0l sl o gli a m iln I 1 1 " " .. _ ,. _ ... . - . - , , - , . . . . 0 . , , n a
OL. XXXIII. No. 145
Dramatics And Emotions Play - DAYTIME STUDY IS BSTI
Important Part In Classroom BUTSTUDENTS DISAGREE
Perhaps one of the most interesting
"Dramatics and the lesser emotions and understanding to the teacher topics to a college student is the one
play an important part in class work", without his needing to make use of having to do with "the best time to
Dr. F. L. Dimmick, of the psychology either dramatics or emotions," Dr, study." Many students have a defi-
departnment said yesterday. "A class Dimmick said. nite opinion on this subject and fol-
room may be likened to a stage or
vice versa, for the teacher or the
actor is trying to present an idea to ,
his audience. In one case the audi-,
'ence is there for amusement, in an-
other case for learning or for both."
"The use of dramatics and the lesser
emotions Is not of importance in ad-
vanced courses," stated Dr. Diminick.
"Advanced courses -are for the more
accomplished people who lend interest
"In a large (,
it very neces
dramatics in o
out the pointt
"Dramatics t
tual call upon
the speaker, alf
pleted work on
tion that 1s fldi
Dimmick state
terest is a mild
is called into
there is no int
on the class w
"If one can
ticipate in the
terest is arou
"Insects are every year endanger- tion. Demonstr
ing man's existence on the earth", to arouse inte
said Dr. L .. Howard, eminent eto- student to exp
mologist of the department of agricul- botany, chemi
ture at Washington, D.C., during his you give him
recent visit to the University. "They allow him to bi
devas ate his crops, ravage his forests, ticipation.
and even threaten his life. Consum- "Speakers m
ing ten per cent of his crops each tricks as prov
year, they are responsible for an an- telling of jokes
nual loss 'of $2,000,000,000 - to say so the speakerI
nothing o the inestimable damage aspect of par
caused by the spread of malaria and with the speak
other diseases. "People fall
Dr. Howard pointed out that insects dinary intelle(
are much better adapted for life on class. If the
the earth than is the human species. they would be
'There is a certain insect, he said, in tice to their o
California which thrives on petroleum lity. Yet this
found near oil wells; another in the should wa' t i
Great Salt lake vicinity lives on salt situation, thei
found in the water, mines, and wells. there are nob
Book worms consider paper, glue, and is indeed a be
ink a most delectable dinner and we
lass a teachcr will find
sary to 1:ake use of
order to properly bring
in question."
hat are purely intellec-j
the emotional side of
though there is no com-I
tthe psychology of emo-
eqat ae at present," Dr.
d. "It is said that in-
d emotional state which
use in class work. If
erest in the work going
work brings few accom-
get an audience to par-{
entertainment, its in-
sed, which is an emo-
ration in teaching helps
crest. By allowing the
periment as in physics,
stry and such subjects,
experience: that is,'you
becowie part of the par-
make use of all such
voking laughter by thel
s o'r the like. By doing
brings up the emotionalj
ticipation; one laughs
down below their or-
ctual level in a 'guig'
situation was different
more liable to do jus-
rdinary intellectual a..-
should not he so; oneI
to get practice in this
oral quizz section, for!
books and the practiceI
eneficial one.I
low it out but there are others who
study just when the muse possesses
A careful survey of a large num-
ber of students shows that study hours
exist at all times of the day, but with
a majority in favor of the evening,
starting at 7 o'clockc and continuing
throughout the evening. A reason-
able inference to draw from this is
that afternoons and mornings are de-
voted to classes and to other student
As person's vitality is strongest,
from 9 o'clock in. the morning to 4
clock in the afternoon, to get the
best results, one should study during
the day. But statistics do not show
"Boning is the favorite indoor sport
just before exams. However, accord-
ing to Prof. Joseph L. Markley, of thu
mathematics department, it should be
spelled "bohning" because of its prob-
able origin.
Many years ago in England, the
students of Oxford and Cambridge
universities had a great deal in their
work. These books were edited by a,
man named Bohn. They came to be
used to such a great extent that tihls
common expression originated. A stu-
dent would say "I am going to Blohn"
instead of "I am going to study Bohn."
Fli lAss BUDGIINT TELESCOPE New Book Tells Of Origin
'Spring Blws I
Spring is here and Fords are be- FO OBS[BlYATOBY USE Of University Of Michigai
ginning to find a ready market. Deal- _____________________
ers in new and second-hand Fords Iichigan is to have the fourth larg-
perceive, not sorrov'fully, that their est telescope of its kind in the coun- Detroit, April 21.-(By A. P.)-Withi r tween G. Meldrum, the river an
stock needs continual replenishing. try, according to a statement made by the University of Michigan embarked two adjacent streets, together
And this is mostly due to the stdtients, i Pro. William J. Ilussey, director of upon an expansion program designed the buildings that are on it, m
who with the coming warm weather, the university observatory. to make it one of the °best equipped appropriated to the use of the
ar entering diligently into their The telescope, which comes from the institutions of its kind in the country, said academies."
spring baying. Old Fords, new Fords,Atn C the Detroit Public Library delves The University. of Michigania
buyng.01( Fi'(5, ~i'SAmericanSte Foundries Company,aonitshlebngtoihthecaedA ut26187adonS
dilapidated Fords; all are beginning has been under construction for 12 among its shelves, brings to light the ;created August 2G,117, andon Se
to find a ready sale. The Ford gar- years. At present practically all the story of the founding of the Univer- ber 8 of that year the vice-presi
age itself claims to have sold 42 dur- parts are at the observatory with the and publishes it in pamphletand six professorships were conf
ing the month of Mlarch, more than exception of the lens, which is being The story, just off the press in the uponteithetstor of the loc Pev.
one a day, and as warm weather set-, made by McDowell Company of Pitts- "Co nte h, pa o loca P
I t~s ovr An cx form of a "Burton Historical Collection taut church, and a close frier
Arecteb en . or, the sale is bu- rg. Terha le w 2 ncs iLealet," deals with the efforts of Father Richard, was named pre
peeed o highen diameter, and the curvature will be! Father_ Gabriel Richard, a priest who of the institution. Rev. Mloteitl
The immense amount of Fords be- 27 inches thick. started a few academies here and received seven professorships.
mg sold to students can fall back The gift of the telescope was made later, in 1817, grouped them together
upon the conditions employed in pay- with the provision that it be used in to form the Catholepistemiad, or 1Uni-
ing for a car. Some 40 per cent or the Southern hemisphere for 12 years ver Iity o Michi gania. JI
so of the price, which ranges from! before it is installed here. As soon as The founding of the University of
$25 to more than $300, is payed down the lens is received and the proper Michigania was -due to the manner
when the car is purchased, and the adjustments made the parts will be in which Father Richard put the pro- rLANNING TRIPS
balance is fulfilled in payments pro- sent to some advantageous position, position before the state legislature.
vided so that they terminate with the I where they will be assembled and the His letter introducing the proposal New York, April 21.=-(By A.
close of school, or continue if the' telescope used. follows in part, no effort being made Moro college .undergraduates
buyer also attends summer school. to change the wording. ever before are planning this
ucitsyoeanA r Fr "To the Honorable Legislature of mer to earn themselves a vacat
would have it, you pay while you !e Michigan. Europe.
rine. Le In ' Healthy "Our neighborg of the British side Up to the present time trans-:
C( ty Population are now erecting a large stone build- tic steamship lines, both pass
S1im or an Academy. The undersign- and freight, have received over
-ed are sensible that it would be shame- applications from college me
"Whether we liSe it or not, tly pop- ful for the American Citizens of De- opportunities to work their way
Ihulation is coming to the cities to live," troit, if niothing should be done in the ocean, for study and pleast
Prof. William C. Hoad of the munici- their territory for a similar and so Each season students have c
pal and sanitary engineering depart- valuable Establishment." on freighters as hostlers and
Girl Scout leadership will be taught ment, said before a recent meeting of "In Detroit in the house lately pur- tenders, but this year's unusu
by Miss Elizabeth M. Haney, Educa- the Kiwanis Club of Ypsilanti. chased by the subscriber for the Very mand for menial tasks is attr
tional Secretary of the National Gir Prof. Hoad went on to say, "We purpose of establishing one Academy to a desire to see Europe stim
Scout headquarters in New York City may not approve of this influx of peo- for Young Ladies, under the direction by the stories told by returning
t l ple to the cities and we may disagree of Miss Elizabeth Williams- thren elr
find some species have even adaptedrAredde1
themselves to eating the milder insect Prof. Case Finds "The Go-Getter", from the story of'
powders and other drug store concoc- Am iPeter B. Kyne, will be the opening'
added. feature at the Arcade today, "'The Go-o
"Because of their great adaptabili- Getter", according to the press matter, t
ty, it is my opinion that when man is Prof. E. C. Casa of the geology and is a regular thriller, and containsE
gone from the earth, insects will still pateontology department, who is mak- some of the most remarkable nightt
flourish in all their grandeur. .Man ing a tour of foreign museums during scenes ever filmed. One scene in par-,
has only intelligence. His body is a his year leave of absence from the ticular is said to be a revelation inj
hindrance to trim when compared with 'photography; this pictures a race atE
that of the insect. If man had the University, ha discovered the track night between an aeroplane and aa
same locomotive apparatus in his of an, unknown amphibian in the per- j speeding express train. The leadinga
legs that is common to almost all miamn rocks of Germany, Permission parts are in the hands of T. Royr
insects he would be able to jump an has been given to Professor Case to Barnes, and Seena Owen.
eighth ol a mile in one hop. . The describe and classify the animal, and "Grumpy" that popular stage play;
digestive proces in man is vastly i- he plans to make his description pub- will be screened here on Wednesday'
erior to that of insects and the latter lie on his return to Ann Arbor next and the rest of the week. "Grumpy",t
never experiece old age". ptember. which was screened by William det
They are our most dangerous rivals The large museums in Europe and Mille, contains such a cast as Theo-I
and theli rdestriiction each year as- the British Isle have already been dore Roberts. May McAvoy, and Con-
sumes inestinmatable proportions, he visited by Professor Case and he is rad Nagel. The story of "Grumpy"t
said. Great steps are now being taken n South Africa. His particular deals with the love affair of a young1
by the government to stem the, ad- study on' this trip is the comparison couple fostered by Grumpy, an ir-I
vance of these pests. of the fossil vertebrates of- the per- ascible though lovable retired crirn-f
n ion rock, of the various parts of the I Inn1 lawyer. A valuable diamond isj
Plan to Control Women's AthletIcs earth. A museum fund ha sbeen stolen, and its recovery is wholly duet
New York, April 21.-(By A. P.)-A g e t r o C b t to the discovery of the identity pf the!
comnAission of women's college phy' University to be user}for the purchase robbers by means of a gardenia.
sical education directors, as an in-UThe comedy offered will be Loyd c
siral educt of he nation t an in-teurof fossil vertebrates, and casts of sp.e-
a court oftthe iational amate cimens foi the University. Hammilton in"Extra, Extra"-
Several collections have already,
trol competitive,-athletics for women been h ,lbMajestic
in the United States and to promote beiprhsd n w aebe
physical training for girls in ery received. Plaster casts of fossil am- The long-longed for comedy, "Safe-'
nstitionhsbeen appointedby phibians and reptiles have been re- ty Last" with the inimitable Harold
instittiovaeenapceived from Prof. F. Von Hueme of the Lloyd, is the screen offering of ther
Herbert Hoover. iUniversity of Tubingen, iand a collec- Majestic management for the entire
Miss Bache Triling, director of tion of permian vertebrates have ar, week, bginning today. Harold Lloyd
the physu'ial education for \women at rived from the Victoria and Albert surpasses himself in all his formerE
the Universty of Wisconsin was Museum in South- Kensington, Lon- comedies by the originality and dar-
named chairman of the commission. don. Collections purchased from theI ing of his actions; "The Sailor-Made!
Other members ncludei Miss Ethel nuseum of St. Germain-en-Laye and Man" and "Dr. Jack" are slow mirth-
Herrin, assistant director of health from Stuttgart, Germany are on their provoking' filnis compared to thisj
education in Detroit.I
_d____n________. _ way to the University now. Other seven-reel comedy, which is bill-,
1 yn t EpsCoP1 M t specimens will be purchased in South boarded as "dedicated to the cause of
Prry Hyden, '25, 'was elected pro- Africa and Australia, laughter and thrills." There is scare-
Pe4'y Hyde, '5,_____lecedre--
sident 'of the Provincial Student coon- {ly nothing more thrill-provoking than
Terence of 19-24 at a meeting of this: ;Larkin Arrested for Deportation to see Harold's climb up the side of a
. twelve-story building. Mildred Davis,
province of the National Student Coun- Nlew York, April 21.-(By A.P,) --- v-ho is Mrs. Harold Lloyd in private
cil of the Episcopal church held at Janes Larkin, recently pardoned by life, plays opposite the comedian as
Evanston, Illinois on April G-8. This Governor Smith and released by Sing i his fiancee.
also means that lte will he the stu-; Sing prison where he was serving a In addition to "Safety Last", there'
dent representative on the board of term for criminal anarchy, was ar- will be shown a two-real animal pi -
this Council, representing the five riested today and taken to Ellis Island ture, "Man Versus Beast", and Lyman
states in this province. on a warrant of deportation. - - - . n a "f T
. I an a wax-rant of deportation. S T)u5V r3Wrrr 1ni UU+ inLJ.L Tin-
" U," I t4C1 4.'ll> , 7l I ly 1 14 lv a vll n, w re are. e s.,i
university woman, to be held from with the wisdom of it, but it is futile. better than thirty young girl who arei Such proposals as one line re
April 30 to May 12 in Barbour gym, The future of this country is bound taught as at Spring Hill, reading, from a western college glee lu
nasium.,upet more ouittie b auhe et han iwriting, arithmetic, knitting, sewing, gesting concerts, and others frc
The course will consist of 10 meet- the country spinning, etc. rious students offeringto give
ings of an hour and a half each, which "Iorwould be very necessary to have teur vaudeville performances
wil becoducedas cot too met- It is the duty of engineers to mare i Detroit a' Public building for a change for asg abroad, we
ings with special emphasis upon prob- cities a wholesome place to live in, in i a Publ icb for a change or pa ge ar h, w
willbe ondutedas Souttroo met-! similar 'academy in which the high ( jectedt by one large steamship
and in a largemeasure it has been branches of Mathematics, Geography, pany on the ground that their
ment. The class will be divided into e accomplished. A good city is the i History, Natural and Moral Philoso- "were run for payment, rathei
patrols of eight students each. Each toealthest lace ip the in whc pty should be taught to young Gentle- entertainment."
of the 10 meetings will be divided into where in the country with all its fresh n of our country
three equai parts corespontding to the rair and green grass. Disease and In order to advance the foregoing O. C. A. AQUET CARAG11
allotments of time in a Girl Scout sickness are less in a city than in institution the undersigned prays that TO (REET CLASS 0
troop meeting: (1) presentation and the country. the part of the ship-yard laying be-
discussion of the aims, ideals, sub- : uMoad spoke of the death rate Members of the incoming cl
ject matter, and methods of the Gir in tTe country, stating that it was Jou rnaliss To 1927 will be tendered a banqu
Scout program; (2) demonstration, much higher than that of the city. He ist Saturday belore school
and practice of Scout procedures and P se hasized the point that the u yHent Satires next fall by the Student Christi
activities, including opening ceremo, I a ty engineer is to see that a city socation. The "Grail", an or
rt O Ition within the S. C. A. is to
nies, patrols in council, Court o4 has good pure water and good sewer- i"Dear Comus II, god of feasting andjchrofhthe b.nC.tand a cc
Honor, requirements for the Tender- age and that the streets are kept free jollity, I shall be among those who harge of the banquet and a c
foot Test, and for other tests; (3) or- from dust. will feast and laugh at the Gridiron tee has been appointed from its
ganized group recreation including ac- In regard to 'the dangers encounter- Knights banquet to be given May 1 bers to make the arrangemen
tive and quiet gan:es, singing, story- ed in allowing streets to be dusty, at the Michigan Union in Ann Arbor. Edwn Davis, 26, Robert M
telling, simple dramatization. At iProf. Hoad said, "It is now known This is the reply that that guests are on, the codmJtee Talks f w , h
least one hike will be taken. Empasis that dust flying around carries germs neturning to the headquarters of Sig- t the co mittee. Talks will b
will be laid upon the three main points' of disease: The natural water ')1i1 'm I ma Delta Clhi, national professional at the amus. Specieffos
of the Girl Scout movement, Home, in cities and elsewhere is not always journalistic fraternity, under whose be mthde to bring freshmen wh
Health, and Citizenship, while each !ure but it cam le lurified by the auspices the Gridiron Knights banquet g
phase of the work will be considered proper treatment. Most of the water fs to be held. been interested in Y. M. C. A. w
from the points of view of girls of in this vicinity contains too mach Hot skits are planned to s the banquet and letters will b
Scout age, the nature of play and reH Iron. It should be improved and soft- to the presidents of the Michig
creation, and the possibilities of civic uend iby treatment. Most cities in the ta .Nuse a hila iws group of promin t
di cation. las ave built their sewage systems
' awithout looking to the future. Now subject is a wee bit of satire will be WOW EN MORE PROMPT BUT
The course to be given here is one very few sewage systems are built' directed at that subject. These skits RELIABLE, DECLARE 3fERCJ
of the demonstration courses which without contemplation of a sewage are now being worked up into a warm
the Education Department of Girl disposal station or plant. state and by the time of the dinner That wometn are more promi
Scouts, Inc., is giving in higher in- - ; they will be boiling over with life.- men in paying their debts, b
stitutions in all parts of the country ILifeOne poor, innocent member of the more reliable, is the general c
During the summer and autumn o Social LAt faculty , has already been chosen to among campus merchants. Ti
1922, 42 universities, college., and M Varied shoot a brace of come-backs and those'. students have a habit of leavin
normal schools sponsored the courses in charge of the fun believe he has a for vacations without first s
- big job on his hands. their accounts, while the wome
GEOLOGY T EMichigan has long been known as 1 Acceptances are coming into to the terbalance this by their inch
STUDENTS the he-man's school. Sotme think that Knights' offices at a rapid rate and to overdraw ,bank accounts,
TO CONDUCT TRIPS Michigan is a wholly one-sided insti- those who are too lacadazical will find ing to the storekeepers.
tution where athletics are the domin themselves left out in the cold. A One store still has on its unp
Students of geology who are inter-tng mntnd h;sn dead line will soon be set on accept- a debt for a diamond and aN,
Stent ofgelo o ejiter- scholastic pursuits have been rele- ances and then it will be too late. ring purchased by an old tim
ested in the 'eld course in geologyi gated to the junk heap. Michigane r Guests to the number of 250 are being ba an, ,wh anothfb gddf t i -
beingone-sdedoffer aa dver-the students are much betteri
camp in Kentucky are urged to see silred a university life as does almostipng the acceptances
Prof.. G. M. Ehlers of the Geology de- any other educational institution in received today is that of United States payments than the townspeopl
partmnt as soon as possible. The field the country. For those few who may Congressman Earl C. Michener. The
course in geography will be conducted be slightly skeptical, a summary offood and fun hasso far attracted ten Agriculturist to Speak 1on
in connection with that in geology, and the social events of the college year from practically every walk of life. Irving S. Paul, secretary
is in charge of Prof. C. O. Sauer, o at the University will prove that a Festivities are scheduled to start at Congressional joint committee c
the Geography department. number of students here are not in i 7:30 o'clock sharp, on the evening of cultural inquiry, will speak hei
Registration in the two courses will the least averse to having a good May 1 in the Union. The banquet day under the auspices of the
be open at the Registrar's offlce on time. I aims to heiv tbg contribut' of mics department. His topic
May 1 and will continue until sixteen The first and foremost event on the InUxdb fa , 4 ! "ns!t1o oi t lbt. "What Becomes 'of the Con:
Aasocial calendar is the famous J-Hon.p ( )o" .- :r.- r e r Dollar?"
ie r
News From The Other Colleges
p0, al(ttev ueii ivr..ip
Herbert Rawlinson in "Another,
1Jiirnesota-After several years of Oklahoma-It was found that the { Man's Shoes" is the opening attrac-
litagation the tracks of the? Northern average grade in a certain mathema- {#tion announced for the Orpheuin for
Pacific railroad will be removed from tics course for the first semester was a three-day run beginning today.
the university campus. The heavier 94 per cent in the front row, 87 per Romantic adventures form the plot of
trains have already been shifted to cent in the second row, 80 per cent in I this day, in which Jack Burton is per-
another track constructed for this the third row, and 70 per cent in the I suaded to take the place of a iich
purpose. back row. cousin for one month for the sum of
five thousand dollars, but what he
Indiana-An anti-fllrt club formed Chicago-Women swimming enthu-. does not know is that a death band is
by 22U university women has aroused siasts recently formed a swimming after the cousin. The hero bears a
much indignation among the nten of club modelled after similar clubs at charmed life, apparently, even making!
the campus.- Membership in this Wisconsin and Iowa. There are three, his worst enemy fall in love with him.
unique club is attested by a bright classes of tests which each aspirant Wednesday and Thursday, "Don't
colored ribbon with "anti-flirt" printed must pass before admittance to the Doubt Your Wife", with Leah Beard,
on it which is worn by the fair mem- coveted membership. These degrees will be the screen offering, The story;
hers. which must be passed are termed the is concerned with a husband's jealou-
Tadpoles, the Frogs, and the Fishes. sy.
71in ic m ( ...valr and l nnli , .t _ .._ n. _ .
n ten are enrouced in eaen course. Ap-,
plicants will be e :pected to see the ; an"affair which probably merits its
professors in charge before registers title as the best college formal given
ing. Eight hours of credit will in.this country. The students of the
given for the satisfactory completion=capsscarcely havetie to reco
frontote Hop when the Soph Prom cTd.y In The
of the course. is ushered in, an entertainment that
deserves mention as 'a highly enjoy- -
LAR.UE ACCEPTS POSITION ' able affair. Next comes the Military4 AAnn Arbor pastors have, in general, vice th
AS L. S. RU'IJEIL F SPECIALIST IBall, an affair which rivals the gaiety chosen for their topics today, those 9:45 o'
of the Hop. Close on the heels of the which deal with life, how.it must be be held
Carl D. LaRue of the botany depart- ; Ball occurs perhaps the most jollyt
ment has accepted an appointment j dance of the year, the Frosh Frolic. edof the false and true conceptions of it. of the
from the United States agricultural Soon afterwards the Architects givef Tolstoy's idea that "the idea, shared speak
department as specialist in rubber their big dance which is usually a Toy's ide thatf the ea tea'spea
investigation. Mr. LaRue will be ab- glorious affair. Then in those last by many, that life is a vale of tears,
sent on leave from the University for days, the Seniors give their reception is just as false as the idea to which The
a year during which time he will con- in an effort to round out the four youth.and health and riches incline seriesc
duct his investigation. years with a pleasant time. These one, thit life is a place of entertain- topic 0
The heavy tax on rubber imposed are only the main lea'ties of the year; meat. at the
by England in order to profit by her the many smaller affairs given by I Life is a place of service, and In cial mu
monopoly of the product has caused Iclubs and other campus organizations that service one has to suffer a great legro"
the national department of agricul- fill in the short Interims between the deal that is hard to bear, but more Rhead;
ture to start an investigation of the big principal class aJair'. often to experience a great deal of Clancy
t ,.,,.t.~.... ,_.. ,,, " , iov B u ht t iv cn he real only it (hunon
ore will be Church Schot
clock. Students' supper
at 5:45 o'clock tonight, ar
lock, Professor Roy W. Se
philosophy department,
on "Immortality".
Play Special Musie
Sober Mind", the first
of three sermons, will be
f Rev. A. W. Stalker's sei
First Methodist church,
sic for the service will be,
(op. 56) (Guilmant),
"Berceuse" (G. Delbrick)
and Mrs. Rhead. "Benedi
d' the ehorus chair: "