7.39.-Freshrnan band meets In a'- IPH tRMACI .S J y I i R ° ¢ semly allofthe Union. p ( [4 TA T nn1 I 1' %W .91 " I ot7'mAA. nll-.tpI ACU1,T YM MB __ E MIC__GAN__A.. i±ingzer will Ie the guest of Strati Don 1)roo'ks, '96, president of thf nvrsity. H;e expects to return about Nam W H A I ~iU I'4 ~jUIN meets in room 302 of the Union. __________________7.30-X-lpba Kappa Psi meets in room -Copy for this column should 7 :30--Adelphl -meets fin Adeiplil roomt, )mutted by 5i:30) o'cloc!k of fou rth floor, University hall. ty before publication. 1800--Dodo performance in Dodo play SUNDAY ~~shop. plyi aaC'wl SU DAB ii~~' 8:10.-Frenchxpa nSrhC wl ngregationatl students' Bible 1Anigell hall. nii ersity Mn's BIble cla SS U'-1OTICESI in Uppe)^r room, Lane hall. ?Euro petli shetches by Edward S, A. LA%.q %,-/ A./ .A. A Sra A-4,y4A AoA A" .V -Un. Five members of I heo euty o College of Phatr:macy pnw )e * .:L; ita to Talk Mere 'Thursday1 ular monthly dn4n iteDeri hoo e Laguna, professor of branch -of the AneenP:.ner-pil:ojhy at Bryn Mawr college, will tical associatio>n rFr ia i a , the ° :. ra i addlress at 4 o'clock Thurs- Chemistry bit ng h i eilg which was lred~ by a dinr pt (ay~ aftcrnoon_ on "Waste in Eluca- the Union, was the ir'st o1 ~ts ,societyV tion" in 203 rTappan hail. Professor to be held in Ann Aarbor sineceI"1.)9. (IC Laguna, was a member- of the LCni- The speakers were:Prf C. C. Ctov- versity staff of the School of l)'duca-' er, secretary of the ole, Vthdtion fromn 1906-1907, He beloneo, to for Assaying _Pep)sini"; a 11 . the American Philosophical so,,iety Kraus, of the Sunmmer ssin R-O is author, with his wife, of sev- vised Curricula of thel College of eral works. Pharmacy"; Prof. Charles 41. Stock- --- ing, "Training the Prescription Phar- {yet good values cheap, thru' tln macist"; WGilliam .. cl, "Some Classified columns-Adv. New Methods in Drlig Assa y AWork;" __________________ and Leonard Rt. Vagner, a disc'ussion',m m of results obtained recently in re- search on aspirin. ,U- x :. ; .. i ,". ' a v ; D q T f 7y ilv +-. ' Ud r dk _x.,,ti. [ r } n. 1 x 1 r Z 13 ' Door and Window Screens V y 7I X00-Open forumn ThCongregationol church. Prof. Prayer speaks on! 'Euirope Since the WNt ar.""j ;00- Student Bible classes meet In" Uesley hall. ;0 - Student class, Church. of lirlist, mieets in Upper room, Lane tall. 0--Open house in Wesley hail. i0--P1rof. R. 1W. Sellars speaks on amorality" at the Unitarian church. 0--Wesleyan guild meets ht Moth. dist church. O-Congregsational fireside chat In ongregational church. Survey' of1 oreign colonies in Anan Arbor. 1I[O N AY! 00-Franik 11. Gllbreatit speaks be. ore A. S. M. E. meeting in room 48 of the Engineering building. O----Relearsaxls for gridiron ban- set skits in activities room of Schilling, architect, in architectural 'corridor case. Photographs of Chicago Tribune coin- petition buildings in Library hal Whisies extends the time limit Of the poetry contest to mnidnight, Monday, April 23. Puppets To P lay "D On Quixote" Here Tony Sarg's marionette play "Dion Quixote", two performances of which will bre given next Thursday in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, is unique in that it presents the effect of a marionette show ,within a, marionette show. This rather unusual scene is of- fered 'when. a traveling marionette show appears at the inn where Don Quixote is dining and presents its own performance. The production of this scene is said to have caused ;Mr. Sarg Scycen your windows and doors early and your house will be free, from the invading horde of summer pests that carry disease breeding germs wherever they go. We are well prepared to supply screens for windows, doors, and porches. Don't wait-get them up earlyr. All kinds of garden tools, lawn tools, lawn rollers, D. Ml. Ferry Grass seeds. EFFINGF E AAE FOR CON :FQ LN'CL; Dean John R. Effinger, of the lift- erary college, will leave today fo)r the University of Oklahoma at Nor-" ma, Okla., where he will attend the annual conference of dleans of the liberal arts colleges of state univer- sities. En route to the conventiosn, Dean Effinger will stop off at St. Louis and K~ansas City to attend alumni meet- ings. While at the conference, Dean THAT OLI) COAT ANI) VEST IVrT1IiiNEW TROUSERS O1F THE SAME MATERIAL AND PATTERN Blrinig ins a sample or -vest of that ol1d discarded stit. We will wiatchi the goods and maake a ew hair of trousers to your 'A01eZ iie.. Somple and Prices Subimitted for Your Approval, An Extra Pair of Trousers Will a',ake Your Old Suit a New One., J. F. WUJERTH CO., Next to Wnerth Theatre j~QuTY.Mai7 ¢ A ] . % UP-TO-THE-MINUTE 1H in Near Washington ARD WARE Washington Near Mal.in x QUALI'TY.O A - o low 11 , . iq wwm 11, Jmj.- W . I , I r --_ _____,_ H. H. Curran speaiks in fthe Law building. ,rnge club dinner in room Bargains in the Want .Ad. Column. Look For Th em. . .. rr.. lm ~"I, L/IL f t . 00-Wayfares meet in room 0 o considerable labor, as it is necessary the Union. to manipulate a number of tiny fig- 00--Mfasama meets in room 304 of; ure, much smaller than those which he Uilon. lare generally used in marionette per- *---Men's Educational blub meets ! ormances. Another thing which tax- tn~~~~~~~ eom36ofteUio.Il Mr. Sarg's ingenuity was the prob- 00--Madame Clara. lemnens' eoncert 1cm of allowing the Don to attack the if Pattengill auditorium, traveling show with his sword and1 destroy, part of it, without hindering TLTE SPAY the play from going on.' iQO-Senor eginersmeetIn oom The marionette play is 'coming here 48of the Engineering building. iunerthe cesauspices o'el.La nSociedad is-lea :15--Medieal faculty lunch in pri pa iha.b ikes aenwo aea rate dining room of the Union. thbokors 1-JHon H. . Curran - spedks In WilAdrs onrgtiuls roomm B3 of Law building.'W7AdrsCogeainlIN 15 14ol4oniore band meets in room Miss Carrie Dicken, who is in charge 34 ; the Union. of the Americanization work in Perry MG-4'rlet club meets in upper read.! school, will speak before the Con~gre-j ng room of the Union. k'gationail Students' Fireside Chat at 00--The Gqospel of St. John," course ~6:30 o'clock this evening, on the for- V, .in Upper ro~om, Lane hall. eign settlements of Ann Arbor. Later 1I---Signa Delta Clhi meets in time in .the evenilg; the subject will be Uno. open for a, general discussion. Buy Penns Vacuum Ci and Ton-Tested While we still h Higher pricesa compAnies have all spring. A FEW PILC M3U tandard Size. ........ 31-.4 Standard Size ......... Oolxer Sizes In proportion .m1old Scared Vacuum Cup Fa Made of first, quality, material tires are selected from the Teg ats being slIghtly imperfec .. y lvania I I TubiesI VA. !1 ~avethes ver lowprics. bricaduodbies, - have th hee tires . aresue tocoearanteed s ore milageadintem than ft~ arcumCup gncii 'NE WEE 1.00less thn etheare ThampinGuaFrantand w9 ~ars................ 8 w. b8c w. S9rel.. S33c tio frWte onqess t cme i PIE SAME urge reflects itself in humanity's desire to be 'well-dressed. The sombre colors of winter wear are replaced by garments of lighter hue and texture. j B RIG}HTEN up your own garments. Our cleaning pro- cesses freshen the colors anti thoroughly cleanse the fabric of destructive dirt. WE WILL ICLEAN- AND C ,rPRESS your suit for jADZES' garments are returned as clean and spotless as L~- the day the dainty fabrics came from the looms- You will be satisfied with the qu lity of our work and. thc prices which we charge. hS .1J. t . _ . F } r ,: i ,t y e 1 '' ' . I} --« r HI . r i t / 9 p' _ _r I .1 IIi cI Fabric $8.10 30x3 Cord $8.84 00 $1360 30x32 Fabric, $9.55 Cord; $10.90 Cord $12.75 J31x4 'lhese tires, have thousands of mkilei tti e average medium priced tire." These tires and prices can be had a Wachtennaw County. SPECIAL FOR 0 M. atnd R. Grease Retainer for Ford Cars Stewart Spot Lg14, $7.40 value... SAnn Arlbor License Plates ......... D~ry CFels ....................... IWe sell Bicycle tires at' least$ prices. Prices averaging on high qua Spark Plugs, a complete assortment of 4 A. C. Spark Plugs, $1.00 values at . S.terling Spark Plugs, 1/2 inch for Ford c 7-8 inch to fit larger ears....... A Genuine Arrow Ford Timer ........ A Genuine Arrow Ford Timier Ruler 'L J/J 1~ ~il r n aM Yt k ' ; .+ r '