverine recruit sent four Ag-
gie batsmen back to the dugout via
the strikeout h~ighwa~y and gave but
one mian a complmentary to first.

Burton Supprts ktegs Day
On May 11 and 12 Thahers' Day will be observed at Ole
University of Michigan for the first time.
I wish to express fl:y cor dial approval of this project
and to urge the co-operation or both studen s and iem
hers of .the faculty.
Students can help makt e the week-end a sileceya by in-
viting their fathers and seeing that they come.
This plan has been conceeived by a committee of the
Michigan Ulnion, and is heartily supported by the SIudent
Its purpose is directly to benefit the Ulniversity by
bringing to the :,aimpus fath ers of our studlents, mien who
should be interested in this institution, its work., and aspi-
rations, and to bring them in to a more direct acquaintance
withi us. I regard it as highly important to form such per-
sanal relationships between~ the University and those b)y
whom and for whom, in one sense ,it exists. We shall all
'do well by co-operating hear ily toward the realizat ipn of
the plans and purposes of a thers' Day.
Al. L. BU~rTON.

FitOM 8.45 TO 4:15
f Ihauges Effected !an'Nominations For
Union and S. C. A.
El+1ections of senior and junior mom11-
leers of the Student council will take
place from 8:45 to 4:15 o'clock to-
dlay in the various booths appointed
for the purpose.I
From the twelve men who have been{
nom-inated for senior councilmen, G

I Second Comm*unist mr rirr IIIFVDPTFD flINfl
T Tr ial In 'SessionIIriddULATIV UId
t i:. 411 y' I New York, April 24 (By A. P.) a LANDPU CH S FOR
*-Coney Island and Rockaway,LAsCU PR VD
LL4' two of New York's best knownLA CUB RO DI
* seashore resorts, were visited by I
fires this morning which caused I o e Makes Possible Completion
damage :estimated at $500,000, I Literary Biing 11;by Fall
r Three old hP.ildings on thej of 1924
IBowery at Coney Island, includ- (i.
"ing Innan's Casino, a land mark, (Special to The Dail))
fwere destroyed. The loss was ~LEi
estimatedl at $300,000. I( JnIn'LLApril
rsity of Mricligan and the H.
Clirles F. Ruthenberg I - '
E.RtebrCeead sA«. V apropriaton bill.swere ad.
CharlesE. RothnbergCleveladNis anceed to third readlng toni gli
the second of the alleged Communist Uk UTIPP I ythle house ofreesntis
party leaders to go on trial at St. and will comue rp for considera.
Joseph, M'ich., on charges of criminal zn rrin li ff HOD touiorrow. After much de-
syndicalism. William Z. F'oster was lrll iJUIUII LL IUVIII1 ihate a hill providing for a loan
acquitted of the same charge. I___. f$6,0 olLA .frtecu

will lie chiosen and trorn the 7 juniors
elected to appear on the ballot, 3 areC
to be chosen. No ballot in the elec-
tion will be considered valid unless?
HOLDNEWCONESTIDINWORD CURT the voter indicates his choice for the


Class Comittees Approve
"Iforse and ftfie"

l.T~se of .

pitchers. Rov
the power oft
lasted four in
Mlichigan gar
faredlittle b
stuck it' out
ning, Winner
giving way tC
most effective
Michigan se
Haggerty's w;

!s used up four Aggie
was the first to feel
M\ichgan attack. He
gs, during which timie
red 15 runs., KuhnI
er. The big Farmer;
ai trifle over an in-
aking his place and
fohnson, who Wvas the
fthe quartet.
ad two in the first on
Knode's triple, and
Three m~ore came in
ott's single, 'Noonan's
e's feature hit of the
-man drive, far over,
pr's head, which went
four bases. Another
ass the plate in the
s wallt, Ash's single,
fly to right, Paper's
ich Johnson tried to
plat and failed, and

Approval of the regular Spring
games including the tug-off-war, theI
obstacle race, and the rope-tying con-
'test and a new game called the "horse
and rider contest" was given yeseer-1
day of a' meeting of the junior soph- 1i
#more and freshman committees who l
are to assist in the arrangements for
fth annual underclass contest.
Tug-of .1 ar Set for Friday
It was decided that the regular tug-
of-war would take place on Friday
afternoon, May 11, the first day of 'the
Spring garnes, and that In 'addition a
new contest would be added'ina, Which
30 teams of two men each on a side'
would compete. As'explained by'
Thomas J. Lynch, "'26L, ,as a 'repre-
sentative of, the Student council, who1
presented the consideration of. ,the
contest to the commnittees, the new
game will consist .of a contest in
which the teamrs of two. men, one
mounted on the other's shoulders,
would meet with the object of seeing
which side would have the greatest
number of "horse and riders" at the
end of a specified time. The obstaacle
race, the rope-tyingcots an th
"horse and rider" contest will occur
Saturdaiy morning, the Iseconud an(I last
day of the games.
Four Coniniittees Alppointed
Four sub-comunittees were ap-
pointed to make arrangements for the
first day's events, those of. the second
daiy, the rules for the grames ,and the
general arrangements for the two
d cays. These sub-committees oif'soph-
omnores and freshmen will draw up
various rules, for the contests and will
makze all flans for the games..
- A meet ing of the sophomore com-
mittee will be held at 5 o'clock today!
in the Union. The freshman commit-
tee will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonighrt
inl the Union.

T T T T requird number, of councilmen asriI PRICE OF TICKETS FOlt ANNU u., struction of a stadium over a
I istipulated on the ballot, according to ii r f S ENIOR, FORMAL Ph1. 'i) yoai 'period wals also advanced
Sii jri the elections committee of the Stit- ATfl fRE ItB third redlng~.
" L. jv Ident council. III IN91PAT sThe attituide of the legishlt
C The men nominated for senior couln- 1111IAD Il plcto lak o ikt oth indicates that the hills will1
%'nntsSlAd oloii Is cilmen are: John A Blacon, '24, Calvin pase wthgtchr
Faioing ii~i~' ampbll,'24E Huh Dufiel, '4; r n IYILIHOI RLLSenior ball will be given out today ___
H~sei -oward H-offman,' '25M, Jack Kelly, t eir n l olgsanteUi Lansing, April 24.--Completlo,
'24L, Richard Krause, '24E, Donald I versity. Men will be at, booths to the first two units of the new lite
j ASSERTS V. S. NE-3BERSHIP McCabe, '24, William I'I, Merner, '24, Maize and Blue to Blend. in Forming distribute the blanks from '1 to 51building, the found1ation of the
CONFORM1S wiTH ASPIRATION i John Polhamus, '24E, James A. Rice, Background ,For .Colorfuilo'lcthsaeron tteflow medical building and the purchas
I. Decor'ations 'ingpae: nojice ficE-Iland for the new Lawyers 'club
New York, April 24 (By A. P.)-AIIFOROCTSRST) giernsoet omdn- made possible yesterday whlen
President IHarding today committed Boh for casting ballot for k !state administrative board author
himself and 'his' administration with-r Student councilmen will be lo- IJRItSIIl. i SIC AT FORM AL tal building, and the 'University hos- the Unversity to undertake this1
fvn ated at the following places from I 1 pital. with the $1,327,000 remaining u~
out equivocation to American 8:5tn:5o'licoa: ia rpaainmo t-Mltr
8:45to- :15o'clck oday Fial pepaatios fr th Mi ij Senior women may receive their pendled roar the 19}22 appropriat
intepraetcut0 n In front of :Iibrary-Literary, iball il be, made at a mreeting of the' of the legislature,
tra ionljite. it lanks from 1 to 5 o'clock.ths inorn -
Speaking at the annual luncheon of Pharmical, Colleges, and Gradu- Icommnittee in tlasge fteonform~al t ingath othI bies hl7'IniestyoSnm ttme
pate School. h 4:15 ' oG' The aplthisiafternoonwiinb roomn This action came following a
menmblers of the Associated Press, Mr. Engineeringarh Engineers 3012 of the Union. Workmen are al- h thctos hc ilb ie
Hadn e frhteresnwihot Hmost be returned to the ticket, controversy in the legislature
har i tot recomm n to the and Architects. j! ready busy in Waterman and Barbour' committee by next Wednesday. The was unexpected by the u~niversity
Impelled, i o eomndt h Tappan Hall-School of Edu- ; gynasiunms making the buildings clsmrsdnswl aecag ~ntnsrto.I opipe'il
Seaebfrch dormn f jation. ji ready for the gala affair h'iday night. I the distribution of thie blanks. release of these funds, th Univei
Congress the admission of the United, Law building'-Lawy Sc.hool. I Decorations this year will be, un- Tetiktc mteescood wllnwb reued osun
1 Tetcetcmitenn ometh of wal-'satmnofthreie t o thewor
States to the world court protocol as Dental bilding-Dental School ;: rivalled by the two previous balls 'In tefloigmn
drate unerthelegu ofnaion, At hours specified on the bul- ( their elaborateness. The entire wall j braith, '23, chairman; Farl Lundin, cording to Fred B. Perry, secretai
outlined the advantages hie believed letin boards, booths will be open surface will be lined with dark lblueJ '23E, hre ?otr 3 E n o-tebad rvdn h xe
would follow and presented for the in the medical building and in cloth, which will blend with the gold, ace McKnigl '23. Bargee's orches-' tailed does not exceed the amorun
fisiie'nwrst h ruet the University hospital., streamers into the Michigan colors. tra from the Trianon Palace, Chicago,' malning from 'last ,year's approl
of oppoilents of the plan. ,The girders will be plentifully dratped'
__________________________ Ihas already been engaged' for the of- tion, the University will be allowe
larmonizes with Pledges_________' with the Allied flags, as will the in- arI ilb n ftetre W
,"far.Itwllheon o tethoewhchprcedwih heIndin s, 1f. adig ssrtd iidalboth. tratiel cloe will play for the dance. Tickets will Upon'being informed of the a
his conviction that*Amierican memtber- '24, Walter K. Scherer, '24, and Don-, bunting will adorn 'the rails of theselfr$.5aic.<othbodPsdntMio
ship in the court would be" in har- aid Steketee, '24. Those named fortI runninig track. effr$.5aic.o h orPeietMro
monk' with the party platform pledges junior members are: Ray A. Billing- mTh booths will. be separated by,- -- Burton issuedl the following st
candidate's promises .and Amierican ton, '25, Alfred B. Conn able, '25, Irwin I plasfonntetp fwhc i lrn Tl ii ellnt:
aspraios, t oud ot e nd! Deste '25, Franklin Dickman, '25E , fancy electric lights will play in alli CrfUflii OCK Tw "It view of the fact that in
never could be construed as being an Edward Fox, 125E, John Gi. Garling- directions. The booths themselves,' osrcinwr ntefud
indirect entrance into the League of house, '25, and Robert A. Hummer, for thecnre most part nneamed after the adLfrststrctual laboflIeEit
Nations," lie declared. '25. Alidcont'es h WrlMarTIjjjj L UCT II !building, we had reached a p
The address, made before a thou- All registered men students will be wcill be decorated with flags of the where it would have been discol
sand of American newspaper editors eligible to cast a ballot for members nations they represent. rewoUnvesiy letteswil iued on Wednesday, it is extrei
an ulses sgnrlyco-othcunitda.N wme wi Throughout the entire decoration given by Dr. Worthington C. Ford of1 gratifying that the administra
sidered the beginning of the presenta-(Ibe allowed to vote in accordance with;shm hr ilb rlin i- abigMs. ersnaieo board has acted and acted today.
tion 'which the predidcnt plans to G changes iin the mannier of electing play of bright color. Primarily mtili- the Massachusetts Historical society, Tniversiry of -Michigan and its of
make during the spring and summtter the council as approved by the Sen- tary in nature, the flags of many, na- The first lecture on "Nominating a' are in a very grateful mood.
of the-policies to be pursued during ate council. tions will be flown, with the Ameni- Peidn"wilbegvn t4:i RcyiinSeprltmer 1924
the next year and a half. A meeting of this year's council will canrd ht n lu rdmn clock tomorrow afternoon in Na-F Thsato men ltte
Enthnstaslcally Wlelcomed I be held tomorrow night in order to ating.traSceeauioum University of Michigan and the offi
Mr. Harding was given an enthusi- slc omneIrmnh elyeet conformity with the military at Dr. Ford has been editor of the. feet on State street wvill be ready
asti wecom whn heentredtheed cuncl fr te prsidncyof.t nosphere of, the, affair all ex-service!i 'Massachusetts H-istorical society puke~ use at the opening of the Univet
Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf As-'1 next year's body.1 ment will appear attired in their uni-~ lications since 1910t. He has also been' year 1924. This is probably ther
toria where the luincheon was held. Changes in offices to be filled in1 forms. Bugle, calls hill' be the sig- ciei oki h aiu o-j =.nfcn ttmn e aei
At the' conclusion of the address hie the general campus election on May nals for the various events and iii- ernmreutal departments -at Washing- nection with the comprehensive b'
received another ovation. 2 were made last night by members;I tary' police will be on hand to manage ton. He, was chief; of the bureau of, ing plan of the University,
of he omiatig cmmite ofthethebal. ~ustd~statistics from 1893-98, and at one, "This new building for the lite:
RN 1 Lnion and the S. C. A. t Music will be furnished by Hotdtime he w'as chief of the manuscript college will serve appoxmatl
'The Union nominating commtittee) and Sorrestino's orchestra from Brad- iiin fteCngesoaplbayrohl fte tdns i tel~y
WOMEN [l~~~~tT announces the nomination of Edward ford, ofnnDetri, by othSteno-scitatHrrduveiysne ':trignedo
C.Sak 2,frltrr iepei enylvna yteSoitHrle has lectured on historical mrann- and meets what is .without doubt
-SIU dent of the Union, and the nomination,'ic orchestra of this city and by the190,n usaogiemnylcrs.Tewdmofth vrn a
I N~ A L0 YSTROY f Ewad . Medr,'2 fo rcod-Banjo Quintet of the Glee club. a the University of Chicago. He wasste.
0n ateay fth non h board in taking this action at
FigsceayothUno.Assignments to booths will be made president of the American Historical Itime eetwillrth niesty lbetiinsfr applaudtanfom130tedococ by ftroo socaio n 97thewl e pladdeyth r
of Michigan League, Women's Ath-!Association officers must be in the in the lobby of the Union and at this'ITescodlcursilbegvn ate. ___________
letic association, and Y. W. C. A. were hands of the S. C. A. cabinet by 4 ! time programs will also be given out., 'lon .e~ fvnmi _ --
,. ~ . _ 4:15 o'cock Pridavafternoon i a-

node, starred in
r mnaking a duet
that brought a
.se from the bit;

Michigan will meet Wvlichigan State!
Nor-mal college of Ypsilanti on Ferry
field on Thursday afternoon and Wis-
consin on Saturday. Coach ' Ray
~Fisher announced today that loimr
Stryck-er, '25MI, has cleared uip his
scholastic difficulties and will be elig-
ib-le for future comnpetition1. Strycker
is a pitcher, from whom Fisher had
expected much this season and the
,;tatemlent of his incclgibility wva 'a
severe blow to the' Wolverine chances.
1-is turn, a'nd) the "dseovery" of Noon-
(Continued on Page Two)
Northwestern Nine Dlefeats Chicago
Chicago, April 24 (Byv A. Pj.--North-
wes'tej^, university defeated th,_ Uni-i
ver-',y of Chicago here today by thel
score of 12 lto 8. Northwestern gar-
nered 12 bits to Chicago's 8.


Clas ses Present
Plays Tom orrow

Not So Hot
ing-but fire of pro-
blazes. The money
ply used for cigar-
bacco, hie is now in-
a Ford. The mo6st
ot is that he is

Four on-act pays will be. present-.)held yesterday in University hall. o'clock this afternoon according to 'tM4en rust bring their tickets withina'ural Science auditorium.edathtirpogmintesres!M brs fteWmnsLaue1nanucmntaelstih.Te The sub-t,
ed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~;te to hethidtairn tihthesriirMmbrs f heXXame'sLeauernbnnunemet adelat igh.;he"heAtsobairteirprgrasor ethceisPrepsindeontecreidecy"I
of plays being iven by the classes chose officers as follows: president. cabinet has the final right to pass{ given a booth. Two or more people .The public is invited to attend both{f
iplay production at 8 o'clock to- Hlendelnde 2;viepeiet uo hs eitosad eIj desiring to be placed in the samte lectures.
morrow evening in University' hall. Fld Diekhoff, '24; treasurer, Alice whlether or not a name shall 1)0 en-, booth may accomplish this by send-!_____________1
Thme plays to be given are "Manikin Powell, '25; recording secretary,. tered on the ballot. ' I ing one man with all the tickets., -s Tt
a~dMiii" yAlrdi~emhrOlive McX1ay, '25; corresponding see-I Thomas G. Kindel, '4, has with- I -. - ercie Presentrs
"The Workhouse Ward" by Li ady retay Dorothy Mearleu, '25; sen-I drawn his name as a candidate fo* OMEOPATHIC ISSUE ISj a
fondrepnesintatby,4Dfrie Clouebo4;gtharytrary vice presdent of alsDoYENTEBOYBrilliantfC Yo M dy a
Gregory, "Tradition" by George M~ior rXresntatveYoriENAoTE, 24; thehit
dietn, ad "Te FlristShop byjux or representatives, Margaret Dix- ( Union. Perry Hayden, '25, has with-____
Winifred Hawkridge. n 2,adEiaehLibran 2;danhsnaea( addt o e Lansing, April 24.---Meeting final Showing occasional traces of real
Tewilbgiewihsmlse-sophomore representative, Ruth Ran- coi'ding secretary of the S. C. A. deeti hi igtfrasprt acting, the cast of Scribe and Le-,m
tinigs and dutring the short intermii t j?'1 B1NTAE colhrhnaoacpyiia-nsin,;26. ouires "ataile de Dames", peetIi
iThe Women',s Athletic association:tItOUNI-CPL LE . lIATg eshoolsereihghteobthic hyercans. rensnt- i
sous between them lyrics will be! will have the following officers nextI EIGHT A.MERERS Ali MEETING throughout Michigan today gave uipe at ih y teCri 'rnas,
read by Herold C._ Hunt, '23Md, Ef- year: president, Elizabeth Cain, '24; - - all hope of the renewal of thi homnoe- i Plowed its way through the delight- ! P
fIe . Bettens. '23, J. K. Dunn, '24, and ,vice president, Marianna Smalley, '25; Round-Up Club initiated eight newv opathic school as a distinct college of fuil comedy to a successful coml- l
the nivrsit whn th seate tat : sgn.t4
Gerrit Dammink, '23.I secretary, Alma Crouse, '25; treasurer, members at a meeting last night in teUiest hntesnt tt in
Tickets for the program of one-act ',1Maion Bigelow, '25; senior repre-4 the Union. The new MeMbers will be affairs committee absolutely refused to By far the outstanding character
plays are on sale for 50 cents and the 'sentative, Lois Miller, '24; junior r'ep- formally initiated at a bianuet Tues-1 consider the Whiteley resolution for is that 'of Gustave de Montrichard
course tickets may still be purchaseds resentative, Anne Sims, '25; sopho- (day night at the Union. New offi- jits re-establishment, played by E. C. Van Hone, '23Ed.
for $1.; more representative,.Dorothy Ogborn, cers will also e installed at this When the question was put to men- Gutvei a weak-willed young man,

Frolic Tickets onu Sale Toda
Frosh Frolic tickets will be or
"Oil, 9 to 12 o'clock this morn
lie Union for the last time. A
d number' of tickets for $5.50 ar4
Co be disposed of. No opportuniti
he given to purchase these ti
fter the sale today.
Rlve Last Health Lecture Toms
The last of a, series of six i
lien health lectures will be deli
'n Natural Science auditorium
nd again at 7 o'clock tomo
Freshmen wvho were absent froi
Lcture series last fall are req
o attend.

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