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April 22, 1923 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-22
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SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1923

SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1923

Mr- Kreymborg, The Broom, and Baseball


of Labor. It is.possible that. he is an says of this book: "Not for a long
excellent man at settling labor dis- while has a single volume of bio-
putes. But if he is, it must be a graphy or of history appeared which
fortuitous circumstance, for, judging is so attractive as Prefessor Stephen-
from his book. it is hard to conceive a son's remarkable wor,k."
man in his position who shows lessq
comprehension of the mental social
needs of the laorer.

_. - _,

Mr. Kreymborg has been lauded and
cursed and pitied by 'his audiences.4
They have unhesitatingly pronounced!
him a charlatan, a lunatic or a genius.-
His work as an editor and- writer of
modern literature, famous on two
continents, was sufficient heraldry, to;
prepare me for anything and every-:
thing in personal eccentricities. But
Mr. Kreymborg is just a person. The
interview which follows blasts the
theory that the modern literary gen-
ius is a mental whirlpool.
"Exotic? No! Native? Yes!
"Chidish? No! Childlike? Yes!
"If you don't get anything else in
your story," said Mr. Frost, get that.
He turned to Mr. Kreymborg. "Isn't
that right?"'
I suppose so-but what put it into:
your head? and why are you so insis
tent about it?"t
"I heard some people talking at
your show," explained Mr. Frost.}
"Some of them said you play was
'exotic', and some said it was 'child-
ish'. You're not childish, are you?"
"I don't think so. I try to be hum-
ble and simple in my .attitude toward
art, and then people tell me I am
childish. And I try to be myself and
they call me exotic."
"Call the 'Broom' exotic, don't




Ameiican should use the same me-
The conversation veered to sports.
"I shocked some English friends of
mine once," said Mr. Kreymborg. "I
told them I'd just seen something that
meant more to me. than Shakespeare.
A great big man-i just came to his
shoulder--with a light gray hat and
a light top coat and light trousers,
and a cane bowing to the people. .
And they asked me who he was and
I said 'Jack John-n'. They didn't
say anything for an hour afterwards'."
"How -do you think Detroit looks

A Let
PERSONAL LIFE - N a t t a n i eI My dear G.:


The Sprng Drive
You'll want lots of pep and vim this
Youll want something that satisfie
ent in the line of food
So, of course, you'll be caming dow

Wien, Austria,

! this year?" I asked.
"They look pretty good to me if
they've built up their pitching staff
Iany. This man Francis that Cobb has
signed up ought to help them out
there. New York's the team I watch
though. .I think Ill leave Chicago
early so I can get back in time for the
opening of the new Yank stadium.-
"I like to take the intelligentsia to
the games. I took Paul Rosenfeld to
a game once-and made him buy
peanuts.. He didn't like it very'
much. . .
Mr. Frost consulted his watch and
remarked, "You better shave Tf you're
going out to tea later."
"Think so? I'm just getting inter-
ested. I think there's more literature
in the sport pages of this country than
anywhere else. Give me Bozeman
Bulger ahead of-"

Wright Stephenson, Bobbs Merill
Reviewed by John Ferguson' -
To the making of books on the livest
of living celebrities there is no endf
these days. What with our "Painted{
Windows". "Glasses of Fashion", "Mir-:
rors" of this and "Mirrors" of that,
both censored and uncensored cele-
brities are. having their day in print.t
Gentlemen with -dust clothes aret
busier than hatters; their only limita-
tion seems to lie in their supply of
literary elbow grease. Despite the
fact that in our respectable magazinesl
and newspapers these nsp"ro hi-{
graphies and character sketches are
found under the rubric of "Literature'
99.44 per cent of them are pure vul-'
garity; barefaced notboiling, at the ex-{
pense very often of the reputation of
the innocent victim. These works are
produced to supply a popular, pic-x
yune demand; for, "what great ones

Fancy yourself in a great city where
the language is strange, the civiliza-
tion different, where nothing meets
your eye, ear or mind that is familiar;
fancy yourself looking in the window
of a Buchhandlung and reading the
foreign words of the titles, when
easrally your eye falls on The Double
Dealer, Jan. 1923. I step back in
aniazement; and thought of you, na-
turlich. How are you? How is the
Stampf progressing?
You will enjoy Europe, and you
must visit Wien. I cannot tell you
how much this trip is bringing me-I
only wish I had the time to write
a series for your Michigan Daily, so
as to try to open the Michigan kopfe
to the wonderous world vista that
they -never dream of at Michigan. I
don't mean only the br r o h
nor only the older civilization, the
ui~wrt O aeltgrouuid, nor only' tno
greater prevalence of intellectual in-
sight and appreciation (whi2L is a


Real Steak Din
We've served Michigan men

W. Huron St. across from Inter

"Yes. It is now, though. But when ALFRED I
I went to Europe I found out just one
thing -- how great America was.
European literature is absolutely is humble - only that word doesn't
petered out - almost. No new ideas, have the good meaning it used to
just living the old things over again. have"
So I thought I'd try to introduce "People think you're childish,
American literature over there. That's though, I tell you. I heard one lady
what the 'Broon'' was founded for in say your play was very childish."
the first place. In Rome-I wanted, "That play was a political satire.
to attract attention to the work that Political satire, by the way, was the'
was being done over here." ffirst thing that attracted H. L. Menck-
"They have noticed us the last fei% en's attention to me at all favorably.
years, too," said Mr. Frost. ."Haven't In a spirit of satire, I Avrote a nom-
they?" inating speech for one of the political

lILY M B() 11
fI);az wing by lHadsev Davids n

ago, and it was used 'and nominated "Now be careful," warned Mr.
the man. That was the first tim6 Frost.

Mencken ever noticed me."
Somehow or . other, I mentioned Lady (Cynthia Asquith, who is the
wife of a son of the former British
Premier and is a daughter of Lord
"I don't like that name-free verse'. Wenyss, has Written a book on child
said Mr. Kreymborg. "Tney won't call training which is to be published by
it poetry, because it doesn't fit the Charles Scribner's Sons in May, under
definition--if they have to call it any- the title "The Child at Home". Her
thing, why don't they just call it book, while it gives sound and prac-
'art' - or 'expression'. Just becanse tical advice, is written with much
h nhf Italians wrote sonnets years ago humor and playfulness and is illum-

"Oh yes. Some of the European presidential conventions a few -years is -no reason why a twentieth century inated by anecdotes .about children.
pers run regular criticisms of
American books now. Sonme of the ######1#####r1111#1 t l 11liltil!i##1111111illilll1 Iliilllllli
foreign critics have done better an-:
alyses of, our literature -than any of M
" nativ" critc. vby the way, Jean .
Catel, of the 'Mercure-Francais' has a
parucuiarly been insight into tue
American mind." =
"Now tell him why you qu;t." VACATION S =
"Well, when 'Broom' was started.
it was to bring American literature
to Europe-but after a while it got "Vacations," says Grand-dad, are sometimes dangerous. And as
more and1 more foreign stuff in it,=-
mnti it mottoe iogstu Euop ,n usual, Grand-dad hit the nail on the head.
until it got to be ain~ost a European ~
magazine. That wasn't what I want-=
edsI came hom. sDuring a vacation period it is very easy to lose industrious habits that
"What. was that you said about were slowly and painfully acquired. The reason for this is that most people
Europe making you homesick fol are liable to consider' a vacation as a rest period. They start out with the
America?" I asked. ntention of doing nothing butrest-and succeed.
"Everything about Europe made me theysc
homesick. The writers over. there -The men who have made a name for hemselves are different. Thomas
have a, rather hard, time, for one. * ..,,
have ar'ther pubardtie,' sfort nEdison says: "Sleep is a habit," and proves his statement by getting along
thing. The public doesn't sutpport pprvsg-
them half as well as it does here. with four hours of it a day. And when he needs rest, he obtains it, not as =
Conrad and those fellows in England so many of us do-by doing nothing at all, but by changing to a problem of
wouldn't be able to get along if it;i f-r
weren't for their American sales niy f R
When I see Americans voluntarily live:! -=
The habit of saving is not immune from this danger. It has been our
in Europe, I wonder what's the matter =.r
with them.'' observation that small amounts, regularly deposited, mean more than larger
"You'd better get back to the exotic ; but more spasmodic deposits. What system do you use in your saving?
and childish in literature," said Mr.t
Frost. "Must get that in."-x
"All right. I was brought up on,
niusic. I thought for a long time that
I would be a musician, but-some.
hI I decided that I wasn't cut out =a
to ibe a great musician, and I started: Ark
"Thought he'd be a great writer."
"Not very long, I got the idea pretty -T-
early that anything I wrote couldn't The ank of Friendly Serbie"
possibly be more thanra drop in the v -
literary bucket-and then I decided
that the best attitude to take toward Resources 'a?,600,0©0 Two Offces
art and life was that of the child. I ' -
think a child gets mumi more out of '
lif than a grownup. Everything is r
- xonrlerful to. a child --and so few
tiling! astonish thI othef 1 1.1A 1hil

do the less will prattle of". matter of course here in the major-
- From a'll such it is insleed refresh- ity or feople), nor only the capaciity
ing to tutn to the scholarly and fas- for dlight. I mean that life is more
cinating biography of Lincoln by Na. here, brings one more--I wish I could
thaniel Wright Stephenson. In this day take time to tell you You cannot now
and time when governments are in- conceive the tremendous addition to
.'fested with accreditcl' defuagegues your life, a year in Europe will bring
b.eyte, if of course, diyou aave, as I be-
and when the claim to statesmanship if of course,, you hae, as I be-
consists in little more than the mas- the willing-to-listen-ear. Lord! If I
tery of the gentle art of kissing elec- could but open to my friends the life-
tion babies and getting away with It, widenment that I am getting.
a re-perusal of the life of one of the B
But, I must write you of the uni-
world's most eminent statesmen must versity students here. The University
prove helpful and encouraging. Espe- of Vienna was founded about 1350.
cially is this the case when written by, The present main building (a tre
such a one as Professor Stephenson mendous structure) is only about
who has the gift of a most fascinating seventy years old It makes an Ameri-
style. can believe himself in .a palace; ceil-
The religion of Lincoln's boyhood is ings forty feet high, 'groined'-arched
described as "ecstasy in homespun". hallways, magnificent court staircases
New Salem,. the place in which Lin- with marble balustrades, a central-
coin lived for a time, was "a dreary open courtyard of grass aud flowers
little bundle of houses, a casual town surrounded by beautiful cloisters,
created by drifters", when in the 'evew uhere vistas through colonades
White House Lincoln's mind met that and graceful archways,
of his able Secretary of State Seward, But--in all this beauty of archi
Stephenson commenting says: "serene tecture and of, statuary, students and
unscrupulousness met unwavering professors go hungry and cold There
insegrity".Sessrdmetaretoldnwais not enough money to heat the lee-
integrity". Seward we are told was s
"iueto tihe role of. a great man" tore rooms, and the climate here IS
as cold as and more chilly, and pene-
while "Lincoln was painfully consci- tratingly damp than in Ann Arbor.
ous of his own inexperience and was The professors' salaries are not
perhaps the humblest minded ruler enough to keep them in good health,
that ever took the helm of a ship of and the government cannot give them
state in perilous times." -.- more But, one good hot meal is
But the book has other merits. De- served to the professors daily by the
spite the fact that Lincoln is a na- Mittelstand Hilfe department of the
tional hero he is treated as a man, Anglo-American Friends Relief Mis-
not a god. With forthright frankness sion The students are helped through
we are told that he was not always the European Relief Association.
the gentle, lonely "man of sorrows" It furnishes some food and some
but that in his youth and young man- clothing (all it can) at very low prices.
yO~ifg - ' -' -DON ALLEN
hood he had on him all-the ear marks!
that life on the American frontier
gave a man. He became 'onspicuouT eT re n
not because he differed from others The Thlatre it
of his class, but because' he excelled' $r
then' in their own arts. Ile could T
knock down the village tough with a The financial support given by Aits
blow and with a "ragged edge" story tria to the national theater and the
could bring bursts of laughter from national opera adds so measurably
evena the most roisterous. to the state's deficit, that two meth-
But' the real purpose of the book ods of possibly stopping these losses
is to discover for the reader the soul are being considered. One is to lease
of the man, to attempt to ascertain the the theatres, and the other is to re-
motives that prompted him, and herein form them.
lies its limitations. Not only are they Each has, its opponents. Present
limitations of Professor Stephenson's day actors and employes claim to be
but of all others who try to anatomize - indifferent,, but assert, nevertheless,.
the soul, to lay bare the complexity of that reform is impossible because the
human motive. When a man himself present system is not unpopular with
very often cannot find out the motives certain bureau chiefs in authority.
that prompt certain of his actions how The idea of leasing does not disturb
in the world can an outsider hope to the actors, for one man's money is as
discover them?
Albeit, in his attempt - to do the good as another's to them.
impossible Professor Stephenson has But'the numerous theatrical pen-
produced a scholarly piece of bio- sioners who are now living on the
graphy, a delightful essay. Through- state are loud in their opposition to
out all its careful pages it is interest- any change; the leases might not
ing. Never once is the reader com- guasrantee the - continuance of their
pelled to put up with the monotonous stipends.
or the banal. Albert J. Beveridge, The government4epa t.mkentf or th
who is himself doing a life of Lincoln administration of the theatre ar.d the
on' the order of his "John Marshall" opera numbers 51 persons.

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