_________ __ _____ ________THE MICHIGAN DALY _ _ _ _ -T i oiv 'i ;li s a i n JVEN IN SAR~AH Florida To Abolish Prision Cam pa, ~Xredits Sentor Btail1e do Dames", by Scribe and ,G11ye xwilli he presented at 8 o'clockJ ight in Sarah Ca,well Angell hal the annual production of the (.erl- rFrancai . Final dlres.s rehearsals re hold last night and, acording to use in charge, little remains to be ii to ina1ke the production the equal; any given by the society in past News From The ?3 ;a le «; « - Two well equipped ktitchens are one of tile novel features oftenew $1,500,000 University li-1 Drary which wiil be ready for use Juinc.1-< ' t h s a e qup e o the t Gn,(eience of the library staff. The ]libra y will accommiodate 1,800 people. lhax rar-Students will not be bar- red fromt entering the university on ac-, count of race, color, or religioni ac- cording to= a resolution pjassedi at r ] recent meeting of the committ,!ee ap- poifltC.ed to investigate the .coLditicns., ? either~ will anyone be extclucded from the freshman dormitories b oca use of color, but mren of the white an dthe black races will not be compelled to eat together.1 £iines da-Grea t preparations ,are1 being made for the opening of the staff- ium. ~ .ive which will be set, off by a monst er parade of the entire student body through the streets of Minneap- olis. A noise committee has been ap- pointed to liven the celebration. Aero- plane s, tanks, artillery, and mnachine guns will help to make the opening a long remembered event. SOther c l ee torney general. The salaries of the =iteEtoAr.EMET.TynEmXassstanDatARY faculty will also suffer a reduction, it EN A E E TEX R O DN R was stated. W G - - E TIA 0' ation is made by the committee, to )pro-ER ?recently prove that a co-ed's training= ORCHESTRA HALL-DETROIT L(-iwl t arord Robersgaind 1costs more to the college (along social'.Sudy etactoteuiestmsu aImsaoethnhiromadbadI:Apllt- tiec FcnlanGre' enrnet'h nvriy uemalnsaoe ha hi omadbad-Evening- Meisttersinger"- week ago and abstracted more. than' together costs their families. Monday, April 3th--"Tannhaus er" $10,000 in cohirn ees.AwakI: Tuesday, May 1st--"Lohengrin" lock and a window protected only by I Cldcago-A motion to reorganize the Wednesday, May 2nd-"Tristan and Isolde" (MAat inee) a heavy wire screen, were responsible undergraduate student , council has, for the access of the marauders. Most been approved by that body and ll1ii Tickets at Grinnells-Detroit of the articles taken were solid gold be presented for student discussionc PRICESy, and. could be easily reduced to bullion, at an open meeting today. The pro- Eeig-10-210$.,-30-40-h,0 This and other itndicat~ions lead officials posed change includes the replacing of, Matinee-$1L00-to-$4.O. to. believe the theft the work of am-! all uanderclassmen on the council by!° " ateu rs. :the heads of student activities. Mail orders for seats may be sent to Grinnell Trothors, Dectroit. - Such orders will be filled in the order in which rzece1'vec. 0klaomja--Because so small an ap- AleaoHveFrDa prebriation was mad~e by the state Aliena, April 21-(By A.P.)-Wed-lEd~aE6F111~611Hi~I~l~li111Il~l11MN111111 this year, the university wvll probably nesday, April 25, will be Fire Preven- be able to admit no freshmen next I tion day here. There will be an edu- --- fall, according to a predliction credl- cational campaign in the interests of '. fire prevention. T{AS The play, which is a comedy in three~ IF ct,deals wiith the trials of two n a i, the CteOltsse d' Autreval, and ier ii eCe, who arie bath- in love wt lie san e man. The plot is further omp11lica1 td by','the fact that thie youne, 1-an on1 whom thell' two v omlen have oncentrated their attention is a ho- ~ itical re ugee, eand is in contiri.E anger of arrest and dleath. Thro i0 i- )ut the entire p9lay ru~ns- a , trong1 Sntr )," T.Fece bread of suspenlse. It is generally' Florida convf;!e lease s stemin will ,ceded to, contain rmuch of the beat goon be bob hll cd ccording to U. S; Workl of t~hese two prolific and i)pu.- 7c??1'te.r Yieclie," of that sae Fletch- ar authors, and combines real wite dc-cladil %Washington he b)elieved with anmuunusual delicacy and sympa- ;~ lohiaur Qulid kill the system hy of treatiment. o rsnlhrcmsa ne The cast for the production as fin- illy decided upon is as follows: Lf nnni IT "r lff-i _omtesse u' Aultreval, Helen Y. ;'0(1 rI II HI .1 uff, '23Ed Leonie, her niece, Vera L P SIIV o UlIlI Katz, '24; Henri deo3:+ avigne- 1, D; ll.a ie Due, '25; Gustatve de tGrignol c.IL9 B E1H.P, LVUINN R , Van Homie, '~d Baron dal ont itchard, L -o N ow icki,'25E ; U n so -g1i< a t r ffce1d rgns 1f. atr Washington, April 23 . ByA. P.)- hwaite, '2; Un Dometi, p. j T Dearture of President Ilarding from Prenevost, '25. :, _"hh'gton tonight for New York, Admnission wiill be by Cercle Fran-i whe-re lie ill speak tomorrow at thel ais as sociate nmmbership tickets or nullceo oftem brso y neil ticket for th IprfrmancDfnlliceb ftemmeso yvljich my beobtineanhe e 1 the Acscciated Press marked the be- treet bookstores. Terie s- ginning of a series of speaking trips ents. Admission inay alsuo be secured to be made by the chie'f executiveI t the door". during 'the siinimer. I Of these addresses, of which aboutI Wayf arers Approve Con sltintionIt 15 will he 'made, the chief executive i in and today event over it with 5ev-- I cral memhers of, his cabinet idicat-- liug he considiers it of extreme IM- ! portanc°,. Th e luncheon at wvhich the p? residecnt will speak is to be held at I o'clock tomorrowv afternoon. TZa a PRela V! to Banquaet Newly elected candi datcs for mem- bership in Tau Beta Pi, national hon- orary enigineering fraternity, will be tle n b fhnra agv y fthe sc iety at 6 o'clock tonight [in Wi let's cafe, 'Prof. T. H. Reed, of th e political science department, will specak. The initiation xwill take placer Sat- 1urday afternoon. It's true efficiency to use Daily ICl assiefleds-Adv, 00bon k On il EAST ~UiNIVER~SITY Awf f ~Mccibaxic nilNSeY.TTaI P 1 PHONE t frit: Modern Social Work Requires the Psychi atric Ap profach Psychiatric Social Worlers Child Welfare Workers Con-mnunity Se~rvice WNorkers - Attendance Officers Family Cas:e Workers- Medical Social Workers Session Openis- 4uly ), 1923- I ~Smith College School for Social Work, College 1Ranl 14,,Northhanipto, 3Nasf w- B wSSI -M'0E Fascinating Flappers Musical Comedy I 1= .,PLENTY OF FUN LOTS OF GIRLS- FUNNY COMEDIANS NEW MUSIC, SINGING, DANCING SALSO WITH BHOLS BURNS, COMDIAN AD hWSSLON::SD1 LTS. 35e; 42'ILID1REi-N, 2 le - THE BEST SHOW. OF ALL «Show 6:3,4) ad s:3341Doors Q zyLen at J . I ~ WSI-INQTON THEATER Hdold on to yourf TRoy Barnes Seena Ow~en and all-s tar books, gents--this lad can sell mittens to the:Zllus. He's the original 1ip-snorting go- getter. Bu, when he tries to sel; him- self to, a beautiful gr- Does he go get her? Conie and see himt \'ork! check- From the .famuous Peter B. cast _ Kvne IN ADDITION "THE DUMB - WAITER" - Full of Action AnidILaughsI INTFER NATIONAL NE-WS ARCADEO.RCHE1STRA Le(t "Jimmie the adtamLxer" --Adv. fnd it! Cet good Wa$ ca ceap, C;lussified 'colum ns.--Atty. thru tli' m_.._ r . s_ I St an ford University Californi'a ; r . LAST' 11 NOW PLAYING The Greatest Mystery Story You Eiver Saw NOW PLAYING Tbru Thursday Ever-as t-ing'- Eciting! I Suummer Quarter, 14 Tuesday 19 June, t Saturday, I '0)~iaeSecond half beg;ins 2G July { Opprtun ities t) Vwor1.k for hihr (legrees and thes A. D. m lacinth oceanic climate of !,he San Fr.ais Cl^o pen11i^,ta $7 n h i X01 S I ''A r'!i o. o w"0U-r''PT f real ..x1L -,x...S ..., L s 2 St...f. .6r, Far F' "w at n TIME T&-DAY ' DOUBLEBILL BULL MONTANA I loband scientific b arcehesj Inform ation from Office 7.' STANFORD) TJNITAESITY - I - H ERBERT "ANOTHIER MAN'S SHOES" MYSTERY Wo G-, RIrIP" ITHS k _ NMWAMW J iROBEM G OD" I ° i . ; E" VERY :Eagle Shirt is. labeled, not _ eonly with the name of the make, but with the Eagle name of the shirting as well. These makers were the first to devise this novel scheme of helping men to. distinguish fabrics, of giving them. something definite to ask for again and again, of putting control into shirt buiy- ing where, chance ruled- before,. Buy Eagle Shirts by the fabric name iti the label. It's easy, convenient, helpful, profitable. 'Rig COMEDY PRESENTATION Stan Laurel in WARN ING of' AUGM ENTED ORCH ESTRA Presenting 8R+11 CD fi.liRYEAF! tI. No one will be admitted during the last :3 reels of "One, Exciting Night" as it detracts from ' the entertainment - 1r " L.