THE MiCHIGAN DAILY_______________ Bra) hms-Roses Threce. original plates. of the Metropolitan committee is still making reservations M USCVA lBrahms-Gypsy Song. m1useum by John Zwerkoff, Detroit at its office in Detroit, Cherry 7204. 71/ 1 I7fTA~c" Dralims-Serenade,.i ar~;st. Mrs. F. Youngblood, a. re- i_________ -----Y-LL.L L ~-- nownedi theatrical costumer of Cfi-' A3[PBELCII SPEAKS BEFO)RE sago has designed the gowns for the l IDETROIT' UIRYINSCLUBP Ianu liiit'Fut eia Tutaikianzen Revel i Egyptian T llet which is being pro-!I Madme lar Cemes wllgiv D a sArb rits:duced by Miss Ruth Smith, a Chicago Prof. H. L. Campbell, of the them-! 74laame laraClemns ill ive r aArbo 2 musical comnedy producer. Miss; ical engineering department spoke' the fourth concert of her cycle illus-t Madge M. Fraser of Detroit is re-; to the Detroit Foundrymnen's club last:i trating the historic development of lPoxholders for the "Tutankhainien hoiarsing the ballet in the dancing' Thursday on the subject of "Modern song at 8 o'clock tomnor'row night in! Revel" which will be held tomorrow t movements'~ Charles R. Osius, Jr.~ '20, 'Methods for Determining Metal Mix- Pattengill auditorium. Songs by Jo- nighnt at the Graystone ballroom, De-li himno h al uesfrteFudyCpl" h hannesBrahm willThe music for the ball will begin ; material which ws presented was annsBam wilcompose the troit, under the, auspices of the 'Lit-~a 'lcaditi xetdta developed during a special study 'of rancilartoh pr ogram.dMine.tie Art Theater of Detroit, includes it will continue until five or six in :the subject in the foundry 'shops here. tramnst ions prepaein byhef people well-known in Detroit society, the morning. At midnight, the Grand which are vastly superior to the Stan- and guests from other cities. Several March of Pharaoh will be led by lAiiss> Willey to Speak i Detroit d~r vrsons An rbr cupesar amngthseMary Louise Banks with Andrew !>Ncrin~an Willey, of the Spanish de- d~r Th vesins.comlet pogrm i a fa Ana rbr cupls ae mon thseHotchkiss and Miss Elizabeth Cady. partmneilt, will deliver an illustrated' Thl cmleeprgrmisa:fl invited. witht Richard Bourke. lecture on "Mlodlern Mexico" Tuesday' Ios eoain ortebl r ob "Stag" tickets have been priced at night at Highland Park high sc'lcool. Sibelius-The Tree. entirely significant of the "Tuntankhna-, half the cost of couple tickets es- -- Lie-Snow. men periodl, designs being taken from pecially to encourage "stagging". The Let "Jimmie the adtaker" find it? Rangstrom-Night. I___________________ Rangstrom-Twilight. Rangstrom-The Dawn of Day. Grieg-Departed. It "GOODNSS" Crieg--.O, Hail Ye Ladies!'0 0 Grieg-A Swan. Grieg-First Meeting. Grieg-A Dream. ~_.1R~D"SUTCEAM4 Brams-houArt My Glorious:s Queen. 7 5G B - Brahms-Sunday.t Bralims-Melancholy. ,I Brahms-The Nightingale. Brahms-Among the Willows. The r~ac~iarml~d Candy Cu. 71 5 P. University Ave. Drahms--Ever Lighter Grows MyOttoAcd TetaAny Arbor1 SSlumber. Brahuis-Sapphic Ode'. _______________________ 11 QTRAWBERRY DHORTCAKE, PALAC. SWEET -with Ice Crea m I i w Livery Moisel EL I I I . 1204_ ti IJNIVE so R s u I' Tastes Like Alore -Drop'I Daily Classifieds for real results.- Adv. Read The Daily "Classified"' col u _ , , I STARTING TODAY THE GREA'TESTMYSTELR l- STORY YOU EVER SAWS!T'! TODAY THRU THURSDAY, 7A a s EVERjLAT-ING-L EXCITING IF YOU DON'T DIE' OF FRIGHT, YOU'LL, LAUGH YOURSELF TO. DEATH!! !! Dm'U I W~U Raw .%ARlr-FiTH 0 MASTER MYSTERY, i '.1 S f' C y. t COMEDY PRESENTATION Laue in "THE NOON WHISTLE" PATH E NEWS SHOWING AT 2:00-4:0 7:00-9:00 I EXTRA .ADDED ATTRACTION Prol ague ON THE II##i1i#E'#!#EE#11E###1#i#11 IE###S##1####1!Y W I U"4pw Stage NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED DURING THE LAST THREE REELS OF "ONE EXCITING NIGHT," AS IT DETRACTS FROM THE ENTER- TAINMENT VALUE OF THE PICTURE TO SEE THE ENDING, FIRST. ALLOW US, THEREFORE, TO SUGGEST THAT YOU COME EARLY, 1XTf1grt-\XTT V 'rt% AT 7f1\- TTT1'. Y ii r T 'T Ar C'f"1 T'L TA'T N/nT T WA A\/ COr- N/ ADMISSION, PRICES ADULTS KIDDIES MATTNF.F.1 50 cents 10 cents k...."